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File: 66 KB, 500x542, eckhart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14030750 No.14030750 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.14030780


>> No.14030799

Yes. But get yourself a commentary and a biography of him too. Sometimes the man was really far out and it definitely helped me to understand him better.

>> No.14030800

meister eckhart

>> No.14030876

What if it's not a Christian you stupid fucking nigger? Huh? What if it's not? What do you have to say you pathetic fucking retard? Huh? What do you have to say? You don't even know what gender you are, why the fuck should anyone listen to you about anything if you can't even figure out the most basic challenges of life? Huh? What are you gonna say? "A BLOO BLOO EVERY SHOULD PUSH THEIR DICK INSIDE OUT JUST LIKE ME AN WE'LL ALL BE EQUAL A BLOO BLOO!" Huh? Why the fuck should anyone take you seriously? You're brain is plastified and it shows in the fact that you're constantly getting btfo in every thread. Huh? What are you possibly going to enumerate here that's worth listening to? Huh?
I will fucking kill you tranny dilate

>> No.14030909


>> No.14030920

Oh God yes. Eckhart is incredible. Best secondary source ive found on him is Wandering Joy by Reiner Schumann

>> No.14030928

Yes, he's amazing. Jung helped me to understanding him in an interesting and sometimes helping way too however there exists the fundamental difference of medieval faith, and modern scientism. At the point of the exact defining of Jungian concepts (and this is for when also reading Eckhart or any mystic/theologian) know only their effectual truth and no further, and that by necessity infers you do not know of the archetypes as anything other than those which exist within us - animated. Not in the wholly modern and sceptical sense of archetype as a functioning part of matter.

Christ birthed eternal within us can never be understood as "a collectively inherited function". Jung himself understood the importance and value of what is faith and the mystical of life but oft had to present his concepts such as the archetypes in much more scientific formulae. To be clear, I'm not saying Jung is a mystic, just a wise man.

Buy this for Eckhart: https://www.amazon.com/Complete-Mystical-Works-Meister-Eckhart/dp/0824525175

I heard there might be a Volume 2 but that could just be another edition but I could never find it, so I don't know - just buy this.

>> No.14030933
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No. At the end of the day he was still a christcuck and he was deemed a heretic by the Church. Christians pushing for this guy today are just people desperately trying to stay relevant now that Christian faith have completely collapsed.
>g-guys don't leave! we have spiritual masters too! >we have eastern style mystics too!
>non-dualism?? that's what Christianity is!!!1!
Don't fall for it. It's just the final gasps of a dying religion.

>> No.14030965

thank you very much, will do

nice post. I've already got into hinduism though

>> No.14030969

Guenon cult is a blight on this board. Non-dualism is a lie.

>I'm not saying Jung is a mystic

Jung did dress up these concepts in more psychological language, but his Seven Sermons of the Dead is unapologetically mystical

>> No.14030993

>deemed a heretic by the Church

He was never condemned in person but only various propositions. Thus the question of rehabilitation does not even apply to him

>> No.14031033
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>nice post. I've already got into hinduism though
Then you've not delved deep enough. If you had studied enough authentic metaphysics then you should have realized that Abrahamism is a curse on this world and that it should be rejected.

Christianity is something you reject fully or accept entirely. Don't be a centrist sissy.
lel he wasn't condemned in person because he died too soon but he was already tried as a heretic and was just awaiting the verdict

>> No.14031039

Hinduism has been too greatly tarnished by the thousands of years of inferior races being the bearers of its great truth, a truth still there, however lesser than that of the Nordic Christianity.


>Jung did dress up these concepts in more psychological language, but his Seven Sermons of the Dead is unapologetically mystical
I do think it is more than simply dressing them up, his ideas became concepts in themselves which in turn are dressed up within mysticism. He found the right balance between the leap of faith, mysticism, religion, tradition etc and scientific, empirical rationalistic modernity. He never stated religiosity as a whole production of a rational formulation of the psyche, but also never stated scientism as a whole production of religious spirit of faith - if you know what I am getting at. And you must remember the Seven Sermons of the Dead were written when he was having the hallucinations. Still magnificent texts. And that is what I mean when I say the archetypes exist as collectively inherited 'impulses' of a higher complexity nigh (and sometimes) reaching autonomy. Yet that irrational faith still exists as something definitely in part apart from man.

