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14058647 No.14058647 [Reply] [Original]

2 weeks ago I almost talked to a qt in my class. At the beginning of class the teacher passed out a handout we would be discussing. This real qtie who I had noticed since the first week of classes was late and sat in the open chair next to me. When we started discussing the contents of the handout, she asked to share with me. Naturally I was generous and pushed the paper closer to her then me. By the end of class the paper was mostly on her side and she accidentally took it when she left.

Come next week she was siting with her usual friends. A group of cute girls I normally would never imagine approaching. But now I did have a reason. Throughout the whole class I was distracted. Savoring the thought of approaching her friends after class. 10 minutes before class got out my excitement turned to nervousness. I went to the bathroom to wash my face. By the time I got back class had already ended. But worse, they had already left.

This week I made sure to approach her for my paper. I got nervous again, but I made sure to just sit through it and wait. The moment class ended, I got up and went straight to her.

>Hey, umm, yeah, umm
>No, umm, two weeks ago I shared my handout with you. But you took it by accident, I wondered if I could have it back.
>The handout on Foucault's Panopticon?
>Yeah, that one.

Then her friend interjects
>We moved past that a while ago. Do you really need it?

>Explain to her that I am planning to write my essay on it
>Then the qt looks at me.
>It's no problem, here.

Handing it to me, she actually made eye contact and gave a little smile.

I think I might be her type. I say some smart things in class, sometimes even correcting the professor on technicalities. I think my intelligence might be attracting this girl.

>> No.14058693

is this meant to be like londonfrog

>> No.14058702

Jeez youre a pussy no wonder your schools football team sucks

>> No.14058738

>I think my intelligence might be attracting this girl.
If this is a conscious thought that passes through your mind, it's not

>> No.14058742

You are a virgin buffoon and a fool. You are the definition of a fedora tipping boy. If delusion was tomato paste, you are the world's biggest bowl of spaghetti.

>> No.14059620

I want to punch you in your pasty 18 year old face

>> No.14059653

I know this is a bait thread, but for the off-chance it isn't, you definitely aren't her type.

>> No.14059670

Cut the last sentence out and it’s kind of cute.

>> No.14059755

I doubt you go to Princeton.

>> No.14059767

This. I don’t believe your stories. I go to Harvard, and people I know don’t act like the people in your greentexts. I can’t imagine that Harvard is much different from Princeton.

>> No.14059778

I like to think of Princeton Toad as a parallel universe version of London Frog, who goes to Oxbridge but is still miserable

>> No.14059781

>sometimes even correcting the professor on technicalities
You nearly had me there lmao

>> No.14059864

Princeton and Harvard are totally different. There is a reason F. Scott Fitzgerald refused to study at any school other than Princeton

>> No.14059874

Let’s meet up in that weird room with the Anglo-Saxon poems in widener and have sex. It’s the top floor from the main staircase.

>> No.14059908

Princeton has the best Ivy League football team

t. Columbia

>> No.14059916

Isn’t this the 25 yo boomer at Princeton, studying philosophy, who wanted to LARP as Fitzgerald and is always complaining about the dearth of any intellectual prowess in the student body?

>> No.14059923

Why not? Just seems like generic autism - he’s obviously embellishing it from his perspective but seems like something so minuscule that this roastie has probably forgotten about this incident and doesn’t even remember anon’s name let alone have any actual opinions about him other than being some disgusting nerd