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/lit/ - Literature

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14050594 No.14050594[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Books on the decline of the UK?

>> No.14050602

I can't think of a bigger ideological failure than the modern UK. It simply makes you go "JUST".

>> No.14050609

Modern Japan

>> No.14050611

At least the Japanese had it forced on them.

>> No.14050621

modern usa

>> No.14050630

a full Sharia law caliphate would actually represent a tremendous improvement over the current sorry state of the UK. The best islamophobic argument the so called ''right'' can come up with is muh muslims hate gays, zionism and liberal values. Why focus exclusively on the most Based beliefs of your enemy? Listening to some of these 'right wingers' talk about Islam has made me seriously consider conversion.

>> No.14050639
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bruh moment:
childhood is idolizing churchill, adulthood is realizing hitler made more sense. ::thinking_emoji::

>> No.14050640

“Our culture, what’s left of it” by Dalrymple

>> No.14050647

the only true right wing is radical traditional catholicism.

>> No.14050656

What I find very interesting about Islam is that it's essentially conservatism but repackaged with some foreign flavour and folklore, and if liberals reject it, you can argue they're insensitive, islamo/xenophonic, intolerant, or downright racist. It's beautiful.

>> No.14050668

This. The Catholic Church is so Trad they keep Graeco-Roman Tradition of Pederast alive.

>> No.14050670

if by right-wing you mean "i'm cool with having a black son in law as long as he celebrates christmas", then i guess you're right.

>> No.14050674
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>he lives in a country with blacks

>> No.14050680

we have all the jews and half the population is still redpilled

>> No.14050685

It’s actually sad how pathetic they’ve become.

>> No.14050696

Catholics are by definition the very opposite of any healthy and life-affirming right-wing ideology. It's the ultimate death cult and cuck religion.

>> No.14050697
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>> No.14050706

You're thinking Islam. Catholicism is the kino religion.

>> No.14050710

Jews run the City of London and have their grip on the major institutions in the UK.

Any book that explains jewish influence and behavior will give you a basic understanding. Jews letting in their arab cousins into the UK is merely a result of jewish control. Jews let their arab cousins into Spain back in the day and fought with them against the Spanish, which is why the Spanish expelled them both.

>> No.14050711

Right wing politics is focused on aesthetics rather than social organization. The vision the Western right has is more fundamentally incompatible with Islam than any form of leftism even if they agree more the the way Muslims want to organize society.

>> No.14050719

>I just don't like how it looks!
Cuck argument. Do better.

>> No.14050721

This. Iconoclasm is kind of a huge no-no

>> No.14050724

Islam would be reasonably based if they weren't goatfuckers desu.

>> No.14050729

Islam is literally a death cult, though, and not at all healthy.

>> No.14050731

well this stupid thread took a predictable turn

>> No.14050732

Right vs Left is an outdated distinction, it's cultural marxist globohomo vs everyone else

>> No.14050734

There is no such thing as “true” right wing. It is a relative thing and only exists in opposition to whatever is considered “left wing” at the time.

>> No.14050736

so if you don't get a tv loicense, the governemnt basically doxxes you?

>> No.14050746

It’s not how it looks per day, but about the ability to participate in the aesthetic traditions which give our lives meaning and the confidence that the tradition will guide society’s trajectory.

You fundamentally can’t have supremacy of both the cross and the crescent. One has to dominate the other.

>> No.14050755
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not true btw

>> No.14050761
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do it faget

>> No.14050765

i'd be more worried about the rainbow and the star of david.

>> No.14050766


>> No.14050770

I don't want to say 1984, but this is 1984.

>> No.14050777
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>n-no u
Amusing coming from a whiny neckbeard obsessed with hell, worshipping some cloak wearing pedophile.

>> No.14050782

It’s meaningful but poorly articulated. The difference is between those who feel that individual human lives are more valuable than social systems (the left) and those who feel the opposite (the right). These positions are can be reached from very different starting point, but the ultimate political vision of any individual in today’s world will inevitably go back to one of those two positions.

