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File: 926 KB, 2000x1770, St-thomas-aquinas-e1506359130604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14038658 No.14038658 [Reply] [Original]

Why do athiests still exist when the existence of God has been rationally proven?

>> No.14038673
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Because normies and midwits don't read fucking works like the Summa or any other high IQ work like that.

I mean the atheists favorite apologist is Dawkins for Gods sake! Dawkins is philosophically illiterate, but normies still swallow his lies

>> No.14038683
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Why doesn't God just show up and reveal himself to humanity? Thousands of years of debate, war, and contemplation about the existence of God have gone by, and we're still unable to reach a consensus. Why would God make us then be like "hehe peace out hope u believe in me w/o evidence or ur goin 2 hell LMAO XDxdXD." Is he that much of an attention whore that he needs to "test our faith" on earth before we can see him? God is either not real or a massive faggot.

>> No.14038685

Like lesbians, atheists don’t exist. Deep down they all love a good dick, it’s just a matter of if they admit it to themselves and others or not.

>> No.14038696

>automatically assuming discussion of monism and the logos is pertaining to le evengalic christian god

>> No.14038702

>Why doesn't God just show up and reveal himself to humanity?


>> No.14038707

OP posted a pic of Thomas Aquanis; obviously we're talking about the Christian God.

>> No.14038718

>The Lord," says the Psalmist, "shall be known when he executeth judgment." (Ps. ix. 17.)
On this text St. Bernard writes: ”The Lord, who is now unknown while he seeks mercy, shall be known when he executes justice."

>> No.14038720

The only God Christians are referring to is the Christian God.

>> No.14038728

which one of these retard positions are you referring to?

>> No.14038735

>a 2000-year-old set of contradictory written accounts from one small geographical region is equivalent to an unambiguous, non-cultural, direct, worldwide reveal
Anon, I...

>> No.14038737

If he made himself known, he would render judgement on all. Immediately. No one could sin with impunity. He is unknown purely out of mercy.

>> No.14038739

Why do chr*stians still exist when the existence of Allah, Qur'an being His Word, has been rationally proven?

>> No.14038740

Dont care

>> No.14038746

True mercy would be forgiving all sins

>> No.14038757

"...because I say so."

>> No.14038769

Because the lukewarm laws of Christianity allow them to continue and defend their degeneracy.

>> No.14038785

>True mercy would be forgiving all sins

>> No.14038792

>Compassion or forgiveness shown toward someone whom it is within one's power to punish or harm
True mercy
>Total compassion or forgiveness shown toward someone whom it is within one's power to punish or harm

>> No.14038821


>> No.14038826

This actually makes a lot of sense. Too bad athiests are too dim witted to understand it

>> No.14038858

Islam will not stand for Christianity's backwards medical practices.

>> No.14038894

What sort of proof are you talking about. And if it was proven it would make the concept and virtue of faith meaningless. Checkmate

>> No.14038926
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>Christcucks, sucking off each others' dicks

Oh, someone has commited a sin ;)

>> No.14038933

thomas aquinas was a straight up retard.

>> No.14038962

Atheists have a problem with theistic gods, that is to say religious gods. Aquinas didn’t prove capital ‘G’ God, the Yahweh who genocided the Canaanites, spoke to Moses in a burning bush, judges people by their sins, has a paradise called heaven and a place of punishment called hell, etc. Instead, if his proof is granted, he proved the existence of some sort of abstract deistic entity, which is uninteresting.
There is no convincing proof for any religious god. None for Yahweh, none for Zeus, none for Aphrodite, none for Apollo, none for Allah, none for Zoroaster, none for Osiris, etc.
That’s why atheists exist.

>> No.14039002
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>Atheists have a problem with theistic gods
A theistic god is the ONLY legitimate and philosophically convincing form of god. Ever wonder why so many people today say stuff like "well, I don't believe in God, but I do believe in some sort of spirit".

Deism is self refuting. Deism asserts that the creator is non-personal. Well if the creator is non-person, how did you come to know about this non-personal creator then? You can't claim revelation, because that would imply theism.

>> No.14039034

(Not the anon you responded to btw)

You are self refuting. What makes you think the creator would have to do something for you to wonder about its nature and existance, other than creating the world and leaving it up to the chance? This would not be an intervention.

>> No.14039045

It would help if you read Aquinas before posting.
For just one of many explanations

>> No.14039089
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>muh scientific proof is the only valid form of proof

>> No.14039107

So right off the bat you reject revelation. On what ground? What seems more likely to you? That God created all of reality, yet hasn't made any contact or that God has reveled himself throughout time?

Atheism is more convincing than Deism. Deist accept the supernatural, but reject Theism? Makes no sense what so ever.

>> No.14039121
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>and, just like that, all the christ larping was for naught
based Dawkins still effortlessly putting theists in their place even after all these years.

>> No.14039184

I never mentioned science, strawman-tard

>> No.14039196

>I never mentioned science, strawman-tard
I just wanted to post that comment. The green text wasn't really pointed at you, never intended to straw man.

>> No.14039323


Aquinas proves the one God who continuously creates all reality other than himself, loves it into being, wills the natural law, who is our highest existential end, union with whom is perfect happiness, lack of whom is what we most dread. By its very nature, this is the being which most commands our interest and allegiance. Aquinas thus does for the philosopher what Genesis 1 does for the ordinary person: sets the context for how to understand all subsequent revelation.

Drawing a distinction between an inconsequential philosopher's God and a cartoon God of revelation draws a disservice to both. Though I guess that does help answer the question: atheists approach the whole question with a woefully defective intellectual toolkit, primed with false equivalences.

>> No.14039345

>did science tell you that?
uh yeah actually it did. science is how we understand anything about reality at all.

the presupposition that science is valid is retroactively justified by the scientific investigations undertaken with this axiom as their basis. as opposed to unscientific systems of metaphysics that never attain anything beyond their own circular abstractions.

read Quine if you're confused on how natural epistemology works. Russell's 'Scientific Outlook' is also a good resource on this.

>> No.14039448
File: 67 KB, 597x375, gottfried-leibnizs-quotes-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deist God makes sense.

>> No.14039456

>Science is not circular
Can you demonstrate the validity of the scientific method without appealing to the scientific method?
>Science is how we understand anything about reality at all.
Sure buddy, I guess that prior to "muh science" no one knew anything, right?
>Everything we know comes exclusively from our senses
Is the concept of the number 7 a social construct or does it exist outside our senses?

>> No.14039461

>A potential cannot do anything, since it is not actual
Retard. You just argued for abortion unknowingly. God, Christians are cringe.

>> No.14039512

Kek. You are right

>> No.14039554

>You just argued for abortion unknowingly.
Ever heard the concept of a souls, you retard?

>> No.14039556
File: 177 KB, 419x299, 8CD01786-1612-4B9E-AF65-1A958B7A6949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even if it were, all that was proven was an abstract Platonic God, not the douchebag abrahamic God.

>> No.14039568

Prove it

>> No.14039593

People who are against abortion tend to think foetuses are actual human beings in an early stage of growth, not just 'potential' human beings.

>> No.14039605

>Prove it
I don't have to prove anything, that's not the question here. You're comment was meant as an demonstration of Christian hypocrisy and the lack of coherence and I pointed out the Christian concept of souls, which in turn BTFO'ed your post here: >>14039461

>> No.14039611

plus it would go against platonic thought especially ultra realism to view an infant as such

>> No.14039616

Leibniz was aggressively Christian tho

>> No.14039626

Pantheist God makes sense. We are living inside God's body.

