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File: 67 KB, 620x387, hitler_2443631b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14040472 No.14040472 [Reply] [Original]

Has there ever been a human being who predicted the future SO accurately? virtually every single thing he wrote and said would happen if he lost happened, in fact i think "literally" would be better here, literally everything he said would happen if he lost happened

>> No.14040476

what did he even predict?

>> No.14040481

The jews, or something

>> No.14040523

that jews would come into positions of power in every major industry, and with that, virtually all traditional morals and values would be destroyed and human beings would be reduced to mixed race dispensable cattle who are farmed for profit, and not only would they be worked to death but with the destruction of values they would consume themselves to death and be reduced to nothing more than a chicken in a factory farm that's too diseased and fat to stand, and as birth rates lowered due to people being fucked in the head and unhealthy, they would simply be replaced with mass immigrants, because without nationalism and morals, who cares? they're just goyim, who cares if one culture gets destroyed and replaced with another, as long as they learn to consume and the cycle repeats infinitely

>> No.14040579
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>> No.14040652

Sounds eerily similar to what exists now. But no... no no, let me just continue to blame capitalism.

>> No.14040658
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>> No.14040672

Marx and it’s not even close lol.

>> No.14040680

wtf I love mass immigration now

>> No.14040701

It amazes me that some people still believe this fantastical construction of the joos. The nazis believed in a ton of science fiction, including Atlantis. Hitler himself even spoke of the value of lying.

>> No.14040708

You're actually right. Marxism is a failure because all political ideologies are doomed to be disasters (and leftism attracts the gayest of fags, just the absolute worst people, they really are bugs) but Marx accurately predicted the malaise that liberalized economics would inflict on society as a whole. Hitler didn't predict shit and national socialism is a panacea for losers who have achieved so little they can only be proud of their pasty skin

>> No.14040719

Plato and Solon talked about Atlantis, nothing science fiction about it. The JQ is a real issue and has been forever as well.

>> No.14040721

I have a question for Nazis. If you snapped your fingers and all Jews disappeared from the Earth, do you think banking institutions would collapse or would those positions immediately be filled by eager white men? And once they are filled, would the white men forsake profit for the benefit of strangers that just so happen to share their skin color?

>> No.14040735

can you name a single major influential industry that isn't virtually completely controlled by jews and jewish nepotism?

>> No.14040743

>Marxism is a failure because all political ideologies are doomed to be disasters
Marxism is not a political ideology, it is a science. This is akin to saying physics is a political ideology because it’s used to make weapons to dominate others.
>leftism attracts the gayest of fags
Naturally, as the right wing has historically murdered homosexuals. Should they become self hating gays like Richard Spencer?
>they really are bugs
Most people lean left anon.
>Marx accurately predicted the malaise that liberalized economics would inflict on society as a whole.
What do you mean by liberalized?
>Hitler didn't predict shit and national socialism is a panacea for losers who have achieved so little they can only be proud of their pasty skin

>> No.14040747

NEWS FLASH! Hitler was taking on the masonry to supplant it with the SS. The Jews were simply the sacrificial lamb for our alien overlords or simply the SS itself.

>> No.14040761

I have a question for Nazis
The few that are still alive are highly unlikely to be lurking here, sorry.

>> No.14040767

The last 3 Nazi terror attacks were inspired by imageboards.

>> No.14040768

That's not a question

>> No.14040773

I mean liberalized as in laissez-faire economics, which has grown into a deeply ingrained sociological obsession with profit . I also disagree strongly with most people leaning left as more and more populist right wingers are elected around the world. And while yes, right wingers have historically and still continue to demonize homosexuals, I don't mean fags as in regular every day dudes who like to suck dick and go on with their day, I really don't harbor any ill will toward them; I mean fags that treat leftism as a lifestyle and believe that leftism should cater to whatever bullshit niche identity category they've slotted themselves into

>> No.14040774

Former members of the National Socialists Party are all either dead or way too old to be posting here. What reality are you living in, buddy?

