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/lit/ - Literature

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14042456 No.14042456 [Reply] [Original]

>50% of /lit/ posters are students >>14041156
Wow, suddenly every thread I make being full of whiny bitch boys calling me edgy or saying I'm baiting makes sense. If you're under 25 then you don't know anything about anything so keep your opinions to yourself.

>> No.14042470

The only way you can learn anything about anything is by putting your opinion out there and being challenged, like you just did.

>> No.14042479

A child has nothing worth hearing

>> No.14042501


>I am right because I am older than you

Nice playground logic

>> No.14042505

No, it's "you're wrong because you're too young to know dick about life".

Your childish babbling is of no interest to anyone.

>> No.14042521

what does that even have to do with what the other anon said?

>> No.14042533

Or, you could read. Fucking retard.

>> No.14042542

More importantly
>the vast majority of /lit/ are accademiacucks
I cannot express my disappointment. I thought we were auto-didact patricians!

>> No.14042545

>80%+ of /lit/ are brainwashed good goys
Explains why 80% of the replies I get are morons

>> No.14042553


Disregarding an opinion because of some trait of the person who delivered it is such a trivial fault of logic that I am shocked such a wise elder as yourself could make it.

>> No.14042562

Yeah books are out there exactly so that you don't have to keep fighting cavemen with tolemaic beliefs, like most undergrads roaming in here are

>> No.14042571

but anon the only way to make it into academia is being self-taught, most of the stuff you do in courses is completely useless. You have to read by yourself, build project by yourself, and then be smart enough to proposed said projects to institutions so that you can parasite them

>> No.14042572

Well, I'M an autodidact, and there are a few others here I am sure.

>> No.14042595

Would you ask a 10 year old about the nature of morality?

No? Then why the fuck would I want to hear the childish pissbaby opinions of a 21 year old on topics they're too young to have even experienced let alone have any insights on?

>> No.14042601

I never even stepped foot in a university. I couldnt imagine going to school for reading books unless you were really determined to be a teacher desu

>> No.14042683

You're the real retard you fat spastic, post pic so we can all laugh at you

>> No.14043214

The way that you actually learn about the world is by actually doing stuff, and not in the kid-gloves bubble of university. Challenge institutions, join your local government, try to get ahead at work--these are things that teach you about the world, not posting retarded shit on an image board.

>> No.14043221


>> No.14043228

lmao keep seething boomer

>> No.14043231

desu we should have an /autodidact/ containment thread

>> No.14043236

still too young desu
25-30 is when you fully become a human being

>> No.14043237

The majority of /lit/ is just retarded. It has nothing to do with whether or not they are in school, they are retarded because of the way they act.
The secret to avoiding these people is to go into the on-topic threads they find boring instead of going into the off-topic political posts and "why am I a virgin and why are women such worthless whores!!!" threads.
You are probably just as bad as them if you find yourself in the same threads as them.

>> No.14043241

actually the more I think about this the more I'm convinced that this would drastically improve the state of this board. It would keep all the sneering, self-important, delusional, and--most critically--bored people away from people trying to get recs and help on different subjects

>> No.14043245

Nobody outside of school/college should have so little going on in their life that they have to spend their time here. It's baffling to me that people over ~25 max actually come here.

>> No.14043248

personally I would just range ban every retard that posts on /v/, /tg/, or /co/ from /lit/

>> No.14043253

Of course you have to be an autodidact to learn anything about /lit/erature, but I have to go to school to become a STEMfag.

>> No.14043256

How old are you and what level of education have you achieved?

>> No.14043258

I would argue that just because someone has lived longer doesn't mean the have lived more.

>> No.14043268

You meant /tv/, right anon? The /tg/ anons respectfully have their fantasy general threads and don't cause any trouble.

>> No.14043270

Yeah, but you're a retarded chilsd, you don't actually know anything. Once you turn 30 you'll think of you current you the way your current you thinks of 15 year old you.

>> No.14043271

>doesn't know children are the best philosophical teachers

>> No.14043273

>join your local government
blue pilled as fuck

>> No.14043279

I'd rather spend a week with a dozen sneedposters than an hour with a single /tg/enerate. They're the low key worst scum of this site.

>> No.14043287

If you were at all capable of subtext, you'd realize I only brought up local government because you'll never see humanity more on display than at a council meeting.

>> No.14043292

Not the guy you are responding to. But im 19 and I could definitely tell you more about suffering than you probably could. I have lived pretty well so far, and i have accomplished a good amount.