>> No.14039634

Lol why the fuck would an atheist want to service something he regards as a fictional character?

>> No.14039651
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Because atheist like Arby's

>> No.14039664

Forgiveness is contingent upon repentance. If a king forgives a murderer only to be murdered by him, that is not justice but mockery.

>> No.14039681
File: 268 KB, 525x525, E1513303-4EE8-450B-B8EE-784373A79637.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>loves it into being

Lol, what is this hippy crap? Is this seriously what it says in the Summa?

>> No.14039688

Because something can be rational without being true.

>> No.14039690

least based conception of god imo


>> No.14039764

Based, where is this from? Might use this in class I teach.

>> No.14039810

>teachers browse /lit/ so they can incorporate /pol/-tier infographs that can't even into basic logic into their curriculum
terrifying. the future is bleak.

>> No.14039850

Slide 12 is a sudden gigantic pile of nonsense. I've never read the Summa so I can't speak for Aquinas himself but this powerpoint is dogshit.

>> No.14039860

the neoplatonist scape will consume the universe after the great simplifaction and mind death of humanity

>> No.14039877

>the sun converts hydrogen into helium
it's hilarious when religious fucknuts hijack sciencey sounding words to give their nonsense more credibility, then try to discredit the scientific method because it shows just how much bollocks they are spouting
i'm expecting some quantum mysticism to pop up in this thread any moment

>> No.14039895

Read a biology book from the last 100 years and then grow up.

>> No.14039903

Yeah we do now, tell me where it's from you big gay

>> No.14039909

>not a single argument found

>> No.14039916

Yeah them sciency sounding words like hydrogen, fucking out there huh?

>> No.14039918

What a crock of shit
>There exists some causal prime mover that began it all
>It has all these incredibly specific human attributes too because like doesn't it make sense that the primeval force of the universe works exactly like I think it does

>> No.14039926

>Athiests out of arguments so they resort to ad hominems
thought so

>> No.14039938

What human attributes are those bab?

>> No.14039965

I'm not an atheist because I don't think God exists. I'm an atheist because there has not been a rational representation of God yet given. If you have somehow deluded yourself into thinking that the bible and its paradoxical represention of god in the old and new testaments was not a manmade creation, you are clearly just willfully ignorant.

>> No.14039974

He took a list of features he wanted his prime mover to have and labeled all of their negatives as "unrealized potentials" arbitrarily so he could call them impossible then go "Whoa, look, it's just like God."
I cannot shoot lasers out of my eyes. Does that mean I have an "unrealized potential" to shoot lasers out of my eyes? No, it just means the potential was never there in the first place.
There is further no reason whatsoever to believe that all flaws are "unrealized potentials" or that any of the enormous assumptions about "pure actuality" hold water when none of us have seen or interacted with this hypothetical being. The argument doesn't even debunk atheism, let alone polytheism.

>> No.14039997

This completely distorts the meaning of everything traditionally believed about the Judeo-Christian God. Transforming said God and all of it's attributes into some kind of abstract physical "actualizer" rather than the merciful, judging, forgiving, and also wrathful Being which Christian theology posits the existence of, and which demands worship with punishment as consequence for not doing so, and which incarnated as a male Jew named Jesus in order to establish a New Covenant through blood sacrifice after originally doing so with Abraham, and so on.

No, these two are not the same thing. Changing the very definition of God, and the specific meaning of all of it's attributes, and then using it as a proof of Christianity, isn't achieving anything. The only thing Aquinas demonstrated here is the already-known fact that every human being creates a God after their own likeness, and their own image. He has created a completely different idea of God which has no relation to the one specifically found in Christianity. I could just as easily use that entire argument as a validation of Vishnu, whose believers also sincerely hold to the existence of and as having the standard properties of any theistic entity.

To this day, there is absolutely zero evidential or rational basis on which to believe that there is some kind of masculine personality outside the bounds of space-time which oversees human existence, judges it according to Biblical morality, and sentences humanity to either eternal punishment or eternal salvation. Nothing. The closest I've seen Christians give to argument is "we can't demonstrate it by reason or evidence, just have faith in the scriptures", which is fine for a personal belief-system but isn't in the domain of philosophy.

The Vedantic conception of God is the only one I adhere to.

>> No.14040002

Look into Advaita Vedanta. It might be up to your standards of "rational". It's what I personally subscribe to.

>> No.14040019

I'm pretty sure you misunderstood it because, while I understand the logic of Aquinas' position, I genuinely have no idea what you're going on about or how it relates to that slide. I'd read it again dude.

>> No.14040022
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>everything has to have a cause... but not God of course - he’s different!

>> No.14040025

All atheists know God exists, but they hate him and deny His existence because they are too scared to face the truth.

>> No.14040030

Lot of purple bluster and noise to make literally one point anon

>> No.14040038

Read slide 9 again my dear

>> No.14040050

Analogies do not suffice as a proof for God, sweetie.

>> No.14040062

Yeah this lol. Also why is it impossible that the creator of this shithole is not the ultimate divine principle? It seems like wishful thinking at best.

>> No.14040064

God is real but religion is stupid and a form of authoritarianism. Morality is objective. Without religion, the same moral codes religion puts in place are still applicable and a relationship with God is still possible but becomes more individualized. Religion is for the weak, as without the incentive of getting into heaven they are useless in pursuing the good life out of virtue and instead need to be told that they must be moral or they will spend an eternity in hell. The intent of religion is good but the execution is garbage.

>> No.14040076

They are, however, usually very helpful as demonstrations of logic for the deeply retarded, though it seems you're struggling to grasp them.

>> No.14040081

Why do pedotholics pretend this clown whose arguments are based in obsolete ontology is even remotely relevant in contemporary philosophy? Not even Christian apologists take his garbage arguments seriously.

Not a literature thread.

>> No.14040083
File: 27 KB, 500x375, 48CD3F33-9E50-423E-BD6E-75C6CF3C6895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I think you’re the problem because I did understand something that was completely retarded but not something that is less so.


>> No.14040090

I mean it's your own issue that you tried to argue with something you claim is retarded but clearly didn't understand

>> No.14040116

I’m not that guy but he has a fucking point. Basically all theology is, is philosophy conducted, ironically enough, in bad faith. You can’t do real philosophy if you’ve already decided beforehand what your ultimate conclusions will be.

>> No.14040125

What's this got to do with him not understanding Aquinas' arguments?

>> No.14040130

Stop projecting

>> No.14040137
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Why do Thomists still exist when the Summa has been rationally debunked?

>> No.14040138

There’s a fatal flaw with this argument, being that causality doesn’t exist in the first place.

>Here is someone who has never seen a cat. He is looking through a narrow slit in a fence, and, on the other side, a cat walks by. He sees first the head, then the less distinctly shaped furry trunk, and then the tail. Extraordinary! The cat turns round and walks back, and again he sees the head, and a little later the tail. This sequence begins to look like something regular and reliable. Yet again, the cat turns round, and he witnesses the same regular sequence: first the head, and later the tail. Thereupon he reasons that the event head is the invariable and necessary cause of the event tail, which is the head's effect. This absurd and confusing gobbledygook comes from his failure to see that head and tail go together; they are all one cat.

