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14030963 No.14030963 [Reply] [Original]

What are your philisophical/religious/political stances /lit/?

>> No.14030982

Neoplatonist/Orthodox Christian/Conservative Capitalist

>> No.14030989

Whiteheadian Naturalist/weak atheist/Marxist

>> No.14030997

Well, my views are, as the kids nowadays say, based and redpilled.

>> No.14031004

I am a Petersonian Shapiroian Guenonian Traditionalist Accelerationist

>> No.14031005

Local relational territorialism (at the moment)/Inquisitive Encompassing Anthropological Animism/Aesthetical Pragmatism

>> No.14031009

confused/more confused/disgusted

>> No.14031014

exoteric adolfist

>> No.14031018

lacanian neoplatonic manichaeism

>> No.14031027

Cynicism/Ietsism/National Socialist

>> No.14031042

Don't attach to anything in this or any other world and do good to all living things - do this wether or not you can think of a good reason to do it.

>> No.14031053

atm All focused on the vehement belief that you should kill yourself.

>> No.14031062
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I'm a Kuyperian Christian Khomeinist, and you?

>> No.14031066

This, seeing meaning in worldly stuff is heretical and satanic. Life is just a waiting hall for hell/heaven.

>> No.14031069


>> No.14031083
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>> No.14031094

True, believing things that are not related to God is a sin.

>> No.14031128


>> No.14031284
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I have my own political and philosophical labels because I take on influence from the best part of all philosophies and political theories I like

>> No.14031437


>> No.14031492

I have successfully synthesized literally all the existing philosophical positions

>> No.14031496

Platonist/undecided/don't get involved

>> No.14031502


>> No.14031526
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I'm a taoist with a lot of Christian influence because of how I was raised. I'm philosophically an anarchist but in practice I guess I'm a democratic socialist since I organize with those types.

>> No.14031620


>> No.14031633

Jesus Christ this is based and blesspilled

>> No.14031660

full time actor

>> No.14031699

I guess you could describe me as a mutualist and theist with buddhist tendencies.

>> No.14031706

Anti natalist, pessimist, fatalist, nihilistic misanthrope. Not because i read a lot of works, but because those words sound smart and i hate you all.

>> No.14031761

Ohh yeah political stance: Esoteric Hitlerism

>> No.14031787

>Anti natalist, pessimist, fatalist, nihilistic misanthrope
>because those words sound smart

>> No.14031829
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>> No.14031939

Bump because i want to trigger niggers and want my ego inflated

>> No.14031943

Aryan Neo-Scientology/Kxheism/anime masturbation

>> No.14031949


>> No.14031959

Platonic realism
Gnostic Christian
>political stances
Kinda Strasserist but fairly moderate

>> No.14031965

>Esoteric Hitlerism
this but unironically

>> No.14032010

>Schopenhauer explains basically everything as clearly as can be done by one man

>Vedanta is true philosophically, Christianity is true psychologically

>Radical centrist

>> No.14033297

Athari, Muslim, Islamist.

>> No.14033333

Based Salafi litbros

>> No.14033362

>/political stances
Kill drumpft

>> No.14033387
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Shia Islamism/Twelver Shia Islam/Wilayat al-Faqih/Khomeinism

La ilaha ilallah
Muhammadu rasulullah
Ali waliullah

Marg bar amrika

>> No.14033393

Pessimist atheist communist

>> No.14033407

>idealism and pessimism
>National Communism

>> No.14033414

Catholic/Catholic/politics is evil

>> No.14033419


>> No.14033494

Materialist logical positivism/atheist/anarchist

>> No.14033548


>> No.14033568

Advaita Nondualism
Force Realism / Jediism

Come at me

>> No.14034636
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Essentially a monist platonism.
I believe in God and higher beings, I agree with many of the tenets of Buddhism and Hinduism but am wh*te so can't really follow them
Roughly national socialist, slightly less big on the nationalism and racialism, but in favor of the opposition to usury, capitalism, communism, and globalization. Very big on environmental issues (industry I work in).

>> No.14034968

Epicurean Stoic Pyrrhonist Platonic Peripatetic Cartesian Spinozic monadologistic Kantian hegelian Schopenhauerian Nietzschean Kierkegaardian Pragmatist whiteheadian logical positivist phenomenologist Heideggerian Hermeneutician Derridan Marxist Deleuzean Zizekian Petersonian new atheist

>> No.14035321

Depends on what day you ask me/Lutheran Christian/Depends on what day you ask me.

