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14042681 No.14042681 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else love these when they were in 3rd/4th grade?

>> No.14042791


>> No.14043087

Those were all the rage in my elementary school. I also knew a girl in high school that was still really into it.

>> No.14043099

These books are really good because they give a baseline and appreciation for greek mythology. Definitely a good stepping stone into "start with the greeks".

>> No.14043103

I used to see Rick all the time when I worked at heb. He was always buying grapes

>> No.14043123

>Definitely a good stepping stone into "start with the greeks".
well it depends how old you are.

>> No.14043129

Yeah they were great for elementary school students just getting into reading on their own.
Movie sucked ass

>> No.14043680

Read the lightning thief when I was in 4th grade, continued on with sea of monsters and the third book (cant remember its name) and didn't finish labyrinth.
It gave me an idea of who the gods were, at least with what they were gods of and their relation to each other as well as some of the titans.
Also gave an idea of who pan and chaeron were (in a very simplistic sense)
Then I had a classical literature class in high school. Having this back ground allowed me to understand alotta Edith Hamilton's mythology quicker than others.
This in turn allowed me to understand a lot of the characters in the Iliad, Odyssey, Argonautica, Theogony, etc.
Really, it is a nice place for a child to start if they are going to read the classical works later in life

>> No.14043751
File: 51 KB, 336x500, Cat gat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember liking those. But I think I liked Warriors better. My dad red the lightning thief to me before bed, but I actually personally read Warriors on my own in middle school.

>> No.14044457

yeah the first series was good, but when it expanded into every other mythology it got really tired really fast.

>> No.14044563

Solid books for kids, its insane that they're still going though. Now I'm seeing shit like "Rick Riordan Presents" with another author writing the books.

>> No.14044909
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warriors was epic, who was ur fav cat, i dont remember his name but it was the silver dude who was friends with main character firre dude


>> No.14044950

those books looked like vapid trash; my sister read them.

Now Young Sherlock Holmes, ahh yes, that was a damn good series!

>> No.14044965
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I've always been a massive pseud contrarian, so while everybody around me loved it I claimed to hate it, but I've never read any of these books.

>> No.14044971

I remember liking Scourge and his spin off book. His edgy background seemed relatable and hardcore to my autistic kid brain.

>> No.14045026

>another writer
The ones from RR Presents aren't canon for his universe. It's just a seal Rick started to support stories that deal with myths he isn't familiar with.

>> No.14045067

You’re thinking of Graystripe. He was a bro, yeah. I liked him too.