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14025405 No.14025405[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is it morally just to burn down an abortion clinic according to Thomistic philosophy?

>> No.14025485

Everything on that reddit is fake and this takes the cake for the most obviously fake thing I've seen on there

>> No.14025489

Not those 1.9K upboats

>> No.14025504

Means don't justify ends, though I doubt any Thomist is super upset when a clinic or practitioner get targeted (in minecraft)

>> No.14025556
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I think this is from different thread, supposedly from /r/childfree

>> No.14025629

I despise these people deeply

>> No.14025667

thank you, I was feeling like my misogyny was excessive. Now I see it was not excessive enough.

>> No.14025727
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Stunning AND brave

>> No.14025756

Kek, that's actually metal AF, nerd virgins mad cause they'll never procreate anyway

>> No.14025759

would you have a baby with a girl with that tattoo?

>> No.14025777

i'm not wholly against abortion (lest it be late-stage or is not a method of birth control), but these posts really made me sick

>> No.14025778

>Implying she wouldn't abort it in the first place

>> No.14025903
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Not sure what upsets me more, the post or the upvotes

>> No.14026099

These women are fine by me. You squeamish boys obviously haven't raised any children: it's not a job for the unwilling or unprepared. Pay for their abortions and everyone's happier.

>> No.14026194

These people are obviously shitposting or representing a minority of insane roastoids. Abortion is not inherently a bad thing and shouldn't be illegal.

>> No.14026406

1.9K upboats don't seem ironic

>> No.14026458

Arson, especially without the approval of a sovereign authority in a declared war, is probably off the table because it is likely or at least possible to kill innocent people. You could possibly justify it as the destruction of a pagan place of worship but you'd have to take reasonable measures to ensure no one was inside the building.

>> No.14026470

Reddit is where all the blue haired trannies of this world are gathering, that's why subforums on obscure shit have 25K+ subscribers.

>> No.14026552

>>These slaveholders are fine by me. You squeamish abolitionists obviously haven't picked cotton, it's not a job for decent white folks. Let them have their slaves and everyone's happier.

>> No.14026572

Parody horizon is a thing.

>> No.14026635

Respondeo dicendum quod this is all Martin Luther's fault and I hope you pr*ts are happy with what you've created

>> No.14026645

It's called Poe's Law

>> No.14026842

That's the worst attempt at a parallel I've ever seen. So, by that drunken logic, a woman who ISN'T a mother is like a plantation slave? I repeat, you obviously have no clue what parenting is like. Abortion is the greatest fucking invention after the Pill.

>> No.14026946
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Abortion parallels slavery in that both are gross violations of human rights. That's all there is to it. You can make flimsy arguments to justify it but you can't possibly consider that we who are opposed to it are right because if you even acknowledge that it might be a horrific crime you can't make arguments against the opposition.
Again, abortion is a human rights violation, just like slavery.

>> No.14027133
File: 98 KB, 640x490, 2gsjgna1uruvUuS7ndh9YqVwYGPLVszbFLwwpAYXZ1rkyz7vKAbhJvHdPRzCvhGfPWQdhkcqKLhnajnHFpGdgkDq3R1XmTFaFxUfKbVyyA3iDi1Fzv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I will use treatment to help the sick according to my ability and judgment, but never with a view to injury and wrong-doing. Neither will I administer a poison to anybody when asked to do so, nor will I suggest such a course. Similarly I will not give to a woman apessaryto cause abortion. But I will keep pure and holy both my life and my art.

What did they mean by this?

>> No.14027202

>human rights violation
Its an undeveloped clump of cells you fucknut. Does a sperm have any rights? If so, you're killing millions every second you don't inseminate a woman.

Also, do you support forcing women to have babies if they're raped and end up pregnant? Vast majority of pro lifers I've talked always say no, and they almost immediately somehow double back and try to justify why it's suddenly okay to kill a ''''rapist's baby'''' by their own logic.

>> No.14027251

I am impressed with her lack of fear and remorse; I can identify with that. I myself strife for a similar outlook on life; only I view every lifeform the way she views her unborn child: as a demon in my path to happiness. What else, after all, matters, but our personal fulfillment? ILY

>> No.14027258

It's not a human yet.

>Vast majority of pro lifers I've talked always say no, and they almost immediately somehow double back and try to justify why it's suddenly okay to kill a ''''rapist's baby'''' by their own logic.
Majority of pro-lifers I've talked to say yes, just give them to an orphanage if you don't want them. Yes, they're that retarded.

>> No.14027286

>Its an undeveloped clump of cells you fucknut. Does a sperm have any rights? If so, you're killing millions every second you don't inseminate a woman.
when the sperm meets the ovule that's when it's human
it's not a "clump of cells", that's what cancer is, it's a human being in a controlled process of development

>> No.14027290

>Its an undeveloped clump of cells
>It's not a human yet
At what point does this "undeveloped clump of cells" magically become a human? After a few months? At birth? Is a fetus any less cognizant the second before it officially becomes human than the second after?

>> No.14027316

>hurrrr gawd put a lil soul in yer tummy tummy thou shalt not kill hurrrr

>> No.14027330

Aristotle believed the sperm contained fully formed human beings, so yes. It is a misuse of the sexual organ for it not to be engaged in procreation. It provides sensual pleasure, that can be abused to no end, and done countless times in a single day. Nothing is accomplished. It only inflames and irritates the person in question and perverts the use of the organ to something akin to a syringe, to deliver pleasure at a whim.

