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File: 106 KB, 1024x298, pipe strip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14042157 No.14042157 [Reply] [Original]

ITT we discuss the philosophical and religious implications of the pipe strip

>> No.14042172

That dog is smoking. One way ticket to h e c k

>> No.14042243

Jon is only able to know that his pipe is missing if you is able to correctly identify “what it is” rather than “where it is”. He must be able to distinguish between the identity of the object with which he knows.

>> No.14042247


>> No.14042265

Ceci n'est pas une pipe

>> No.14042268


>> No.14042335
File: 114 KB, 1187x343, tumblr_owyhtwOtd01qz8z2ro1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The pipe strip is suggestive of the religious struggles against nihilism and atheism implicit throughout Garfield and accentuated in Garfield minus Garfield. In the pipe strip, Jon Arbuckle has misplaced his pipe; he is unsure where he may have put it; he immediately and instinctually attributes its missingness to some external agent, Garfield. But Garfield is merely a cat, and cannot smoke a pipe, and is unlikely to steal it. Aside from anthropomorphizing and conversing with his cat, which is merely a dumb animal akin to the vicissitudinous indifference of Nature, it is also sometimes unclear if the cat even exists at all. What if there is nothing? It is not simply a case of "This is not a pipe" but also "This is not a cat" and Jon Arbuckle is never able to directly confront this doubt however much it may simmer beneath the surface. Jon is a man who has lost his faith, but is unwilling to believe that he is without belief. The abyss yawns before him.

>> No.14042652

Is the pipe alive?

>> No.14042671

He thought that it was missing but then found that it had been taken: The solution to the problem merely posed another problem.

>> No.14042930

The pipe symbolizes the industrial revolution
Arbuckle does not symbolize France but Scotland. Garfield is Britain taking the advances made by Scotland and right out from underneath them.

>> No.14042944

The cat
He stole Jon's pipe
The cat is smoking

>> No.14042969

I'd like to have consensual sexual intercourse with you in the missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation, but i do not want to get your tranny pozz.

>> No.14042988


>> No.14042994 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 30 KB, 686x133, 1571847728877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14042999

Garfield... easy on the pipes

>> No.14043102

this must be how atheists/agnostics feel about the bible

>> No.14043127

Parce que le chat a ta pipe

>> No.14043574


>> No.14043598

"The Lord spoke to Moses, saying, “If anyone sins and commits a breach of faith against the Lord by deceiving his neighbor in a matter of deposit or security, or through robbery, or if he has oppressed his neighbor or has found something lost and lied about it, swearing falsely—in any of all the things that people do and sin thereby— if he has sinned and has realized his guilt and will restore what he took by robbery or what he got by oppression or the deposit that was committed to him or the lost thing that he found or anything about which he has sworn falsely, he shall restore it in full and shall add a fifth to it, and give it to him to whom it belongs on the day he realizes his guilt."

John is owed 1.2 pipes by Garfield.

>> No.14043931
File: 92 KB, 641x589, 1564426731019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14043952

Garfield is the sentient manifestation of ignorance. Duh.

>> No.14044398
File: 36 KB, 476x477, 1571788596011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should Garfield kill himself or smoke a pipe?

>> No.14044436

There is no pipe

>> No.14044439

Its not funny. Neither the strop nor the video about how transcendent the strip is

>> No.14044453


>> No.14044475

What's up with the garfield memes? I've seen people trying to give jim davis the ben garrison treatment, fuck even justin roiland did this.

>> No.14044487

unbelieavbly based and incredibly redpilled

>> No.14044572

Garfield wants to die.

>> No.14044584

Garfield is like some kind of deity now.

>> No.14044587
File: 268 KB, 906x1109, AAAAAAAAHHHHHH GARFIELD I'M GOING INSANE LOOKING AT YOU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Garfield is an eldritch abomination that takes the form of a lazy cat and its insatiable hunger must be appeased with a regular supply of lasagna, lest he devours the universe whole

>> No.14045254

I see that you have yet to see the light. Here let me show you why we believe the pipe strip is the most intellectually sophisticated piece of art ever written.


I hope you can someday join us in this intellectual quest for understanding the pipe strip

>> No.14045327
File: 145 KB, 1200x346, 1978-07-28.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What conjectures can you make out this stip?

Would this make an inference about the state of humanity, where Garfield represents evil and the pipe being human innocence before the downfall at the garden of evil? Would it mean that the original sin perpetrated by Adam and Eve, in this case represented by the pipe being stolen from John, and then being taken back by John, realizing that it had being spoiled, therefore no longer keeping the original purity, represent the reluctance of God of saving mankind? Is the pipe strip an analogy of how God has forsaken us?

>> No.14045382

>Parce que le chat a ta pipe
*Parce que le chat a la pipe
corrigé pour vous

>> No.14046356

Basado y redpillado

>> No.14046403

the pipe is a material and technological symbol of the human (more specifically, the white anglo male) will-to-annihilation. the smoking of this pipe (i.e. the act of self-annihilation) seems to habitually accompany the reading of a newspaper (an act wherein the reader is informed of the various mechanisms by which the process of annihilation takes place, and simultaneously a key stratum of the process itself [the newspaper is itself a politically slanted lens]). The ritual has been disrupted by the actions of a 'lower' creature (more connected to nature - dionysian, chaotic), yet it is quickly revealed that this domesticated creature is only engaging in a mimetic reproduction of the annihilation ritual it has disrupted. truly poetic stuff.

>> No.14046453

No, "the cat has your pipe." The. Cat. Has. Your. Pipe.

