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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 129 KB, 768x1024, cucksaver chronicles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14042660 No.14042660 [Reply] [Original]

Why are western fiction writers such cuckolds? You never see anything like this in japanese fantasy.

>> No.14042688

Burton (writing 400 years ago) makes jokes four hundred years ago about men being "horn-mad" i.e. not just ignoring ("winking at") getting cucked but also actively enjoying it. So, well, it's traditional, apparently, and not just a symptom of capitalism or the information age.

>> No.14042720

weeb vs. brony
Which is the more pathetic waste of space? I used to think bronies were the absolute scum of the earth but lately, more and more I think weebs need to be exterminated like cockroaches.

>> No.14042723

It goes all the way back to the conception of heracles. That's why you start with the greeks.

>> No.14042740

Lol wtf Japanese fiction has way more cuckoldry than Western. Japanese men are probably more neurotic and sexually perverse than Jews. It goes back decades if not centuries. I read a jap novel from literally any period and all the familiar psychosexual complexes are there. Their high art and their pop culture anime shit alike is all infested with it. They are a nation of Ataru Moroboshis and Gimpei Momois.

>> No.14042766

Apart from a small group of degenerates most Jap authors value purity in their work.

>> No.14042788

You could say the same of Westerners. Bear in mind that the book you're reading was written by a woman.

>> No.14042802
File: 554 KB, 500x748, Junichiro_Tanizaki_1913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[Laughs in Japanese]

>> No.14042805

Cuckoldry isn't truly cuckoldry if you don't give a shit about purity.

>> No.14042807

Then why are like 85% of romantic interests in western fiction, prostitutes?

>> No.14042813

Shut up you retarded weeb. You have some weird fucked up idealistic notion of Japanese culture and morality—the faggot inverse of the generalisation that Japs are all pervert freaks. Besides I bet you think any mention of cuckoldry or even the faintest whiff of sexuality counts as degeneracy. 90% of the Western canon and medieval and ancient literature would probably fail to meet your gay moral standards formed by interacting with low IQ subhumans on imageboards

>> No.14042816

I know that it is in your genetics to be a cuckold but please at least try to resist it a little.

>> No.14042825

90% of Japanese women literally admit to cheating or some fucked up shit like that.

>> No.14042829
File: 14 KB, 374x374, huh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh? I don't care about 3dpd you retard. I'm talking about fictional women.

>> No.14042853

Commit sudoku, weeb. Purify the Earth.

>> No.14042859
File: 22 KB, 739x415, EE467D94-F057-41EE-A4AA-CDBE3F28B05D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your fictional women are all fucking fictional chads

Should’ve been a /cm/ bro instead

>> No.14042888

Explain all the NTR doujins I've read, then.

>> No.14043041

Infinitely better to be a cuckold than a sexless 3dpd weeb (as if there was any other kind, LOL).

>> No.14043049

When your home all alone
her hips move on their own.

>> No.14043082

imo Kvothe was a young one raised in a troupe and fed bs lies and "call a whore a lady" kind of stuff.
He did get kinda based and redpilled when he starts smashing thots and making Denna jealous
Rothfuss is a gaymer soiboi though so i hope his self insert fantasy endgame is to become depressed MerlinChad

>> No.14043116

That's only if you read "high literature" written by sadsack recluses who can't get laid

>> No.14043508

Well, these prove it — /lit/ is now officially dead. No breath, no pulse, no brain waves. I’m sorry to see it go, and sorrier still to see blowflies such as these desecrating it’s corpse. RIP.

>> No.14043525


>> No.14043534

Pseuds deserve their self-imposed torment.

>> No.14043555

Rent-free, just like cockroaches and mildew.
True. It’s however too bad that they choose to do it here.

>> No.14043626


But in reality, sexual deviance is a fact of social existence and it would be disingenuous of an author of any tradition to try to ignore or hide it.

>> No.14043928

If he were a better author I'd assume this was intended as mockery.

>> No.14043956

Pretty much. It almost seems like the protag is lying to himself, trying to convince himself that he's not a cuck and that it's the other guys who are desperate.

>> No.14044005

Don't ever reply to my posts again.

>> No.14044029

And in addition, please don't confuse the contraction "it's," meaning "it is," with the possessive "its."

>> No.14045066
File: 378 KB, 818x812, you seem upset.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14045147

Nobody likes to step in shit, anon.
Correcting spellcheck errors? How anal.
Buzz buzz buzz, time to lay your eggs.

>> No.14045160

Cucking plays a pretty prominent role in Murakami's Wind-up Bird Chronicle

>> No.14046213

Imagine being a cuck this smug.

>> No.14046460

It's got an unreliable narrator iirc.

>> No.14046911

I love this book but you're definitely right, there's an entire cuck element throughout. Main character spends the last third of the novel running around with the girl he loves trying to find her lost fiancee for her LMFAO. Still an amazingly written book in my opinion. Not reading the others though.

>> No.14046929

and Killing Commendatore

>> No.14047041

Japanese Literature has tons of cucking, so does South American literature, Chinese, Russian, there is cucking in the Bible, it’s everywhere.

>> No.14047394

Humans truly are flawed creatures.

>> No.14047947

Shame/Guilt dichotomy.
Japanese heroes are above reproach by society.
Western heroes undergo persecution but adhere to a strict moral code.

>> No.14047974

If only pair bonding were real

>> No.14048562

>You never see anything like this in japanese fantasy

>> No.14048579
File: 54 KB, 600x957, 1552695148642-cm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based /cm/ bro

>> No.14048589

>Japanese men are probably more neurotic and sexually perverse than Jews.
Not a chance. No one is. Jews are the sickest fucks on earth.

>> No.14048789

cuckolding was invented by whitoid afterall