>> No.14043334

I remember seeing a thread on here about the university I go to. Apparently dozens of people from my university browse here. My university is filled with yuppies who wear man-buns and hipster glasses, and I know the people browsing this board have that stupid shit on their face. These people are devoid of any meaningful conversation. These are the people who barrage you with ad hominems and strawmans and so on.

>> No.14043354


>> No.14043364

Check this thread. You can smell the manbuns on these faggots.

>> No.14043368


>> No.14043378

>these are the people you discuss with here

>> No.14043389

Last paragraph of No Longer Human.

>> No.14043443

Im literally sick with a extremely rare illness

>> No.14043472


>> No.14043484

Same with 45 year old and 30 year old.

>> No.14043490

I have Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever

>> No.14043553

No one cares retard

>> No.14043821

So what?

When we talk of suffering, we talk of the soul. No one cares about your pathetically weak genes. You'd have died in childbirth 100 years ago and good riddance.

>> No.14043853

It doesnt take age to like stories. People can tell if it's good ot bad by hearing it. May be wrong on what I think I'm arguing for, but it sounds to me like you used hyperbole and stereotypes to further your point. And yes, you kinda are baiting, and yes, I took it, but my question is WHY are you saying this? What is your end goal here?

>> No.14043902

>It doesnt take age to like stories.
It does to make your thoughts on them worth hearing.

Fuck off and don't come back until you're old enough to see your first child go through puberty.

>> No.14043907

>WHY are you saying this? What is your end goal here?


>> No.14043909

I notice you ignored my question

>> No.14043913

If everyone leaves who do you have left to troll?

>> No.14043920

This is why you have to fuck off.

No one in this thread is baiting or trolling. We're serious when we say kids aren't welcome here. You can go to literally any other website on the internet but you're not allowed here. Go away.

>> No.14043935

I admit I lost my cool a bit there, but I haven't done anything other than ask why I am not welcome. I genuinely enjoy this board and that's the reason why I'm staying. Give me a good, valid, nonpersonal reason to leave and I will permanently.

>> No.14043938
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Thinking 4chan is anything more than entertainment

>> No.14043950

>but I haven't done anything
That's why you're not allowed here. Fuck off and don't come back until you're at least 25 and can say something about your life that isn't "I went to school and then big boy school and my gf cheated on me haha".

>> No.14043957

And I need adult decisions to comprehend literature why?

>> No.14043958

So you were in the straw poll yesterday too.

Einstein wrote a paoer on special relativity, mozart composed most of his work and countless authors published their seminal works before the age of 25. It's not your age it's your brain that's important.

>> No.14043974

"I feel like tears"

>> No.14043978

Because literature is written by adults, for adults. You have no appreciation for it because you have no idea what the author is trying to express. You THINK you do, but you DON'T. You simply haven't been alive long enough.

Exceptions don't disprove the rule moron. There's no mozarts on /lit/.

>> No.14043983


>> No.14043996

do you know what Im referencing friend?

>> No.14043999

I think this only proves that you were slow to make these realizations. People mature at different rates. I've met people in their 30s less emotionally intelligent and wise to the world then some 20 somethings.

>> No.14044007

Which literature are you referencing written specifically for adults that no child has understood?

>> No.14044018

>Dude I'm like 19 but I feel 30!
Fuck off moron. You are not mature, you're a fucking child. I don't care how fast you feel you've matured, you're a child. Fuck off.

>> No.14044025

The Count of Monte Cristo

>> No.14044041

You're really proving your maturity. Wisdom increases with age, but the baseline is determined by your parents and childhood. Assigning an arbitrary age to maturity like a car rental service seems fairly short sighted.

>> No.14044048

>You're really proving your maturity
I have nothing to prove to a child. Fuck off.

>> No.14044051

If I'm being honest, middle aged people are the most stuck in their ways and unable to change. Those 20 somethings are more likely to eventually smarten up compared to those who views won't change.

>> No.14044055

>the only way to make it into academia is being self-taugh
Or you were put in private schools since an early age...

>> No.14044068

What's so adulty that I can't understand an allegory to society and mankind?

>> No.14044075

The older you get the more you ruminate on your stale beliefs. At least young people are still malleable.

You don't want to prove your maturity yet you made a thread bitching about immaturity.

>> No.14044089


>> No.14044097

You come across like the people you're complaining about.

>> No.14044098

>What's so adulty
Get out

>> No.14044129


>> No.14044134

I was going to argue more, but a thought has just occurred to me. Are you telling me to leave the thread, the board, or the website? Please don't give me the usual line of "you're not welcome here so stop talking to me!" Think about it. This thread was made to be replied to. So what's happening? Conflicting viewpoints and an argument. Do you want me to leave, or do you want to be right?