>> No.14031048

Just read Wagners Regeneration writings you Pseud, specifically his Hero-dom and Christiandom where he completely obliterates any Hindu superiority over Christianity. Still start from the beginning which is Religion and Art, then Know Thyself(though I haven't read this one yet so cannot entirely vouch) and finally Hero-dom and Christiandom. Probably is another but not that I know of and he never finished writing the series anyway.

>> No.14031117

There is no truth in Christianity. Their holy book makes it impossible for them to reach any sorts of deep metaphysical understandings. It is a religion forever caught in the subpar Biblical understandings of the Divine.

Christian metaphysics/philosophy is just 2000 years of European copes over the fact that they converted to such a mental midget religion. But in the end of you day no matter how hard you try, the square of any authentic metaphysics will never fit in the round hole that is Christianity.

Reject everything Christian. begome who you are. And no, you do not have to become a Hindu.

>> No.14031143

>Christian metaphysics/philosophy is just 2000 years of European copes over the fact that they converted to such a mental midget religion. But in the end of you day no matter how hard you try, the square of any authentic metaphysics will never fit in the round hole that is Christianity.
Seemed to fit pretty well to me over the many 2000 years with producing the greatest philosophical and theological geniuses - as well as artistic, which has always been a prime member of expression and dictation for the Christian religion unlike that of Hinduism.

Sorry what was that? All traditional Hindu art is either just a meaningless itself and only serves to be symbolic, and all modern Hindu art is soulless capeshit produced by thousands of years only being known and carried by a people who could not comprehend it in the first place.

Well well well, shame it never reached the heights of Christ.

>Reject everything Christian. begome who you are. And no, you do not have to become a Hindu.
Are you one of the Pagan posters on /pol/? Nothing against all ARYAN religions however to become who I am - in your sense - would be to betray my intuitive identity with that of Christ.

Out of curiosity, what are your thoughts on Hitler?

>> No.14031164

I found I got a lot of value out of him after having engaged with Hinduism.
The Erfurter Reden seems like a good place to start.

>> No.14031168
File: 72 KB, 1080x1020, 2914502341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Non-dualism is a lie.

>> No.14031176

It's funny because Guenon never dismissed Christianity fully, and was himself always an "Abrahamic".
And Coomaraswamy frequently quotes from Eckhart.

>> No.14031191
File: 301 KB, 800x800, 1556756884582.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"""Nordic Christianity."""
pic related perfectly encapsulates the absurdity of people like you

>> No.14031222

Uh, you realize Nordic Christianity is an actual real life term right? and it doesn't mean what you think it means.

>> No.14031224
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I think the word you're looking for is Lutheranism.

>> No.14031242

Nah, Nordic Christianity used to be a term to describe a folk religion popular in Scandinavia that was basically a amalgamation of Norse Paganism with Jesusism. The exact opposite of your image.

>> No.14031256

>pic related perfectly encapsulates the absurdity of people like you
No it doesn't, it places holes where there are none. And you didn't even reply to my actual post just a "le stoopido" reply. I have no gripes with Paganism but it is smoothbrains like yourself who seem to be incapable of genuine discussion.

>> No.14031276

Eckhart was not a heretic. He was a member of the Dominicans during a time in which other religious orders had extreme feuds. Pope John Paul has favorably quoted Eckhart. I don't understand how one could call Eckhart heretical. Maybe before his case fully developed, but nowadays with the full historical context in mind and with Church officials in support of his works, it is extremely bizzare to me to see people trying to discredit him.

This post is so incredibly bad. This board seems to just turn Guenon into a caricature of whatever it wants. Guenon is not out to kill christianity nor any Abrahamtic tradition, contrary to what your meme implies (I assume that is Guenon in your meme, although it is of such poor quality, it could be interpreted in other ways). If you think in such a way, you have not even read Guenon and have been meme'd into him by a mix of /lit/ and /pol/ memes.

