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/lit/ - Literature

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14038828 No.14038828 [Reply] [Original]

>says they're into literature
>isn't trying to write their own

>> No.14038837

I learned long ago that my talent doesn't match up to my tastes.

>> No.14038857

Boys, I think I'm actually going to make it. I was a tard in Highschool, no question about it, but something happened in college, I can't explain it. It was like... suddenly I could see. Ever since I've been reading like a fiend, I'm graduating early, even reading a book just once gives me a chance to call, verbatim, lines from it. I look at the lives of the authors I love and find a lot of overlap in mine. My work, though still far from where I want it to be, stand far and above that of my peers, and usually much better than the crap posted here.

I bounce between confident in my ability and insecure about the pace at which I'm growing, but I think that I'll peak around 30 and pump out some really strong and innovative works.

>> No.14038897

Literally the opposite of me. Genius level performance in high school, scholarship everything. College everything crashed and burned. Life is a daily struggle not to KMS

>> No.14038944

Granted, I'm not at the best University, but even then, I do piss all for classes and breeze through with A's. If I need to pull on something, I pull form my extra curricular readings. The professors love that shit. I have faith in us, though, Anon. Some of us have to be great.

>> No.14038954

>I'm graduating early
Stopped reading here. Nobody gives a shit about what some obsequious normie writes. Your presumed self-help fiction will be dull and unremarkable. Now do us a favor and shut the fuck up and leave this board you imbecile.

>> No.14038979

Rent free. Sorry, bud, I just got it like that and you don't. Fingers crossed for ya

>> No.14039042

You're retarded. I graduated on time, but that's aside from the point. The contemporary College education is ultimately worthless and what some tepid bureaucratic professor thinks of a bullshit essay is irrelevant when you're to write Moby Dick. If you're so confident then post some stuff to let me see.

>> No.14039049

Not that guy but you're missing the point, dude. It's a good thing that his mind unlocked itself, and you're just being a dick for the sake of it.

>> No.14039122

>tfw I’m the exact opposite
Did shit in high school and barely scrapes by. Now in my fifth year of uni for a four year degree with no end in sight. M-maybe some author will base one of his characters on my miserable existence.

>> No.14039164

Does my diary count?

>> No.14039169

>says he’s into movies
>isn’t trying to film his own

>> No.14039244

>majored in creative writing
>make six figures writing erotic novels
>all my non porn titles get rejected

>> No.14039255

>says they're into life
>isn't creating their own
Have sex

>> No.14039275
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>> No.14039281

Are there any books with writing techniques?

>> No.14039295

Stephen King: On Writing
William Strunk Jr, EB White: Elements of Style

>> No.14039304

Unironically kill yourself. That post is among the worst trash I've read since the beginning of 2019 on 4chan.

>> No.14039310

... and both are garbage.

>> No.14039320

Name a better book. Actually don't because you can't.

>> No.14039424

Good news, plenty already have, and may I say, you seem very charming!


>> No.14039427

ya but you can be very critical and fond of paintings without ever touching a brush

>> No.14039428

Sorry, friend, I'm gonna make it

>> No.14039440

You don't learn how to write by guides because no prescriptive rules will ever accomodate the variety of expression out there. You learn by reading great books and trying to emulate those.

>> No.14039462

And especially you won't learn how to write from FUCKING STEVEN KING

>> No.14039477

Try actually reading the books before casting judgment. This is embarrassing.

>> No.14039519
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>implying anyone should ever want to write like Stephen King

>> No.14039927

That was actually a fun read, thanks anon! Also open to any other /recs/ if you've got 'em.

>> No.14039937

If you like that, read more Salinger. If you want some fun short stories, read Raymond Carver. Here's a fun one by Donald Barthelme


>> No.14039958

Keep in mind there's a page 2

>> No.14040147

Love how it slowly built up in absurdity. The Korean orphan part was hilarious. And then he wrapped all of it together in the end. Noice. Thanks again anon!

>> No.14040211

Yeah, great pacing to that one. My favorite of Carver is a story titled the Viewfinder, it's the only one that's kinda hopeful. Thanks for reading my suggestions anon, you a real one

>> No.14040315

>the Viewfinder
Really liked this one too. Good taste all around. Thank YOU for the /recs/ my man.

>> No.14040370
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Actually its just the opposite. Anyone who is really well read understands how precious little there is left to be said.

>> No.14040387

Post your work, OP. I'm sure it's top tier.

>> No.14040392

being into something and resenting something are two very different things, OP. it's not all about social hierarchy and status here. you can have a genuine interest in something you don't identify with and don't do yourself. that's what intelligence is.

>> No.14040409

>I look at the lives of the authors I love
never going to make it

>> No.14040456
File: 135 KB, 1160x653, harold_bloom-1160x653[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And that, my dear friends, is the Anxiety of Influence™

>> No.14040661

>>make six figures writing erotic novels
>>all my non porn titles get rejected
submit your stuff elsewhere under a pseudonym, then after a few books reveal that you are actually the porn pro.

>> No.14040666

>>says they're into life
>>isn't creating their own
>Have sex
unironically though, this would be true. People that love life will breed.

>> No.14040679

>ya but you can be very critical and fond of paintings without ever touching a brush
having even a basic understanding of the techniques and how to implement them helps the critic appreciate the art.