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14029689 No.14029689 [Reply] [Original]

Books on psychological effects of sexual deprivation?
Do people actually believe instead of art and literature, sex is the most effective way to cope with existence?
>have sex

>> No.14029709

it allows you to cope with existence for about the duration of the refractory period, so it is quite inefficient

>> No.14029714

Literally everyone is having sex right now

>> No.14029717

I'm 24. never even kissed a girl

>> No.14029719

Companionship, quite literally love, is the best purpose in life.
Ah, but one can feel love without companionship. Love is always just something from within you after all. I don’t know about “most effective”, I think that is entirely subjective, depends on the person.
I hear the giggling of other people’s children and I can’t help but smile. Who is the luckier, me for soaking that up like some kind of grandparent or their parents? I donno

>> No.14029724

same only 28

>> No.14029728

>cope with existence
you don't get it OP

>> No.14029729

also this

>> No.14029730
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Two thousand, six hundred, and forty—no, now fifty eight.
Not nine. That one doesn’t count, you cheeky bastard.

>> No.14029750
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>sex is literally the puropse of life lol

>> No.14029754

what the fuck are you talking about cuntfly

>> No.14029755

You having sex is literally a lithmus test to see whether you're a genetical garbage pile or not. If you're Chad, you can just show up and life will offer you opportunities for sex.

>> No.14029757

Equally important are the effects of touch deprivation--nonsexual but affectionate contact

>> No.14029762
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just dont think about sex lol

>> No.14029776
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How do I deprogram my biology? I wish I were asexual

>> No.14029777
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Sex is wonderful, but obviously fleeting.

>> No.14029785

Stop with the Chad/Stacy meme, robotcuck

>> No.14029801

True but natural selection is a blind process.

>> No.14030187 [DELETED] 
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>> No.14030190

kys mothnigger

>> No.14030198

You also may have never kissed an elephant or helicopter, not a big difference desu

>> No.14030210

Castrate yourself. Any competent veterinary or surgeon can do it safely

>> No.14030214


>> No.14030247

This. Why do anything at all.

>> No.14030312



>> No.14030321


>> No.14030336

Its worse when you have but haven't since. Sophmore year of HS when I was a complete street kid is when I last had any thing close with a girl. Still a virgin and have never gone beyond a peck kiss, it sucks. Also knowing that I treat women better now then I did then makes me kinda hopeless as the old 'nice guys finish last' stigma slowly proves to be real despite what I previously thought.

>> No.14030351

holy crap, I want to see this whole thread

>> No.14030371
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>seeking pleasure in creatures
Never going to make it.

>> No.14030381

Last time I had sex was in 2013. Do I miss sex? Yes.

Do I miss intimacy? No. Absolutely not. I do not miss holding hands with women, kissing, cuddling. That is something I associate with childhood development quite honestly and I don't think any sort "romance" is possible in 2019 quite honestly.

Yes, I miss sex. I do not miss intimacy or romance and I am absolutely honest with this.

>> No.14030389

>Companionship, quite literally love, is the best purpose in life.
I assume you love the 20 something year old anonymous guys on /lit/, since they are your only companions in your advancing years.

>> No.14030390

Doesn’t work. The best method to be asexual is unironically opiates but withdrawal will be hell.
>t borderline impotent from five years of heroin use

>> No.14030396

What is "making it" for you? I only see everyone playing a losing game.

>> No.14030417
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I don't mind being alone too much but sometimes I wonder what it feels like to sleep cuddle

>> No.14030426

It sucks because the person's body heat ends up making you too hot and you have to separate.

>> No.14030746

for most part, I agree with you for once butterfly

>> No.14030752

it's bretty nice anon, ngl

>> No.14030762

bitches reek out of their mouths.. they also fart and some even snore but i bet some degenerates here find that hot.

>> No.14030767

Deprivation of affection is probably worse, and since adults nowadays derive most of their daily affection from their regular sexual partners this compounds the two problems while they are much easier to handle when separated.
Look at your picture. I might be wrong but I feel like those two didn't have sex that night, and the fact they cuddled together without having sex (but with a tremendous sexual tension) as teenagers will probably make that night a memory that will outshine many a one-night stand.

>> No.14030785

it's only worth it if you're good looking enough to get it on a regular basis without expending much effort, besides that in this day and age it's pointless to pursue and art would be a much better way of enjoying your time here

>> No.14030794

Fun thing, for me it would be almost the opposite. I like sex a lot but the lack of intimacy is what is really killing me.

>> No.14030798

It's pretty cool but also sometimes very uncomfortable for sleeping. Depends a lot on the weather, sleeping accommodations, and room temperature.

