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14041162 No.14041162 [Reply] [Original]

Is E Michael Jones the most influential thinker and cultural commentator of the 21st century?

>> No.14041169

If you have to ask...

>> No.14041174

I literally just found out about him because of the cumtown subreddit what should I read by him

>> No.14041191

I read degenerate moderns which has the flimsiest of arguments and the diction of a gonzo journalist. The guy seems like a hack but I know he writes more thorough stuff

>> No.14041203

His smallers books on the history of modern architecture and the one on the horror genre are both very good. His main works like libido dominandi and the Jewish revolutionary spirit are fucking TOMES though, I dont have the will to get through them. You can get all of his main arguments and hobby horses from his videos if you can still find them, jewtube shut him down a couple months ago.

>> No.14041216


>> No.14041228

>anti logos

>> No.14041237

He is a Catholic boomer, that does not understand the history of the church. That said his visa on the Jews are on point and he is worth listing to about cooming and degeneracy.

>> No.14041476

absolute beast
needs to be more influential

>> No.14041562

EMJ is God tier

>> No.14041813

he's a retard

>> No.14041821
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>> No.14041825

Foucault wrote a better book about sexuality and power than him

>> No.14042449

How many realize he got his argument from Marcuse?

>> No.14043757

? whats this?

>> No.14043792
File: 93 KB, 1078x775, cringe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All I've read from him is ad hominems against major 20th century figures who were much smarter than him. He doesn't refute anything (besides the contestable sources he cites) and just claims they were a little to licentious in their private lives as if every institution historically (and that includes the church) wasn't filled with more lewd activity at all points in time.

>> No.14044258

No he's just a boomer with high meme potential