>The cat wasn't born as a head which, sometime later, caused a tail; it was born all of a piece, a head-tailed cat. Our observer's trouble was that he was watching it through a narrow slit, and couldn't see the whole cat at once.

Furthermore, this idea would not exist without the unsubstantiated definitions that people create. More specifically, the definitions I speak of are the ones that create a notion of partialness, (e.g. “this thing is detached from everything else in the universe”), when there is only the universe itself. By creating a definition and seeing that it no longer holds, one may see “change”, from which a perception of causality can be derived. But such a thing simply has no ontological grounding, as shown above.

>> No.14040144

>Advaita Vedanta
the killing curse nooooooo

>> No.14040146

You're replying to two different people.
You told me I hadn't made an argument, so I laid it out pretty directly. His idea of an "unrealized potential" is vague nonsense used to justify whatever he wants because the ideas of potentiality and actuality are vague, weak concepts in the first place. He makes enormous assumptions on what "pure actuality" is/requires based on nothing but his own whims.

>> No.14040148

Based Brainlet Russell does it again

>> No.14040150


>> No.14040155

Because Aquinas already decides he is going to believe in a personal creator and then by no great coincidence his arguments move invariably towards that fixed idea.

>> No.14040159

In the end, theists don't know how all this started any more than atheists do. We don't know what started the universe or how it started, the Big Bang model can only describes what happens a period of time after it, not it's immediate cause or beginning.

>> No.14040166

We don't even know if it started. There's nothing guaranteeing that the way we model the universe deterministically is accurate at all.

>> No.14040172

That's a fair point too. We do know the universe is expanding and from a tiny origin point, but yes we don't know if that's how it started or if there even was a start so to speak.

>> No.14040219

The point is presumably valid though, and I can admit to being a very poor, unconcise writer.

>> No.14040238


Because it hasn't been, and even if it were, it would still be necessary to reject him.

>> No.14040260

The difference is that non-theists can sincerely and without difficulty say "I don't know" nor do they have to pretend to, while theists cannot do otherwise. Religion, and more specifically Abrahamic religion, exploits the inability to deal with uncertainty, such that followers of it would prefer to live in a prison of falsehood than the vacuum of unknowing. Yet Socrates, who was the original exemplar of the Western imagination, recognized that knowledge of one's ignorance is itself a virtue, and something a wise person recognizes in themselves. That all changed after Jesus replaced Socrates's wisdom, whereby articles like "belief" suddenly gained transcendent value and skepticism and lack of belief, even in the absence of evidence for it, was now something worthy of scorn and deserving of being reprimanded.

Gaining traction each day, though.

>> No.14040490
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>specific human attributes
we capeshit now

>> No.14040500

Thanks for saying the exact same thing again but what does have to do with him not understanding Aquinas' argument?

>> No.14040541

Atheists are just Protestants who don't realize that they are Protestants.

>> No.14040557

Calling the abstract force creating and moving the universe "perfect" is an incredibly human idea
What the fuck does Aquinas mean by "perfect," does he go into it? What "flaw" can a human ascribe or not ascribe to the prime mover?

>> No.14040564

None of that is particularly vague

Actuality = something that exists
Potentiality = the potential that one actuality can change into another through an external force
Unrealized potential = all the possible ways that a particular actuality can be changed

What's so hard about that?

>> No.14040565

Reply to the other post that explained it even more directly instead of whoever that guy is, dipshit

>> No.14040576

Still not answered the question retard

>> No.14040586

You just defined a category as "something that exists" and are denying that it's vague.
It's rhetoric. Calling it a proof is a disservice to proofs. A smoke-and-mirrors game to reach conclusions he already knew he needed to get to.
Every single conclusion in slide 12 has no answer to the question "Why?"

>> No.14040608
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>What the fuck does Aquinas mean by "perfect," does he go into it?
You read a meme chart and think you have debunked Aquinas? LOL. Have you ever read the Summa? Do you have any idea what an immense feat of philosophical literature it is?

>> No.14040617

>"perfect," does he go into it?
No, my bad. It's blatantly clear you haven't read a single word from the Summa, asking such a silly question.

>> No.14040624
File: 80 KB, 643x820, 0a1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Spend the next ten years of your life reading this if you're gonna ask questions about it
Haha, no

>> No.14040629

Are Aquinas and Augustine worth reading, or is it a Catholic meme?

>> No.14040639

>I don't want to contend with arguments for the existence of God because of whatever....
Here we have it folks, atheism summarized in a single post. You should stick to reading God Delusion, kek.

I now realize why, despite arguing against aquinas extensively, Dawkins didn't quote or reference the Summa A SINGLE TIME in his book. Atheist have already made up their mind, they don't want take the other side seriously.

>> No.14040644

The Confessions of Saint Augustine is absolutely worth reading. City of God and all of Aquinas' works are essentially an impenetrable foundation of doctrinal autism completely useless to anyone who is not a Catholic or trying to convince Catholics that they're going to hell.

>> No.14040650

>You just defined a category as "something that exists" and are denying that it's vague.
I'm not going to recount the entirety of Aristotle's and Aquinas' ontology at this ungodly hour. If you want to understand it better read their fucking books.

>> No.14040657

I'm perfectly willing to contend with arguments in favor of God because I believe in God you braindead nigger. I just dislike Aquinas and autists of his ilk.

>> No.14040659

>atheists unironically believe that rocks smashed into each other to form consciousness

>> No.14040670

>muh empirism

but, real talk here, rationalist arguments are always based on assumptions, and assumptions are shaky ground to build arguments on

>> No.14040681

This is an even worse version of the reddit "le skydaddy" nonsense, you're out-fedoraing the fedoras

>> No.14040686

Not only that, but atheist believe that DESPITE there existing billions of species, humans were the only ones to from consciousness.

Do the math for me atheist, what's he likelihood of the big bang taking place? then what's the likelihood of our planet forming? then what's the likelihood of us exiting and then what's the likelihood of we being the only species with consciousness?

I'm not ironic when I say this, but I simply lack the faith in atheism to reject God.

>> No.14040692

Explain to me how atheists are anything but neo-pagans.

>> No.14040713

>What's the probability? Hahaha
One, because it happened
All you're exposing here is your own ignorance of the scientific explanation of the origins of the universe and humanity
I believe God guided it all, but I do believe it all happened along the same lines that atheists claim, and the only developed alternative is retarded creationism
The general western secularism is probably more like neo-puritanism, pagans were way more varied and interesting and it's an insult to the pagans to conflate the two
Doesn't change the fact that blatantly misrepresenting biology with reductionism is a brainlet take

>> No.14040723

I agree, only a dimwit would not find reason to challenge any of the arguments in slide 12. I'm sure Aquinas gives better reasoning in his work, but someone explain why a flaw or a lack of knowledge is a potentially.
If your answer is "there's the potential to fix the flaw" or "there's the potential to know what is unknown", then how come the reverse, "creating a flaw" or "losing a bit of knowledge", are not potentials as well?

>> No.14040730

>"creating a flaw" or "losing a bit of knowledge", are not potentials as well?
Because he can do neither

>> No.14040739

>explain how people who don't believe in god don't believe in other gods

>> No.14040750

>One, because it happened
That's no proof against God. I can say the same thing. I can look outside and say "See, creation is a proof of God's existence"

>> No.14040762

>blatantly misrepresenting biology
Those who have dedicated their lives to discovering the mechanisms of abiogenesis have themselves written about what amounts to intelligent design in their eyes. This is stupid.
This is a strawman.