Even if you are an Evola follower, Evola himself acknowledges that there is great value in Eckhart and lists him specifically in Revolt as an example of western metaphysical truth.

If you are a fundamentalist Hindu, it once again makes no sense to posit the two traditions as some inherant antithesis. Coomaraswamy said Eckhart was the most metaphysically profound westerner. Plenty of Hindus have seen great value in the west. Plenty of westerners have seen value in the east. Trying to reduce everything to some meme duality of muh good guys and muh bad guys is a middle school level understanding of comparative religion.

>> No.14031285

Not him, but the cultural achievements can be separated from the religion they are formally associated with. There's nothing "Christian" about stained-glass or choral hymns, even if they emerged within a Christian society. They can be separated from said religion. That said, I do agree with you that Europe had the greatest artistic achievements of the world, but that does not change the character of Christian theology by one iota - even if it does help to sell it.

>> No.14031289

>specifically his Hero-dom and Christiandom where he completely obliterates any Hindu superiority over Christianity.

>> No.14031300
File: 20 KB, 657x116, DCZAAm2UMAA_dWw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a reminder to eat God.

>> No.14031305

It is foolish to take the cultural achievements out of context with the religious background. The very understanding of culture before the reformation necessitated the religious background. I would be foolish to try and do a similar thing with the east, saying how Japanese aesthetics could be seen as independent from Shintoism and Buddhism, etc. Stained Glass windows in the west are based specifically of certain theological interpretations of the book of Revalation. Cathedrals, once again, have a specific theological purpose in their structure.

You intrepet ancient culture in the light of modern secularism, an idea that did not exist. In ancient cultures the very idea of a completely profane, humanistic art form did not exist (with the exception of the Greek crepuscular period)

>> No.14031335

I just wrote a massive response but my 15 gb computer decided to close the browser for no reason. FUCK! You have no idea how annoying this is, it's happened for the 5th time in two days and 3 of those times destroyed something important I have written. Essentially as summary of it:

Read this to understand the reciprocative relationship between Art and Religion: http://users.belgacom.net/wagnerlibrary/prose/wlpr0126.htm#d0e1276 . Something like Raphaels transfiguration is entirely Christian. You can't understand Bach without appreciating in some sense the Christian spirit. And spirit having a collective part, though a collective not the spirit itself. All art depends on this spirit. Sculpture being the only artistic exception, as something for itself and much more eternal, though only producing a sense-of-form. You look to the past 1500 years of European history and a blind man could see it's people have not lived in spite of it, but instead been in the total self willing possession and subjugation of it.

Just read it but start from the first one: http://users.belgacom.net/wagnerlibrary/prose/wlpr0126.htm#d0e1276

>> No.14031346

Holy shit this is based. Where is it from?

>> No.14031351

Quality post

>> No.14031584
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I posted it and I don't give a shit about Guenon or any of the other perennialists. Your appeal to authority does nothing to me.

>> No.14031603


>Masters of Learned Ignorance: Eriugena, Eckhart, Cusanus

Neat book. Worth checking out if you have access to a university library.

>> No.14031625

This is the funniest picture I've ever seen in my lfie.

>> No.14031639

Is it worth 150 dollars?

>> No.14031652

Mon Mothma

>> No.14031674

Anon(s), the connection is certainly there. But it's not "necessarily connected", meaning, you can't have one without the other. Architecture is architecture. The same Cathedrals you see today and associate with Christian theology can exist without Christian theology, could technically have been made without Christian theology, and could be reproduced in future without Christian theology present in said timeline. The artistic achievements of Christianity belong primarily to the artists involved, just as the theological ideologies in the Biblical texts are the product of their individual authors, to whom credit should be given. The Sistine Chapel displays the genius of Michelangelo, not Luke, Matthew, Mark, John or Jesus - if you believe that true genius is born rather than bred, then it is fair to claim that had Michelangelo been born anywhere else, and given the resources and support to become a sculptor and painter, he would have gone on to produce works of genius within a completely different culture. Similarly, Bach's musical genius is not the product of his Christian upbringing, even if his culture naturally supplied him with Christian themes to base his art around.