>> No.14040778

I think the primary drivers of the anti-white narrative would be gone, and that would be great. I do agree though, that pathological liberalism, corruption, social atomization, etc., would still persist. These are (perhaps inevitable) problems stemming from human nature and modernity, not the jews. The jews are, however, opportunistic parasites who exacerbate the disease.

>> No.14040787

Jews are smart. Smart people run things.

>> No.14040789

Jews are based. I wish I was one. Germans are cringe these days and merely bugmen.

>> No.14040793

>would still persist
Many things would take time to phase out but the root of the problem would be gone. Having hostile foreigners in charge of those institutions is the primary source.

>> No.14040801

I believe this is the "bargaining" stage, after denial and anger

>> No.14040814

idk about the jews but dont talk shit about Atlantis

>> No.14040815
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Can you honestly disagree with anything he says here?

>> No.14040822

I respectfully disagree. They certainly make things much worse and accelerate the pace, but they are not the root, they are like an opportunistic infection. I think you underestimate the inevitability of liberalism in a wealthy society. It's the 'strong men create good times, good times create weak men' deal.

>> No.14040830

Fuck this earth. WWII was god's shit test, and humanity failed it. It's time to end this bad joke we perpetuate every day after the war's end. We are never going to undo all the damage the jews have wrought upon our one and only planet.

>> No.14040831

holy based...

>> No.14040839

I urge you to end it yourself

>> No.14040842

Nope, he's right on.

>> No.14040850

>I mean liberalized as in laissez-faire economics
There is nothing laissez-faire about it. Capitalists wield the power of the state to crush other Capitalists. There is no better example of this than the ongoing trade war.
>which has grown into a deeply ingrained sociological obsession with profit .
The motivations and obsessions of Capitalists are irrelevant, this has been the case for all of history.
>I also disagree strongly with most people leaning left as more and more populist right wingers are elected around the world.
Capital in crisis naturally turns to fascism. This does not mean the majority supports it.
>And while yes, right wingers have historically and still continue to demonize homosexuals, I don't mean fags as in regular every day dudes who like to suck dick and go on with their day, I really don't harbor any ill will toward them
Right wingers do however. In a crisis, your compatriots deflect the righteous anger of the masses onto minorities through propaganda campaigns while the robber barons loot the country- such as what happened towards the end of the Soviet Union.
>I mean fags that treat leftism as a lifestyle
What do you mean by leftism? Today, people are totally alienated from their labor and slave away for pennies on the dollar only to go home and drink themselves to death. This is a lifestyle- leftists seek to free humanity from this soul crushing Capitalist machine.

>> No.14040851

Jews have high verbal IQs. I am half-Jewish, and do not believe that nonsense for one second about Jews being smart. Observing my Jewish relatives, Jews are successful because of their strong group relations and pride. It has little to do with IQ. Jewish Nepotism is overplayed because my dad's company has an anti-nepotism policy :(, but I also wouldn't fit in with the Jewish elites (as I am not Jewish and they would regard me as anti-semitic, insofar as I'm anti-establishment), so I plan on becoming a lowly mortician.

>> No.14040855

>muh race
what was this creep's problem?

>> No.14040860

Who cares about race and culture and shit? Race and god both dont exist so mass immigrate as any scary brown people as you can because the economy is the only thing that matters and mass immigration is good for the economy. Get fucking punched if you have a problem with that, retarded nazis.

>> No.14040862

>If, by governmental power, a people is led to its own destruction
Oh the irony

>> No.14040864

Ideology is nothing more than a tool, it's about who is in charge of political and cultural institutions. If jews were removed and racially conscious white men who wished to change the ideological course of the west were in charge of them, as we used to be, the transition away from these jewish policies that do nothing but harm us and our societies would be relatively effortless.

>> No.14040865

The kind of Jews that are smart is the Ashkenazi kind, though. Higher IQ than blonde blue-eyed whiteys.

>> No.14040867

t. Capitalist enterprise

>> No.14040872

I guess he should've said neonazi so you wouldn't jump on semantics like the subhuman you are

>> No.14040874

>Jews are successful because of their strong group relations and pride
i wonder if thats why jews tend to rally against other groups having strong group relations and pride

>> No.14040875

You can't run industries if youre not intelligent.

