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/lit/ - Literature

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14058972 No.14058972 [Reply] [Original]

How many books can you read in one year?

>> No.14058974

one really long one

>> No.14058994

None because I actually bang women and have a life. Only people who read today are kissless virgins. Sad.

>> No.14059000

probably like 10, but I actually read them and ember stuff compared to just doing it for attention.

>> No.14059392

A fucking lot, but how much do I read generally speaking? A mere 10-20 because I don't read often, but when I do I tend to get really into the book of my choosing. Working on that atm and will correct it come 2020.

>> No.14059396

also this, blessed be thy trips. Don't matter how much you read in the end, what matters is your thoughts on them and what you got out of them. If you're just doing it for your goodreads profile or similar shit, you're doing it wrong and are a fraud.

>> No.14059403

So far 23 and I'm reading 2.

>> No.14059406

it took me 3 and a half months to read Ulysses. Something about quality over quantity and comparing yourself to other people

>> No.14059411

This is the correct approach

>> No.14059412

I hit 100 but a lot of it was comics, plays, and whatever Byung Chul Han has put out so far in English.

>> No.14059415

Somehow managed to hit 81 last year despite working overtime, now only on 40 despite doing nothing most of the year.

>> No.14059442

At least 12. Science books don't count.

>> No.14059449

That's cheating!

>> No.14059451

It's not cheating if it's a graphic novel :^)

>> No.14059487


>> No.14059820

1 or 2 a week if you want to remember them, once you get above 100 a year retention falls off

>> No.14059830

Last year it was over 150. I'm at around 110 so far this year.

>> No.14060137

I read about 50, without counting academic reading

>> No.14060150

Do you guys really count how many books you read?

>> No.14060165
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>Do you guys really count how many books you read?

>> No.14060180

>he has to put effort into counting

>> No.14060461

Based and redpilled

reading for meaning > reading for "leisure" or checking off that /lit/ infographic so that you can flex on here

>> No.14060477

Guys I read 50 young adult novels in the last 3 months. Look at me how smart I am.

>> No.14060601

If anyone reads more than me it must be all crap because it totally doesn't make me insecure.

>> No.14060657

>Not creating an Anti-library and having a variety of reference at hand for whenever the need arises

>> No.14060737

I'm driving for twenty every year, got about 12 so far, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't

>> No.14060766


Nobody can read two+ books a day.

>> No.14060793

Don't know the number of books, but I try to read at least 100 pages per day.

>> No.14061194

Its "ironic" clickbait. I think he actually read 72.

>> No.14061196

Of course they can

>> No.14061221
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Yep. I remember being like 19 or so and blasting through classics only so I could update my GoodReads and post shitty reviews. I'd end up skimming entire pages because I was rushing to finish on time. Now, I don't even give a shit. I read as much as I want to and if I don't like a book I'll drop it and pick it up again later. It took me like 2 years to read Spring Snow and I read dozens of books inbetween the first and last page.

>> No.14061231

Getting close to 30, if screenplays count as books

>> No.14061282

Depends on lenght and complexity. Specially when it comes to academic literature. Novels it's usually one or two per week, depending again on lenght and complexity.

>> No.14061301

>if screenplays count as books
They don't. 99% of screenplays can be read in one sitting.

>> No.14061313
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>How many books can you read in one year?

>> No.14061346

How many videogames can you play in one year?

>> No.14061473

104 novellas or 12 novels. 80 novellas and 2 novels would be a good number I guess.

>> No.14061516

There's hardly anyone here who actually reads anymore.

>> No.14062273

Imagine not being able to read a lot and also gain insight. Absolute brainlets the lot of you.

>> No.14062438

Probably 30 if I'm not forcing myself to read.

>> No.14062520

it is.

>> No.14062555


PewDiePie is a literal retard though (as is evident from his videos), he just reads on autopilot and then sums up the book by saying 'yeah it had a lot of good points'. He could read the entire western canon and have absolutely nothing to say about it nor gain anything f on the experience - so his reading X amount of books is utterly meaningless. He is nothing but a surface.