>> No.14040770
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>Those who have dedicated their lives to discovering the mechanisms of abiogenesis have themselves written about what amounts to intelligent design in their eyes.

>> No.14040771

Does your image make self-actualisation impossible then? How is our potential actualised?

>> No.14040781

>"losing a bit of knowledge"
God cannot lose knowledge for losing something would imply potentiality (you can lose your keys), remember God is actus purus or pure actuality, thus God cannot lose knowledge.

>> No.14040784

Yes, that's what my belief is. There is absolutely no concrete proof in creation that God had to intervene and create humans or earth or anything other than the absolute beginning, though.
God made the universe, but there's no reason to assume he mucks about in it in supernatural ways.

>> No.14040786

>Does your image make self-actualisation impossible then? How is our potential actualised?
I don't understand your question, could you clarify?

>> No.14040796
File: 103 KB, 755x587, aputrollface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw Genesis 3:8-9

>And they heard the voice of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day: and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God amongst the trees of the garden.
>And the Lord God called unto Adam, and said unto him, "Where art thou?"

>> No.14040797

>potentials magically become actuals in the eleven part
kek thank you Aristotle

>> No.14040798
File: 73 KB, 630x750, mooney1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder it has been empirically proven religiosity stifles scientific innovation.


Daily reminder the overwhelming majority of leading scientists are atheist


Daily reminder religious people are less intelligent according to dozens of studies.


Daily reminder religious people are less educated


Religious people are literally a lesser breed of human

>> No.14040809

Yeah, lol

>> No.14040818

When a kid is caught with cookie crumbs all over his face the parent doesn't ask the kid if he has eaten a cookie to know if he really did, but to get an admission of truth from the kid itself

>> No.14040821

If everything requires something else to actualise it's potential, how does human potential get actualised?

>> No.14040823
File: 61 KB, 800x450, large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read this: >>14040818

You people are literally rddit tier atheist, you think you're so smart and edgy, don't you?

>> No.14040827


>> No.14040832
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Yeah, its preposterous. Should I read the Koran, Talmud and Pali Canon while I’m at it?

>> No.14040848

>human potential get actualised?
Human action leads to a state of realized potentials

>> No.14040852
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>reddit nu atheist rick and morty le deus vult

Oh what’s that? Its just the rustling of the leaves.

>> No.14040861

It isn't, existentialism is a false religion.

>> No.14040868 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.14040873
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"True Authorship of the New Testament"

>> No.14040879
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Why did he ask them where they were? Its not like my son would cone out with a face full of cookie crumbs and then I’d start feeling around for him like a blind man. How would I extract an admission of guilt by pretending I didn’t know where he was? And all that notwithstanding, wtf does an omniscient being gain fron anyone’s admission of guilt?

>> No.14040883

twileks get OUT


>> No.14040901

>mortal trying to understand God

anyway. it's a test. it's not about what God gains. God is perfect. God doesn't need gains, because there are no deficiencies to correct. It's about his created being, Adam. Read Romans. Or the parable of the vineyard and the tenants. God chooses, and lets us choose.

>> No.14040902

Based graphic

>> No.14040915
File: 1.25 MB, 2152x2524, B4B3456B-087A-48C3-B93C-DD2F348CED7D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>real being trying to understand a fictional one


>> No.14040925

>Why did he ask them where they were?
Because they hid themselves from God. Read the whole story of Adam and Eve (it's very short), and it may give you a hint

>I’d start feeling around for him like a blind man.
Adam and Eve had never covered or hid themselves before the presence of God before that event. God wanted an admission from them as to why they were doing this.

>wtf does an omniscient being gain fron anyone’s admission of guilt?
If you caught your child with his face covered in cookie crumbs, would you say that you, in that moment, have full knowledge of his action before he even utters a word? Would you then not ask what he did, even though you have full knowledge over the situation?

>> No.14040930

>a jezebel!
ahh, my eyes!

everyone is called to holiness, anon. if it's not for you (at the moment), why bother?

>> No.14040937

So potential can actualize itself?

>> No.14040945

Fuck these chrsitcucked jewish shills.

>> No.14040946

>So potential can actualize itself?
no, because it's not actual.

>> No.14040961
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not that anon but consider a big-enough cloud of gas and dust, out in space. under the weight of its own gravity this inert matter will come together. it will get hot and dense enough to ignite and become a star. self-organizing, right?

now ask yourself: was it really actualizing its own potential? or was the actualization caused by what put the matter there in the first place? i.e., creation.

>> No.14040971
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>Would you then not ask what he did, even though you have full knowledge over the situation?

No because I’m not a passive aggressive dickweed

>> No.14040976

>has tripcode
>still declares he's "not that anon"
So you're a faggot for no reason

>> No.14040991

Oh, so this was a falseflag? >>14040796

I wonder how God feels about these false-dealings in his name...

>> No.14041019


No. It's a question asked in good faith. Not an attempt at disproving, but demonstrating just the opposite. Something to think about.

>> No.14041048

did not understand the point

>> No.14041069
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>stuff happens
>therefore god exists

>> No.14041083

theism is by definition claiming knowledge that is unknowable, so why do theist even exist?

>> No.14041088

>by definition claiming knowledge that is unknowable
that's deism for you, retard. Theism asserts divine revelation.

>> No.14041177

Why some people receive revelation and other dont? What makes some special and others dont?

>> No.14041189

Welp, that settles it. God is not like you, and your existence is perfectly correct, so God must be bad (if he exists). QED.

>> No.14041226

The Jungian interpretation of a God archetype has been rationally proven, as has the fact that without some foundation from which to base morals on, morality is relative and arbitrary. God is that basis, whether he exists or not. Therefore God is both necessary and real in a sense, whether or not He physically exists. I personally think He does not, but for the reasons above it is absolutely necessary that He does.

>> No.14041243

Why did this chatolic guy prove the muslim god?

>> No.14041254

>The chain of causation cannot be infinitely long
>There is no proof that the universe is not infinitely old and you can't prove thst it is!
Seems like kind of a contradiction here.

>> No.14041263

It's addressed in the Bible by Jesus directly . And if you want to "see" God you can, it's not that hard but atheist never do it.
Quick guide: seclusion, fasting, prayer meditation, sincerely trying to find God.
Yep that is all it takes.

>> No.14041278

The word proof literallh only refers to "scientific proof." The fact that retards use proof to mean evidence is irrelevant.

>> No.14041296

This. Fucking Christians. Half of them argue "you have to believe in God as faith, which means irrationally, but that's the beauty of it" and the other half say shit like "there's proof of God out there." You can't have it both ways.

>> No.14041300

Aquinas wanted the universe not to be infinitely old, and thought that the chain of causation argument pointed that way, but didn't think it was sufficient philosophical evidence to conclusively prove this and fell back on revelation. Of course, we now have very strong empirical evidence that the universe isn't infinitely old, so this is irrelevant.

>> No.14041330

It's much easier to demonstrate/prove the existence of the Abrahamic/Platonic God via ontological arguments than to prove that Jesus of Nazareth rose from the dead or that an Arab warlord flew to heaven on a winged horse. Even empirical arguments for the existence of a Creator aren't going to be relevant to some guy waking up after being dead for three days except insofar as they raise your priors for the possibility of divine action.

>> No.14041337

You don't have to believe. There is a universal call to holiness. You don't have to heed it.

