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14048315 No.14048315 [Reply] [Original]

Is this peak /lit/?

>I noticed people who do not drink coffee actually shit throughout the day at unpredictable intervals which is rather disgusting. Especially considering they are wiping with just toilet paper and nothing else, at least here in the American workplace. You can smell the remnants of shit of such a one. I sometimes ask out of curiosity when I catch a whiff, if they drink coffee, building up my line of questioning with subtle pretexts. Almost always the response is "NO", as if caffeine was a hard drug. I say in my mind, "well that was obvious the moment you came into olfactory range." and just walk away after that, sometimes ending with closings of chit-chat should I have the misfortune of dealing with them again (well gotta go, see you, buh-bye!).