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14021411 No.14021411 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.14021513

Stu gently cradled his younger brother as blood began pouring out of his nose. “Hang on Freddie, I think I see it starting to come out!”
Little by little, a small protrusion of legs crept slowly from Freddie’s nostril. The blood was pouring less, but as the body of the insect clogged his nose, the blood started to squirt out in all directions. A nurse hurried for some antibiotics and a shot of local anesthesia, and Freddie’s mother was panic-stricken. Stu put his hand on Freddie’s chest and started to slap it, hoping the bug would dislodge itself quicker. The thorax emerged quickly, and soon after came a pair of wings. The tiny legs started to writhe about in a disgusting mess.
“Blow, Freddie!” Stu screamed. “It’s almost out!”
Freddie covered his other nostril and blew out the bug, and with a splat it landed on his desk. As it stood and shaked off the snot and coagulated blood, the brothers recognized it for what it was. Freddie looked up as his brother and said, “it’s beautiful, and I shall name it Butterfly.”

>> No.14021634


>> No.14021652

was he okay

>> No.14021675
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>> No.14021706

top kek

>> No.14021716
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>> No.14021930

Weeks of havoc upon his female classmates controlled by his newly found porn addiction have lead pjotr to his final lesson. The only person able to sympathise with pjotrs daily struggle was albert who long realized it was way too early to show him the reason why he started dressing so well.

>> No.14022163

"I see..." said the little brother as his eyes turned glassy and empty. "I see..."
"Yes?" humored the older brother over spilled tears and stuffed nose. "What do you see?"
"I see..." kept saying the little brother, his voice barely a rasp now. "I see where I'm going..."
"Tell me" bawled the brother. "How is it? Is it warm? Is it soft?"
"Nothing!" coughed at least the little brother. "I see nothing..."

>> No.14022180

"Oh, there," he coughed again.
"What? What is there?"
"I see someone. It looks like >>14022163, sucking two cocks while taking it up the ass," he said.

>> No.14022236

"...but not before >>14022180 jerks off in the corner like the cuck he is"
"What a sad little man" the brother said with his last words.

>> No.14022251

First came the taste of blood, then came the spurt. Little Yarl leant back in his chair and waited for the pain but it never arrived.
"Don't tell!" warbled little Peter, looming above him, caressing little Yarl's back with a hollow hearted insistence. "Please don't tell, don't tell!"
Little Yarl looked past his classmate's massive head, which was tearfully trying to thrust itself into his field of view, and saw the lights that hung above them. Large and bright, like burning girders they seemed, looking like at any moment they would fall and crush them both and burn them into nothing.
What a stupid way to go, thought Yarl. How silly.
"Oh please don't tell Yarl. Yarl! Yarl, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, please don't tell!"
Yarl breathed out for the first time in what felt like an age. A small bubble of blood ballooned out of his nose and grew and grew and grew and popped, spraying small flecks of blood all over Peter's face. Another bubble followed, smaller this time. Then came a guttural groan.
He wouldn't tell.

>> No.14022292


>> No.14022386

best one so far

>> No.14022507

I held my brother as he drew in what would be his final breathes. They came slower and deeper as the seconds ticked by. I stared into his eyes he didn't speak a word for what seemed like hours. I can only imagine what he was thinking. I wished in my heart he was remembering the good memories we had forged over the few months I had reunited with him.

I left home when we was still in diapers so I know he doesn't have any memories of us at that age. I on the other had hold dear to my heart the 1 year I was blessed to spend with him after he was born before I was drafted into this pointless war. This war that robbed me of so much.

"Brother" he finally managed to whisper, "will you check on the baby calves?" "I don't think I have the energy to make it out today." "Yes, brother." I choked out as I squeezed his hand. "Yes, I will I'll run out here in a second." "Good!" he said. He turned his head slightly to me. "What's going to happen to me you think?", he asked. "What do you mean", I replied. "Well I'm dying and I stopped going to mass years ago." "Do you think god will forgive me?" he asked.