>> No.14046463

which makes no sense anyway as a response to "Ceci n'est pas une pipe" (This is not a pipe)

>> No.14046486

Many of you say, "Oh, but I am not blind, I have never been blind." But when you truly see you will understand how truly blind you once were to even think it right to say you were not blind. What does a blind man see? Blackness. Darkness. Blankness. Black darkness. Dark blankness. The absence of things. Quite literally, no thing. No things. Nothing. Nothings. So you see, nothing. And I bring you into the light, a cat has your pipe! You've been blind, do you understand this? The cat has your pipe. You can't fully immerse yourself, you don't have the light, you don't have the radiance, the radical light, the radically radiant light of truth, and truth's belonging love and nature of light, and loving truthful radiance. So don't be bold and make bold statements, I know of you. The cat has your pipe. The. Cat. Has. Your. Pipe.
Remember that.

>> No.14046492

nice to see that your style hasn't evolved at all in over a year leopold

>> No.14046513

I can't sleep until I'm done and I can't finish until I sleep or finish myself but if I do I must sleep

The pipe falls, falling from the crack in my head into the crack between my bed and my zone of influence

I slept for twenty years but I acted strong at least and I feel nothing any more so just keep walking away I'll watch you for every second and never feel alone and I've been sleeping for at least the last two years my princess my fucker my lover my friend I know you never loved me lay your scars out in rows lay your scars out in rows

>> No.14046571

tryhard shit

>> No.14046658
File: 20 KB, 664x462, This_Is_Not_A_Pipe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't let the pipe deceive you guys!

>> No.14046798


>> No.14048181

it was fun at first but now it's been ruined by reddit

>> No.14048501

holy shit

>> No.14048644

1 fucking hour

>> No.14048722

I enjoyed this

>> No.14048750

only oldfags will get this

>> No.14048891

That writing, well...it's kind of rough. Kind of an early 80's feel, and I see that, but I'm still, I'm still proud of it. Sometimes I imagine that is the editorial column in the newspaper Jon Arbuckle is reading. It's an exercise in recursion, it's like a vortex opens up. It's like you hold two mirrors up to each other, one is reality, and the other is a cartoon strip.

>> No.14049583

This strip is actually funny

>> No.14050807

When I was 18, 18 years old, I saw for the first time in my life, I saw a vision of clarity. I saw a comic strip, a three panel comic strip that, though simple as it seemed, changed me, changed my being, changed who I am, made me who I am, enlightened me. The strip, Garfield, the comic strip was new, no more then maybe a month and a half since inception, since... since coming into existence, and there it was before me in print, I saw it, a comic strip. What was it called? Garfield. The story here is of a man, a plain man. He is Jon, but he is more than that. I will get to this later, but first, let us just say he is Jon, a plain man, and then there is a cat, Garfield. This is the nature of the world here. When I see the world, the...the politics, the future, the... satellites in space, and the people who put them there, you could look at everything as a man and a cat. Two beings, in harmony, and at war. So this strip I saw about this man, Jon, and the cat, Garfield, you see.... yes, hmm, it is about everything, this little comic is, oh... lo and behold not so little anymore. So yes, when I was 18, I saw this comic and it hit me all at once, its power, I clipped it and every day I looked at it and I said, okay, let me look at this here, what is this doing to me? Why is this so powerful? Jon Arbuckle, he sits here, legs crossed, comfortable in his home and he reads his newspaper. The news of the world perhaps. Then he extends his fingers, lightly, delicately, he taps his fingers on an end table and he feels for something. What is it? It is something he needs, but it is not there. Then he looks up, slightly cockeyed and he thinks... his newspaper in his lap now, and he thinks this: "Now where could my pipe be?" This... I always come to this, because I was a young man, I'm older now, and I still don't have the secrets, the answers, so this question still rings true, Jon looks up and he thinks: "Now where could my pipe be?", and then it happens, you see it, you see... it's almost like divine intervention, suddenly, it is there, and it overpowers you, a cat is smoking a pipe. It is the mans pipe, it's Jon's pipe, but the cat, this cat, Garfield, is smoking the pipe, and from afar, and from someplace near, but not clear... near but not clear, the man calls out, Jon calls out, he is shocked. "Garfield!" he shouts. Garfield, the cats name. But let's take a step back. Let us examine this from all sides, all perspectives, and when I first came across this comic strip, I was at my fathers house. The newspaper had arrived, and I picked it up for him, and brought it inside. I organized his sections for him and then, yes, the comic strip section fell out from somewhere in the middle, landed on the kitchen floor. I picked up the picture pages and saw up somewhere near the top of this strip, just like Jon, I too was wearing an aquamarine shirt, so I thought, "Hah! Interesting, I'll have to see this later." I snipped out the little comic and held onto it, and 5 da

>> No.14051632

Garfield isn’t preserving the aryan race yet though

>> No.14051747


>> No.14051792

fuck i forgot what this references

>> No.14051959


>> No.14053038

Why hasn't physics discovered a gar field with its carrier particles of lasagnons yet?

>> No.14053078
File: 173 KB, 2688x2688, 1504349232346.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14053092

I enjoyed reading this. Good job, anon.

>> No.14053105

the Tigers are out of the cage

>> No.14053141

I read it as a metaphor for the Nerevarine's arrival in Vvardenfell. In the third panel, Jon is seen to achieve CHIM.

>> No.14053235

a very impressive video to be quite honest

>> No.14054184

mais le chat va recevoir cette pipe honhonhon