It would be like claiming that modern science, which has seen its greatest achievements under a paradigm of naturalistic atheism rather than faith-driven Christianity, could not have existed without atheism existing also. This is untrue, and it's theoretically imaginable that a completely Christian culture could also have a dominant scientific industry among it's sectors. Yet one can also clearly see the connection between the methodology underlying the scientific method, and that of a lack of belief in faith-based ideologies, and how a more science-driven culture and a non-theistic one are more likely to align with eachother.

What I'm ultimately trying to say is that someone arguing for the profundity of Christian theology should do so from the ideas which rest in Christian theology, and the works they are sourced in. And the artistic or cultural marvels surrounding said theology can only be the inspired products of it, rather than relics which somehow strengthen the former. The Cathedrals or the Chorals being Beautiful does not make the theology they were inspired by itself True, and the former can be appreciated without the latter being agreed with (or vice versa).

I will try to read your books on a future date. I confess to being ignorant of art history - I'm only sharing personal thoughts here.

>> No.14031675


>> No.14031676


Not really.

>> No.14031791

you never replied to my post.

Also religious theology is different from religious art, duhh Christian art could exist without Christian Theology(I'm saying Theology as in that departed from the actual core religious texts) but Christian art cannot exist without Christianity.

I made this point earlier and the other guy didn't respond only you did but then you stopped responding.

>> No.14031839

My bad, I thought I included your nametag in there. Hence why I said anon(s). That said, only the themes of Christian art require Christianity to exist. The medium (ex. Painting), the style (ex. Realism, Baroque, etc), the social function (ex. An exhibit for a congregation to admire) and other aspects of a Christian work can still remain without Christianity being essential to it.

>> No.14031855

>then it is fair to claim that had Michelangelo been born anywhere else, and given the resources and support to become a sculptor and painter, he would have gone on to produce works of genius within a completely different culture. Similarly, Bach's musical genius is not the product of his Christian upbringing, even if his culture naturally supplied him with Christian themes to base his art around.
A superior culture must rise to the claim to supply superior art through inspiration. Do you think Michelangelo would of created what he had under Islam? Or Judaism? Or even say Egyptian or Norse or even Greek Paganism? Of course not, his work would of been genius(of course we're saying he was given equal opportunity apart from religion) but without the spirit of inspiration there would be no Pieta, no David and no St. Mathew Passion. Do you really think Gothic architecture is reminiscent of anything other than Christian modesty and fidelity? But then you may claim the Pagans would of created something equally good - had they had the same resources - however then you are ignoring art as a whole since you ignore the difference between one art piece and another.

>Yet one can also clearly see the connection between the methodology underlying the scientific method, and that of a lack of belief in faith-based ideologies, and how a more science-driven culture and a non-theistic one are more likely to align with eachother.

This is all completely false. What inspired those men to cross the seas, study the microscopic or to look to the planets? Was it a lack o meaning, no it was the total assertion and confidence in their existence, the faith in God and all that he stood for. Do you think that could of been done with partial elements which are the Pagan Gods(Which I respect deeply none the less)? Your seemingly favour for atheism shews your incompetence in the matter.

>What I'm ultimately trying to say
I understand you were in a conversation with the other anon but you seem to think that all Christian production revolves around its Theology? Rather than the existent Spirit itself. You degenerate art by your identification of it just simply "being beautiful", and then further insinuating as if art does not depend on truth. If there is beauty in the words not the pitch alone, if there is beauty in the painting not just the colours alone, and if there is beauty in the sculpture and not just the stone alone then there must be truth to it. For you see there is true - as example - in both dualism and monism, they are both products of man and so reflect a truth of him, a truth of which he understands.

>> No.14031862

>My bad, I thought I included your nametag in there. Hence why I said anon(s).
All good anon, I must of missed that.

>That said, only the themes of Christian art require Christianity to exist. The medium (ex. Painting), the style (ex. Realism, Baroque, etc), the social function (ex. An exhibit for a congregation to admire) and other aspects of a Christian work can still remain without Christianity being essential to it.

I think I answered this in my post above.

>> No.14033196


>> No.14033727

What people like you fail to understand is that papism or protestantism aren't Christianity. What you don't know is all the Christian tradition.