>> No.14044140

That's a productive way to argue. Just temper tantrum and caps lock.

>> No.14044148

My illness is not a result of weak genes but one thats environmental. Im actually genetically superior to you due to the fact I have Aspergers and a great long term memory.

>> No.14044164

I'm not asking you, I'm telling you. Fuck off this website.

>> No.14044167

This thread was made to tell children to fuck off. So fuck off.

>> No.14044172

When I leave 10 shall take my place. You'll never get rid of all of us.

>> No.14044175

>Im actually genetically superior to you due to the fact I have Aspergers

Fuck off you genetic abomination

>> No.14044176

based school of hard knocks anon

>> No.14044180

You know, that's a valid argument. Thanks for being the first.

>> No.14044233

>I am right because I am older than you
it's more like "you are wrong because you are younger", which is correct

>> No.14044243

Yes OP, /lit/ is one of the youngest and newest boards in terms of users excepting /v/ and /mu/. It's why hidden underneath the verbosity a lot of the posters are fucking morons.

>> No.14044263
File: 55 KB, 434x327, 1536393438909.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

b-b-b-but that's considered an adult!!

>> No.14044273

You go to school to get IRL forums of specifically curated individuals if your college is not exclusively lecture-based (and is a small liberal arts college still retaining some integrity). It's like having a book club.

>> No.14044322

Nick Land here. Not a student and I mentor many of the posters on lit.

They are right. You are wrong.

>> No.14044325

"Nobody will take you seriously until you're 35."
---Aaron Clarey

>> No.14044334

you have to find something to talk about that is so out of their league they can't even try to butt in without exposing how ignorant they are

>> No.14044343

if not here, where else will they have online conversations
facebook, reddit?

>> No.14044348

no one should ever post

>> No.14044352

sure, but there's an age threshold for more fully comprehending one's experiences that early 20 somethings have yet to cross

>> No.14044353

Based and boomerpilled

>> No.14044360

wait a second...

>> No.14044361

In my experience /tg/ has to be one of the older boards and it definitely shows with the quality of discourse.

>> No.14044365

/lit/ has an odd mix of young and old posters

>> No.14044367

>25 years old and still getting mad at 4chan demographics
Shouldn't you have left the intellectual posturing aside and moved on to real conversations? Hell just use a different hobby board. You could build model kits like all the other old men.

>> No.14044370

source? don't say "me". I'm not trying to be rude. just in the pursuit of knowledge.

>> No.14044377

To be fair you'd only realize that if you read "try to get ahead at work" and actually have experience having to deal with retards with no possibility of ever rising above them because of the fucked system they established preventing honest promotion.

>> No.14044383
File: 40 KB, 1349x669, www.strawpoll.me_2019-10-23_15-24-02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14044390

heard of "brain development"?

>> No.14044404

>implying people post in those threads after one time 4 years ago

>> No.14044407

67 here. About to read my first book.

Where should I start?

>> No.14044414

Ok thanks.

>> No.14044418

Here's the thing: you don't have to reply to a post with a strawpoll in order to answer it. It takes 10 seconds, and it's a survey. If you see it on the front page, you're gonna do it, there's no reason not to.

>> No.14044425

No I'm not. Not clicking some shitty pseudo general from the catalog that appears every week.

>> No.14044440
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Zoomers cannot be hipsters.
They fundamentally lack the core characteristic that defines them: an obsession with good taste.

>> No.14044446

Go look at /mlp/. You might dislike their content but you have to admit that /tg/ and /mlp/ have higher effort posts and higher standards of quality than any even the """"intellectual"""" boards of /lit/ and /sci/.
The discussion on """"intellectual"""" 4chan boards is ironically filled with people who are too stupid to state their real opinion and defend it, so all we ever see is "cringe/based/redpilled."
The reason for this is that the pol/r9k zoomers and reddit boomers stay off of /tg/ and /mlp/. Tg/mlp is filled entirely with neckbearded oldfags.

>> No.14044447

Read: I said front page, not catalog*ue*.

>> No.14044468

>/pol/ and /r9k/ stay off /mlp/ and /tg/
this is the most retarded post in this entire thread which contains actual 17 year olds whining about not being respected

>> No.14044474

Is this supposed to be good taste?

>> No.14044481

Lol show me a single alt-right bait post or a single incel "WHY ARE WOMEN WHORES WHO DON'T LIKE ME!?" blogpost on either of those boards. /lit/ and /sci/ are constantly plagued daily with these garbage off-topic political posts and incel blogposts while /tg/ and /mlp/ aren't. Explain that.