>> No.14050789

that's literally a butter knife in there

>> No.14050798

I don't understand what you meant but nice digits.

>> No.14050819

That’s probably its appeal. The world’s foremost problem is that it’s governed by the life-cult of the postwar liberal order.

>> No.14050834

Catholicism is the closest thing to pure neuroticism.

>> No.14050842

neuroticism is right wing

>> No.14050845

That's Judaism.

>> No.14050849

Same thing

>> No.14050852

Texas is a different country than the United States

>> No.14050863

Not really.

>> No.14050876

Keep coping, then.

>> No.14050882

all their former colonies?

>> No.14050890

I meant, it literally isn't like Judaism. Jews don't even believe in an afterlife (or anything in the New Testament, cough Jesus), that's why they are neurotic (among other things).

>> No.14050899

They can't top catholic nut cases, which is evident when looking at this board.

>> No.14050902

Yet they still wrote and compiled it and oversaw every significant translation of it.

>> No.14050924

will anyone post an actual fucking book?

>> No.14050939

yeah, Mexico

>> No.14050940
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>> No.14050949
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where do you think you are

>> No.14050971

Terrible chart.

>> No.14050982

The one mentioned here

>Nearly 400,000 Britons died. Millions more were scarred by the experience, physically and mentally.
>But was it worth it? Her answer - and the answer of many of her contemporaries, now in their 80s and 90s - is a resounding No.
>They despise what has become of the Britain they once fought to save. It's not our country any more, they say, in sorrow and anger.
>What is extraordinary about the 150 replies he received, which he has now published as a book, is their vehement insistence that those who made the ultimate sacrifice in the war would now be turning in their graves.


>> No.14051000


The Occidental Observer has a lot of good articles documenting the jewish role in turning the UK into a shithole. Andrew Joyce's work is especially good, think he has a book coming out soon.

>> No.14051011

holy shit, didn't this article face any backlash when it came out?

>> No.14051024
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Lord Blackpill himself

>> No.14051065

what a shitty chart.

>> No.14051318

> Anonymous 10/24/19(Thu)18:08:25 No.14050656▶
life in the one of the most prosperous, safe, free societies in history
>it's 15% non-white
>screeches autistically

>> No.14051357
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>> No.14051406

By aesthetics you mean race

>> No.14051407
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the one written by shakespeare
john of gaunt's death speech

>> No.14051418
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>I thought Britain would rule forever, then WW2 and the 1960's happened

>> No.14051419

Not really. Also, folklore, holy texts, stories, ideas, fashion, art, etc. Anything that comes with a religion.

>> No.14051492

The saddest part is that none of that is fake. Even the butter knife one.

>> No.14051505

You have to have a license to watch your state tv?

>> No.14051526

>muh brown people
>muh cuhmmunizm
>muh brown people again
Why are right-wingers such paranoid racists?

>> No.14051538

Go back to weddit. Hostile jews are importing nonwhites into white nations by the millions. You're retarded not to get it at this point if you're under 30.

>> No.14051542

They’re scared of change, and the ruling class take advantage of this fear.

>> No.14051553

you need one to watch broadcast telly. advertising isn't allowed on the bbc, it's paid for by the licence fee.

>> No.14051556

>just roll over and die you're not a bigot are you just let foreigners take over your country you don't want to be a racist do you

>> No.14051558

Because the presence of these groups is incompatible with any existence they can perceive as dignified.

>> No.14051565

Not necessarily, but I do think that the manner in which race has developed historically and has bonded to aesthetic traditions makes it part of any existing national/civilizational aesthetic.

>> No.14051569

Literally most of the West.

>> No.14051577

the east is ok?

>> No.14051581

Literally most of planet Earth

>> No.14051586

mars is ok?