>> No.14027347

I would argue we need to start aborting adults. If anything our definition of human is way to liberal. I should be allowed to euthanize any demon who dares to inconvenience me.

>> No.14027369

Posts like OP prove there is no God. Still not a good reason to be in favor of "reproductive rights", that encourage abortion. At least with religion, we tried to imitate a standard for perfection itself, an infinite good, making man in a sense god-like. Without it? DUDE LMAO DUDE SEX, DUDE FUCKING, I CANT CONTROL MYSELF LOOL WHOOOPS WTF????? PREGNANT *ABORTION* JUST AN ANIMAL DUDE. WHOAHHHHHHH TIME TO REPEAT ALL THIS SHIT ALL OVER AGAIN. YOLO!!!!!!

>> No.14027423

>human rights
stop using that phrase, it doesn't mean anything

>> No.14027427

Let's force mutt junkies to have children they won't take care of and let's also ruin people's lives by pressuring them into having rape babies and retarded/genetically defective children only because you are a regressive retard.

>> No.14027439

Nah nigga. By that same line of dismissive reasoning I could ask the same question of why you think a sperm magically becomes a human worthy of protecting over the mother's happiness and livelihood the moment when it rams into an egg.

Also love how you completely ignored my question if you think it's justified to abort rape babies like the bulk of sane pro lifers. Truth is because most of them don't actually care about the ''''life''' of any baby, they just want to exert their power over women, and the idea of a nogg knocking up their imaginary white waifu is enough to get them to completely toss out their 'muh right to life' arguments.

Unless of course, they're one of those fuckers who just go full mask off and say it's actually cool to kill browns to keep up white birthrates.

Also, I'm not going to sit here and pretend I have a magic, non-debatable truth in my arguments. I personally feel seven to eight months is a good cut-off point for when abortion should be completely off the table.

Sorry to say, but people have to draw a line somewhere, and there are always dumb fucks who try to gradually push that line further and further back until they get their way completely. Just like I don't think teens magically become mature enough to handle sex the exact second they become eighteen, there has to be some point where you say 'okay, you can't go any lower than this', or else you'd have people just keep trying to knock that number further down until they get to legally fuck thirteen year olds.

>> No.14027444

Slavery was completely justifiable and actually, in fact, is better than the today's conditions of the lowest workers, who are left to fend for themselves and lead a life of agony, constant stress, always losing their homes, going hungry and dying early in their poverty. Slavery is justifiable so long as they are housed, fed, allowed to venture, and treated humanely, which was the case of the institution for most of history with the exception of Arabesque civilization and later intensive plantations, notably in Brazil and the Caribbean.

>> No.14027456

The toleration of it, encourages lose sexual morals in the entire population. The majority of women in Russia have gotten an abortion.

>> No.14027460


>> No.14027465

Still never get this galaxy brained take of 'Ha... being an atheist is so edgy. Unlike me, who believes humans are such inherently violent, evil shitheels that we basically have to force society to accept a belief of an eternal reward for being good or an eternal punishment for being naughty upon people to them from just wantonly slaughtering each other... the actual reality of a god is completely irrelevant to the argument. B-but it's the le fedora tippers who are edgy, lul.'

>> No.14027496

If you actually knew any women, you'd know that none of them look at abortion as something you do casually. It's an ugly and messy emergency solution with risks attached. Those few imbeciles who do and use it as a method of contraception, are doing the world a favor by not passing on their genes anyway.

>> No.14028573


>Does a sperm have any rights? If so, you're killing millions every second you don't inseminate a woman.
>What is a gamete
>What is a zygote

You know there have been advances in biology since Gregor Mendel? The idea that each sperm contains a fully developed human that grows bigger when it's in the womb has been disproven for decades.

>Also, do you support forcing women to have babies if they're raped and end up pregnant? That's less than 1% of abortion cases. It's morally questionable, but it has more justification in a sort of 'eye for an eye' way.

>> No.14028667

>the moment when it rams into an egg
Because this is when it becomes a zygote, which is by definition a unique human being.
You fucking retards already know this and still pretend it's some vague and unscientific line in the sand because you're incapable of arguing in good faith.

>> No.14028674

>It's an ugly and messy emergency solution
I thought it was just a clump of cells bro? Why would it be a big deal I thought it wasn't alive?

>> No.14028717

That argument is a big cope, I'm pro-abortion but it really comes from a piss-poor analysis of the issue. Of course as a strawman it works superbly, hence your use of it.

>> No.14028724

It contains the essence of the soul. Aristotle and Clement of Alexandria were smarter than any contemporary biologist and certainly were smarter than you. If we extrapolate from Hippocrates and later Galen drawing on earlier concepts, we can conclude that the idea of two essences combining into a zygote, was common knowledge until it was observed by Hertwig. Aristotle correctly traced the spark of life to the sperm itself, which contained the seat of the soul. Hertwig himself viewed the loss of this fluid as injurious to the individual. The loss of semen, is in some degrees an abortion, when done solely for the gratification of a beastly pleasure.

>> No.14028738

So we're in agreement that abortion is an act of evil?

>> No.14028953

>Is it morally just to burn down an abortion clinic
For the karma to balance out, you need to burn down a church for each clinic you burn.