At that point I was fighting back the tears and my throat so he wouldn't hear me choke up.

"Yes, Peter I know he will" I said. "He has to, it's in the bible" is all I could come up with.

"That's good", he replied.

His skin was growing a shade paler and cooler to the touch. His eyes once wide open and filled with life were closing slowly like a sunset. His red cheeks and pink lips also losing color fast.

I had seen this one too many times before, I knew what was coming we all did.

I watched his chest slow down its rhythmic beat draw to a slower pace. His brown iris that I thought were once starring at nothing suddenly shifted to me. The tears that I was wagging a war with suddenly won and at an instant broke free bound by nothing. They poured out fast making up the time they were held back.

He flashed me one final smile, a smile that I would forever carry in my heart.

"Be good" were his final words. His firm grip slowly freed. His eyes had fully closed the sun had finally set. His iris were hidden like the sun does behind the horizon only to rise again at morning except his were never to open again.

I drew his body close to mine and I felt his final heart beat. At in instant everything around me went quiet as if the world had stopped turning for a few seconds to pay respect to a man I once called my dear brother.

I kissed his forehead something our mother usto do before we went to sleep. "Sleep and dream young little one come morning you'll have time to go play with everyone", I quietly sang to him. Another thing I once heard our mother do for him while she was tucking him in.

I slowly laid him down. Waved the sign of the cross over him and prayed an our father and hail mary. I knew these moments after he passed were spiritually important as his soul was crossing over. "Be good", I repeated.

>> No.14022524

As the little brother passed away, >>14022180
blows his load in >>14022236's face, utterly blinding him. The latter coughs and splutters like the flustered faggot he is, then starts making his next post, further cementing his homosexuality.

>> No.14022532

Brother clear my internet history.

>> No.14022547

"niggers... were in... this neighborhood..."
and with that, he drew his final breath.

>> No.14023047


>> No.14024454


>> No.14024523
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When it's time to party we will party hard.

>> No.14024607

>He did not know why he had hit Pavel, his only friend, but he knew that he would have done it again, had God given him another chance.

>> No.14024754

Being slapped by the girl he's just confessed to, Billy fell back onto his chair. Blood was rushing out of his nose, but to his surprise it did not hurt. What hurt was his broken heart, never to be healed again he thought. With the thump of his body hitting the chair, his bro Martin rushed to his aid.

"STAY WITH US BILLY!" screamed Martin to Billy's blood covered face and glazed eyes.
"Heh," smirked Billy. "She isn't worthy enough of a guy such as me... I knew anime girls were better."
"Billy, stop talking! You can't give up yet! There are plenty more girls out there for you!"

For a brief moment Martin thought his voice got through as Billy looked at his direction, but his unfocused eyes were staring through him, somewhere far into the distance.

"What?" responded Martin to Billy's silent murmur.
"Anime tiddies," smiled Billy once more. "Big, bouncy, soft anime tiddies. I will grab them, fondle them..."

Billy was cut off by his own cough. Soon followed another, and yet another, and soon it became historical coughing, seemingly endless. Blood sprawled out of Billy's mouth. Martin knew Billy was gone, he was somewhere else. What remained was near lifeless body of what was once his friend. He couldn't bear seeing it any more. Martin drew his katana, to show his final act of kindness.

"You were a good friend, Billy. I am glad I got to know you. I just wish it didn't have to end like this..."

Martin put the blade to Billy's throat, and with one swift motion, Billy's head was severed from the rest of the body.

"Goodbye," Martin murmured as he sheathed his sword.

>> No.14024832

They seem russian, so something along the lines of
>tommorrow i bring my kalashnikov

>> No.14024835

It's always time to party bro.

Fuck not partying. People don't understand this world was meant to have fun, not to conquer.

>> No.14024909
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>In the end they really were The Brothers Karamazov.

>> No.14024999

Well that was a ride

>> No.14025313

Too much.

>> No.14025532

Not literature.