>> No.14044483

I knew a zoomer in my last year of university---kind of an SJW-lite but otherwise took the hobby seriously enough, running his own pathfinder games every weekend---who mentioned his main board was /tg/. I wouldn't say entirely neckbeard boomers, there's probably a very teeny minority of zoomies who someone got into tabletop posting and lurking there; but they could very well just be in D&D5e threads.

>> No.14044484

>being a fucking contrarian over the catalog
lmao what did you read that it wasn't an original site feature? kill yourself faggot

>> No.14044491

It's a refined taste you wouldn't understand. By all means, stick to Thrasher and Uniqlo.

>> No.14044498
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you first, zoomer

>> No.14044505

Old /r9k/ never identified as "incel", that's Leddit shit.

>> No.14044508

>It's a refined taste you wouldn't understand
If you dress like that you look like a woman

>> No.14044516

>starts posting wojaks
This is embarrassing, no doubt in my mind that you suck more dick than a whore

>> No.14044518

That still doesn't answer the question. There are no incel blogposts or political shitflinging on /tg/ or /mlp/.

>> No.14044525

>being so new you don't even know about /mlpol/

>> No.14044535
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>> No.14044538

>April fool's day joke = board culture

>> No.14044540

It's literally a skeleton holding up an overdrycleaned melange into laundry crumpled on the floor.

>> No.14044541

I don't care about fashion at all, you dress like a queer.

>> No.14044546

>I don't care about fashion at all
I can tell.

>> No.14044547

>frantically googling
top lel

>> No.14044548

>the reddit zoomer tranny who greentexts in real life
Basedly ironicringe-pilled.

>> No.14044550

You realise all men think you're gay and all women think you're a woman and it's like kissing one of their girlfriends if they kiss you right?

>> No.14044557

You're a retard, bro.

>> No.14044565
File: 73 KB, 854x480, Jelle Haen 12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice attempt at falseflagging, zoomie

>> No.14044569

>that one guy who screams about "pol" and "r9k" in every single thread lying about not being a newfag
what's his endgame?

>> No.14044580

>Give me a good, valid, nonpersonal reason to leave and I will permanently.
Your lot doesn't know how to discourse. Every post your generation makes is a request for spoonfeeding or devolves into normalfaggot matters.

>> No.14044591
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>> No.14044598

>20 somethings
22 =/= 26

>> No.14044602

You do realize it's Millennials that made up 'adulting' don't you?

>> No.14044619

You missed the point.

>> No.14044623

wasn't that guy you were arguing with, just thought you were a faggot

>> No.14044624

I don't care, anyone who uses that phrase should be gassed

>> No.14044644

The fact that you're using the xkcd "[citation needed]" meme says a lot. If you were academically published, you'd understand just how spurious it is to ask for a source. At the same time, this isn't something I can convince you of, because you wouldn't believe me, because you haven't experienced enough of the world.

>> No.14044652


>> No.14044653

Irrelevant deflection
Irrelevant deflection
Ad hominem
Ad hominem

You still have no real argument against what I originally said. Here are the (You)s that you have been so desperate for. It's clear you don't have any actual argument.
>inb4 "reddit spacing"

>> No.14044679

>Ad hominem
If you're going to whine like a bitch then just leave.

I'm so sick of whiny little faggots crying "a-a-a-ad hominem!!!" and "s-s--s-strawman!!!!" as if you just played Exodia. Either respond to what he said or ignore it, don't whinge about pedantic faggot shit.

>> No.14044682

can you show us the script your tranny bros gave you before you go back to making "where do I start with deleuze *wink*" threads?

>> No.14044720

Well if you need evidence just look below your post

>> No.14044734

>Either respond to what he said or ignore it
I did respond to it, retard. Can't you read? How else can someone respond to namecalling without redirecting the mouthbreathing shitflinger to the main argument that has been made?

>> No.14044755

>wahhhhh I'm too mature for name calling wahh
Grow a pair

>> No.14044765

>what do you mean I can't just call everyone an incel and bitch about being on 4chan without being called a stupid faggot
have sentience

>> No.14044837

this but the exact opposite

>> No.14044876

the exact opposite of "a child has nothing worth hearing"

is "an adult is worth hearing"

>> No.14044893

Or perhaps "many adults lack anything not worth blocking out." But that's pretty hard to make sense of.

>> No.14044900
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no it would be "a child is worth hearing"

The opposite of a child is not an adult.