>> No.14051587 [DELETED] 
File: 16 KB, 500x375, 5184F3F2-AD8F-4FC4-AE04-B96CED003499.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the first and last time I'm going to reply to you. You are the worst trip fag in the history of 4chan. Every thread you touch withers and dies. You never add substance to the topic discussed. Every post has this smug aura of self importance to it, "look everybody this is MY opinion", which probably is why you have no friends IRL. At a nice boring, cozy, house party I am sure the conversation dies after every remark you make. Every time you try to bring up Stirner in an unrelated discussion everybody sighs and tries to pretend they didn't hear you.

For the first time in my 10 years on 4chan I'm gonna look up how the filter function works. I find you worse than that german guy showing his cock asking to be humiliated, worse than eggman, worse than the groomer boasting on /fit/, worse than the perma spergs on /r9k/ and /pol/, worse than the schizos posting on /sci/. You're not even more vile than these creatures, those fundamentally broken humans wherein primordial evil has taken root, who by their honest shouts of rage ask to be healed, cleansed, or at least killed. The hate they garner is not against their persons but the image of evil they present. You dream to be this infamous beast, and revel in the slimy fame. The detest you garner from everybody on the other hand is an inversion of this. You are the 14 year old boy throwing a tantrum, believing his superior intellect to be neglected by his peers. But instead of having this vile personality bubble up from the tar of your gut, hating it more than your surroundings do, you willingly CHOSE to be this way by intellect instead of anima. You managed to kill the primal honest charm of being scum.

I know this post will not harm or change you. I took the time to write this because it is a rare opportunity to directly show your true detest to somebody. Don't bother replying because you're already filtered.

>> No.14051589

For now

>> No.14051595 [DELETED] 

>This is the first and last time I'm going to reply to you

>> No.14051675

Is he mentally handicapped (a troon) or just a ugly man with no sense of fashion?

>> No.14051679

>Amusing coming from a whiny neckbeard obsessed with hell, worshipping some cloak wearing pedophile.
Yes, I too detest the p*gans.

>> No.14051687 [DELETED] 

He’s a tranny.

>> No.14051696
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Yeah, okay bud.

>> No.14051707

*tips fedora*
*supports gay marriage*

>> No.14051742

do they not teach in american schools that the US is an immigrant country

>> No.14051750


>> No.14051779

>immigrant country
The fuck is that even supposed to mean?

>> No.14051832

They teach a lot of shit that isn't true in American schools. America as an "immigrant nation" is some fake jewish retcon based on an Emma Lazarus (jew) poem. America was built by and for white people.

>> No.14051841

This. If you believe in left/right you've already lost.

>> No.14051842

And what are white people doing in the Americas? They belong in Europe. You're an immigrant whether you like it or not.

>> No.14051850

Whites immigranted to baren, heathen land and established and built "America" on it.

>> No.14051871

Just as immigrants are doing now, but suddenly that’s not allowed because they’re brown?

>> No.14051880

Brown people do not have a right to live in white countries and have to go back.

>> No.14051883

Just as white people do not have a right to live in brown countries, time to leave America

>> No.14051895

White people aren't moving to brown shitholes. Brown people are moving to nice white countries. What are you doing here, shitskin? Drift in from /b/ or something?

>> No.14051898

>brown countries

>> No.14051901

Uh, how did America start then? Pretty sure it was a brown place? Also, I think most of the black people in America didn’t want to go before you put them on ships and dragged them there. I’m whiter than you, I’m just not a bad person.

>> No.14051906


>> No.14051914
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>> No.14051915

>jannies are now deleting posts critical of butterfaggot

>> No.14051917

America didn't exist before white people created it.

>before you put them on ships
Jews ran the slave trade, not white people.

>> No.14051921


There's no such thing as rights, only realities. Facts on the ground are what matter, we just dress them up in rights.

You can use any argument to support any position: what matters is what actually happens.

>> No.14051923

Win by the right of conquest. Lose by the right of conquest. You can't have it both ways, burgerfag.

