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File: 108 KB, 900x692, ApolDion3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14060596 No.14060596 [Reply] [Original]

ahem.......What's next?

>> No.14060637
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Starship Troopers, with Abrahamic characteristics

>> No.14060640
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>> No.14060648
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radical zoomer anime catholicism

>> No.14060650
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This chart is all nonsense. It has been the rule of Apollo since the close of Aeschylus’ Oresteia

The so-called Dionysian only partially during Zeus’ reign and full “Dionysian” during Saturn’s reign.
There’s been no wild fluctuations in human history. There has always been a strict Law imposed on us all.
“Harmoney” is broken when we try to break out of their Iron fist

>> No.14060658

>Israel, straight ripped off the map. BYE BYE!

>> No.14060667

That chart is mindbogglingly retarded

>> No.14060685

Shit historiography.
>Baroque and wars of religion-DIO

My opinion:
>Post WW2 leftism (1945-1970s)-DIO
>Neoliberal consensus (1970s-today)-APO
>Revolution against neoliberalism (2010-today)-DIO

>> No.14060686

Post-scarcity Transhumanism

>> No.14060715


>> No.14060736


>> No.14060758
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>> No.14060764

Post-human trans scarcity*

>> No.14060778

***SUPERPOWER 2020***

>> No.14060789
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ew gross, it gave me a (you)

>> No.14060801
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How Apollonian of you

>> No.14060810

If only we could be so lucky

>> No.14060821


>> No.14060843
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The Singularity

>> No.14060860

this chart is meaningless

>what's next?

>> No.14061098

i gotta respect butterfly. she has amazing taste in women.

>> No.14061107


>> No.14061114


>> No.14061121

>saturn worshippers are apollonian because it's still an order


>> No.14061216

Rule (or lack thereof) of Dionysian when?

>> No.14061257

Unironically BloodBorne

>> No.14061308
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>Middle Ages was a decline
you fell for the meme, didn't you?

>> No.14061410

Sure, a great number of christian philosophers in the middle ages made important contributions to philosophy and science but quite a bit also got killed too, and then again so did the islamic world. I'm pretty sure neither were bulwarks of peace and freedom. This whole narrative of the "dark ages were actually a good thing" and "the islamic world was actually a hotbed of diverse intellectual opinions and women even had a say too!" reeks of historical revisionism. Or maybe you are the type that would you like to live in a Muslim theocracy?

>> No.14061457
File: 54 KB, 647x740, 1567812511982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>history bad!!!
>peepul dint hab fredumb!!!!
>me hab iphone now, me inlighted!

>> No.14061465

A metooism moralism on the right and christian pious conservatism moralism on the left will create...?

>> No.14061475

Fantastic strawman bravo! I'm asking you to take a closer look at history and look at how authoritarian governments tend to turn out.

>> No.14061492

baroque music (arguably the most important part of baroque) is most definitely not dionysian

>> No.14061504
File: 101 KB, 785x731, 1567553566230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>authority bad!!!!
>me like iphone an mcdonals!!!!
>me no like rulez!!!!

>> No.14061510

Romanticism was DIO but naturalism/realism/positivism was APO, and modernism was DIO. Interwar and post-WWII West is all APO. Also, "revolution against neoliberalism" will be DIO but it might start for good circa 2025 and it's not going to be irrelevant because the ruling class won't let it

Basically we'll be stuck in APO till civilization collapses

>> No.14061520

>and it's not going to be irrelevant because the ruling class won't let it
I meant that it won't be relevant, ofcourse.

>> No.14061529

>putting "reason" and "emotion" as opposites
Absolute pudding brain.

>> No.14061537
File: 48 KB, 400x462, disdainplebs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I really hope you get the authoritarian theocracy that you want so much and duly deserve so you and your family can be peasants with no rights, property or recourse.

>> No.14061556
File: 72 KB, 1080x1020, 1567805708916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>peasants bad!!!!
>ebryone need 2 b rich an powerfull!!!!
>pwease don take muh iphone!!!

>> No.14061586

What is your obsession with the Iphone? Who said everyone should be rich and powerful? Would you want to be a peasant? Would you find that fulfilling? It sounds like you would.