It's not so much that he wanted it so much as an infinitely old universe doesn't make sense.

>> No.14041341

Jungian interpretation of God is the only correct one. He isn't a being, persay, but a mythological archetype that we use daily.
To a young child, for example, for example, mother and father are God. Worship of the Christian Gos is just a natural manifestatuon of this archetype. It does not matter if God is real, because the morality put forth by this archetypal God is a natural moral law evolved to help further our growth as a species. God is just as necessary to us humans as the oarents are to a young child, whether or not he exists physically at all.
Is anyone following this?

>> No.14041383

For the same reason why people believe in motion despite Parmenides and Zeno proved its non existence rationally.

If your belief in God is grounded in the arguments of people like aquinas your belief is pretty close to dead

>> No.14041422

All theists know God doesn't exist, but they're too scared to face the truth.

>> No.14041489

>religious duck it’s hijack science
Science is literally a product of religious institutions you brain dead moron

>> No.14041490

>yeah, so, the divine revealed knowledge to ME so I could tell you
people actually fall for this?

>> No.14041494

And you really don't know why that is?
>what is the protestant reformation
Not all christianity is the same, dummy.

>> No.14041500

>rationally proven
Stay delusional christturd

>> No.14041501

>God doesn't exist because he doesn't exist physically.
>All the dead people don't exist because they don't exist physically
>Numbers don't exist bebcause they don't exist physically

Maybe the physical realm is not the real one. After all its entirely transient.

>> No.14041507

>you can't have both
Fucking false dialectics really are the plague of cumbrains, you can have both because the path to God is not only one.

>> No.14041536

Those three greentexts are right. So what?

>> No.14041560

That's not contradictory to what I said.

>> No.14041597


Your appeal to an old edition's length is as tiresome as it is false. The Summa is not a great philophical work-the pretense that it is, is an error of human culture (similarly, history has made the error of ascribing legitimacy to the atheistic and equally false work of Marx partly on account of its sheer length). The Summa is an autistic instruction/reference manual, that's all, and it isn't even right.

I still clearly remember when I actually started reading it and understanding its system: "This is it? This is the fearsome thing? God, now I'm more of an atheist than ever."

>> No.14041654

>bla bla blac cluck cluck cluck my dude lLLLOOOLZZ!1

As pointlessly long as it is non sequitur.

>> No.14041670


Catholics deliberately make bad arguments in order to destroy Christianity because they are Atheists.

>> No.14041724

But anon, he does every day when the sun rises

>> No.14041961

well yeah but only because we sacrificed some prisoners of war yesterday

>the path to God is not only one.
this is the biggest cop out ever

>> No.14042087
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>No because I’m not a passive aggressive dickweed

>> No.14042095

Well, for one, because I'm not a rationalist...

>> No.14042117

>Therefore something that is itself actual has to actualize a potential
This is seriously the best theists have to offer? Even Dawkins is smarter than that. If that image is an actual summary of Aquinas' argument from motion then I'm astonished. For years I've read posts by Catholics on /lit/ praising Aquinas', saying that a careful reading of his works should lead one to Catholicism. But that whole argument is so stupid I'm at a loss for words. If that's their best then there's no way I'll ever end up converting. This is disappointing.

>> No.14042122
File: 260 KB, 563x542, 2a6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anybody in this thread prove that the Bible wasn't written by Satan in an attempt to deceive people?

I'll wait.

>> No.14042126

Literally nothing wrong with that argument, are you dense?

>> No.14042129

We know you haven't read it

>> No.14042134

Take the Advaitapill.

>> No.14042135

A zygote is a full human. All its potential is held in its DNA that is fully human and actualizes itself after merging the egg with the sperm. Being an infant is human, as much as being an embryo.
Now the egg cell or the sperm cells aren't humans, as both lack full human DNA and thus are incapable by themselves to actualize a human. But they have a potential to become a human on their merging into a zygote. Which immediately starts actualizing its humanity in utero.

Just be plain that you want to murder kids to fuck around or sacrifice them to Moloch, why the fuss. Invent "late abortion" for up to 3 years of age.

>> No.14042144

This was an inspired post.

>> No.14042149

>godbotherers try to use science
do fuck off

>> No.14042151
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Coming to the conclusion that God exists is a blackpill, not a whitepill. Because then, the only reason for him creating us is what Mainländer said - to kill himself, or to transfer himself from actuality to potentiality.

>> No.14042154

Well, your alternative is that it was built by the same guy who sits around in burning bushes and chats with peasants.

>> No.14042163

You didn't present a single rebuttal, how typical of the atheist. And Dawkins who you praise is philosophically illiterate to the point where he didn't even manage to quote or cite Aquinas a single time in the God Delusion, despite railing on him

>> No.14042168

Buddhists are very holy, in my view.

>> No.14042173

Originally, yes. But not so much in the modern period.

>> No.14042176
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Sure buddy... hahahahahahah

>> No.14042200

Best post in thread. I mean, what if the one who warned us of the devil was the very man himself? What could be a more brilliant, and dare I say "devilish" ploy? And if you look at the tenets of the faith, you could certainly argue for it being so. Do not lean on your own understanding, you are not capable of saving yourself, you are a wicked and sinful creature, if you disbelieve you will be punished, give everything you have to the Church, do not interpret the Bible yourself, belief and obediance are intrinsically virtuous, and so many other messages which could never be considered positive for a person to believe in. From the perspective of Buddhism, Christianity would certainly be the work of Mara, designed to keep them in Samsara continually.

>> No.14042208

In the modern period, the majority of scientists are non-religious. I myself have a non-dual belief system, but most science today is not practised by individuals with spiritual faith of any variety.

>> No.14042209

Or else what? You will sacrifice your child to Moloch? At least previously people expect things like victory in wars, plentiful harvests or otherworldy power in exchange for child sacrifice, not just a free uterus to fuck around again.

>> No.14042214

wow a lot of scientists were christian at a time when not being a christian could cost you your life. imagine that
those numbers really thinning out towards the end there eh?

>> No.14042217

you sound like a loony mate

>> No.14042219

>Only Christians existed in the world
Yes, because being a Christian was a requirement in Japan, India and China too... KEK

>> No.14042220

>lowest iq
>highest iq

>> No.14042229

Most cited phycisist in the Netherlands is a deeply religious Christian, Cees Dekker.
He is also super based. His physics work is incredible.

>> No.14042233

um. what?

>> No.14042236

Warfare is a less harmful reality than consentual intercourse? I'm not that guy but it doesn't make sense to be against one form of homicide while being in favor of another. And to be fair, Yahweh had the Canaanite infants slaughtered, asked for Abraham to sacrifice Isaac, and eventually sacrificed himself on the cross in the form of Jesus. Thus, from the perspective of Judeo-Christian belief, you can't claim human sacrifice - of infants or adults - to be a bad thing, since the action has already been taken by the very moral arbiter of that worldview. From a different God's perspective however, you could. Vishnu, for example.

>> No.14042238

ok that's one.
name a few more. >>14042208 said the majority are non-religious. can you prove otherwise?

>> No.14042239
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What's the point of introducing God as uncaused first cause when I can just as well declare the universe itself to be the uncaused first cause? Gets rid of the arbitrary middle man.

>> No.14042242

Why did science develop in the West and not in India, China or Japan, despite these countries all being free of the "Christian plague" as it were.

