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14025709 No.14025709 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.14025719

Whitehead is a faggot. His Philosophy resulted into nothing more than a new age hippie movement. Fuck off you retarded spammer.

>> No.14025829

>Inspired Deleuze
>Inspired Prigogine
>Inspired Isabelle Stengers
>Currently being researched in China being paired with Marxism, ecological studies, and Eastern traditions
>Also has application to art, physics, biology, education, psychology, economics
>Did Speculative Realism the best
The Whitehead movement is just getting rolling fren. Whiteheadian naturalism is necessary in the state of emergency we are in to build an ecological civilization.

>> No.14025834

What's its application to art?

>> No.14026588

Peirce's semiotic is far better than Whitehead as an ontology for commodity-production. Trichometries immanentize the relation between relations, whiteheads dipolar monism does not, Whitehead deepens the dyad but he doesn't get past degenerate thirdness. Furthermore, since d&g did not understand Peirce's semiotic ontology at the time of writing ATP (evidenced by them lamenting that his sign classifications don't move past the signifier/signified relation), so understanding Peirce let's you see d&g rewrite marxs critique of the political economy in terms of semiosis. Whitehead really can't take marx past dialectics, past delimiting commodity production to the forces of history and is basically useless unless you appropriate his cosmology in Peirceian terms.
I know Whitehead is memed alot but trust me, you have to pick between Whitehead and Peirce, and Peirce is definitely the way to go.

>> No.14026603

loving the new whitehead vs deleuze meme war

>> No.14026618

Laughable compared to Peirce, who is just beginning to be understood and is already more accomplished in every respect.

>> No.14026835

Greenpill me on peirce
No hate, deleuzeanism is about joy

>> No.14027436

fuck off spammer, you already posted this shit
sage the whitefag threads