>> No.14051926

Cringe, all this is just a cope because your girlfriend secretly wants to fuck her black friend
This too - have sex nazi incel

>> No.14051931
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>You can use any argument to support any position: what matters is what actually happens.
And what's happening is that Whitoids are going to lose the game. Spoiler alert. Karma is a bitch, etc.

>> No.14051948

When whites gain a greater sense of group consciousness and start fighting back there will be no competition. Our problem is internal and a result of jewish subversion. Brown people are merely pawns, they pose no real threat.

Only fat, low status white women allow themselves to even be seen around niggers, and whites need to cull the herd anyway.

>> No.14051960

>Muh south will rise again! Muh Jews!
Shut the fuck up already. Be a good loser and accept defeat like a champ. And don't cry that you didn't deserve it because you absolutely did.

>> No.14051965

The Strange Death of Europe by Douglas Murray

>"In such a view of society, however greatly you might wish to benefit from an endless supply of cheap labour, a wider range of cuisine or the salving of a generation’s conscience, you still would not have a right to wholly transform your society. Because that which you inherited that is good should also be passed on. Even were you to decide that some of the views or lifestyles of your ancestors could be improved upon, it does not follow that you should hand over to the next generation a society that is chaotic, fractured and unrecognisable.”

>“When it comes to anti-fascism in most of Western Europe, there would appear for now to be a supply-and-demand problem: the demand for fascists vastly outstrips the actual supply.”

>“Those who believe Europe is for the world have never explained why this process should be one way: why Europeans going anywhere else in the world is colonialism whereas the rest of the world coming to Europe is just and fair.”

>“A country that believes it has never done any wrong is a country that could do wrong at any time. But a country that believes it has only done wrong, or done such a terrible, unalleviated amount of wrong in the past, is likely to become a country that is inclined to doubt its ability to ever do any good in the future.”

>> No.14051968

Jesus. The future is not looking good for America. Going to start learning Chinese.

>> No.14051971

Every single country of the West

>> No.14051972

Who said anything about the South? You're going back, filthy shitskin. No way around it.

>> No.14051990

>Who said anything about the South?
Nobody but your reply was in the same retarded vein and spirit.
>You're going back, filthy shitskin. No way around it.
You're in the denial stage. It's okay. But nothing will change. The sooner you accept it the sooner you will get over it.

>> No.14051994

Dios mio…

>> No.14052003

Based Doug.

>> No.14052009
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>> No.14052016


>> No.14052022

Whatever brown shithole spawned you has never created anything. And you think the race responsible for the creation of everything is afraid of you?

>> No.14052045

>appropriating others' achievements
Typical white trash from America. Why are you losers all the same? Trying to pass other people's achievement as your. Cringe. You have more in common with Nigger Americans than with the Greeks and Romans, just so you know. Now have sex and reproduce for the Hispanics are defeating you.

>> No.14052046

>the race responsible for the creation of everything is afraid of you?
why would Jews be afraid of that random internet poster?

>> No.14052060

>Books on the decline of the UK?
anything about the napoleonic wars with a british bias

>> No.14052066

America was built by and for Englishmen. All Italians, Poles, Spaniards, Germans, Scots, Irishmen, and their descendants must leave.

>> No.14052076 [DELETED] 

>white trash
I am from an upper class family and make more money than you could ever dream of making. Gtfo our board, you subhuman shitskin.

Jews fear nothing more than whites attaining a positive sense of group consciousness, which is why they devote so much to suppressing it.

>> No.14052081

Natives, Mexicans, and Spaniards won't leave. You can live in your 13 colonies. The rest of the country doesn't belong to you.

>> No.14052087


>> No.14052097

>b-but I'm a millionaire!
Like fucking clockwork. But I think you're on the wrong board, you belong in /pol/. This board is for Literature, not for coping white trash on their way out.

>> No.14052099

oh we got an internet millionaire tough guy! watch out guys!

>> No.14052104

Whatever nonwhite race you come from has a mean IQ of 70-80. Do not posture before us. When whites decide that we want you leave, you will leave.