>> No.14035325

my nigga

>> No.14035333

post-modernist existentialism/esoteric hitlerism/national socialism

>> No.14035645

is this a big joke or do ideologues not realize how pathetic they sound? I really can't tell

>> No.14035674

I don't know where I stand philosophically. I keep reading a lot of Hegelian shit because I don't feel I've come to grasp it properly, but I get that feeling at the back of my head that it's total bullshit.
I'm not a part of any religious group, but I wouldn't mind it. I just want an aesthetically pleasing one I can get behind. But if this question was meant to ask whether or not I believe in God, I just find the entire conception of God to be absurd and it's a non-question.
Politically I suppose I'm economically left and culturally right. But only rightist in the sense that I'd want to support the values of my ideal culture, not because I give a shit about current arrangements. I couldn't care less about nu-racism and nu-nationalism and the trad cucks that are stuck in the past and huffing dust up their noses.
Put me against a wall and it's Hegelian/agnostic/social democrat.

>> No.14035999

communist of some kind. i consider myself a marxist or anarchist depending on my mood on a given day
i am also opposed to religion

>> No.14036778

heideggerian / hermeticist / closest ideology to my views would be classical liberalism

>> No.14036806

Not to sound like a cringy 15 year old atheist but this has always seemed like a really easy way to say "disregard your standings in life, don't strive for more than what you have, and wait until you die!". Seems like a really good philosophy for upper class atheistic sociopaths to control the salt of the Earth.

>> No.14037362

It's all a spook

>> No.14037395

Can't follow Buddhism because of your race? Which Dhamma did you read into my friend? It wasn't Buddhism.

>> No.14037421

The truth is he's too spineless to invest himself fully and become a monk so he's using whiteness as a cope to why he can't

>> No.14037437
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Stoic (I'm not great at it admittedly) influenced with some of Existentialism/Catholic/centrist leaning slightly right libertarian

>> No.14037448

decolonial queer anarchist and unironic sjw

>> No.14037484

Islamic marxist

>> No.14037510

An ardent pessimist and logicist (I feel the pessimism is a necessary pessimist). Politically and philosophically a marxist still.

>> No.14037522


>> No.14037532

I'm an offtopicist

>> No.14038022

I more meant that you can't be sure your intepretation is correct without the a good knowledge of Saanskrit and the proper cultural background, neither of which I have. Definitely hard to trust the accuracy of a document translated by westerners.

>> No.14038061


>> No.14038094

>Definitely hard to trust the accuracy of a document translated by westerners
The major writings and scriptures of Advaita Vedanta have all been translated from Sanskrit into English by initiated sannyasins from India familiar with the culture and context like Gambhirananda, Madhavananada, Nikhilananda etc

>> No.14038107

How can an adult male still be a libertarian? I hope to God you aren't older than 20.

>> No.14038293


>> No.14038304

Some people just want to be left alone

>> No.14038308

Jungian Orthodox Christian Distributist Localist

>> No.14038738

Stoic/ traditional Catholic / right wing

>> No.14038862

>Vedanta is true philosophically, Christianity is true psychologically
unequivocally based

>> No.14038937

Stoicism/Atheist/Leftist but not full Marxist.

>> No.14038951

i pray to the sun and moon and one day hope to return to the earth

>> No.14039008

Stoic/no idea/no idea

>> No.14039029
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God is dead/God is dead/libertarian socialist

>> No.14039048


>> No.14039459
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I should have prefaced by saying that I do read the texts, I'm just skeptical of many aspects of the translations. Both the translator's cultural knowledge (I usually read Buddhist texts, and the translators are often European Indologists) and the ability for many of the concepts to be conveyed in Western languages. I know a little bit of Sanskrit and the depth of single words can be very extreme compared to something like English. Take the word (using the English alphabet) kāla. While it is typically translated as "time", it has many additional meanings built into it. Like our word for time, it can also be used to denote eras in time (e.g., the time of kings). Even further, it can denote something that is inevitable, and hence it is sometimes translated as "destiny", "death" etc., hence the (imo) mistranslation of the Bhagavad Gita verse "I am time, the destroyer worlds" by Oppenheimer. I've looked through a few translations of the Gita, and the translations vary quite a bit even when written by steeped in Hinduism (i.e., Nepali and Indian people).

Even going to your example, the sannyasins were undoubtably political, and even assuming no deliberate mistranslation they still will always interpret the texts through their own lens, which is distinct from how a Brahmin far away from the colonial centers (the sannyasins were heavily based in universities) would interpret things