>> No.14040878

>Get fucking punched
do you feel tough typing this kek

>> No.14040881

>be jewish
>almost get massacred
>have resentment for groups that tried to exterminate you

>> No.14040882

The nepotism is itself an intelligent strategy , borne out of historical necessity . It's obvious that it works.

>> No.14040884

There is only Ashkenazi Jews. They have high verbal IQs, but will not dominate any mathematically technical field such as engineering or coding. They may be "overrepresented," but never the majority or even close.

>> No.14040886

There are way more high IQ whites than jews.

>> No.14040887
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>> No.14040889

No, because the German National Socialists never called themselves 'nazis.' It's not even a real word.

>> No.14040890

Every group of people has been tried to be exterminated at one point or another. The Jewish exile is due to them being fundamentally different from the native population. Read Thucydides if you really want to understand their exile as he discusses the origin of the Hellenic people in a way that would make sense the exiling of Jews.

>> No.14040892

Then why are the jews dominating whites?

>> No.14040894

>but will not dominate any mathematically technical field such as engineering or codin
that's only work for bugmen and soulless drones, though. The Jewish spirit is higher than that, and aims for art and literature.

>> No.14040896

It really doesn't work in the way you think it does. It's more so prevalent in universities and maybe News companies, but in finance Jews are really only in executive positives not regular workers etc.

>> No.14040903

No one cares what they called themselves, they lost so they have no right to complain about what we call them now.

>> No.14040906

Because whites hate themselves and have no group identity...
Most Jewish writers (Kafka, Heller, Proust, and Salinger) are anti-establishment which is considered anti-semitic by Jews because the establishment is mostly Jewish, so I reject your premise

>> No.14040910

They aren't, they're purely parasites in human form. Jews have power because whites mistakenly allowed them to enter our institutions, which jews immediately stocked with other jews. But jews can't build them on their own, which is why they have to behave in such a way to acquire power. And that's nothing to be proud of.

>> No.14040914

Why do you perceive yourself as being dominated?
Your insistence is that Jews are behind everything is symptomatic of your own lack of intelligence and intolerance to compexity. If only it were so simple. So instead of actually seeing what's really going on, you stamp a big star of David over everything in order to pacify your own overwhelmed power of comprehension.

>> No.14040916

You're wrong. Liberalism is more than just ideology, it's a force of nature. Don't fool yourself, it would be major challenge to claw back from liberal and feminist pathology (and keep those forces restrained), even with the jews gone. A worthy endeavour to be sure, but a challenge nonetheless.

>> No.14040917

>whites hate themselves
Keep telling yourself that, a few uni roasties do not represent the white race, and if you were to go ask a random white guy if he hates himself for being white what do you think his answer will be?
Stop coping

>> No.14040919
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>> No.14040922

What an ignorant statement. No wonder you live in a paranoid fantasy of being controlled.

>> No.14040923

I ended it just now by admitting we live a lie. You can too by simply understanding that humanity is at a loss right now because the nazis lost wwii. The lie, or joke, we tell ourselves is that the defeat of the nazis and stigmatization of their ideals was somehow beneficial to the human population, and by extension the world.

>> No.14040924

You are eating from the trash can of ideology. You are blinded by your fervent belief in Marxism. I shouldn't have bothered responding to you because I've only invited you to regurgitate talking points. Smell ya later alligator

>> No.14040926

I don't, though. I like Jews.

>> No.14040928

>The Jewish spirit is higher than that, and aims for art and literature.
Only the deconstruction and destruction of it. Jews lack the faculties to create high art because they're nomadic middle easterners, not individualistic whites.

