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14051121 No.14051121 [Reply] [Original]

Why do normies love this hack so much?

>> No.14051124

they don't they think he was a homophobic pervert

>> No.14051128

What? Almost every single normie hates him for not using any sort of method.

>> No.14051132

To seem intellectual, same reason they love Nietzsche

>> No.14051134

Normie pseuds do love Neitszhe, and they usually say his name wrong, but normie pseuds hate Freud.

>> No.14051135

He's promoted heavily by jews who run academia because he promoted ideas to hypersexualize the goyim.

>> No.14051349

>jews who run academia
Normies laugh at the mention of his name, both in and out of academia. Back to /pol with you, midwit.

>> No.14051405

or spell his name wrong, apparently. thanks for outing yourself.

>> No.14051413

Academia worships Freud and considers him one of the most influential figures in modern times, you total retard.

>> No.14051431


>> No.14051510

Yes, dipshit. Anyone who has been through a western academic institution knows this.

>> No.14051519

cuz his ideas on the unconscious are correct

>> No.14051829

t. guy who thinks everyone wants to fuck their mothers just cause he does

>> No.14052054

What western academic institution are you talking about? In the US at least, Freud is barely touched upon in psychology coursework, and laughed at in most philosophy departments.I say this having been to a number of these institutions.

It's all:
>Old dead dude said we want to get with opposite sex parent and off the same sex parent
>overemphasized sexuality
>sometimes a cigar is just a cigar
>checkmate Freud
>Nothing more to see here
>On to the CBT, Nozick, Parfit, and Bertrand Russell

>> No.14052069

The only positive thing I've heard about Freud is his promotion of talk therapy. Most academics use every ism and ist in the book. Then accuse of him of stealing his ideas from a woman.

>> No.14052094

>In the US at least, Freud is barely touched upon in psychology coursework, and laughed at in most philosophy departments
What an absurd statement. To the jews running western academic institutions related to the humanities he is God #2 behind Marx.

>> No.14052121

>Stealing his ideas from a woman

You mean Lou Salome, who Nietzsche also fell in love with?

Freud is massively underrated in western academia. While it was true that psychoanalysis enjoyed a degree of influence in the 60s through critical theorists, contrary to what aging conservatives are still screeching about, that movement is long dead. The few serious psychoanalytic theorists left in US academia are buried deep in psychiatry departments.

Psychoanalysais is even getting squeezed out of complit and continental philosophy by D&G's schizoanalysis.

>> No.14052126

dude girls are jealous of my benis lmao

>> No.14052139

He gets kinda waved away by phrases like "most of his claims have been disproven" with very little explanation. I know there is a neo-Freudian movement though

>> No.14052149

You should test your theory by looking at literally any psychology department in the US. I bet you can't find more than 15% of literally any given department specializing in Freudian psychoanalysis.

>> No.14052155

If you've ever gone camping with a girl, they often express jealousy with the ability of a man piss anywhere in the world freely.
Having a penis is true freedom.

>> No.14052186


If that's what you mean, I'm not so sure that's actually NeoFreudianism.

>> No.14052193

it has its pros and cons. Pussies bleed every month. We can piss anywhere, big deal. The clitoris has like 10 times the number of nerve endings as the penis, and it literally exists with the sole purpose of giving them pleasure. Not only that, they can have multiple consecutive orgasms, and they last more than ours. I still prefer having a dick but in any case, none of this proves Freud was right

>> No.14052211

Don't bully Freud-kun. Even if many of his theories were eventually superseded, his major contribution was the medicalizing of mental states. Prior to him, clinical pathologies were limited to the body, or rather, to anatomical disfigurations. He realized that someone could be sick not on the basis of some physiological anomaly but on the basis of trauma or dysfunction attributable to the normal functioning of the psyche. Half of you faggots probably revere Jung, who was a disciple of Freud for much of his early education.

>> No.14052212

Freud claimed women have penis envy because the penis symbolizes power to them in an undeveloped stage.