>> No.14061612
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Things have been full Dionysian since WW2. Boomers have never been orderly, ironically Millenials are far more orderly than them, our sense of order is just all fucked up. We've been raised to be emotionally vitriolic and chaotic but are showing cracks of wanting a more ordered system. The generations to come will build something grande.
Neoliberals are still Dionysian, thus why they fund ANTIFA and want open borders.
Now here's what I think the next Apollonian age will look like:
1) return to Conservative Christianity
2) reformation of education from k to graduate school
3) a cleaning out of the media and government
4) a return of women to more feminine roles
5) a return of social shame
6) a sharp decline in narcotic use, obesity, STDs, bisexualism and transgenderism
7) immigration reform
8) a shift of focus in art from being disturbing, jarring and gross to aesthetic, romantic and inspiring
9) the era of white guilt comes to an end

On the unfortunate side it's going to be a while still and it might take a war to get us there. Mean while, in the interim many more good countries will fall to total collapse a la Venezuela and South Africa, and some will be even worse.

>> No.14061634
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>leab my iphone alon!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.14061635

Reddit Atheism mk.II

>> No.14061685
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>> No.14061698

For the next 20 years maybe, after that Atheism will enter it's death spiral. It's woven in the demographics. As of now the liberal-Christian (fake Christian) sphere is evaporating, most of them are just taking off the mask and accepting their place as Atheists, but many are moving to actual Conservative churches as well. Attendance at right-winged churches is on the ascent these days as a reaction to the left-insanity we all know and love. Eventually, because of their falling rates of evangelization and ultra low birth rates the Atheists of the West will begin to lose ground and the trends will reverse towards growing religiosity. Atheists will effectively replace themselves with a combination mix primarily composed of Spic-Catholics, Muslims and legit Conservative White Protestants. Being anti-natalist, Atheism is destined to eventually collapse in on itself and demographic projections from PEW support this supposition.

>> No.14061721

>Neoliberals are still Dionysian
No. The personification of neoliberal ethos are people who buy literature for "self-improvement" or "mindfulness", people who's sexual life is processed through tinder, people who want to maintain perfect appearance for instagram pictures, people who tell you that solution to climate change is to let market do it's thing and we get to eat the cake and have it too. Literal manifestation of neoliberal mindset would be Steven Pinker. They preach "reason", "development" or "getting your life together".

While on the opposite side you have depressed folks and folks who vent their anger through violence without coherent ideological positon like the yellow jackets in France.

>> No.14061756

That's a tiny percentage of society. Most of society today are fat degenerates. The aura of our culture is "just do whatever you want bruh".

>> No.14061761
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>> No.14061783

You being a virgin hermit doesn't dictate the greater nature of the times. Every era has it's social out casts.

>> No.14061795

What is fucking HIGH MODERNISM you dipshit. The SJW movement is explicitly anti-Dionysian - think about their prohibitions.

>> No.14061805

What's next is a hyper-fascist surveillance state.

>> No.14061824

People who maintain TINA are still the predominant cultural force in the west, but "radicals" be it left or right are indeed getting more and more friction.

>> No.14061833
File: 8 KB, 259x194, uglycrap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>believe all women
Every woman can lie and ruin a man's life on a whim. Chaos.
>break down of the family
Break down of order.
>Complete sexual freedom (for women) with no social shame.
Note that there can't be the same for men, it's impossible that all the sexual desires of straight men can ever be met thanks to our much higher sex drives. Don't think that they aren't Dio just because they limit men, that's not the case.
>supposed egalitarianism and a breakdown of all hierarchies
Retarded and chaotic.
SJWs are the peak embodiment of Chaos, Emotion and Discord. Not surprising considering the movement is ran almost entirely off of the feelings of single, depressed women. Dionysian culture flows from single women, as men conform to their wishes to get laid. Apollonian culture stems from religion and traditional family units, where men are in charge of the family and in charge of interpreting religious texts.
Pic related is modernity.

>> No.14061854

What's TINA?
The predominant cultural forces in the West are pornography, social media, McDonalds and Disney.

>> No.14061865

>Apollonian culture stems from religion and traditional family units, where men are in charge of the family and in charge of interpreting religious texts.
That's bs. Religion is inherently Dionisian. Just as family is a matter of deep emotions.

>> No.14061886
File: 56 KB, 620x387, happy_2596395b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"There is no alternative", quote from M. Thatcher.
Socmedia promote people who are "positive thinking", "outgoing", "sunny" and perfect looking. Exactely the kind of people who would be put in McDonalds commercial.