>> No.14040933

Most of those whites aren't in positions of power though even if they're the demographic majority. Most major companies are liberal and thus in turn anti-white

>> No.14040935

>be jewish
>become racially succesful because your cultures complete and utter lack of morality allows you to commit usury and other scummy things in the holy roman empire, and you hold on the that power because of your strong group relations and pride
>people realize this and grow resentment for you, eventually they try to end the cycle
>exercise every ounce of power your people have accumulated over generations to prevent this and this and in the process destroy all potential resistance and enslave the world

>> No.14040936
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>Most Jewish writers (Kafka, Heller, Proust, and Salinger) are anti-establishment which is considered anti-semitic by Jews because the establishment is mostly Jewish, so I reject your premise

>> No.14040943

It's true. Ask any Jew if they like them and they'll either say no or more likely have no idea who they are or never read their works seriously

>> No.14040944

I don't perceive myself as dominated, that is how you perceive your reality when it's stripped down to its implications.
Either you believe IQ and genetics are what makes a race superior and thus making jews superior, or you cope and tell yourself "b-but they cheat!!" And simioar bullshit like this >>1404091.

>> No.14040948

Literally all of this is a made up Nazi fantasy.

>> No.14040950


>> No.14040951

Kubrick loved Kafka and was buddies with Heller.

>> No.14040953

It's an ideology alone, a tool, and one that transforms constantly due to the actions and decisions of the people in charge. It's about people and their different natures. And women follow the status quo. You could put them in their place tomorrow if you were able to dismantle the jewish culture feeding them an inverted form of femininity by way of these very institutions.

>> No.14040955

> enslave the world
Most Jews buy into the media narrative of anti-semitism and think they're about to go extinct. My dad was worried about that a few weeks ago. Grow up this isn't the Roman Empire.

>> No.14040958

That was not the answer to my question, and a lot of whites are in positions of power.

>> No.14040960

What did the Jew say to the other Jew? "How are Jew?"

>> No.14040962

Well jews hare you and come from a culture that has told them for centuries that you as a non jew are their subhuman slave. Stop being a shabbos goy.

>> No.14040965

Kubrick was incredibly anti-establishment. I meant Jewish businessmen/elite, not a random person of Jewish ethnicity. I'm 'Jewish' and love those people too as writers/director.

>> No.14040973

So then whites aren't dominated by Jews and there's nothing to worry about

>> No.14040978
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I will never be a based Jew and I'm dealing with that.

>> No.14040982
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It really do be like that though

>> No.14040984

The jew is an embedded enemy that pretends to be like you and I. Its power is largely psychological and stems from projecting an ideology that benefits jews onto the host society. This is why your ancestors worshipped a kike for centuries.

>> No.14040987

Can I marry your Jewish sister?

>> No.14040990

That's pretty based

>> No.14041002

Of course you're a pagan stormnigger

>> No.14041004

Jews are humans like the rest of us. They're just smarter.

>> No.14041005

You will also not suffer from genetic diseases due to inbreeding like jews do nor look like an ugly Neanderthal.

>> No.14041009

I mean I'd be fine with it as long as you're white and not a normie, but she's a huge SJW and I have nothing to do with her, plus she's an art major at a shitty school, so I doubt you'd want to. That being said all her boyfriends have been black or hispanic.

>> No.14041014

The argument is that jewish consciousness has become so pervasive that even the white catholic men will behave and operate in a jewish framework. Read the end of the Jewish Question by Marx, who I presume you dont take to be a nazi.

>> No.14041015
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VERY based, we should be thanking Jews.

>> No.14041016

This is why Nazifags and White Supremacists hate Jews. Because Jews have actually accomplished their fantasy and for Whitoids is merely a pipe dream.

>> No.14041017

Reality. Christianity is a jewish religion.

Uh, no.

>> No.14041021

>They're just smarter.
someone really needs to make a scale graph of the white and jewish populations iq distributions to point out why this constantly repeated phrase is retarded

>> No.14041026

You're dreaming man. I agree that jews have to go, but there are larger forces at work. First wave feminism started way before jews came to the west.

>> No.14041032

So what's the new narrative over at /pol/, "whitoids are controlled by a race who is less intelligent than them"? That's even more embarrassing kek

>> No.14041041

There is nothing enviable about jews. They are a race of swindling parasites who have to live off of others and deceive them in order to attain power. This is not noble or decent behavior. It is a bizarre evolutionary adaptation in the form of human parasitism.

>> No.14041042

No kidding, like seriously, roman empire? What is this antisemitic incel even talking about? xD

>> No.14041045

cope harder will you

>> No.14041050

And it came before we know what we do now about jews. We are adapting to, which is why assuming we can't learn or that phantom ideologies are controlling us more than the actions of people is a false premise.

