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/lit/ - Literature

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14031831 No.14031831 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.14031936

finnegans wake, fanged noumena

>> No.14032229
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Book 2nd from the top is socialism and society by ramsay macdonald, first uk labour prime minister. One at the bottom is by Christopher Hill and is a historical materialist take on the English civil war

>> No.14032237

also, the tolstoy has the cossacks, happy ever after and the death of ivan ilyich, which should I read first?

>> No.14032507

Hill is pretty based. His book "Milton and the English Revolution" has some interesting stuff on Paradise Lost.

>> No.14032535

That's a great stack. I've read Rings of Saturn and Babel's stories. Both are fantastic. Enjoy them, anon.

>> No.14032546

If you took Aristotle seriously, you would deface the cover of atomized.

>> No.14032558


>> No.14032588
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Arac, Postmodernism and Politics
Adorno, Kierkegaard-Aesthetic
The Soyuz Launch Vehicle (Springer)
Autonomia (Semiotext(e), read in its entirety, pic related)

>> No.14032826
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What am I in bros? These should arrive any day.

>Ordinary men - Christopher R. Browning
>Road to Wigan pier - George Orwell
>Point Counterpoint - Aldous Huxley
>Wuthering heights - Emily Bronte

The last one is really concerning qualitywise, written by woman as you can see.

>> No.14032831

I'll check it out, really enjoying Hill right now. Sick of any history that makes out people in the past were like a different species rather than acting based on the technological and productive forces of their day.

>> No.14032834

wuthering heights is the worst, most self-absorbed boring shit youll ever read. beware.

>> No.14032898

My most recent books were
>The Outlaws by Ernst von Salomon
>Bronze Age Mindset by BAP
>0 to 1 by Peter Thiel
Read the first 2 and halfway through the third, all pretty good

>> No.14034117

Lost in the Funhouse I fucking hated, with the exception of Petition which happens to be perfect. It's ivory tower never-left-school horseshit, don't be memed.

>> No.14034676


>> No.14034731

Cheers man. Thinking about picking up The Rings of Saturn tomorrow.

>> No.14034910
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>> No.14034994
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dad moved house recently and gave me some books

>> No.14035027
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>> No.14035031
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>> No.14035052
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>> No.14035099

I really like what you've got going on here, friend

>> No.14035140
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pretty trash. the bottom book is Schopenhauer's Studies in Pessimism. most recent purchase is Hesse's Gertrude; just came in yesterday.

>> No.14035364
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I've already posted them, I received them two days ago.

>> No.14035372
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And today I received this one.

>> No.14035655

dracula's an amazing read. sad that what was then a popular adventure novel for the masses would now be considered a pretty tough read

>> No.14035826
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>a pretty tough read
Really? I read this edition a couple of months ago and it wasn't complex at all, although I had to look up a couple of words because english isn't my mother tongue.

>> No.14035956
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Recent purchases
>The Complete Works of Boccaccio
Usually they publish Decameron as a two volume set, and I'm not going to pay two buck for a two volume edition.
Basically it's an edition containing everything. The binding and build quality is really good, and it was cheap too. And I needed a copy of the Decameron anyway.

>Sartre - Nausea
I picked it up simply because it was cheap. (A buck on the street instead of six or seven in antiquaries.)

>Thomas Mann - The Sorrows and Grandeur of Richard Wagner
I already read this. It's a pretty good book. He recaps the values and goals of romanticism very well, while drawing on primary sources to support his arguments.

>Natsume Soseki - 120 Haiku
Read this one too. Probably the second best haiku collection I've read. It includes the original Japanese versions + a transcription for each of them.
Though I must say, I prefer Soseki's novels for sure.

>Milán Füst - I was all this once: A book of Habi-Sadi's struggles
A gift. An orientalist collection of anecdotes and wisdom, recounted by the author near the end of his life, or at least it looks like it at first glance. Seems to be right up my alley.

>> No.14035959
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Only lit I need

>> No.14036020


>> No.14036041

elaborate faggot

>> No.14036080

The origin of consciousness is a really cool book despite being primarily a collection of just so stories. I like that psychology was something more interesting than just merely a soft "science" pre-WW2.

>> No.14036118

I'm not into magic because it's edgy

>> No.14036122

why else?

>> No.14036138

Spiritual development

>> No.14036166

what do your results look like?

>> No.14037464


>> No.14037595
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bought some books at a book sale recently, finished Steppenwolf, TBK, and The Trial

>> No.14037651

Just bought The Baron in the Trees. Good place to start with Calvino or should I get something like If On a Winter's Night a Traveler or Invisible Cities?

>> No.14037669

Are you the fag who has been making all the Sisyphus threads?

>> No.14038326

>The Complete Works of Boccaccio
I've been looking for a good English translation of the Decameron, and after comparing a few I've settled on one by Wayne Rebhorn
I can't say I know anything else Boccaccio has done - his fame seems to rest on a single work these days.
on reviewing his bibliography I can see that several of his lesser works influenced Chaucer, but it's hard to tell if they've faded from public memory because they're inferior to his masterpiece or if it's simply because Decameron contains so many admirable examples of his ability that people don't really need to read any more to have already "gotten him"
that said, I'm kind of curious about his Lives of Famous Women and The Fates of Famous Men. apparently they were composed to edify as well as entertain - to induce people to avoid vice and seek virtue. clearly he was directly influenced by Plutarch in this project, though I wonder how Boccaccio measures up to his model.

>> No.14038361

the death of ivan ilyich is one of the best pieces of prose i've ever read

>> No.14038444

19 inch dick

>> No.14038498

The only things I remember him writing are Decameron and his biography of Dante.

>> No.14038695

Checked and trips of truth

>> No.14039129

What in heavens name are you talking about? The book's about a retarded brainlet theory that no one on the planet should waste their time on

>> No.14039576
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Where’d you get all those hardcovers? I have a bit of a fetish for them

>> No.14039783
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I bought them all on Yahoo Auctions. You don't have to live in Japan to be able to buy, it's not like mercari.

>> No.14039803
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>not organizing a stack by size

>> No.14040731
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Most of your stacks display a lack of any semblance of personal taste. sad.

>> No.14040843

absolute pleb detected

>> No.14041029

Nope. I just lurk, rarely post.

>> No.14041554
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went to a thrift shop in a wealthier part of town and scored the odyssey, war and peace, and a complete collection of Shakespeares works

someone wrote with pencil on king Henry the IVth and all throughout the odyssey nd im pissed I didn't notice first but whatever, I can erase it I guess

>> No.14041973
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I think these 4 books tells a bit about myself

>> No.14041976


>> No.14041977


>> No.14041994
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>> No.14042016
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>> No.14042049

I can see that you're a big fan of memes, anon.

>> No.14042228

I would tell you to kill yourself but considering you're unable to grasp the greatness of Wuthering heights, you must already be dead.

>> No.14043115


>> No.14043224
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>> No.14043407
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>> No.14043442

A Little Hatred by Joe Abercrombie. Love me the First Law series

>> No.14043795


>> No.14044958

Hows Sebald?
I've been meaning to check him out for sometime

>> No.14045971

loved rings of saturn.
uses the periodic sentence better than proust

>> No.14046153
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Can we trade? Mine is fucking retarded.

>> No.14047640


>> No.14048279

The Rings of Saturn is one of the best books I've ever read.

>> No.14048671


>> No.14050015

Fuck no. He looks like Sloth from the Goonies

>> No.14051266

Thanks guys

>> No.14051689

that you like birds?

>> No.14052174

what camera that

>> No.14052257
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Picked these up today, the book by Hrabal is Closely Watched Trains.