>> No.14052105


>> No.14052106

really how did you figure that out? did you ask any Jews? Is that what they told you? or did the tattooed man on dailystormweanie.com tell you that?

>> No.14052107

I can’t wait for the day of the rope, lads.

>> No.14052111


>> No.14052112

Seething samefag shitskin.

>> No.14052113

umm sweaty let me stop you right there. the great replacement theory is a right wing conspiracy theory and i would appreciate it if you didn't peddle it here
go back to /pol/ and have a sex

>> No.14052116

>muh rope day
Grow up and form a family, you stupid /pol/tard.

>> No.14052119


>This board is for Literature
I know more about the western literary tradition than you ever will. Now fuck off.

>> No.14052120

If whites are so smart why are they fooled so easily for literally decade after decade?

>> No.14052124

>look mom i posted it again

>> No.14052129

Do you pay attention to the news or what is going on generally in the west? Assuming you are the same shitskin, we don't expect you to understand. You are not a part of the equation and you are frankly too stupid to have any clue of the eternal white-jew conflict.

>> No.14052135

>only non-meme answer
>provided by a tripfag
huh, faggots aren't so bad after all

>> No.14052136

What are your views on the comparative merits of Christopher Marlowe vs Lope de Vega?
Do you prefer Elizabethan conceptions of tragedy or the classical conception?
To understand the Russian psyche should one read Tolstoy, Chekhov, or Dostoyesky?
Did Cervantes really invent the novel?
I expect cogent answers to all this within 10 minutes

>> No.14052137

You have to go back. You know we can see the poster count, right? This thread really upset you, didn’t it? Stop spamming posts, take a deep breath and go back.

>> No.14052141

actual right-winger here. /pol/ism is left

>> No.14052146

The white-jew conflict is millennia old and very complex. We have crushed them and kick them out and generally btfod them countless times. While we may have mistakenly fallen into their latest ideological trap, their power is already on the decline and the next btfo is on the way.

>> No.14052148

Go back to whatever European socialist shithole you prefer mutt

>> No.14052152
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>> No.14052157

>whites spent almost 2000 years literally worshipping a Jew
god you must be the dumbest race of people ever

>> No.14052158

i bet before the 60s lots of mutts were just afraid to admit they weren't white. https://youtu.be/irxNduxRyWo

>> No.14052159

Make a thread about it and bump it and I will respond tomorrow. Here is not the place, though.

>> No.14052160

I wonder which /leftypol/ tranny discord this thread was linked in.

>> No.14052161

this is actually embarrassing

>> No.14052164
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>You have to go back.

>> No.14052167

Rothbard was on the left fundamentally

>> No.14052170

>muh jews
so the Founding fucking Fathers were jews? then time to stop complaining about them, you entitled uppity white pig.

>> No.14052178

You have no idea how the world works now, do you, faggot? Watching you cunts squeal is worth the price of admittance alone.

>> No.14052183

If you know these things you should be able to tell me now

>> No.14052184

>The literature board is not for the discussion of literature
Anon, I...

>> No.14052189

The jew is an embedded, psychologically focused enemy that has a very sophisticated parasitic strategy. Whites made Christianity into our thing and used it against jews on many occasions, but it is indeed something we must move beyond. The world changes. It isn't whites who are propping up Christianity now anyway, it's nonwhites like yourself.

>> No.14052196

>the poster count STILL hasnt gone up
>its literally just a bunch of discord trannies arguing with one based anon

>> No.14052200

there are already thousands of VERY mixed hispanics and blacks in the military, good luck with your fantasy cleansing inbred piece of shit

>> No.14052202

I'm winding down and have things to do tomorrow, and appeasing you is very low on my priority list.

>> No.14052206

>samefag whining about samefagging while samefagging
never go full retard

>> No.14052207


>inbred piece of shit
I'm not jewish.

>> No.14052209

or one "based" /pol/shitter sperging out against 3 /lit/ intellectuals

>> No.14052215

big day of shitposting with cheeto stained fingers tomorrow?