>> No.14041055

Have sex: the thread. all of your problems would vanish if you just have sex and smoke some weed or something and stop caring.

>> No.14041059

They were smart enough to survive and treat the rest of the world as their bitches. We should all aspire to be like them.

>> No.14041061

I can't smoke weed because it gives me panic attacks ever since I overdosed on edibles a few years ago, and I have plenty of sex anon-- stop buying into the normie narrative of things.

>> No.14041064


>> No.14041068

Unironically true but the bitter faggots on this Malaysian PowerPoint forum will call you a coombrain and degenerate for reminding them that their social interactions peak with LARPing as nazis

>> No.14041070

Jews have no in-group variation, they are a race of usurers and accountants. The reason jews have to rely on the parasitism of others is because they don't have a warrior or farmer class like whites. But as has been stated, the number of high IQ whites far exceeds the number of high IQ jews.

>> No.14041072
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It appears that my superiority has led to some controversy.

>> No.14041073

This except it was just off smoking sativa and I stopped believing reality was real for a few weeks over the summer.

>> No.14041075

If 'treating the world like your bitch' excludes getting expelled 359 times lmao.

>> No.14041079

I have had sex with two jewish women and they both gave enthusiastic but mediocre head. One of them had great milkers though, the kind of heavy hangers that neatly plop into your mouth when she's riding your cock; so all in all, Hitler was wrong

>> No.14041084

>they don't have a warrior or farmer class like whites.
This isn't an RPG.
>But as has been stated, the number of high IQ whites far exceeds the number of high IQ jews.
Then whitoids are controlled by accountants yet they're the smartest race? Does that make you feel better? Because it's embarrassing.

>> No.14041085

Imagine living in this reality. Jesus fucking Christ anon wtf are u talking about.

>> No.14041087

Can't win every battle, can you?

>> No.14041090

Are you serious? A society relies on distribution of labor. Jews do not have any such distribution, they are a monoclass of parasites with a high verbal IQ.

>> No.14041095

That isn't my premise. My premise is that some civilizational trends (like liberalism) are not fundamentally ideologies, but rather consequences of changing human conditions (like more wealth and free time). I think we can learn an adapt, but not if we deny the hazards of our nature as you are doing.

It's also kind of sick that you're investing jews with so much power... As if they're masterminds capable of yoking whites all by themselves. Please. They're just exploiting our trusting, humanitarian tendenices... It's not that they're so powerful, it's that we have an achilles heel.

>> No.14041096

I mean, have you looked in the sky!? stars and shit bro! literally nothing matters! these incels are missing out by not caring about all this stupid shit.

>> No.14041098

Israel seems to be doing just fine. IDK what you are basing that off of. Part of that is because Jews have never had a country of their own until recently, but in the OT they were all farmers that made food for Pharoah

>> No.14041105

Lying in a field in an area with no light pollution is absolutely more rewarding than spending your time writing any of the garbage that's been posted in this thread

>> No.14041112

What kind of delusional nonsense is this? Never go full retard.

>> No.14041115

Israel is a corrupt trainwreck that is going to get obliterated by one of the many neighbors that hate them, so incorrect.

To build and maintain a functioning society requires lower IQ people to do menial labor and defend your territory. Jews don't have such a class, which is why they've never been able to build a society of their own, and instead have to sustain themselves through parasitism.

>> No.14041129

So you're saying Jews are too smart for their own good?

>> No.14041131

"Liberalism" is not doing anything, it is an ideology that has meant different things at different points in time. This conflict is about people, nature, and groups of people competing for resources; it is not abstract systems or ideologies, which, of course, are determined by the people in charge of a given societies institutions.

>> No.14041140

Ah yes that's why they lost every war they fought so far.

>> No.14041143

No, I'm saying they're incapable of building societies and institutions on their own, which has resulted in them adapting to a parasitic strategy to acquire resources and power from host societies that do have in-group distribution of labor and can build such things on their own.

