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14039233 No.14039233 [Reply] [Original]

the most based man alive

>> No.14039257

Skallas isn't Lindy.

>> No.14039406

Shoo shoo skallas. You’re a retard and subject yourself to slave morality.

>> No.14039419

Twitter is a hellhole, why would you ever subject yourself to it

>> No.14039429

glad to see based skallas aka LINDYMAN getting some recognition here. you don't have to agree with everything he says, but you do have to respect it


>more worried about supposed slave morality than the actual slavery that you are practically guaranteed to be in

delusional neetch worshippers get off my board

>> No.14039445

to keep it slightly /lit/ related, i recommend his book 'women and the lindy effect'. great compilation of ancient thinkers and their views on women

>> No.14039460

First time I hear of this guy
>scroll through his twitter
>spot taleb
>spot peterson

Yep, it's another one of those.
You people are mentally ill.

People like OP are late 20s males that are completely lost in life. Just let them be miserable and worship their little e-daddies.

>> No.14039879

skallas is based

the embodiment of /fitlit/

>> No.14039946

>more worried about supposed slave morality than the actual slavery that you are practically guaranteed to be in
and? It’s retarded faggots like Skallas that promote this idea that a highly mobile class structure is possible and should be desired. Things will forever remain static because anything other than that is chaotic and would result in collapse. We live in arguably the most luxurious times to ever exist, and people still complain they don’t have enough to be happy. News flash: you’re not happy because you let yourself be brainwashed by the retards on your tv and radio telling you that you need everything in the world to be happy when all you need is yourself, good health, good friends, and the reasonable expectation that you won’t lose your home and society within a moments notice. Kys skallas. You’re a fucking faggot imbecile who won’t ever amount to anything other than a d-list twitter eceleb.

>> No.14040011

Is promoting yourself on 4chan lindy?

>> No.14040177

I leave 4chan for a couple of years and return to find /lit/ has become /twitter/, nice

>> No.14040398

This, I think he is less lindy having promoted himself here.

>> No.14040498

Lindyman speaks the truth

>> No.14040522

impotent anger lindy