>> No.14044907

I called him a mouthbreathing shitflinger in the post you responded to. Are you actually illiterate or are you only pretending to be stupid in order to get attention? The difference between myself and you guys is that I don't pretend like namecalling, ad hominem and strawmanning is equal to an actual addressal or the main argument. This is my final post, I will no longer quench your thirst for attention. I doubt that people can legitimately be this stupid and I have to assume that you are lonely and desperate.

>> No.14044938
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>> No.14044945

have sentience

>> No.14045014

You like that line don't you? You keep repeating it almost like a bot.

>> No.14045017

>le NPC meme
back to pole nazi

>> No.14045039

>being over 25
ummm excuse me grandpa the human deconstruction plant is waiting for you

>> No.14045073


>b-b-but you're younger than me!
not an argument

>> No.14045074

You're the one spamming the word sentience.

>> No.14045079

I like how this is the most immature thread currently on /lit/.

>> No.14045080

wait until you get a job and wonder why no one respects you lol

>> No.14045090

shut up nazi incel

>> No.14045101

digital representation of a person's coping mechanic

>> No.14045113

It kind of reminds me of Trump a little. If you don't have the capacity for a discussion you just shut people down.

>> No.14045114

people don't respect me because i know more than them and it breaks their world view of them being completely right. people don't respect me even more because i begin to stop talking to them altogether due to their inability to rationalize. one such example of this type of behavior is in this thread.

>> No.14045128

ok kiddo

>> No.14045136

It's a combination of narcissism and cognitive dissonance. Most of them are sensing and judging types if you believe in mbti.

>> No.14045156
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OP: This board sucks! All you little kids are ruining it!

>> No.14045165

Nothing is more important than the opinion of a child.

>> No.14045171

was just about to say this

>> No.14045246
File: 80 KB, 1024x576, 1531054200790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm so sick of whiny little faggots crying "a-a-a-ad hominem!!!" and "s-s--s-strawman!!!!" as if you just played Exodia.

>> No.14045491


>> No.14045514

Only dummies take surveys.
College is for dummies confirmed.

>> No.14046436

I didn't. Cope.

>> No.14046442

>waaaah why aren'y you engaging my point
because I don't care, I was correcting an inaccuracy, stop bitching

>> No.14046893

Why does the child not have anything they should hear? Does he not like his presents?

>> No.14046961

He clearly meant a child has nothing TO SAY worth hearing. Fucking passive aggressive pedant bitch.

>> No.14047002
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>being over 25 and still on 4chan
>being this transparently envious of youth

>> No.14047061

Why are you even here?

Go away. This is a place for people who got kicked out of everywhere else. You clearly don't appreciate that and just see "le funny ironic incel memes XD". Just fuck off.

>> No.14047081
File: 1.10 MB, 1920x1280, 4chan new york city fa meetup 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

enlighten us, o fashion king
where in this photo are you?

>> No.14047086

You're absolutely correct. Not even going to read the thread, I already know what all the replies are going to be:

>> No.14047094

i didn't vote and this is a thread

>> No.14047113

>If you're under 25 then you don't know anything
>If you're under 35 then you don't know anything
>If you're under 45 then you don't know anything
>If you're under 55 then you don't know anything
>If you're under 65 then you don't know anything
>If you're under 75 then you don't know anything
>If you're under 85 then you don't know anything
>If you're under 95 then you don't know anything
>If you're under 105 then you don't know anything
>If you're under 115 then you don't... Oops

>> No.14047367

Yes I would if the child presented logically correct arguments about it.
Granted most of the time you would be correct, a child lack of experience and developing brain makes it usually impossible for it to come up with logical arguments.
But that is still just based around on assumption and true logic is averse to that. The external factors of a arguments shouldn't be relevant if logic checks out, otherwise you fall on similar grounds as "No true Scotsman"

>> No.14047378

>/lit/ard doesn't understand pools work
>He just assumes that's a reliable account of /lit/ regulars
>He just assumes that age
Maybe you should give some analytics book a chance, anon.

>> No.14047380

How can this be /fa/ when none of them are /fa/

>> No.14047446

Unironically true

>> No.14047473

you forgot the thread where everyone posted their age+book+location
a LOT of 19-22 zoomers reading typical /lit/ "recommandations"

>> No.14047512

We used to have

>> No.14047523

Tbh, being 25 is necessary but insufficient by itself. You also need to have read Plato and Aristotle at the bare minimum.

>> No.14047533

said the boomer who needs help with technology every 5 minutes

>> No.14047547
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>still worshiping the Greeks
>trying to make an authoritative statement

>> No.14047788

>In his country, private schools don’t consintently get beaten by public school in all test scores.
Why do you even try?

>> No.14048509

Why, I'm here to torment you of course!

>> No.14049145