>> No.14061895
File: 173 KB, 500x375, 1411142395286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By religion I mean actual orderly religion like the highly restrained Puritans or traditional Catholics, not your stupid ritual paganism where you drink some girl's titty milk and cut yourself. Family is ran off of deep emotions as much as all human behaviour is ran off of deep emotions, but that's entirely reductionist. All of reason and evidence can be reduced to core beliefs that derive from emotion, so if you want to reduce things to that level you may as well say reason itself doesn't exist at all. Now our family order being so driven by emotion is a sign of our Dio times. It's not normal for the marriage contract to be "until mild discomfort do us part". It's "death do us part". That's the degeneration of our culture that women and their rampant disregard for order has wrought.

>> No.14061911

Now does social media foster positive thinking, out going behaviour and sunny dispositions on it's users? Or does it do the exact opposite?

>> No.14061919

You are just transposing the dichotomy onto good vs. bad, which renders it both wrong and meaningless. All religions are inherently Dionisian and the more restraining, the more Dionisian they are. Compare Gothic era with Reneissance. Or (Counter) Reformation with Enlightenment. Or Enlightenment with Romantism.

>> No.14061934
File: 124 KB, 634x474, 15561444-7207331-image-a-20_1562116617762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who knows. But it certainly promotes people to signal those attidutes as a virtue. Take it for example in contrast to post-punk and grunge at the break of the millenium, which valued depression, drugs and darkness.

>> No.14061952

No we do know. People who frequently use social media are on average more depressed and more reclusive. It's been studied. Now what about grunge and punk? The current young adult generation with an ever increasing influence in society was heavily influenced by those cultures.
Now you're just confused.

>> No.14062004
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>People who frequently use social media are on average more depressed and more reclusive.
Irrelevant, it doesn't say anything about the dominant content there.
>The current young adult generation with an ever increasing influence in society was heavily influenced by those cultures.
Sorry, but no. People raised by that are already hitting 30. Media companies target Zoomers with stuff like pic related.

>> No.14062014

>Now you're just confused.
Or perhaps I just pointed out your mis-understanding of the concept and you feel confused.

>> No.14062225

>The Apollonian is reversion to a time where Jewish power was only partway complete because that's how shifts of culture and control work

God I hate conservatives so much

>> No.14062239
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>Classic, Renaissance
>Middle Ages
This is outrageous levels of rewriting history

>> No.14062252

There is no era more Dionysian than the modern neo-liberal dystopia.

>> No.14062332

Based post
Low IQ post

>> No.14062341

Neither Apollo nor Dionysus ruled since the Hellenic age. Read the Birth of Tragedy again.

>> No.14062373

I largely agree with your sentiment but there have been some. The boomer-hippy era, some times in Greece, the time of Sodom and Gemmorha, etc.

>> No.14062384

we need to go beyond APO and DIO now

>> No.14062402

You think Jews were in power in 1910s America? Negative m7. Jews themselves are lovers of Dio. Pornography, open borders, the destruction of the family, the destruction of higher education into a fuck fest where people just study any worthless subject they want as long as it rejects good moral values. They and the Boomer women are apex Dio. On the converse, younger generations of boys are going to grow to be conservative on a level that will shock their elders. That's already happening on a small scale among some millenial whites, it's just not widespread. In a couple generations it will be.

>> No.14062445

Hope you return to orthodoxy brother

>> No.14062465


>> No.14062482
File: 18 KB, 350x500, thefoundation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This Foundation?

>> No.14062506
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zoom out

>> No.14062512

>taking Birth of Tragedy serious
Humanities almost univocally gave this a pass. I'm not sure if Nietzsche himself stood by it. Why do you?

>> No.14062642
File: 197 KB, 576x755, 1F75C073-9A69-4482-A59A-BF0F65A19F2C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s a rightwingers graph as far as I can tell. Hoping for a coming age of fascism

Since you couldn’t tell by the quotation marks I’ll tell you now. I don’t even follow what others may make of the various ages, nor do I like the usage of “Dionysian”. The man was a cult figure, not a god. The old Golden Age was something he was trying to bring back.
Still it’s hilarious to see so many people ITT claim medieval religious period is Dionysian and the more Dionysian period of the Renaissance was somehow more Apollonian. It’s all been one long Apollonian age of empires and laws

>> No.14062684

This. There are major reasons why aggregate computation power won't continue to increase exponentially, the main being our current energy crises, increasing energy demands for powerful computers and quantum entanglement putting a ceiling on how small we can build transistors.