>> No.14031068

sex feels comparably good to taking some soft drugs but it's healthy for you

>> No.14031110

I don't think there is any. "Sexual deprivation leads to psychological problems" is mostly a meme.

>> No.14031116

t. sexually deprived and unaware of his psychological handicap :^)

>> No.14031122

That's a pretty miserable way of seeing your worth as a person. You are judging your worth as a human being by how much you can please party girls in nightclubs. I wonder how low your self esteem is.

>> No.14031130

no one said a thing about nightclub whores

>> No.14031134
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Cuddling with a pretty girl is better than anything in the world anon. Better than kissing, better than sex. It’s killer when they rub your back too. It’s like your mommy’s little boy again.

>> No.14031139

The one I quoted was clearly talking about casual sex.
I feel bad for people like him.

>> No.14031140

Whenever I'm attracted to a woman I start to think about how her breath would stink and it makes me think she's disgusting again.

>> No.14031146

the hot nightclub whores are high status and being able to score with them means your genes can stand out on difficult turf

>> No.14031152

Nice Oedipus complex faggot

>> No.14031171

Sorry mommy never loved you anon

>> No.14031173

Drunk and blacked out kids, fool.
Could 'nt get it in so gave up

>> No.14031190

So virtuous. If only your peers compared to your insight.

>> No.14031201

>i'm ontologically validated by club thots

Unreal. America was a mistake.

>> No.14031208

itt: cope

>> No.14031213

Fuck off christcuck

>> No.14031233

I'm German

>> No.14031261
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Sex is one part of existence and only one part. It is healthy and so is the companionship if you choose to pursue that but modern society believes sex to be some kind of "end all" that it burnt itself on over sexualization. I also think this whole "incel" / "virgin" meme is really autistic because I noticed the only people who actually say shit like that are really disgusting, out of shape, total freaks and degenerates. When the circus is calling everyone else a clown you know the show's over.

>> No.14031287

Atombombe auf Deutschland, dann ist Ruhe im Karton.

>> No.14031288

t. Coomer

>> No.14031313
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nur weil du ein ungevögelter brillendieter bist, der nicht auf die realen sachverhältnisse des fleischmarktes klarkommt, musst du nicht gleich so abspasten. such dir einen strick.

>> No.14031338

There is some serious denial on this board.
We have a hardwired need for romantic affection. If you’re unable to get it, that’s one thing. But don’t lie to yourself and pretend that you don’t want it / it isn’t virtuous

>> No.14031358

braindead coomer

>> No.14031372

T. repressed fag

>> No.14031684

People like you need to get together and actually do something instead feeding your death drive. If you want state-enfor ed free pussy then organize and put it in place. Monogamy is always put in place by organized betas but you impotent faggots would rather castrate yourself than do anything about it. A small group of organized young men could overthrow governments with little effort. Pussy faggot

>> No.14031714


>> No.14031715

my wife has delious sweet breath. pure like a baby.

>> No.14032178

As a 24 khv it's hate. Lots and lots of hate, most of it is self hate but sometimes it slips into misogyny, sometimes it's just towards everyone and everything, especially the young and beautiful.

>> No.14032183

that's very relatable desu

>> No.14032209


I now go about masturbation more or less as a perfunctory bodily exercise which restores my proper, intellectual hatred of beautiful women at the moment of orgasm.

>> No.14032211

Nothing if you're a self-adoring chad like me. Jacking off IS sex, I haven't met a woman I respected as much as myself.

>> No.14033045

Tell me about it, women are disgusting in that moment. Absolute scum of the earth. Repulsive flesh puppets.

>> No.14033303

I'm 29khv. You basically just don't pursue anyone because everyone thinks there's something wrong with you. I've even had women fabricate a past for me, one example was a woman asking me "how long have I been violent to women for" because she couldn't understand how I could be a virgin, instead of asking she just assumed i'm violent to women and acted as if it was a documented fact. Despite the fact i've never done anything. The otential social ramifications lead me to isolate myself and keep quiet, or just a lie and try change the subject.

Sometimes there's hate, self hate, sometimes it gets projected. Sometimes it's hate towards womens standards.

>> No.14033444

why dont u just get a hooker, im thinking maybe in a few years idk

>> No.14033496

tf is a mothnigger

>> No.14033512

you fucking degenerate

>> No.14033544
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The thing that's most sad is that if most of these guys who haven't had contact with a girl did achieve to have sex a few times they would understand how meaningless it is.

