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/lit/ - Literature

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1405304 No.1405304 [Reply] [Original]

so, any good books written by and/or about beatniks? poetry would be ok too, as well as books just defining the era of the beatniks and all. i've never really heard alot about them, but from what i did hear, they were kind of like 1950 hipsters.

>> No.1405313


>> No.1405319

everything by jack kerouac and alan ginsberg

>> No.1405323

are they themselves beatniks? or are they just people who observed the era and wrote about it?

>> No.1405333


They defined the era, actually. A lot of people read them and decided to imitate their life-styles, which lead to Beatnik culture. But if I'm to be honest, beatnik culture is really just a regurgitation of bohemianism.

>> No.1405335


>> No.1405353

a little summary of "bohemian" if you don't mind? i'm not very versed in cultural phenomenon and such of the past.
thanks, but that didn't really help. they hardly mentioned any books at all.

>> No.1405354

Jesus christ

>> No.1405359

yeah yeah...i know i suck.

>> No.1405362

then how about this:

>> No.1405372

thanks! that was more like what i was looking for

>> No.1405378

>a little summary of "bohemian" if you don't mind? i'm not very versed in cultural phenomenon and such of the past.

>> No.1405380


>> No.1405389
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Kafka anyone?

>> No.1405396

i've been planning on reading kafka as well, where should i start (and what would he fall under? i don't know much about him. like, nihilism or existentialism or what?)

you know what? being on this board frequently makes me feel so stupid or out of the loop...

>> No.1405402


Kafka was most certainly not a bohemian, you moron.

>> No.1405407

now i definitely feel out of the loop...

>> No.1405410
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>This thread

>> No.1405414

He was Bohemian in so many definitions of the word...

>> No.1405417

Kafka's usually called magical realism.

Kafka was born in and lived in Prague, which is in the region of Bohemia in the present day Czech Republic. Making him, indeed, Bohemian.

>> No.1405420


Explain. I hardly see how a bourgeois living at home with his father and writing about this relationship is in any way bohemian. The fact that he ran off with Milena afterwards says nothing to your argument either.

>> No.1405421

Bohemian usually refers to a lifestyle, specifically embracing poverty, the whole starving artist thing. As far as I know its not a specific movement or style.

>> No.1405427

thanks. and where do you suppose i start with kafka's work?

now, kind of unrelated but, after watching this >>1405378, i'm completely confused as to what bohemian is and it's differences from beatnik and all that. hell, why don't we just make this thread all about the differences and similarities between movements from the 50's on?

>> No.1405428


Ha, I'm not sure if you're simple or clever, but I was not referring to location.

>> No.1405433

1. He was born in Bohemia
2. He was culturally Bohemian
3. His books are about people being marginalised

>> No.1405436

Nobody cares to what you were referring. Words usually have more than one meaning. Deal with it.

I'd start with his short stories, or, if you don't really like short stories, "The Castle."

>> No.1405442

short stories? i was always lead to believe that he was a philospher

>> No.1405447


Oh, so because words have multiple meanings it's perfectly cool to argue against something that you know I wasn't stating explicitly? My God, puns as arguments.

>> No.1405450

He kept things pretty damn fictional.
Google "magical realism"

>> No.1405453

He gets tied up with things like existentialism, yes, but he was a writer.

>> No.1405457

> _ beatnik author

> _ good

you can only pick one, brah

>> No.1405461

Regardless of what you meant, it's sheer idiocy to say anyone is or is not bohemian. It's not like saying someone is or is not brown-haired.

Get a grip.

>> No.1405467

i absolutely have no idea what beatnik authors are like, hence why i assumed their were good ones.
ohh! that kind of clears things up a bit. is there a book that contains most/all of his short stories (fuck, i forgot the word for a collection of short stories or just books in general)

>> No.1405477

I've judged the entirety of beatnik writing from simply one book, "On The Road". shit

>> No.1405488


That's a ridiculous argument. I don't think you actually know what bohemianism is. You know I wasn't referring to a location of origin, but rather to a life-style. The person that mentioned bohemianism is not a movement is partly correct, but not really, because all bohemian artists tackle similar themes as a result of how they choose to live. Kafka wrote on marginalization, but he was not a bohemian artist (and bohemian is lowercase for a reason), he was a bourgeois insurance-claims clerk.

>> No.1405499

If you're talking about his lifestyle (even then, that's being vague), then say so. Rest of us are talking about his writing.

>> No.1405509

I'm glad someone said it.
"On the Road" is the same chapter rewritten 20 times in a row.

Yawn. And shit. Mostly yawn.

>> No.1405511

is there a book that contains most/all of his short stories (fuck, i forgot the word for a collection of short stories or just books in general)

>> No.1405513

aight, so i won't read that book

>> No.1405516


>> No.1405524

Well that's a little bit retarded of you. Just because you didn't like Jack doesn't mean you don't give Ginsberg or Burroughs a chance...

>> No.1405526


but now, my question stands. is there an anthology of kafka's short stories?

>> No.1405527
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>> No.1405535

/lit/ hates On the Road for some reason, but I disagree with all the negative comments given about it here and I say you should read it, just for bragging to your hipster friends if nothing else

>> No.1405544

thanks, man.
compared to what the others said, what did you like about it?

>> No.1405584

Allot of it is gibberish and rushed, it is repetitive but each time he hits the road or meats a girl he thinks he loves the energy shines through. It's up and down but the highs more than compensate for the lows.

/lit/ just hates it because they know they would never have the balls to do any of it as it would take them away from their deep and meaningful texts.

Read it, get caught in the life of Sal it's not bad but at the same time it is not the be all and end all.

Also you have to read Howl if you want to know anything about beat poetry.

>> No.1405601

I'll give them a chance somewhere down the line, but at the moment they don't hold any priority on my reading list.

>> No.1405628

>Is Kerouac beatnik?
>Kafka is Bohemian (confusing "non-conformist" with "Czech")
This is officially the stupidest thread I've read on /lit/

>> No.1405671
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>Kafka is Bohemian

God, I'm awesome. Best trolling I've ever done.