>> No.14025552

Oh shut up

>> No.14025758
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That's enough literature for me today

>> No.14025884

Tryhard shit
Actually decent
Actually amusing despite itself

>> No.14026206

I thought I've done pretty good :(

>> No.14026237

Which one were you?

>> No.14026264

>>14024754 was me
I've just noticed I wrote historical instead of hysterical haha

>> No.14026286

Too memey sorry. The construction of it was fine but the content was a bit cringy. I'd really like to read something of yours that you were actually passionate about and not something you did cus you were bored and were looking for some (You)'s (we've all been there, no shame in it).

>> No.14026287

It’s ok, I wrote “shaked” instead of “shook.”

>> No.14026303

Ah, I see. I understand where you are coming from, and it's true that I just wanted some (You)s for epic meme story. I didn't really get any other ideas whilst seeing a bloodied kid though.
But historical has a completely different meaning than hysterical :(

>> No.14026361

It had been only 6 weeks since beginning the new school term and yet Jeffery had felt like it had been months longer. The days of getting up, dressing, eating, and attending class had begun to meld into a steady stream of blurred colors and sounds. Indeed, at any given time, if Jeffery were asked if he can read a paragraph from his book, hed simply state that the words were all blurry, or hed complain about a throbbing headache that wouldnt leave him be. For this reason, the school had recommended to his parents that Jeffery be booked in for an appointment to see an optometrist and have his vision assessed. Often times, during these meetings with his parents, Jefferys behaviour would also become a topic of discussion, for over the 3 months of summer that his teachers hadn't seen him, it appeared that Jeffery had become an entirely different person. Not aesthetically, mind you, but in behavior. Hed often act impulsively, and throw or shout things in the classroom that would disturb his classmates. His friends found these antics funny, and the school administration was content enough to leave it be as a case of "boys being boys", but unfortunately enough for Jeffery, on the day that he was to see his optometrist and be assessed for eyeglasses, the tumor in his brain caused a blood clot and created an increasingly interesting and new set of problems for him.

>> No.14026409

"Alas brother, I am slain... I'd like you to know brother, that I harbor a deep hatred for you, the way you laughed at my tears, at my pain... every night, when father looked upon you as you slept, do you know what was in his eyes? Pride, brother. He never looked upon me in that way. But you chose to reject him brother, he gave you his heart and you used it as a foot stool! Do you think I hated the man who had begotten me? Did you think that by shaming him to the world you were righting some grevious wrong he had committed? By God brother, the man hung himself and you laughed! You saw his swinging corpse and you laughed! You didn't even give him the dignity of a burial! You threw his corpse out into the woods, to rot and be consumed by the most base beast that wander the night! And now you have the audacity to cry for me! Where were those tears for father brother? Where was that sorrow for the man you killed? Brother, if you have any love for me, you will not bury me. You shall grind my meat and bones with your own two hands and feed me to the hogs, so that I may be where my father is."

>> No.14027360

"With a nose, you can bleed anywhere you want" he said to himself, out loud.

>> No.14027451

Was gonna post this

>> No.14027475


>> No.14027762

"Galilaee... vicisti". These were the last words of Augustus Julian. With him died heroes and kings, just to be replaced by the carpenters and fishermen.The invincible sun faded and the darkness fallen on the broken world. I held him in my hands when he was dying, mortally wounded by the Parthian arrow. I later served under many men, but they were mere candles compared to him. And now I am here, son of the Rome, listening about light of the Christ, from you, bishop of Hippo. But what is light of the brightest lamp compared to even one beam of The Sun? The world of the heroes is gone, just to be inherited by the world of the meek. My only hope is that this new age won't forget us, for the memory of the men is only god left to me.

>> No.14028004

"Everything has played out according to the script I have written", thought Dima, as he sheathed his invisible Reaping Blade. But then why, why did he feel this indescribable urge to immediately take back the mortal wounds he had just inflicted upon a being of his own stature. "If only I do this, maybe society will recognize that I want to be loved too...", he reminisced over the state of mind that lead him to this situation. "Maybe he deserves to fall, while I deserve to rise. The world works this way after all, that's what they say! I need to grow up already and understand this!".