>> No.14052218

>posters: 46

>> No.14052221

there will be competition. Other whites will join against your retarded cause. Can't wait for you to try and end up being killed like a roach

>> No.14052224

Hasbara trolls like you are no sweat off my back. This is nothing. And I have never posted on pol. I've been there less than 5 times. No excuse for your failure.

As I stated earlier, I make more money than even the hasbara trolls itt. And I hate cheetos.

>> No.14052229

164 replies. 164/46 = 3.5 posts per poster. So what are you even saying with this?

>> No.14052231

>your retarded cause
What cause?

>> No.14052233

>muh jews jew jew jew
absolutely obsessed
>And I have never posted on pol
no need to even visited by /pol/ to get brainwashed by them. I'd feel sorry for you if you weren't a breathing pile of shit.
>No excuse for your failure
what failure schizo

>> No.14052237

post your last paycheck

>> No.14052247

I've been aware of the jewish problem for over 7 years. I know all of these tricks so they simply don't affect me. Better luck next time, kike.

>> No.14052249

I'm self-employed. I pay myself.

>> No.14052251

It’s been 46 posters for the past 100 replies.

>> No.14052259

>i've been obsessed with jews for the past 7 years, i was an imbecile before it was cool
lol i fucking wish, and i know you secretly do too. They have a higher IQ on average and more success do to mass networks of nepoti
thanks to your thread derailing abhorrent posts

>> No.14052260


>> No.14052262

how does that work? how do you get the money to pay yourself? from yourself?

>> No.14052264

This is related to narrative control. /lit/ is a slow board, so any conversation regarding the jewish promotion of nation destruction and mass immigration within the west is going to end up as a "discussion" between Tel Aviv bunker hasbara trolls and a few woke whites.

>> No.14052274

>They have a higher IQ on average
Jews have a higher verbal IQ; their spatial IQ, which is responsible for creative capabilities, is lower than whites.

>> No.14052280

hahaahhaha oh my fucking you're still going at this
have you figured out your opinions on Tolstoy yet? i think you had enough time.

>> No.14052282

It means I produce products and services other people purchase, and in turn means I don't receive monthly paychecks from one entity.

>> No.14052288

Going t what? Did you make the thread yet?

>> No.14052300

show the last check someone else wrote you

>> No.14052308

Nobody writes checks anymore, kid.

>> No.14052311

show your paypayl account

>> No.14052317
File: 193 KB, 666x529, E69D703B-D8DE-46D6-90B2-C16FFB29324D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posters: 46

>> No.14052328

yeah pretty funny when you think about the poltards and discord trannies who spend hours flinging shit at each other and nobody even reads it but them

>> No.14052350


>> No.14052365

>The world changes. It isn't whites who are propping up Christianity now anyway, it's nonwhites like yourself.
Because you're race is going to be extinct soon. Too dumb to even get it up lol.

>> No.14052387

I currently have no money in my PayPal account, and my credit union is very small so I will not show you any documentation from that. Sorry.

The goal here is to help younger, high IQ whites who care about their literary and philosophical heritage aware of the jewish problem. There's no doubt that 4chan is a nihilist cesspool, and that /lit/ is full of low-class incels who don't read serious literature, but there are few places where those who do can speak about these topics openly, without jewish censorship or oppression, and that alone makes this place a useful resource.

>you're race is going to be extinct soon
... Not to mention illiterate shitskins. There are more whites alive today than ever before. Whites aren't going anywhere. But once jewish power is usurped, all shitskins are going bye-bye fast.

>> No.14052399

you know the posters you're arguing with are almost certainly white millennials, right?

>> No.14052412

Generally that's the case, but this isn't a general thread, so it is far less likely to be the case, especially once certain topics are broached.

>> No.14052422

The Rise and Fall of the British Nation: A Twentieth-Century History by David Edgerton

>> No.14052450

Any specific books that talk about Jewish influence on contemporary Europe?