>> No.14041149
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The Younger Dryas climatic event destroyed Atlantis roughly 11,700 years ago (Plato says 9,000 years before his time in Critias so roughly 11,300 years ago on his estimate). The rapid sea level rise and change in the stress on the Earth's tectonics plates (ice on polar regions melting and becoming evenly distributed across the plates) led to its destruction, leaving the Azores as its only remnant. It leaves other traces as well, like the Aztlan of the Americas and in the distribution of the R1b haplogroup.

>> No.14041152

They got btfod by Lebanon not too long ago and would be obliterated if they didn't have the US feeding them money and technology and blowing up their neighbors for them.

>> No.14041154

Yes but your argument is that they're bad at building societies because they're too successful at educating their people. Holy. . .

>> No.14041155

But they are their own society. Meanwhile whitoids are busy being irrelevant nazifags from /pol/. Jews are based they won. And that's a good thing.

>> No.14041159

So the Jews are sympathetic then?

>> No.14041160

But they did do that. Not only did they start as two kingdom, but they then built an empire before being kicked by the romans and then living as minority without a country. The reason why they never built a country is because they never managed to get enough people together to conquer some huge plot of lands.

There's many similar "race" in the world, Tutsi for exemple.

>> No.14041167

these /pol/ faggots really fall apart when they're forced to explain their views. Sad!

>> No.14041168


>They got btfod by Lebanon
Sounds like arab propaganda

>muh US
US is paying them as mercenary. I'm not saying they don't have an effect but even without them Israel has shown its ability to defeat superior arab force.

>> No.14041176

Dont let the jews distract you from the fact that the anglos are as equally satanic

>> No.14041179

Jews are smart. Jews are successful. Jews are better than you. END OF STORY

>> No.14041180

elite WASPs are just as much to blame as the thrifty lads

>> No.14041181

Based and yakubpilled

>> No.14041182

White people gave them that territory in part to get rid of them.

Jews have never been able to maintain a self-governed society for long. They're incapable due to their nature.

>> No.14041184


>> No.14041187

Based and Atlantispilled.

>> No.14041194

>US is paying them as mercenary.
US soldiers are mercenaries for Israel.

>> No.14041195

bla bla bla cope more faggot

>> No.14041207

why dont they just stop talking xD?

>> No.14041208

Chutzpah! Jews are definitely the best at getting kicked out of places then fabricating tales about how it nothing to do with their own behavior.

>> No.14041210

>Israel is gonna be destroyed any moment now just wait

>> No.14041222

>Jews have never been able to maintain a self-governed society for long.
The three time they lost their countries was when they went against a superior power because they didn't want to bow to them.

>> No.14041223

Sorry, but you belong to a nomadic race of parasites. I know you think you're "chosen," but you are nothing more than a leech who has to run from place to place after the ruse is up.

>> No.14041234

Israel won't last 50 more years. Jewish parasitism will continue to cause their main US ally to weaken and hate them, then Iran will smash you. And the world will be better for it.

>> No.14041235
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>muh parasites muh cope
You're my bitch, anyway LMAO I like the way you cry whitey

>> No.14041240

Jews are hostile and their behavior causes others to hate them, what can you say?

>> No.14041241

If we were really smart we wouldn't piss people off by being total cunts to everyone around us. Jews being perceived as parasitic is the result of right wing jews who stubbornly cling to an identity that died 2000 years ago, and couldn't accept that times have changed, nor could they be grateful for the opportunities that were provided for them. They wanted to have their own little ethnostate on their own terms, and refused to adapt to the populations that took them in when they were in need.
Jews being banned from holding land in the middle ages was practically a blessing for us because it forced us into educating ourselves and partaking in industry as a people, but as my grandma says, our people refuses to be grateful for divine providence.
We are not smarter than the gentiles, we juhst have a culture that emphasizes esucation and doing well in school and university, and being an intellectual, so naturally, this friendly competition result in a lot of prominent jews in positions of power.
Now the problem is that there are actual right wing jews who are salty enough to really hate the goyim for the holocaust and are basically willing to become hitler 2.0, even though they had nothing to do with it. They are just beta losers who can't accept criticism and have this innate need to blame everyone else for their own problems. Thats a very seductive deal and many jews take it, which I see as very sad because we are capable and have never needed anything more than work on our problems to solve them, but they would rather hide from their own shortcomings and plan the glorious enslavement of the goyim.

