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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 101 KB, 700x933, Moby-Dick-Cover-700x933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14045748 No.14045748 [Reply] [Original]

this shit is gay as fuck. people told me billy budd was gay but it was only kinda gay. im up to the bosom friend chapter and i just can't get over how gay it is.

>> No.14045772

Congrats on eating up the faggot propaganda that Western media has pushed on you. You do know that for most of human history men were allowed to have a genuine fraternal bond with each other without fucking each other in the ass, right? It's only in the last century that men bring friendly is perceived as "gay". Although when Ishmael is squeezing the spermaceti and basically creaming his pants it does seem kinda queer... IDK maybe you're right.

>> No.14045789

bruh he puts his arm around his waist and says theyre married. two men getting married is pretty gay.

>> No.14045835

They're literally joking. Your blue collar puritanism would be mocked in the Roman Empire. Tiberius, a God among men that would put you to shame, regularly had sex with other men.

>> No.14045897

>be an 11 year old in catholic school
>real chip on my sleeve type
>parents work late so I wait in the courtyard after school with some friends
>11 year old mischief leads me to piss in the flowers
>nuns catch me in the act and pull me by the ear to the school priest
>get lectured on the purity and chastity of my body
>get asked about my grades
>tell him I'm doing well in history and English
>he opens a drawer and hands me a penguin copy of moby dick and tells me I should spend more time reading afterschool
>mfw I actually do read it and re read it
>mfw I'm gay now

>> No.14045902

So this...is the power of catholicism...

>> No.14045903

>Tiberius, a God among men that would put you to shame, regularly had sex with other men.
bro that’s fucking GAY

>> No.14045908

Have you ever read the Iliad. Achilles did the same shit and Aegemmon was always emotional and crying

>> No.14045916

nigga u gay

>> No.14046030
File: 66 KB, 718x404, 1566134358388.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up, SHUT UP! It is NOT gay! It is NOT! They told me it was LIT!

>> No.14046218

ive read fair bit of work by melville and ive never seen him describe a woman in as much detail as he devotes to queequeg's face. its like how mishma spends three times longer talking about a penis then he does on the entire women during the sex scene in sailor who fell from grace with the sea

>> No.14046234

thats kinda gay too

>> No.14046267
File: 18 KB, 624x278, DxxsKI0_d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They're literally joking.
pic related
>Your blue collar puritanism would be mocked in the roman empire.
because the Roman Empire was super gay.
>Tiberius, a God among men that would put you to shame, regularly had sex with other men.
as a joke?

>> No.14046298

You didn't pretend to be gay with your friends when you were younger?

>> No.14046370

I'm sorry you're insecure with your sexuality

>> No.14046559

>>11 year old mischief leads me to piss in the flowers

>> No.14046583

when it was just the accidental arm thrown over him in the night i wrote it off as just situational comedy. its pretty clear thst there more to it than that though

>> No.14047847

>Moby DICK
I mean could it be any more obvious?

>> No.14047898

>another thread of mentally challenged midwits giving their "hot-take" on classical literature

Just stick to your containment boards/sites

>> No.14048070

Melville’s fiction is ultra masculine. How many women are genuine Melville fangirls? I just finished Typee and while the narrator has a female love interest in Fayaway, he goes into much more detail about Typee male society and the bro relationships seem much deeper than that with Fayaway. Of course men in that era formed much deeper emotional bonds than today but it seemed to be more so with Melville. He had a wife and fathered children and as far as I know there we no rumors about him in his lifetime compared to someone like Whitman. Even Whitman mostly flew under the radar in a culture that celebrated bromance. While I don’t think you can shoehorn Melville into our modern concepts of “gay” he sure seems turbo gay. That doesn’t stop a lot of conservative leaning young men from digging Melville which speaks to the barren lack of real male friendship and comraderie in our screwed up society, and the desire to read about men together on a serious, dangerous quest as an escape from the frivolity and purposeless of modern male life.

>> No.14048092

Sorry that your “classic” literature is fucking queer

>> No.14048094

I think it was more metaphorical as a strong bond. Making their pact together as one would between husband and wife. Homoerotisism wasn’t very forfront in peoples minds in those days. It was more of a strong thematic spice. People didn’t get ups in arms about that scene in it’s time, while relitively more mundane (from modern perspective) books got readers up in arms quite a bit more.

Gays were out of sight, out of mind.

>> No.14048100

>lack of male comraderie in modern society
Don't think this is true by and large. I think guys often have groups of unconditionally supporting friends. In general I'd say women are much more likely to be duplicitous among themselves when it comes to friendship.

>> No.14048447

Yeah I think I was being too negative. It’s nothing like Victorian America but there’s still a lot of supportive social networks for men all though there’s far too many slipping through the cracks.
Agree on the superficial nature of a lot of women’s networks...a veneer of supportive sisterhood masking a vicious Mean Girls catfight amplified by social media.

>> No.14048481

The supposedly homoerotic scenes in Moby-Dick and Billy Budd are only tangential to the plot and themes of both book. Whether they're "gay" in the modern-day sense or not is really a moot point.

>> No.14048944

Whitman lost his government job over his hetero erotica, not the gay stuff like everyone assumes. All that was just hiding in plain sight as nobody could imagine it was anything other than Victorian bromance turned up to 11. Later readers like Oscar Wilde immediately knew what Whitman was about but there are few instances of him being gaybaited during his literary career. Critics were more triggered by his “vulgar” language and rough proletarian persona.

>> No.14048970

Read the letters he exchanged with Hawthorne. Incredibly gay.

>> No.14049180 [DELETED] 
File: 46 KB, 318x461, musashijpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

List top books on samurais and ninjas etc.
I read pic related and had a blast. Want to read more books in the genre but dont know where to go from here.

>> No.14049256


You said this when I made this thread as well. You're all about this faggotry aren't you

>> No.14049257

This very much. Melville doesn’t have the undertones of homoerotosism that Whiteman May have had.

>> No.14049292

Nice reddit spacing, you're all about being a redditor arent you? Go back to your containment website, nigger.

>> No.14050358

Why do people always say Melville was gay, I don't understand it