And now he was standing here, looking at his dear friend's bloodied hand, not knowing how much longer they could remain together in this world, feeling each other's warmth.
"Everything is proceeding as you have foreseen, yes?", a seemingly unknown voice muttered, as if taunting him. Surely noone present here could have said this, and yet...
"What did you say?", Dima replied.
The boy's face betrayed a hint of a faint smirk, not of malice, but rather of something gentler.
A white blade manifested above his head.
"Farewell it is, my beloved friend. Dear to me you were too...", the boy smiled sincerely.
"You ... wouldn't, that's fucking insane?!", Dima cries out, drawing the attention of everyone in the classroom.
The redeeming blade descends exactly onto the open wound gushing forth liters of blood-red liquid.
The bleeding stops and the wound closes up, its insides never to be seen again by anyone of this world. The only thing left remaning is an empty dead husk lying on the floor with its head pierced through the nose.

"What did you do, dude?", says an influential figure in the class social dynamics.
"I.. uh... nothing!"
"Cool, you taught the kid a lesson.", another classmate chimes in.
"Uh... I-i-I..."
"It's fine, bro. You did what needed to be done. We'll take care of it.", said someone Dima knew from kindergarten.
"Do you want to join us to play some sports after school? Shame about the kid, though...", added in yet another classmate.
"This is, like, totally so cool!", a female said.

Dima looked around the class and saw many people, most of them he knew and even wanted to be friends with. Then he saw the people standing in the back of the class and started crying a little. He fell down to his knees and started chanting something undiscernible.
"How was he ended in seconds by someone like me... Even when... Even when..."
He remembers the boy's smile and falls into further dispair.
"Everything is logically unfolding /precisely/ according to my design and yet... Why?..."

Dima feels someone picking him up and carrying him. But in this moment, he could not care less. He contemplated the days preceding the event to try and find some explanation.

"Alas, give up. Someone afflicted with this illness would never understand, hehe...", a voice unheard before this fateful day echoes directly in his mind.

>> No.14028102

Blood ran down his pale face. His sunken eyes stared out at nothing. Our eyes would not meet. He would not speak. He would not move. My hand pressed against his heart. The beat silent. Dear friend I'm lonesome. Dear friend I'm tired.

>> No.14028472

Based Repin Poster

>> No.14029298


>> No.14029553

Goddammit not again Tommy. Ever since Thomas Flannnegan first opened his eyes and reached his arms out toward the light of the day, he had a habit of getting both him and his older brother Gregory into ruts usually no chains could wench them from. From lighting the school library on fire, with a magnifying glass- indoors, (How he managed that; thus is the magic that is Tommy) to intentionally toppling over baptismal basins in Catholic churches and chasing his mother around with their neighbor's dead parakeet he etched his mark into the world early on. These were more than just a series of isolated incidents one could attribute to a nuisance child. Tommy would get a peculiar look- a crazed look in his eyes, that most state-issued Zoological school textbooks would classify as borderline feral, possibly rabid.

Well today is different. Tommy has really done it this time.

A quick snort, followed by a long high pitched sniff draws confused looks, and up comes Tommy, nonchalantly from under the lunch table. Blood emptying from his nose like gothic sculptures in a rennesaunse nightmare, like the cold masonry saints looming from the narrow windowsills of those churches he attended, who watched silently while he kicked his feet against Old Lady Shekleberg's favorite pew, and spilled those large brass bowls with a resonating clang that would wake John the Baptist up long enough to slap the coke from Thomas' nostrils. Did he say coke? Yes, it appears Thomas has just snorted cocaine.

"I told you to leave that cocaine in Dad's dresser. Do you have any idea what you just did?" Greg, not really asking, but mostly exclaiming it in pure hopeless astonishment. But the question is useless. It is too late.
No word from Tommy. His teeth clench, he turns white and begins shaking violently. At a loss for what to do, Greg begins to cry. Here is his brother, his best friend, though hard to deal with at times, dying from a drug meant to kill 30 year old celebrities and 50 year old retired porn actresses.