Im telling you, the next Hitler will be jewish and will commit atrocities that pale in comparison tonthe previous one.

t.catholic jew

>> No.14041249

And you wonder why you get kicked out of every host country? This is why.

>> No.14041265

You're not Jewish and left and right wing Jews equally feel as if they are victims of the Holocaust. There's a genetic correlation with IQ so your bullshit about education is wrong. Hitler 2.0. Hitler just fed off the masses and did what he could to remain in power and failed at establishing an empire by his imprudence. He's not as interesting or diabolical as made out to be.

>> No.14041270

In the past, maybe. Now we own everything you hold dear and we will never be kicked out again. We learned from our errors and we have won the game. Your kind is on the way out.

>> No.14041275

No. It's honestly because the Jews in themselves are detestable. Catherine the Great removed Jews for being different and thought they could be a problem. Countries were ethnically homogenous back then and Jews would not abandon Judaism.

>> No.14041280

That's not true at all. 'Jews' hold aside from corporations, news-media, and academia, but those are all ephemeral.

>> No.14041289

>Countries were ethnically homogenous

>> No.14041301

We own and/or control everything that matters in the West. You can downplay it but that's just the truth, sorry if it hurts your identity-less whitoid sensibilities.

>> No.14041307

>nooo you must accept superior power conquering you or lording over you you can't rebel!

I forgot /pol/sters were blacked fag

>> No.14041308

kek you're a retard who has been schooled by superior intelligent Jews. This is the peak of retardation ITT.

>> No.14041309

Were they not?
I'm half-Jewish too, so don't feed me that bullshit. I really don't care either way.

>> No.14041313

It really doesn't have anything to do with their behavior though, READ A FUCKING BOOK idiot /pol/tard

>> No.14041316

Why am I wrong?

>> No.14041321

It must really suck being Jewish and not even getting the high verbal iq

>> No.14041327

>Marxism is science
As much as astrology is

>> No.14041333

No? Just look at shit like normand, arabs invasions, mongol, PIE, empires, etc

>> No.14041335

That would be me. Very high analytic IQ (math etc.), but very low verbal Iq.

>> No.14041336

have any recommendations on the topic?

>> No.14041338

You have the mind of a goy. You clealy aren't one of us.
I only use it when it matters, in the real world, where we reign. I won't waste my time with lesser creatures like /pol/tards.

>> No.14041339

there was still a coherent group identity

>> No.14041343

>You're not Jewish
Yes I am, I just don't follow your spiteful religion.
>There's a genetic correlation with IQ so your bullshit about education is wrong
You are so dumb. It's called selection you idiot. Over a thousand years, jews who competed and succeeded in academia got to spread their genes. Where do you think that leads dummy? It leads to a population where the smarter get to have babies and the dumber gets removed from the gene pool. Fun fact: it works for every race that competes.
>left and right wing Jews equally feel as if they are victims of the Holocaust
Yes and that's a problem. There is much much more to jewish identity then muh holocaust, and it is the fault of right wing jews that we have been reduced to this state.

>> No.14041346

Your time is fast running out, kike. Your parasitic strategy is built for another time, when you could blend in. Now you can't.

>> No.14041347

Ok, but I still have Jewish blood and you're posting on an anime forum at 2 in the morning, so I doubt your Jewishness has accomplished much for you as well.

>> No.14041356

Ok I'm like half-Jewish and was raised in a secular household, so IDRC about the problems facing the Jews, so good luck figuring them out anon

>> No.14041368

Does anyone itt seriously give a shit about the jew/white conflict in a real life way? I argue about this stuff online because it's entertaining but I can't imagine actually really caring. Irl I don't differentiate between Jews and Whites at all because they act basically the same way

>> No.14041372

People were still very likely to identify more woth their towns or region than the country or empire they were part of, just look at the absolute state of France during the 100 year war.

>> No.14041374
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>> No.14041377

>he's American
My condolences.

>> No.14041386

Other way around, actually. In the past, we couldn't blend in, but now we have blended in, and there's nothing you nazifags can do about it.