>> No.14052792

C.P. Snow's novels

They aren't exactly modern UK, but you can see from the bureaucracy they depict how the UK got into its death spiral.

>> No.14052805

The Controversy of Zion

>> No.14052818

Anything that doesn't deal with the jewish problem is a farce, let's be honest. Roald Dahl knew it.

>> No.14052829

How do blacks keep their numbers so consistent?

>> No.14052830

that was legitimately a /pol/ falseflag. The picture is of the UK's chief rabbi, Ephraim Mirvis

>> No.14052850

The UK has a "chief rabbi"?

>> No.14052852


good news is the blacks aren't increasing drastically

>> No.14052898

Most of those 'whites' are part negro mutts. There are very few white Americans - hardly any could pass as native in a European country

>> No.14052902

American whites are 99% white, meaning there is practically zero nonwhite admixture. Why are you lying?

>> No.14052961

99% white according to the American definition of white, in other words, mutts. Most 'white' Americans cannot pass as a white local in Europe

>> No.14053023

99% white/European according to genetics studies. Why are you so obsessed with diminishing racial consciousness among white people?

>> No.14053040

Yes, 99% white according to American studies, based on what Americans consider to be 'white' genetics, in other words, mutts. You do not pass in actual white countries and nobody is fooled by your attempts. Why do you continue this absurd larp?

>> No.14053043

Britain unironically needs to be hydrogen bombed out of existence

>> No.14053047

Are you jewish?

>> No.14053305


>> No.14053328

What ways do you think the decline of the man known as Londonfrog mirrors the general decline of the country as a whole?

>> No.14053361

t. hasn't read power and market or the Austrian perspective
He's well placed on the race for most right wing man ever.
>b-but family values aren't enforced

>> No.14053379

It's all the more ironic that it's unfolding DIALECTICALLY, i.e. they're going to Hell precisely because they "won". The Aeon shakes with Hegel's laughter.

>> No.14053443
File: 694 KB, 528x1239, 5awzWGt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14053667

>They’re scared of change,
Considering there are already many niggs around, becoming a white state would be a massive change.
Are you afraid of change butterfly?
>n-no it's only significant change if it differs from 1956 or whatever date I have arbitrarily picked up
I know you're a boomer but for zoom zoom like us, multikulti propaganda is peak conservatism that we've been fed since the cradle, white ethnoconsciousness is a revolutionary thing.

>> No.14054245

>I have read the first paragraph of Hegel's wikipedia page

>> No.14054366

Eh. Still better than yankland.

>> No.14054917


>> No.14055212

As above, so below

>> No.14055736

As a britfag this actually doesn't even look too bad in comparison. I'd much rather have Mexicans than disgusting burka wearing shitskin Muslims.

You don't know how good you have it and that's so depressing to say

>> No.14055774

Non-fiction: Good-bye to All That
Fiction: The Sword of Honor

They are about the devastating effects of wwi and wwii respectively. Sword of Honor is also in part about the elevation of the “common man” through war propaganda.

>> No.14055853

The skin doesn't bother me, it is the burka/religious aspect that worries me. And since you'd be fine with "shit skin" Hispanics, I'd suggest not repeating this racist pol meme so much

>> No.14055859
File: 172 KB, 1185x395, checkem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14055868

Are there any countries without them?

>> No.14055890

I'm not racist. Muslims literally smell like shit.

>> No.14056303

Here's the attention you desperately crave.

>> No.14056336

Those changes affect you aswell, you mayonnaise monkey cumskin bitch

>> No.14056885

Pretty sure she's jewish, shitskin.

>> No.14056933

whiteness is an arbitrary concept that's always been in flux, brainlet. I just know if you had been alive you would have been making this same argument except about including Italians or Spaniards, or going back far enough even fucking Germans (muh aryans)

>> No.14056939

>whiteness is an arbitrary concept
Is jewishness an arbitrary concept?

>> No.14057486

4chan posts

>Espouses the globohomo brainwashed stance on The United States