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/lit/ - Literature

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14055806 No.14055806 [Reply] [Original]

Just finished reading voyage, loved it like no other. Wanna read more from him. Im guessing death on credit is appropriate as follow-up. Where do I go from there? Considering I wanna read all of his books (excluding the pamphlets).

>> No.14055923

Doesn’t it depress you?

>> No.14056270

It bothers me so much that I cant read this.
My french isn't good enough yet.

>> No.14056286

D’un château l’autre after Mort à crédit, to get a taste of his late, journalistic style.

>> No.14056310

same. why didn't my parents teach me french and german when i was young??

>> No.14056324

wow now im grateful, at least i know german
>tfw you can read Goethe and Schiller in the original versions

>> No.14056345

How’s Musil and Celan ? (Fuck you btw.)

>> No.14056346

I might be in the minority here but I think Mort à crédit is even better than Voyage.

>> No.14056361

I loved Voyage and read it twice and want to read Death on Credit, but my copy is all fucked up and broken into four pieces. Should I order a new copy or deal with it?

>> No.14056381

How do you go to the bathroom by yourself

>> No.14056384

I don't. I have to bring my phone with me so I can text my friends while I pee sitting down.

>> No.14056387

Should I reply to your question with a joke or should I reply seriously?

>> No.14056403

You're not me. Stop pretending to be me.

>> No.14056410

Wait, why am I talking to myself?

>> No.14056514

idk you tell me

>> No.14056706

>(excluding the pamphlets).

Literally Celine at his most innovative stylistically. Even non meme guys like Julien Gracq would agree. He was born to write the pamphlets. Everything he wrote after the pamphlets is extremely tame.

this desu

>> No.14056744

Why was he so upset all the time? Yes his life was tough, but he didn't have to leave Molly. Was it just his choice to be upset?

>> No.14056848

>Why was he so upset all the time?
He's French.

>> No.14057013

A local secondhand bookshop was selling a really cute old Folio copy of Voyage au bout de la nuit, though I have to keep forcing myself not to buy anything like that until my French is better. Why are frog books designed so well?

>> No.14057046

le dot dot dot book

>> No.14057880

It's not the level it's the kind of french. I was in schooling in french most of my life and while I have no issue with reading french philosophy or older novels the sheer amount of old slang in this book made me look up words all the time. Still a beautiful read though, no book has been so nihilistic yet there is immense profundity in his defense of cowardice as an element of the human condition

>> No.14058325
File: 711 KB, 1280x799, celine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>become a writer because you can't make a living as a doctor
>too anti-semitic for the nazis

absolute madlad

>> No.14058526

What did he say or write that was so bad? End of the night had nothing about jews, right?

>> No.14058653

>Goethe and Schiller

>> No.14059100

>>too anti-semitic for the nazis

that's not true, they translated most of his pamphlets with minor edits, some of them just thought he was too high energy irl

>> No.14059118

céline was dumb and an anti-semite

>> No.14059202 [DELETED] 

>Even non meme guys like Julien Gracq would agree.
Gracq n’avait rien de bien élogieux à dire à propos Céline dans ses Lettrines (à moins que ce ne fût plutôt dans En lisant en écrivant ?).

Go watch/listen any Céline interview : he wasn’t dumb. At all. Quite the contrary actually.

>> No.14059625

fight me. tell me ONE poet more based than Schiller. Just ONE.
post pic

>> No.14059628

Celine as well as Genet are my favorite non-English prose stylists bar non even though I haven’t finished either of their masterpieces. Now what’s up with that?

>> No.14059716
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>post pic

>> No.14060184

>excluding the pamphlets
They’re a fun read and he’s not wrong about anything.

>> No.14060432

>Stefan George
>Friedrich von Logau
Well, that was easy. Schiller wrote some of the most wretched plays ever made, by the way.

>> No.14060921

Roastie and war at the beginning broke him

>> No.14061180

"Die Worte des Glaubens" alone BTFO all of those people

>> No.14061281

Explain how he was dumb

>> No.14061678
File: 1.12 MB, 1476x1493, celine-chiens1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's easily the funniest book I've ever read and I never understood how it could show up on those depressing book charts made here. The whole thing is an increasingly outrageous tall tale.

>> No.14061821

I found it hilarious but death of Courtial (the gambling addicted inventor) just rang sad and true, even if it wasn't.

>> No.14062320

What was the message of the book supposed to be? Most books have some kind of lesson, right? I'm really bad at finding those kinds of things.

>> No.14062526

he became a 'Z', which means 'He Lives,' with a placenta for a head, rebirth, born into death, that was like the funniest part of the book.

>> No.14062543


Just read a translation, jesus christ

>> No.14062576

Most great literature can't be summed up with a moral.

>> No.14062591

I also found it hilarious but it is quite depressing. Like the other anon said, it rings too true and hits too close to home. If it weren't for his pamphlets outing himself as a virulent anti-semite and fascist his first two novels are quite left-wing economically.

>> No.14062656

A series of morals, then?

>> No.14062663
File: 9 KB, 231x218, angrysoy2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a virulent anti-semite and fascist

>> No.14062742

I don't get the use of the image. The point of the pamphlets is "literally" to out himself as the world's biggest anti-semite and a fascist.

It might seem unbelievable to an anglo but the french anti-semites are all left-wing economically, hell, it's them who invented holocaust denial.

>> No.14062756

I'm not an anglo though, you seem to suffer from paranoia.

>> No.14062763


>> No.14063021

Not really