>> No.14041388

IRL I don't think I've ever actually talked about it nor seriously thought about it. My dtd life is fillled with far too many other stressors to even care about something too menial

>> No.14041393

You're not Jewish, then.

>> No.14041397

Not insulted I'd love to move to Europe once I'm retired. I'd hate to raise my kids here

>> No.14041399

Do you know what happens if you badthink publicly against jews? They collectively try to ruin your life.

>I don't differentiate between Jews and Whites at all because they act basically the same way
Jews wouldn't be any good at what they do if low info plebs like you could make such a distinction.

>> No.14041404

But everyone knows who you are and can find out if you're a kike in 2 seconds lol.

>> No.14041407

Ive actually witnessed first hand the effect jews have had on me myself, my community, the people I care about, ect., Ive seen real tangible differences that have destroyed lives and communities that I've poured my heart into, differences that wouldn't have been an issue if the nazis won, Ive known plenty of peoples whos lives have been touched in serious negative violent ways by mass immigration, as everyone here does, a raped women here, an assaulted and robbed or murdered man there, so yes, I do care quite deeply about it in real life

>> No.14041411

And then do nothing about it because you are our powerless bitches.

>> No.14041424

What communities?

>> No.14041429

Some white trash urban area in Texas probably

>> No.14041434

>Sun)12:26:30 No.11931854
>400 KB
>400 KB JPG
> /lit/ is for the discussion of literature, specifically books (fiction & non-fiction), short stories, poetry, creative writing, etc. If you want to discuss history, religion, or the humanities
Not really

>> No.14041457

We're going to kick you out like you've been kicked out so many times before. Just as the sun rises, so does the jew get removed from his host country. This time isn't special.

>> No.14041463 [DELETED] 

nah, just very diverse urban areas of Canada which have become quite unsafe, and some not so diverse and peaceful rural ones where it all spills over and subhumans ransack white properties and rape and steal and kill, all because some literal jews used the government and media to destroy white nationalism and force extreme shortsighted liberalism on the populace. I would gladly go back and help Hitler and flip the switch on every single subhuman kike in existence to prevent what they did to this country, let alone the world, and to the people and communities I care about. dont kid yourself, this is VERY real and the resentment is very real, not just some internet meme. civilization is being destroyed because of jews and there is no turning back

>> No.14041468

We're getting there, my friend. Keep that passion.

>> No.14041478

"The Noble lie" is literally from Plato.

>> No.14041575

Based retard

>> No.14041583

Not everything in the past was perfect

>> No.14041602

Which is exactly why Democracy and the tyranny of the majority is horseshit. Fascism or fuck off.

>> No.14041642

But the two fascist countries who existed caused massive death to their coubtrymen and other people

>> No.14041683

Reminder that there is more to democracy than just voting.
A consensus-based system of direct or semi-direct decision-making can be highly democratic while not being a "tyranny of the majority".

>> No.14041708

yes they sacrificed their lives to prevent the complete and utter extinction of the European peoples and cultures, and what do you know, they lost/ and the forces who won almost immediately began normalizing then implementing mass immigration from Africa and the middle east and Asia and now white people are statistically on track to fall out of existence because of it

funny how that works isn't it

>> No.14041711

How did they do that?

>> No.14041735
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people protested of course but it was done like pic related for the most part at first, but eventually television and film and other media produced by literal jews eased people into the idea and less and less violent force was needed to enforce the legally mandatory diversity

pic related of course is when the united stated military was turned on citizens who were protesting mandatory state enforced diversity and they were forced to accept it at gunpoint, it seems your right to protest only covers so many topics.

>> No.14041763
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>legally mandatory diversity
just like state enforced homosexuality

>> No.14041764

*white women hate themselves

>> No.14041777

Germany was in the process of exterminating several European ethnic groups and nations, including the Poles, Jews, Gypsies, Russians -- not to mention starting a war in which hundreds of thousands of Englishmen, Frenchmen and Germans would perish. Who exactly were they protecting Europe from?

>> No.14041793

when did this board become an edgy teenager outlet

>> No.14041945

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