>> No.14042250
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>I can just as well declare the universe itself to be the uncaused first cause?
Because for that to be true, the universe must have existed before it came into existence. Use your brain next time, brainlet.

>> No.14042251

Religion and science are not opposed to eachother, except by methodology. You can believe whatever you want, one of them being through your scriptures and the other through your observations. There's nothing stopping a religious devotee from being a scientific genius, it just tends to be in the modern period that scientists are philosophically empiricists and therefore distance themselves from belief-systems which contain non-empirically derived information in them, which is what much of religion consists of.

>> No.14042260

So God existed before he came into existence?

>> No.14042288

Yes, and?

>> No.14042296

God is spaceless and timeless, thus it logically follows that he has to be eternal...

(God people are so philosophically illiterate in this day and age, baka)

>> No.14042298

what arguments do legitimate thinkers use to counter aquinas
as in people in the academia and whatnot
not internet spergs or memes

>> No.14042304

tl;dr lool

>> No.14042321

Even though the universe contains space and time within it, I can just claim that it itself transcends those categories. You see, applying attributes to things isn't hard.

>> No.14042337

LMAO. Do theists not know about the first law of Newton?

>> No.14042358

Black holes and photons (massless particles) both transcend time, being within the universe.

>> No.14042397

Dark matter does not seem to interact with the EM spectrum. It does effect influence through gravity.

>> No.14042398
File: 204 KB, 1276x1744, baruch-spinoza-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, desu. Does Aquinas ever prove that this "god" loves us? Does he prove that it's worth loving back, if at all?

>> No.14042455

Do you?

>> No.14042467

>Does Aquinas ever prove that this "god" loves us? Does he prove that it's worth loving back, if at all?
stop embarrassing yourself with these silly question. "Does aquinas answer this, does he answer that". He literally answers every single one of your questions and much much more, but I don't except fedora tier atheist to comprehend that.

>> No.14042485

Not that guy, but no they fucking don't.

>> No.14042546

That’s not the point, the point is that the other anon was saying religious nut jobs hijack science words like hydrogen and helium and fusion when the vast majority of scientific terminology was created and preserved by Christian institutions, the Big Bang was a theory by a priest. Quantum mysticism traces its roots to Heisenberg and schrodinger who both believed human consciousness was a fundamentally necessary function in the actualisation of reality. Schrodinger explicitly believing that quantum mechanics is evidence of an afterlife. But no you’re right whenever religious figures use words like “matter” they are hijacking a field that belongs to BASED rationalists like Sam Harris.

>> No.14042589
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I could only hope that I don’t have a child who eats cookies by smashing them against his face resulting in his face being covered in cookie crumbs.

>> No.14042594
File: 44 KB, 479x720, B3910D4C-8289-48C1-B1E0-D0403FBA1A0C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This but unironically

>> No.14042597

How would you even know about Satan and that he deceives people of it was not for the Bible and the church?

>> No.14042602


These are virtually incompatible

>> No.14042606

>You can't claim human sacrifice is a bad thing
Yea let's ignore all the parts that it is condemned and punished both in the old and new Testament.
And you can equete the actions of God to yours because you are not God.

>> No.14042615
File: 2 KB, 119x124, 7CFDF7BD-711C-4B47-A46A-C5F2F98CFA9A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ecclesiastics are the only ones with access to education
>wow look, catholics preserved science during the dark ages

You’re the retard

>> No.14042626
File: 31 KB, 656x527, ED086B5B-2146-4220-9DD1-5A23BE84E685.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these “Christians” swearing and insulting people

Read the book.

>> No.14042631

Aristotle himself blows the fuck out of the ontological argument, Schopenhauer wrote about it in the Fourfold Root. Which is funny because Aristotle is the foundation of the whole scholastic tradition.

>> No.14042634
File: 87 KB, 1200x900, 3877DA17-DDD6-4936-A7D5-2B74D7CB5861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The second one is based. Christian antinatalism is correct.

>> No.14042636

Scientific terminology has zero intrinsic relation to Christian theology. And Schrodinger was heavily influenced by Vedanta, not Christianity. Modern science emerged from Christian society, but it has zero relation to Christianity at this point.

Judeo-Christianity is rife with inconsistencies and contradictions, I agree with that. None of it actually coheres. And if God's morality is different from human morality, then humans have no basis to follow God's morality, which was supposed to be the standard for humans to follow. If God is the objective standard of morality, kills babies, and subsequently deems it that humans should not kill babies, then humans can't follow said arbiter in any capacity, given the lack of logical consistency.

>> No.14042641


>> No.14042644

Science is based on unprovable, unfalsifiable assumptions, just as any other idea and philosophy. If I make the assumption that every change in chemistry and physics is caused by tiny fairies interacting with the world, then that assumption would still lead to a coherent world view - it would be an unfalsifiable axiom, just the same as naturalism and materialism are. Just because the scientists of our time assume that causal power lies with atoms alone, and that the world we can observe is all there is, doesn't make these assumptions true. There are many things our ancestors couldn't observe, that we today understand have an impact on our lives - bacteria and microorganisms being one example. Scientism is a brainlet philosophy

>> No.14042647

Cuz atheists are dumb

>> No.14042653
File: 17 KB, 228x221, A29D5CA7-A65D-4D5A-BC7E-03AFDBE0CF97.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, its a blackpill because the only reason he created us was to use us as a means to an end.

>> No.14042666

Eh, you'd be surprised at how far people's mental gymnastics go. I guess because ancient people combined these cultures together, that makes Yahweh and the Form of the Good the same thing. When Plato wrote about the Form of the Good, he was really speaking about Yahweh and Jesus. Not like these are two completely different cultures awkwardly brought together due to historical circumstance. And philosophy has suffered ever since.

>> No.14042667

>Nooo only I can insult you, you have to take it, arent you are good Christian ?
Nah bad brings bad good brings good.

>> No.14042669

Christians don't really believe in God.
Point in case, when christcucks get sick where do they go? Do they go to church or the hospital? If you go to the hospital you have no faith are a hypocrite and will go to hell.

>Inb4 brainlet arguments like "but gud put duktir ther, he werks thru peepo!"

>> No.14042679
File: 81 KB, 1024x1024, 454A2295-2A10-452B-A38C-387EF520BF49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>God has magical and convenient attributes, baka
>gaah, why can’t people do philosophy anymore?

>> No.14042691
File: 38 KB, 353x537, the-case-against-reality-why-evolution-hid-the-truth-from-our-eyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read the truth.

>> No.14042692

Thomism is the final redpill, retard. Christianity was never based on "judeo Christian God." It was based on the philosopher's God. That's why plato was never burned. Idiot. Idiot. Idiot.

>> No.14042693
File: 114 KB, 500x372, F393F877-2698-407E-B969-EC7386094E25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fact: Literally nobody in this thread has read The Summa nor will they ever.

>> No.14042712

19Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord. 20Therefore if thine enemy hunger, feed him; if he thirst, give him drink: for in so doing thou shalt heap coals of fire on his head. 21Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.

>> No.14042719

Never forget anon, that Jesus himself referred to his enemies by the worst of titles: brood of vipers, children of satan, and so on. We praise Jesus far more than he deserves, and if all of us were to follow his model exactly we'd be a pretty ugly society: one that is intolerant of any views but ours, labelled external doctrines demonically influenced, threatens eternal punishment for not believing our worldview, and chastises anyone who dare think for themselves and form their own opinions. Don't perpetuate the notion that Christianity is about kindness and Christians simply deviate from this - the religion's progenitor was far less of a saint than people make him out to be.