It has nothing to do with inherent inferiority/superiority, and everything to do with leftover delusions from immaturity. Kinda like how the oedipus complex is just a residual idea left over from infantile dependence.

>> No.14052213

>specializing in Freudian psychoanalysis.
That wasn't the criteria, moron.

>> No.14052219

Well, maybe he can present some concrete evidence because for now these ideas look like baseless speculation.

>> No.14052223
File: 31 KB, 324x499, Psychology of the Uncnscious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A modern obsession of the psyche, and even its most disgusting contents. However that fade is over since most normies reject him as "ewww pervert". Not saying it isn't true but it took them all this time to reject him and they only manage to do it on an emotional level when Jung had formulated a complete rejection of him not long after he had reached fame.

Jung is the patrician choice.

>> No.14052225

it's still fucking retarded and perverted, girls don't even think about penises at that age, just like boys don't think about vaginas. They find each other gross. It's obvious why not even social science takes that shit seriously

>> No.14052227

He was a pioneer of talk therapy, the dynamic unconcious, one of the first people to suggest men were just as susceptible to hysteria when women were being locked in sanatorium for it left and right as an exclusively female issue, argued that the brain was comprised of cells when the view was heterodox, did a lot of work to alleviate sexual repression and bring a more honest view of sexuality into view, was a major psych figure when psychiatrists were looked down upon, was open minded and earnest enough to revise his theories many times throughout the years, looked at some of the innocuous slips in life and was perceptive enough to understand there was often competing drives behind them, ect. It would be foolish to be exclusively freudian in this day and age, however, I admire him as a brilliant, ingenious, tragic hero sort of figure- much the same way C. G. Jung did.

>> No.14052243

They don't think about these issues like adults do, but grapple with them through symbolic-mythological concepts.

Freud said anatomy is destiny. That's a psychological statement. Men and women are susceptible to different pathologies due to the way they come to interpret their bodies.

>> No.14052258

It's difficult to understand if you don't read Freud yourself. The way he defined sexuality encompassed basically all sensory pleasure. Penis envy isn't about a kid seeking sex from her father, but the penis is a symbol of masculinity. Thus, it is connect to the attributes of the masculine, such as order, will, heaven, clarity, ect. Reactionism isn't the best way to understand his theories. Freud tried very hard to get to grips with the crux of human nature and from a Darwinian point of view, it was found in sexuality. Naturally, moralizing his observations would be antithetical to this goal.

>> No.14052269

This. Freud's work is intended to describe pathology and its origins, not humiliate people or perpetuate sickness (as by making metaphysical statements about gender, as Jung did).

>> No.14053624

t. never read freud.

>> No.14053632

Nice bait

>> No.14053646

The only thing Freud has done is inspire, his own work is piles of garbage.

>> No.14054349

4channers hate him because he told the truth about why they're so cowardly and still live with their moms.
>The high narcissistic value placed upon the penis can be attributed to the fact that possession of this organ guarantees reunification with the mother (in the form of a mother-surrogate) through the act of coitus. To be robbed of it is tantamount to being separated from the mother all over again, and thus it also means becoming the helpless victim of unpleasurable tension caused by an unmet need — just as happened during birth.... The fantasy of returning to the womb represents the coitus-substitute of the impotent (those inhibited by the threat of castration).

>> No.14054410

They don't. They always say Freudianism is "pseudoscience".

>> No.14054423

They don’t, you normalfaggot.

>> No.14054433

Lmao. Which shit school are you in?

>> No.14054646

It supports their "women have daddies issues" mentality

>> No.14054657

Sorry bud

>> No.14054822

>Academia worships Freud
do you learn your opinions from a tv show?
freud was cancelled before cancel culture you nit wit

>> No.14055087

idiot, oedipus complex is not about fucking your mother since a 4yo child doesnt even have this concept. It's all about the child wanting the undivided love of the mother

>> No.14055172

Memes aside, women find Freud attractive. Don't know if that's the reason.

>> No.14055177

Freud is for leisure use.

>> No.14055324

how do you guys know what normalfags like and dislike?
sounds to me that the real normalfags here are all of (You)