>> No.14039671

Hegelian Christian Marxist

>> No.14039904

Classical Pragmatism/Episcopalian Christian/Moderate Paleocon

>> No.14041036
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>> No.14041054

niggeristic niggerism nigger

>> No.14041220
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I am a heterodox sort of neoplatonist Christian with some perennialist-ish and gnostic tendencies. I don't believe God is omnipotent and instead see the material world as unclean and hijacked by evil by means of original sin. I believe Christ and the Buddha Amitabha are similar in many ways, and that they were both sent by our omnibenevolent and omniscient God to show us the way in a sinful and cruel world. I am currently studying Taoism and Wusheng Laomu type salvationism and think that these traditions contain truth in them as well, salvationionism more so than the Taoism. Politically, I resent the sinful and corrupt state, but love my nation and support others in loving their nations. I am against unjust wars like the current neoliberal wars, against current excessive taxation that enriches well-connected profiteers, against corruption, against sexual degeneracy like "child drag queens," against corporate exploitation at home and abroad, against mass immigration, and against discrimination based on immutable characteristics like race, sex, sexual orientation, or legitimate transsexuality. I am in favor of strong and healthy families and the idea of society providing for the meek and the poor. I don't care for Islam much and I hate the governments and dominant cultural characteristics of most all Muslim countries, but I also don't want my tax money spent bombing people (especially innocents like children and people who do not participate in savage behaviors) overseas for the sake of degenerate profiteers' bank accounts.

>> No.14041225

Metaphysical Nihilist/Practicing Shinto/Social Democrat

>> No.14041227

You'd best be Japanese, boy.

>> No.14041261
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>> No.14041266
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>> No.14041274
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>> No.14041295
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>> No.14041312

what site is this?

>> No.14042090


>> No.14042950


>> No.14042955

Still not sure who I am or am supposed to be.

>> No.14042968

Neo-Platonist/pro-Christian quisi-pagan/traditionalist.

>> No.14042979

Pessimism/postmodern Christianity/apolitical

>> No.14042990

>tfw not sure what i even believe in anymore

>> No.14043001
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Mine isn't a "stance," it's a movement. A recursively self-improving movement of mutually improving human relationships: memetic singularity.


>> No.14043046
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>> No.14043126


>> No.14043318


>> No.14043329
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>> No.14043356

Hegalian, like Kierkegaardian aesthetic/ Nominally catholic, but have been drawn to austerity of some prot traditions/ Moderate conservative, Capitalism with moderate governmental influence.

>> No.14043363
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White nationalist

>> No.14043397

Where you find the test?

>> No.14043406

And the political test has the name at the top.

>> No.14043445

Marxist leninist, agnostic or muslim still unsure, communist

>> No.14043459


A lot of these questions really seem like I would need context to answer effectively, unless i try to reduce it to grammar only and not take into account context.

>"Do the ends always justify the means"
-Well, i think the core struggle there is that the means almost always turn into an end of themselves in practice, its not a closed system. However, If i would to take the statement at face value and ignore the reality of continuity I would agree. If i slaughter millions to create a utopia, people would most likely know about it and agitate the distruction of the utopia making my ends not an ultimate ends.

>> No.14043475

>Reason is more important than emotion.
I see it as emotion being a subset of reason, its a factor to be taken into consideration. A reasonable decision may be one primarily drive by emotion, but there are other factors. In this sense I would pick reason, but How it is presented I assume that it is treating the two as seperate.

>> No.14043510

wtf is this?
>We are all insignificant in the eyes of the universe.
These seem more like maxims than philosophical questions. I need context. "insignifigant" in what regards? in regards to mass? in regards to perception? in regards to moral importance? It seems like a relative question without property is being compared.

>> No.14043541


>> No.14044410


>> No.14044456


>> No.14044479
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progressivism is the state religion of the globalist wokecapital NATO regime. any real opposition to the system is by necessity, reactionary. What can leftists do beyond asking for more symbolic and therapeuthic conscesions from the establishment all while shutting down the real dissidents?

>> No.14044529

NRx is a very specific, fringe ideology tho.

>> No.14044564

Nrxers are autistic CS incels/trannies who got horribly bullied as children and developed a labyrinthine sadomasochist complex

>> No.14044783

I am a Man.

>> No.14044796

first post best post

>> No.14045104

it just gets worse / idk i've been questioning my religious beliefs for a few years and haven't really decided on anything yet / politics inspired my philo views

>> No.14045166

Optimistic Nihilist/atheist/anarcho-communist

>> No.14045168


>> No.14045452

Political non-euclidean

>> No.14045544
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Hermetic/neoplatonic/Anglican/Volkish/Monarchical/Southern Nationalist

>> No.14045592

Base ddubs.

>> No.14045632

Why would you care if you are not following any of that shit?

>> No.14045653


>> No.14045724
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>> No.14046702

Basically i've been agreeing with hermetic notions so far from what i've heard and read from a few texts. I just think it's so life affirming and positive, and yet it still makes a big deal of sense.
But I'm not a fully fledged scholar either to start putting on such labels

>> No.14046725

>"The One and The Many"
>also southern monarchy
Yeah ok

>> No.14046738
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>> No.14047286