>> No.14062706

>one long Apollonian age of empires and laws
Smooth brained analysis. Even if there are laws, if they're utilized in tribal manners it's tribalism, not legalism. For there to be real order and legalism you need there to be consistent enforcement of law, which is almost never the case, and this shows that we oscillate between various levels of chaos in our system. Similarly while we love to study and talk about empires, never is it the case that humanity is uniformly united under empire, nor are there always dominant empires of the era. Discussing eras by hyper focusing on the most dominant empire of the time winds up being a gross under analysis of the era. We also of course tend to focus on the victors of history, and those tend to be Apolonian because of their high group fitness. Dionysian culture emphasizes individual fitness over group fitness and is thus bound to eventually be taken over by a higher group fitness, more orderly and disciplined society. Studying the losers of history is no fun. We don't study the loser deadbeats of history who are slaves to their baser desires, we study the highly disciplined who won and actually shaped history.

>> No.14062748
File: 53 KB, 353x552, 6B2FA8B2-71DD-4B4E-913D-3C4988EA277B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A brief analysis.
>real order and legalism you need there to be consistent enforcement of law
Hence why Apollo retired Zeus and let the age of Christ strangle humanity.
...now I must go back to my chores. Ttyl

>> No.14062758

Humanity has thrived under Christian empires like never before. Look at human population and wealth in the recent centuries under Anglo Dominion. Immense prosperity everywhere, even among non Christians, but ultimately brought about because of the order Christian Anglos created.

>> No.14062802


Your mum on my hard cock, but state enforced I guess, and only for procreational purposes

>> No.14062834

retarded chart, but quite simply technology being available to all will turn those who don't have the intelligence to use it properly pointless, and they will all figuratively drop out of the real world into virtual reality, leaving only those who use the new technology to their benefit, who are necessarily extremely healthy and intelligent, and will create the new technologically-advanced aristocratic castes, and take the world back over.

The reason the old noble castes degenerated and the peasants took over was a misuse of technology for hedonistic pleasure causing the loss of the bellum and otium master morality. Will that happen again with the coming advanced aristocratic castes?

>> No.14062848

That's not what's happening at all. There's extreme IQ regression everywhere in the world, Niggers are on their cell phones and love 'em and breeding like rabbits. Mean while the high IQ are on their phones in bed shying away from the world and aging through their youth as incels or even worse going to university and becoming anti-natalist feminsts.

>> No.14062851

lmao, he will never recover

>> No.14063023
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>> No.14063032

fake church of Satanists

>> No.14063154

Modern age is neither Dionisyan nor Apollonian. It's Cybelian, matter without eidos.

>> No.14063195

>bulwarks of peace and freedom.
Those still don't exist
They never existed
They will never exist
The medieval era was just the most truthful western society has been to itself.

>> No.14063340
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Rule, affect, serenity; Metamodern age.

>> No.14063358

OK special boy, we all know how special you are. Now run along now, adults are talking.

>> No.14063365

>There's extreme IQ regression everywhere in the world, Niggers are on their cell phones and love 'em and breeding like rabbits.
...due to poor use of technology. Why do you correlate good use of technology with happiness? You sound like exactly the type of retard my theory is talking about, made stupid by technology. It doesn't matter how many of you there are when you are an obsolete feminized waste with no useful qualities and all bodily faculties atrophied who can die from a simple unplugging of the VR lifesupport.
>Mean while the high IQ are on their phones in bed shying away from the world and aging through their youth as incels
You just assumed high IQ means intelligence, and that intelligent people "stay in their bed away from the world" (probably because that is what you do, and you want to be intelligent). Being autistic is not being intelligent. I know you would like to think intelligent people act like the goofy nerds in the movies, but reality is very different. Freud once said about Nietzsche "in my youth he signified a nobility which I could not attain". Just by existing, intelligent men constantly destroy the egos of those around them. A coward cannot be intelligent.
>or even worse going to university and becoming anti-natalist feminsts
people become antinatalist feminists because they hate evolution and progress (aka technology), simply because they instinctually know what useless decadents they are, and that any progress will just punish them more for existing, so they tarnish it with the little power they have, but since they are not powerful, will get steamrolled eventually.

>> No.14063390

low IQ butthurt

>> No.14063397

Idk if I read this or made it up but I've always thought the categories "Apollonian Dionysian" and "Dionysian Apollonian" were more useful in describing modern peoples and movements. I'd say recrudescent religious and hierarchical movements manifest (or want to make themselves manifest) through a violence that is simultaneously "chaotic" and "purifying'; bloodshed and fanaticism but always for the sake of The New Order.
Conversely you have the Apollonian Dionysian character, which I think is best embodied in the neoliberal, as others herein seem to suggest at. These are the kind of "I've got a plan for that!" WASPish Elizabeth Warren types that rule through committee and relentlessly multiplying symposia. Lovers of facts, logic, and Science! and partisans for The Democratic Process, this type is a strange contradiction...because all of this system has the intention of creating a world of uprooted consumers i.e. free people. And this kind of formlessness can't be considered Apollonian

>> No.14063468

Elizabeth Warren is your example of a lover of facts, reason and logic? REALLY?