>> No.14042727

>Judeo-Christianity was never based on Judeo-Christianity

>> No.14042732

Even if absolute certainty is always out of reach, science at least produces results that allow us to tell good theories from bad theories. If my scientific theory allows me to make consistently accurate predictions in different situations, it is probably true on some level. Meanwhile, what sets the correct theological idea apart from the incorrect one?

>> No.14042734

God's commandments and his actions afther the incarnation his church are the way to morality.
And God is the final judge of all action and does not have to fallow human morality. Because he is the creator of it he is transcends this world and the laws of it.
Those word are almost enough to dissmis everything you have to say about Christianity, it show you have absolutely no knowledge of what it is.

>> No.14042735

But he was a catholic?

>> No.14042743

The Torah?

>> No.14042745

>all of them dead
Face it sweetie, religion is irrelevant in the contemporary intellectual world

>> No.14042748

An immaterial God can no longer affect the world though (conservation of energy). As such, this is all just further proof for the gnostics having been right all along.

>> No.14042750

Yea I'm not perfect, I can't be a saint and will insult someone who insults me. At best I ignore post like that because it really is not worth it but sometimes it's still interesting to test your arguments.

>> No.14042752

The Torah is part of the Bible

>> No.14042757

Regardless, you have no way of proving that it wasn't something evil that created the Bible.

>> No.14042761

But the Christians are the ones with started with the personal insults. Actually the only insult I levied at anyone in the thread was basically a “no u”

>> No.14042771

What's your definition of evil by your post before it was strght up from the Bible, and that was my point. You know what is evil because of the Bible

>> No.14042777

>To this day, there is absolutely zero evidential or rational basis on which to believe that there is some kind of masculine personality outside the bounds of space-time which oversees human existence, judges it according to Biblical morality, and sentences humanity to either eternal punishment or eternal salvation.
We call matter "mother earth" because matter means matrix and matrix means mother, as matter (the matrix) is the mother of all things, which can create and destroy all, both good and evil, divine and corrupt. From that matrix and whatever conditions happen to characterize your position within it, there are the ways you can choose to act which are fundamentally hierarchical relative to the goal in mind (survival, salvation, love, etc). Things like survival are pretty much quantitative, but once you enter the domain of "good" and "evil" you enter the grey zone. Existing this grey zone is easy: assume that all beings that are self-conscious contain a locus of divinity (the capacity to actualize truth) and that truth is good (an axiomatic faith-claim), such that it becomes imparative to love truth and being. By aiming to imitate whatever mode of being exists at the top of all hierarchies oriented towards the service of those two things you effectively imply the existence of a transcendent masculine personality which judges all beings based on their actions (or their distance from the top of the hierarchy). If you become too distant from the top of the hierarchy your life will be hell and you dont have to believe in anything metaphysical to understand that. No, these things don't "prove" the existence of God, as God can only be revealed through faith (obviously if you dont believe in the two values mentioned above you wont give a damn when good things happen so God will never reveal himself to you). What this rationale does is narrow the gap of faith to the degree that his existence becomes practically self-evident.

>> No.14042793

No, I know what is evil because of empathy. If you think you know what is evil because of some book then you should be locked away where you can’t hurt anyone.

>> No.14042797

>obviously if you dont believe in the two values mentioned above you wont give a damn when good things happen so God will never reveal himself to you.
Or to someone like mother Theresa for that matter.

>> No.14042806

What do mean?

>> No.14042808

The existence of the christian God is predicated upon the assumption that the world speaks a language. This assumption's been long refuted except for midwits who are still asleep in their rationalistic dreams.

>> No.14042815

>A fetus is "potential"
It already exists and is a being, you fucking spastic.

>> No.14042819

That's just as circular of an argument as "morality exist because the bible says it". The emotions you feel constitue nothing more than an instinctive phenomenological response to you moving towards or away from what you value. Everything you feel is couched within your system of values because without the system you would have no framework to judge what emotion you should be feeling (why does a spin of good luck make you feel happy? Why do you think your favourite team winning a game is good?

>> No.14042821

Oh, stfu, indo-niggers. God obviously is far beyond human reproductive organs and thus gender.

>b-but why is he called father then?
Because humans cannot understand his true form and, as such, prophets have always had to use metaphors to describe him to us mortal through their mortal languages. He’s not a literal father to us in that he fucked our mums anymore than he’s a literal shepherd.

>b-but Deus and JHWH are masculine!!
Yes. Those are the names of (male) pagan deities the Latini and Jews worshipped before adopting the true faith. It’s a matter of convention, not theology.

>> No.14042826
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>No, I know what is evil because of empathy.
In other words, emotivism?

>> No.14042831

Congratulations on your Heavenly trips. For the record, I believe in an abstract conception of God, purely Ideal rather than having anthropomorphic attributes. God is Love, Goodness, Beauty, Justice, Truth, Purity, and Freedom - not a man, not a judge, not a king, not a lawgiver, not a parent, not a preacher, not a prophet, not a savior, not a friend, nor anything else which imparts a merely anthropomorphic designation onto something non-anthropomorphic by nature. One should spend their life contemplating these Divine abstractions and aim to emulate them in their behavior. I don't believe in any of Christianity's anthropomorphized distortions of these concepts.

>> No.14042836

>doesnt understand gender archetypally
You dont belong in this conversation. Masculine/feminine =/= male/female.

>> No.14042847

That's reasonable. I still consider there to be more sophisticated theologies than Judeo-Christianity, though, and I have the freedom of following them.

>> No.14042864

Why is that? God seems to be symbolically a masculine judge since when you worship him you pursue a line of ethic that you will be naturally punished for not living up to. Hes really only masculine in contrast to mother nature. If chaos is feminine then nature is feminine because nature selects beyond antibodies control; you have to play your cards within the confines of whatever game she throws you into. The hierarchy of how to play, which is order, seems to be masculine. God cant be mother nature because she spawns all sorts of things that are unholy, so doesnt that make God necessarily masculine?

>> No.14042868

There's the possibility that the evil thing who wrote it is just toying with us, by telling us what evil is and then being the very thing it describes.

Can you prove that wrong? No, you can't.

>> No.14042870

To the extent they're "incompatible", it's mostly the result of defective Jewish understanding. The Old Testament makes it pretty clear that the ancient Jews had a serious problem with telling God apart from various tribal deities, particularly the chief of the Canaanite pantheon (i.e. El as God vs El as Jewpiter). The rabbinical authorities evolved as a way to calcify this defective understanding in the face of mounting evidence that it was incorrect. This is the reason Judaism is bad btw, all the /pol/ complaints are downstream of this.

"Judeo-Christianity" was invented in the 20th century as a ploy to gull Americans into handing power to certain Jews. It has nothing to do with historical/actual Christianity.

>> No.14042874


>> No.14042886

No.. not just christian. Many great scientists are abbots. The big bang theory was proposed by a Catholic abbot, and the research was backed up by the Church. Another example: Mendel father of modern genetics was.

>> No.14042898

blessed post. how approachable is the Summa to an above average but still not terribly talented reader who is reasonably knowledgeable of the bible?

>> No.14042903

if this is the begin-all end-all of the matter there is no free will

>> No.14042909

>but it has zero relation to Christianity at this point.


indeed. Ask God for patience as Job.

