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14020341 No.14020341 [Reply] [Original]

Books that explain the US's obsession with intervening in the Middle East?

>> No.14020348

The Bible

>> No.14020368

Marx, lenin

>> No.14020374

I haven't read it yet, but I've heard "The Israel Lobby" does this. Maybe someone else can confirm.

>> No.14020375

>terrorists hate us
>intervene again

>> No.14020380

the talmud

>> No.14020386
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Smedley Butler's War is a Racket
Bernays' Propaganda
Ron Paul's End the Fed

>> No.14020403

Ain't nobody got time fo dat

>> No.14020415


>> No.14020422

>best country in the world
>not trying to get in on discovering the portal to the "Promised Land"

Don't be so dense, OP.

>> No.14020424

The torah

>> No.14020450

"Von den Juden und ihren Lügen" by Luther

>> No.14020459
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Post more mommy president.

>> No.14020516

israel will get gangbanged without americas help. drastic media mercantile cloak and dagger ensues to continue a never ending war. im neutral on trump but this is the main reason he gets piled. hes slowly cutting off the grug shenanigans. obvious when compared to what bush started. truly catastrofick

>> No.14020528

Dis bitch ugly :3

>> No.14020565

Her face? Sure. Her ass? Nope.

>> No.14020569

The Iran-Iraq War, Pierre Razoux

>> No.14020586 [DELETED] 

she is so fat and brown lmao bet she stinks like shit hahah

>> No.14020606

war is a racket

>> No.14020618

>bet she stinks like shit
>imagine the smell

>> No.14020622

the protocols of the elders of zion

>> No.14020630

The Culture of Critique

>> No.14020648

Despite all of the unflattering shots of Tulsi that have surfaced on 4chan my attraction to her never ceases to grow. She's intelligent, composed, courageous, well-rounded, Hindu. Sigh... her husband is one lucky man.

>> No.14020669

A person is not attractive solely based on their ass, you coomer. :3

>> No.14020674

books by Brzezinski or Kissinger

>> No.14020682

You couldn't be more wrong.

>> No.14020699

t. Coomer mcBoomer

>> No.14020709

My name is Dennis.

>> No.14020739
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>> No.14020754

Lmao imagine if she debated Hilary and got so mad that she sat on her face as punishment.

>> No.14020764

>t.dennis the coomer, the boomer-chasing zoomer

>> No.14020772


>> No.14020788

How would de Sade write about Tulsi?

>> No.14020815

My name is Jonas

>> No.14020819

And i'm carrying the wheel btw desu

>> No.14020824

The "conversation" books with David Barasamian are really good on this, impeccably researched and annotated, currently finishing up Global Discontents which is good on said subject, OP. Lemme look through my shelves and find some others.

>> No.14020846
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>> No.14020913

tulsi scabbard, i wanna put my sword in that

>> No.14020914
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>> No.14020933

The Shock Doctrine (particularly the Iraq chapters but a good read nonetheless)
Ghost Wars
Dirty Wars
All the Shah's Men
Charlie Wilsons War
The New American Militarianism

>> No.14020965
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>> No.14020970

All books about greed

>> No.14020982

based and zogpilled

>> No.14020989

>t. attracted to the 48 year old boomer butterfly

>> No.14021003


>> No.14021035

Hilary sends her to Kurdistan where she is the plaything of an elite order of sadist Kurdish socialists, who make her into a complete masochist. By the end of the novel she is sent back to the US where she is ridiculed for her enjoyment over seas through the playing of videos that show her orgasmically moaning for her captors "intervention" into her Hawaiian isles. She quits politics and masturbates to the recording, while Hillary watches from a camera she had implanted in her house.

>> No.14021149

killing hope by William Blum

>> No.14021811

War Is A Racket by Smedly Butler

>> No.14021831

Breddy gud. Was hoping for more scatology though.

>> No.14021843


>> No.14021889

Zionist Matrix of power by David Duke.

>> No.14022032
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>> No.14022261

She’s beautiful all around. I don’t even mind her skin condition.

>> No.14022893
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Everything you post is shit.

>> No.14022991


>> No.14023007

Godless CIA Niggers by T.A. Davis.

>> No.14023147
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Enough people gave reasonable answers.
Smedley Butler
Bržezinski and Kissinger
All of which I second

I saged my comment concerning Tulsi’s evident beauty

>> No.14023155
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So you are a retard.

>> No.14023174
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>> No.14023192

checked and based

>> No.14023205

Read Woodrow Wilson

>> No.14023209

That nigger ruined everything

>> No.14023871

The grand chessboard.

>> No.14023911


>> No.14023927
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>no mention of The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy
/lit/ get your shit together

>> No.14024017
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Imperialism the Highest stage of capitalism by Vladimir Lenin.

>> No.14024035

Amazing book. It more or less tells you what you already knew, while dumping a ton of extremely informative bush-era numbers of the lobbying and funding, explains different instances as far as the Golan Heights and Israel constantly demonizing Syria because of it, Israel even accused Syria of being the ones hiding Sadam's WMDs despite Syria voting with the U.S. to send weapons inspectors into Iraq. It talks about how we fucked over Syria, they provided us with intelligence and was alerting us to terrorist activity. Even fought the 1991 war with America. But as soon as Baghdad fell, the next week a huge swarm of articles pushed from LA Times and NYT Israeli-American journos started calling Syria "The next Iraq" and began a hate campaign against them. All because of the fucking Golan Heigths, and Jews just completely unwilling to chill the fuck out.

>> No.14024100

I would intervene in that ass if you know what I mean

>> No.14024110

It means you have degenerated into a Skinnerian dog for a beastly pleasure that distorted your ability to assess beauty. You have no choice now but to give in. You prolong your night and get less sleep and ruin the consolidation of events that happened before because this worthless act is more important from an evolutionary perspective. Or even worse, you ruin the rest of your day by starting off your morning in masturbation. You are a slave to lust and it now controls you. You have no standards now and have become like unto the beasts of the field.

>> No.14024114

Confessions of an economic hitman
Explains US quite well.

>> No.14024120

I must agree with you

>> No.14024137

b-b-b-but I will regain my capacity for reason, anon. I'm failing upwards right?

>> No.14024160
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>Thirdly, we have been weakened by sin. When a person sins the first time, he believes that he will thereafter keep away from sin, but what happens is the very opposite. This is because by that first sin he is weakened and made more prone to commit sins, and sin more and more has power over him. Such a one, as far as he alone is concerned, has lowered himself to such a condition that he cannot rise up, and is like to a man who jumps into a well

>> No.14024167
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>ctrl F cyclonopedia
>ctrl F Negristani
>0 results

>> No.14024278
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Honorable mention

>> No.14024389

haha or sat on mine haha

>> No.14024427

well, shit. what happened to forgiveness etc?