>> No.14063511

Name one real one.

>> No.14063526

You're picking up on my idea of the Dionysian Apollonian. I'm kinda saying that that kind of attitude indicates an Apollonian veneer over a core of raw sentiment.

>> No.14063534

Most churches are, even if their high level leadership is corrupt. The only churches I'll call out as fake are the ones that are obviously disregarding things we all know unambiguously are in the bible, eg; electing female pastors, putting up with this trans shit, embracing gays, etc. Christians can make mistakes interpreting the bible and squabble over petty differences, that's not a big deal, but those are clearly churches of Satan.

>> No.14063538

Your idea is stupid.

>> No.14063593

Gay nigger

>> No.14063903
File: 37 KB, 756x1007, 8C00B555-89AC-4CB0-9C02-B6BEAC3EA69A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>loser deadbeats of history who are slaves to their baser desires
The upright and lovely humans of history who know how to live properly
>we study the highly disciplined who won and actually shaped history.
The deranged and frightened bullies of history who have made life a living hell.

Live a cancer.
The Judeo-Christian-technopolis faith/age is coming to a close with either our abrupt abandonment of it or our complete extinction
Oh look at all the monopoly money from Parker Brothers! It’s truwy vauwubu. Debt tokens will always ensure destitution and misery. Instilling value to a lawyers ticket over that of life is the stupidest religion of them all.
>Christian Anglo Dominion
Surely this is an elaborate troll. Please say it’s so.

>> No.14063949

This chart is BS, Post-rennaisance is a decline into the Dionysian.

>> No.14063981


>> No.14063995

Trumpian Space Marines

>> No.14064016

I also believe that some sort of romanticism is coming back large scale. The hints of it have been in the recent self-help New Age stuff, but it should only become larger from here with possibly some sort of return of Transcendentalism and appreciation of life in the woods. People are getting tired of the same old slavish routines everyday. Especially with the disscussion about ecological catastrophe, many people - like myself - will find life in the woods to be a favorable way of life.

>> No.14064024

oh wow so evil

>> No.14064036

>middle ages
so fucking stupid
LMAO stupid fucking chart

>> No.14064068

I'm in love with you, but I don't wish to be. Please say something that will shatter the illusion of your perfection in my eyes.

>> No.14064075

>historical narratives

>> No.14064101

>Live a cancer.
Like a cancer. Fucking autocorrect

It does fluctuate a little over time and region, but that is completely backwards, isn’t it!

I donno, man. Not my intention to attract anyone like that. Settle down, please.

>> No.14064205

Butterfly, light of my life, fire of my loins. I cannot "settle down" - you've ignited a flame within me that I fear cannot be extinguished. It was your fault really, for being so perfect. I know you're not, but it appears that way to me. You have no idea of the torture you're putting me through.

>> No.14064209

Well the Christians stole a bunch of shit like Aristotle like when they raided the library of Toledo

They birthed modern science through their theological worldview and intellectual writing tradition. Massive institutional support for natural philosophy till they put the pearls before Bacon and his royal society. Divine transcendence is leading us to divine nothingness, at least Newton cared about the occult

>> No.14064661
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>> No.14065049

well, the dichotomy as we're discusing is the main philosophical object of Nietzsche's The Origin of Tragedy, so there's that.

>> No.14065427
File: 75 KB, 800x600, 4scmzt7wwvq31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and depression memes are vogue

>> No.14065594

Mestizos are all becoming evangelicals. Even in South America. I read somewhere that many people who are "right-wing" in South America who weren't too religious are actually converting to Protestantism because of the association of the Church with Communism there.

>> No.14065643

Collapse and rebuilding

>> No.14066051

They did well by preserving a lot of the classics, but the thing is that we progressed in spite of their worldview and not because of it. The problem with theological study is that it starts from the conclusion and tries to make findings fit with a narrative. Its a lot more nuanced than "religion bad, science good" and to be fair they couldn't have helped holding the views that they had, their perspective at the time seemed logically congruous with reality, there was no real alternative. An ideology much like the men that uphold them doesn't have to be right it just has to survive. I would agree with you in that it was a necessary steppingstone to where we find ourselves today. Could you tell me more about this royal society thing?