>> No.14042918

it is when you realize that He is greater than your towering mountain of sin that you realize he is your only hope

>> No.14042921

Well, obviously it's not as though God "never" revealed himself because these times are described as periods and not as her whole life. It sounds like shes describing clinical depression in religious language, which can be understood as a "test of fate".

>> No.14042922

this fits with both the Quran and the Torah, but I must say I don't understand it

>> No.14042927

>christcucks immediately descend into a bureaucracy of materialist thinking

>> No.14042937

Why doesn't God have mercy?

>> No.14042945
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People continue to pretend that all of this is some matter of rational thought and argumentation, when people simply fall wherever they fall on the theist-atheist spectrum based on inherent personality and temperament. What's the point of rolling out the same points and counterpoints over and over again, even though they never actually change anybody's life?

>> No.14042953

>arguments are meaningless
>the world monotheist count has gone from just the jews to half the population of the earth

>> No.14042960

I don't agree with any of the projections of gender onto non-gendered entities here in the first place, though. "Mother Nature" is a term which humans have designated the Earth to have because of our receiving nourishment and care by the Earth we live on. But I don't literally believe that the planet Earth has a gender identity. The same goes for chaos, or for God. These conceptions help humans relate to their world, but it would be as absurd as projecting gender onto numbers or geometric figures (ex. a square is masculine, an ellipse is feminine). People can believe all of these notions in their own belief-system of course, but I don't consider them more than a form of imaginative analogy. A non-gendered God which is purely ideal and abstract is necessarily more universal than one which incorporates attributes only found within a limited segment of nature, namely a certain number of biological species.

The Old Testament will always and inseparably remain the foundation of Christianity. Christianity without Judaism is like pizza without dough - it does not exist, or even make sense. The Old Testament is the beginning of Christianity and the New Testament is the culmination of it. I guess modern Christians are uncomfortable with this and try to separate themselves from the reality of their own culture's history, but you can never escape the historical reality.

What I'm saying is that scientific methodology or terminology is not intrinsically Christian, regardless of Christians being the originators of modern science and deserving credit for being so, and for having many esteemed members of their faith as decorated members of the field.

>> No.14042963

Pretty much her whole life.
>Privately, Teresa experienced doubts and struggle in her religious beliefs which lasted nearly 50 years (until the end of her life); according to her postulator, Brian Kolodiejchuk, "She felt no presence of God whatsoever ... in her heart or in the eucharist".

>> No.14042970

How can brainlets still exist when geniuses exist? How can chimpanzees still exist when humans have emerged from apes?

>> No.14042972

And you really believe that change happened entirely through brilliant intellectual argumentation and not through political expediency, conquest, emotional persuasion and social factors?

>> No.14042974
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I was never convinced by it since reason cannot produce faith. Then I read Schopenhauer's argument and now I KNOW it is bullshit.

Natural theology is the most retarded thing in existence.

>> No.14042982

It seems quite the leap to just assume that the original mover can have no un-actualized potentials simply because it is the first in the chain for other actuals

>> No.14042989

a number of modern scholars would argue that the OT has a several contributing writers. you can believe that some are inspired and some are not. I don't, really, but I think it could be more or less consistent. I have not studied their evidence in detail though.
I do not believe it would have been possible without some kind of appeal to reason. The One God is a pretty radical concept compared to earlier religion, that makes sense with the logic of earlier religion but expands on it and makes it obsolete.

>> No.14042995

>since reason cannot produce faith
tell me more pls, you seem sure in your position and I struggle to understand all this

>> No.14042998

you literally said :
>Modern science emerged from Christian society, but it has zero relation to Christianity at this point.

And thats a huge lie.

And I don't care about "credit". I Just want you to stop being so ignorant.

>> No.14043007
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Why is asking loaded questions the best way to low-effort troll on internet forums?

>> No.14043021

this question will not be answered until the year 3000

>> No.14043027

I'm saying no one has ever been convinced by a proof of God's existence. That's the psychological reality.

But in the Lutheran sense, only God can produce faith, it's not a rational thing.

>> No.14043036

In what sense does any modern scientific field inseparably connect to Christianity?

Well you're certainly bound to Christ's words, and since he referenced the OT alot you're obligated to those pieces.

>> No.14043054

In the Quran I understand the logic as "if He knows that you could choose Him, he will give you a chance. If he knows that you will never bow he will let you live blind." So basically if it's possible that you will choose Him Allah sets up a situation where the matter is tried.

I think about this a lot because I believe because Allah showed me my life was shit. I've been thinkign a Lot about how I would try to explain this to someone else in a manner that might make sense to them, and that could be persuasive. The Quran is full of arguments that I understand to boil down to "it is clear human life is full of meaning. this implies that creation is permeated by intent, and that there is a correct way to live".

I think what I really want is an argument that makes my faith firm. Because until I have that I don't know if it will hold. But I probably never will. All I can do is trust that He will keep me on a path if I trust Him, and that I don't need to know the "how". Or I have to trust that if I knew the "how" it would ruin something integral to me and possibly to reality.

>> No.14043219
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>> No.14043227

lol based

>> No.14043229

I know only the basics of Islamic theology (what I've read on the Internet + one short book by a Finnish professor of Islamic studies), so I can't really comment on it. I come from Lutheran country, etc. so I have had a kind of "natural" interest in Luther's thought.

Luther often cautions against thinking about predestination, etc. since it often leads to either despair or hubris. God "behind the veil" is not something that is open to us. He just is. It's what he has revealed to us that matters to us.

I remember one quote from Luther well, that it is "better to be in Hell with Christ than in Heaven without". Faith is primarily about trust in God, that he will show us the way even when we falter and have doubt.

>> No.14043244

I think I fear ending up in a place where I can't explain my faith. but maybe the best answer is just that, that I can't explain it but it is real.

>> No.14043294

theists eternally BTFO

>> No.14043302

A bit off-topic, but I just remembered this one time after my cousin's confirmation, I was around five or six. The priest preached about the narrow gate to heaven and how one could only be saved through faith. That evening I cried on my bed and my mom came to ask "what's wrong?". I said I didn't know if I _really_ believed in God. I was afraid I was going to hell. This made me lose my faith for years.

>> No.14043344

I think what really got me going was that I read a piece by an old persian sufi named "Attar" in which one line simply read "I am not a muslim" or something like that. That got me thinking: how was this choice made? Did I make it? Or did it happen to me? Who in me is the believer? I don't think I have a very good answer. Maybe He gives the evidence He gives and then we simply choose.

As Luther said, it might be better not to think too much about this stuff desu. I would say I oscillate between hubris and despair. But it's hard to let go.

>> No.14043448

He was a Deist

>> No.14043584

That slide 12...
Confirmation bias is one hell of a drug.

>> No.14043960

>durr things can't move on their own
What is inertia?

>> No.14044350
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>the dark ages

>> No.14044368
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I don't take advice from a hole

>> No.14044374

>An immaterial God can no longer affect the world though (conservation of energy).
Explain further.

>> No.14044413
File: 1.50 MB, 2528x1364, Summa_Theologica.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if this is the begin-all end-all of the matter there is no free will
Read the Summa. I have said it before ITT and I will say it again. Aquinas deals with every single objection thus presented ITT by atheist and much more.

>> No.14044420

>Why doesn't God have mercy?
Read the Summa.

>> No.14044499