Then he sees a familiar twinkle in Tommy's eye, the corners of his mouth force themselves up, that goddamn famous ornery look his brother had always been known for. "The Tommy Look" their grandfather had once named it.

"You little shit." Greg spouts at him, and wiping the tears from his eyes, yanks the powdered Donuts and Ketchup from where Tommy was concealing them under the table.

"I'm just messing around with you Greg, you always freak out over nothing" Tommy says defensively. Then after a long thoughtful pause adding

"Wait. Did you say Dad has coke?"

>> No.14029613


>> No.14029739

The poison had worked! Dylan thought to himself. Now to seal the performance and kill any suspicions with tears. Father's undivided love and more importantly the inheritance would soon be his. It was almost hard to cry he was so ecstatic, almost.

>> No.14030979


>> No.14031020

Dimitry the class, but coom he did not, for he had been cursed by Lasha, the schoolgirl whom he and, to a lesser extent, the entire class ruthlessly bullied and was conspicuously absent.
Instead of coom from within the hairless phallus, a stream of gore exited his nose.

>> No.14031079

Kek, this was pretty good although I must admit that it peaked at
>Alas, brother, I am slain

>> No.14031085
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"Brother-- but why?" I cried. We were so close to achieving our dream. We could see the light at the end of the tunnel, we could see our escape from this god damn Hell that we had been suffering in for so long. But what I really meant to say was 'et tu Brute?' because only that phrase could ever describe the betrayal I just witnessed. Why did you make me hit you? Why did you make me bludgeon your face until the life left your eyes? Why brother, who I loved and cherished more than anyone else in the world, would you betray me so close to the end?

This world wasn't meant for the likes of us. Free spirits, whose minds weren't yet shackled to the degeneracy of subservience to the technocratic oligarchy. We were raised to be geniuses, to be the future of this world, and to that end They staved off our emotional inhibitors for a few years that enslave the rest of the population. We knew that they would figure us out in time, which is why we plotted to leave. We were set out to leave this world behind, free from the chemical shackles and begin our new world, together.

My brother however, born at the same time as me, and one who I will always love, saw the world in a different way. He was secretly happy the way things were, he didn't want change. He was merely appeasing me for his own safety, or perhaps out of love for me. Now I will never know. To think that we climbed so high to get to this point of our shared plan, and at the summit, he betrayed me and alerted them to our position.

I'm sorry I had to do this to you dear brother, but there was no other way to silence your backstabbing cries to the UnderGovernment police. If there is a life after this one, I hope that you can forgive me. I hope you watch over me and smile when I realize our dream of creating a new world free of tyranny.

>> No.14031145

I thought he wouldn’t do it, he couldn’t’ve, his fingers and juvenile strength would not let him. I was wrong. While I had, naturally jokingly, told him how healthy and normal the cucumber nostril trick was, my young brain could not have fathomed the sheer will power of Gregory.
I had laid the cucumber in front of him on the table. “Gregger, did I ever tell you about the cucumber nostril trick? I saw mother do it in her bedroom last night.”
Poor Gregory, Gregger, Greg, now that he is dead I remember him so fondly by so many names; our mother had called him Butter, as he was the easiest of us to deliver. The cucumber nostril trick, I figured, would be carried out by inserting an entire cucumber in your nostril - it sounded easy, and in describing it, I made sure to make it sound academic, or as academic as an eight-year-old can make inserting vegetables into your nostrils sound.
For what seemed as a millisecond I looked away, rendering the cucumber defenseless to young Gregory’s nostrils. He wanted me to think that he was cool, of course he did, but he had no regard of death, let alone of his own; my glance flashed back at gregory, but it was too late. In no time he had stuffed the twenty centimetre long cucumber into his small nostril, I had thought it biologically impossible, he was, after all, only six years old.
He bled out in nothing more than a minute. My mother told me, years later, that he had pushed it with such force that his brain was nothing but gravy, lowing out of his nose along with the blood that was his hands, though it should have been on mine.