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14052437 No.14052437 [Reply] [Original]

Post-left Thread /PLT/

Blowing winds edition

Because I dont see shit like that on this board

Any anons who /readdesert/


>> No.14052457

What about post-right?

PS situationists suck

>> No.14052506

Part of what i dont like about the term. Its really post-electoral politics.
>situationists suck

What dont you like about 'em?

>> No.14052513
File: 124 KB, 1318x659, bernie2020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>post left
what the fuck does this even mean. post-foreign wars? post-spying? post-rigged elections? post-primaries-that-are-really-just-very-official-questionnaires?

am I posting in a berniebro thread?

>> No.14052526

They are too smug, but I am mainly wary of them because every post-left Situationist fan I have ever met (and I went to a college where their perspective was popular) has been rude and unappreciative towards their parents. A lack of filial piety is a big red flag for me.

I do kind of agree with some of what post-left thinkers have written about society, though.

>> No.14052579

>what does that mean

Post-left entails the rejection of traditional leftism.

This sums up part of it

But essentially, its the rejection leftism and all the term suggests.
Meaning the support of industry, moralism and (after incorporating the work of Stirner)ideology itself. Post leftists usually reject voting,activism,law and humanism. But to be clear my description is an incredibly gross generalization. Post-leftists can be anarchists, green nihlists, situationists and a bunch of other things. Most of them even reject the term post-left as they consider it ideology.

>> No.14052604

>filial piety
Hopefully you mean that as respect of family, but I tend towards egoist so I see that as sort of conditional.

>assholes towards their parents
Cushy college kids arent exactly the picture of not being shitty :P

All that aside I'm a pretty big fan of Debord. Society of the Spectacle is probably one of the most relevant crits of society today.

>> No.14052630

Honor your father and your mother, anon.
>am I posting in a berniebro thread?
Worse, you are posting in a thread for edgy social democrats who don't believe in morality.

>> No.14052645

that link didnt work, and the closest link i could find on google was this
Is that what you meant to link to?

I have been perusing through and can't make out quite what the guy's position is.

>> No.14052647
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>not believing in government,communism,anarchism or any ideology is the equivalent of believing in social democracy which is ideology

>> No.14052664

Yes, yes, and you're beyond all that. We know. Serious question---do you people believe in anything? Nihilists are nihilists until they fall in love, they say.

>> No.14052665

Shit wiki entry. Critique is itself a leftist position, and this current saw leftism as being over. It wasn't really a counter-position as critiques of the left coming from the left have been around for a long time.
Also crimethinc was shit and thoroughly leftists. They were basically liberals larping as insurrectionists and played a huge part of destroying what little remained of the movement.
Read Insurrection, KKA, and Nihilist Communism if you want to know what it was really about.

>> No.14052668

Linkies act stinky sometimes.

The piece is less about him explaining his personal ideology and more of a commentary on the effect of climate change for anit-authoritarians. The author states in parts that the idea that climate change can be solved is complete bullshit and the acceptance of the idea that the world can't be saved can free the reader to do some really interesting things in life. Like instead of trying to create a social democratic utopia you can fuck off to the woods or any other shit. They go on to say that while climate change will also turn the world to shit for alot of people it will also open alot of opportunities for anti-authoritarians.

Good read imo

>> No.14052672

Egoism doesn't make sense. Everybody has some good and altruism in their heart. Prove me wrong.

>> No.14052678

Its impossible to believe in no ideology but some think that its better to excise what personally serves you best from a bunch of different ideologies rather than just taking one and living it out to a tee. Others believe ideology is only "bad" when it takes your will for some other benefit rather than towards you directly. Its confusing but its better than accepting things at face value.

>> No.14052683

>can fuck off to the woods or any other shit.
always a based option imo
>the world to shit for alot of people it will also open alot of opportunities for anti-authoritarians.
You can read this in rather different ways lol.

Does this guy/his group have some kind of philosophical/ethical underpinning. Are they Non-aggression types or what is their idea for social mores?

>> No.14052697

If I remember correctly this was something of a combined tiqqun, nihilist, green anarchist position. Pretty watered down stuff.

>> No.14052707

Egoism doesnt really mean you have to be a piece of shit. Loving your family could be in your rational self interest because it fulfills your human nature to have meaningful relationships. Egoism is usually applied towards when believing something doesn't benefit you. For instance it might be better to live in a boat for the rest of your life rather than work a 9 to 5 and vote for a "better world" just because you've been indoctrinated to do. Stirner thought that believing in shit that doesnt really serve "the unique" was basically slavery.
>shit wiki entry
Only really served as a quick primer but I agree reading the lit is better
>crimethinc is libtards larping as insurrectionists
No argument there lmao

Im guessing you're an invisible committee/tiqqun gang?

I like some of whats in that realm of thought but dont really agree with the idea of communism or democratic organization.

What do you like about it?

>> No.14053094

OP is from irc.anarchyplanet.org
Viva Armeanio you fucking animals