I thought sex was important, that it was a big deal. I had sex and realised that it meant nothing. Once you're done fucking a girl you feel satisfied, but for an hour at most. You can have sex once a day (for me at least it's every 1-2 days), but what do you do in that downtime? You are equally as unhappy, you feel equally as alone. Human beings cannot be happy, we were never meant to find happiness in this world. The only happiness that we can achieve is by being close to God.

All physical pleasure is fleeting, and we become numb to it over time.

>> No.14033574
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nobody is talking about sex u poop head. sex is seen as a pathway to love not the otherway arround. everybody itt posts with these assumptions

>> No.14033582

Have you even read the tread? Most people seem to be unhappy because they haven't had physical contact with a girl.

And sex is not a pathway to love, sex should come once love is established between two people. Your thinking is disgusting and leads to profound degeneracy.

>> No.14033594

english not first language.
i meant that loneliness evolves in one to desire more than just sex. and that it leads to idealizing this interaction.
also i dont appreaciate your insults at the end, thank you, although i see your point

>> No.14033601

this nigga gets it

>> No.14033612
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>> No.14033627

For it to be comfortable you have to be on your back, and she sort of has to as well if you wanna stay in that position for a long time (other wise her arm under you will get sore). So she lays the back of her head on your chest and you kind of use your arm around her as the "cuddle". It's pretty comfy but not like the all embrace you imagine that's unfeasible for sleeping.

>> No.14033645
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>loneliness evolves in one to desire more than just sex. and that it leads to idealising this interaction

If many people in this tread managed to one day achieve closeness with a girl, and all the pleasures that this entailed they would understand how meaningless it was.

Physical closeness leaves you content physically. However, this never lasts and people always end up seeking more. Why do so many people end up cheating even if they are in a satisfactory relationship? Love has its dangers and downsides too. They would tell you it was a mistake, a moment of passion and so on. After a while in a relationship these profound feelings of satisfaction vanish, and you are left where you started. All that closeness with a girl can bring you is fleeting pleasure which will not last, and is this not meaningless?

Why have so many wise men warned you of the dangers of seeking body pleasure above spiritual?

>> No.14033656


>> No.14033661
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>Seeking pleasure in spirits
>Not gonna make it to heaven, guys.

>> No.14033669

I have no memory of my mom ever doing anything like that to me. Maybe why I don't like cuddling with girls, I like hugging them a bit but then I just want to get up.

>> No.14033671

all of your examples are not absolutes and there are several exceptions where one finds fullfilment in love. of course seeking physical pleasure in the sake of itself has no purpose.
but in mutual care and tenderness, understanding, and spiritual altruism, that is love for me desu

>> No.14033696


>> No.14033781
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>> No.14035249

Wait another decade and you will see the fruits od this sexual "liberation".

>> No.14036100
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This thread only shows what a massive dumpster fire of a board lit is
Pathetic r9k tier (yes we know it already, banging hot sluts is everything) posts and teenage 16 year old like discussions about some live laugh love fantasies
Absolutely pathetic

>> No.14036418

>Do people actually believe instead of art and literature, sex is the most effective way to cope with existence
It's the other way around. Art is deviance. But when you look at people overall, everything that they do, good or bad, is all motivated by sex. When they can't get laid, then they become artists. Or freaks, or turn to drugs or violence. Obviously they're not mutually exclusive

>> No.14036429

Except it's all a charade, and you are fat, and ugly, and never did anything but waste your innocence, and dreams, and potential, and the girl you think is pretty, is painted dying whore

>> No.14036440

As someone who has had a lot of sex , I will say that it does not fullfill . Deprivation is proportional to reward. The less you have or something desirable the more desirable it is. But too much sex is just as bad as too little sex.

>> No.14036447

*Inversely proportional

>> No.14036454

Good post butters, hope you have a nice day :)

>> No.14036574


>> No.14036592

Spiritual pleasure>intellectual pleasure>physical pleasure
Each one is harder to obtain than the other, but more fulfilling
Also the pursue for physical pleasure it's what drives this consumerist neolineral society and what will destroy earth if we as a race dont start pursuing more valuables things
that being said, please have sex you bunch of incels

>> No.14036792
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>> No.14036992

Christcuck cope

>> No.14037097

back to >>/k/ fed

>> No.14037643


>> No.14039284

I'm 26. I've had 5 sexual partners and I still feel like a virgin loser. It's somewhat rare for me to couple. I sometimes wonder if things will never change, and I'll get lonelier as the days pass by.

>> No.14039291

I feel you bro, but only had one sexual encounter. It's pretty depressing but when I look at my friends who get pussy quite frequently it doesn't seem to be working for them weither.

>> No.14039339

This, lets go back to /r/books anon

>> No.14040171
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>Getting auto filtered