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/lit/ - Literature

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14053690 No.14053690 [Reply] [Original]

>read secondary literature only
>become knowledgeable in many fields and about many authors
>save time
What other shortcuts are you using on your way to mastery?

>> No.14053692

learning about subjects before I have to (thinking of uni now)

>> No.14053693

Based and redpilled.

>> No.14053755

>secondary literature
Aka uncritically taking information from other people's texts instead of interpreting on your own because you're a last man

>> No.14053794

>implying you're more capable of a assessing a complex topic that's been previously unknown to you than someone who's spent decades on researching said topic
typical /lit/ midwittery

>> No.14053810

There's no such thing as "mastery" retard. The search only finishes when you die.

>> No.14053824

Add a little nuance.

>> No.14053853

This, but having /lit/ as my secondary source. I'm attaining wisdom through shitposts and memes

>> No.14053956

this. you literally captured 99% of lit posters.

>> No.14053981

I've been trying to eliminate shortcuts to come to an understanding of my own

>> No.14054001

you about nonfiction i hope?

>> No.14054050

The whole course of things being thus entirely changed between us and the ancients, and the moderns wisely sensible of it, we of this age have discovered a shorter, and more prudent method, to become scholars and wits, without the fatigue of reading or of thinking. The most accomplished way of using books at present is two-fold: either first, to serve them as some men do lords, learn their titles exactly, and then brag of their acquaintance. Or secondly, which is indeed the choicer, the profounder, and politer method, to get a thorough insight into the index, by which the whole book is governed and turned, like fishes by the tail. For, to enter the palace of learning at the great gate, requires an expense of time and forms; therefore men of much haste and little ceremony are content to get in by the back door.

>> No.14054106

>people trying to learn a language to poorly read a book in a foreign language when someone who's an expert in that language has already put it into words that make it easy for you to understand in your native langauge

but people think they can understand it better themselves and waste years trying to learn a language

makes me laugh

>> No.14054108


>> No.14054190

That's why I only read science fiction and other basic shit. Literary classics were not written for my normie pea brain, they were written for literary analysts, I could never come close to fully appreciating them.

>> No.14054222

I just read Wikipedia articles and a bunch of other analysis. Then I discuss them on /lit/ and btfo everyone as if I had read several books

>> No.14054254

>read secondary literature only
Based and Tom Townsend pilled.
Audrey Rouget:
What Jane Austen novels have you read?

Tom Townsend:
None. I don't read novels. I prefer good literary criticism. That way you get both the novelists' ideas as well as the critics' thinking. With fiction I can never forget that none of it really happened, that it's all just made up by the author.

>> No.14054280

I believe in a recent interview Zizek said something similar about how he does not waste time watching many of the films he discusses.

>> No.14054310
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Zizek did, however, watch Kung Fu Panda at least 5 times

>> No.14054436
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based retard

>> No.14054540

You, I hope, agree that you should read both? The person, whom you replied to, is saying it is necessary to read the original. If you don't do that, you are literally uncritically taking information. This does, of course, not imply that secondary literature is unnecessary.

>> No.14054587
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>Implaying I'm not

>> No.14054649

welcome to pseud city, population (OP)

>> No.14054768

It's literally the opposite of pseudery though.

>> No.14054796

> hurr durr literature is meant to be understood not enjoyed
> why read Ulysses when I could read sparknotes for Phds
Just read the fucking book anon. There’s nothing to understand

>> No.14054808

It makes complete sense, actually.
See: (>>14053794)

>> No.14054814

If I want entertainment, I play video games or watch TV. Reading literature for enjoyment is ultimate tard-tier.

>> No.14054858

If we throw understanding out the window, most classic literature is absolute boring trash, with the exception of Nobokov and Kafka and the few other writers that write interesting stories.

>> No.14054869

narrow but deep > wide but shallow
unless you're just trying to impress normies by summiting Mount Stupid on every possible topic.

>> No.14054887

Most people are dumb simpletons like you.

Kafka is peak trash, anon.

>> No.14055308

Then why even read if not for enjoyment or to become a better writer? It doesn’t make any sense why you’d read classics If you didn’t enjoy them. You’re a pseud
You’re retarded

>> No.14055328

Yeah because he finds things in movies that aren’t there. These are all models of entertainment.