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14020138 No.14020138[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>be me last night
>had a junk food binge and skipped the gym
>binge was lasagna, Pepsi Max, chocolate, pot noodle, and supermarket sandwiches
>felt so fat
>read book in evening, went to sleep at 11 pm
>woke up at 1 am and couldn't get to sleep; spent an hour applying to investment banking graduate jobs
>woke up today at 8 am
>browsed internet on phone in bed
>got out of bed; drank coffee and browsed the internet; did chores; read a small amount of a pseudy non fiction book
>went to the gym and the lifting went surprisingly great and it felt great
>went in to central London for my usual walk, while listening to Peter hitchens on the moral maze
>sat in the library, skimming a book; felt demoralised when I saw an actual art ho
>went walking some more, but the day was pretty much over and it was past 4 pm
>walked through a park and was demoralised after seeing multiple Chad and Stacey couples
>saw a few packs of Chads and Staceys
>now drinking coffee
>unsure if I'll binge on McDonald's tonight

I applied to more jobs this morning. When I was on my usual walk I remembered this Chaddy guy in my university class and I felt a jolt of triggering when I realised that he was probably successful and had lots of money in the bank. I just looked up some former classmates on LinkedIn and it's just inevitable that they're all much richer than me. They're not stupid enough to move to London and they can easily pass job interviews. Or maybe I'm the true winner, like the banker and fisherman. Why become rich enough to buy a house in London and walk around while feeling the futility of it all, when you can rent and do it as a poor person? But that's dumb and I thought the fisherman in the original story was dumb as well.

I'm reading a modern history book and a merely ok but totally overlong pseudy old novel (top tier pseud cred).

>> No.14020183

can't wait for the Pepsi max guy to show up again

>> No.14020187

how much u lift?

>> No.14020190

what stops you from suicide

>> No.14020198

Laughing my literal ass off. Great read.

>> No.14020331


Today I did 335 lbs squats for 5 reps and 215 lbs bench for 5 reps. I did 5x5 of the squats recently but I went off the boil

>> No.14020400

Stop alluding to reading various books and give us titles

>> No.14020410
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any else enjoy laughing at these pathetic daily "i am so sad" posts

>> No.14020417

i prefer to laugh at women :3

>> No.14020451

lmao STEMbugs

>> No.14020533

>i was happy in a haze of a binging hour but heaven knows im miserable now

>> No.14020536

Not me, and no I do not.

I did call a woman ugly in another thread recently, but I am not so cruel as to be amused in spite of others. :3

>> No.14020538

I think it was Elizabeth Warren, she is just weird looking. :3

>> No.14020639

I laugh when others cry :3

>> No.14020642

You're fucked up, man.

>> No.14020668
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>it's a comfy Londonfrog thread episode

>> No.14020762

Abd you're a moralfag. Everyone loses! HAH!

>> No.14020781

What's the pseudy novel?

>> No.14021090

I had a fast food binge and now I'm lying in my bed, with nothing to do except read or internet browsing until sleep.

I'm currently thinking about how wasted the past 5 years have been. My 20s are gone. I remember following the Trump election so closely and buying binge food in late September on wet and dark days from that supermarket with all the students and which I'd always compare to being in a Refn movie because of its brightness. I'd also walk through a forest and park earlier in the day and listen to Infowars. For me, 2016 was peak life wasting (in terms of how much I was wasting life).


A translated and old foreign novel

>> No.14021094


What's all that pseud cred doing for ya if you can't even flash it around on /lit/?

>> No.14021103

How about you have sex, incel?

>> No.14021120


I consider the small chance that books may come up irl and someone may ask me if I've read something. Not that I socialise with anyone. Or have talked about books with anyone for more than two minutes (I can't even remember talking that much).

Currently looking at LinkedIn and seeing people who live in my home town and who are probably making £90k and who are basically only slightly older than me.

>> No.14021170

if you were 69ing with this broad you would actually be 43ing

>> No.14021943
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This is an absolute brainlet /r9k/ tier post, but if you really want some "smart guy insight" (i mean, that's probably why you are posting on /lit/ instead of /r9k/, right?), i would say that your problem is that you are an Anglo, and that means you're pretty much fucked up for life and there's nothing you can do about it. Try being a little less british perhaps? i don't know lol

>> No.14021955

This guy says "this is my first fast food binge in the past 4 days" literally every day. Is OP actually serious or is this supposed to be a satire of Anglo life. I feel bad for you guys.

>> No.14021972

Sad to see the amount of Londonfrog-bashing itt.
Londonfrog, do you ever considered practicing some stoicism? Read Letters to Lucilius, or anything by Seneca really.
You seem to spend too much time feeling frustrated that people are succeeding more than you. That can't be healthy, it wouldn't be even if you were a billionaire.
My father works for a luxury company, he often hears gossip about how this and that billionaire are mortal ennemies and how this superrich guy is internally dying of envy because another superrich guy is slightly richer. Those fuckers can buy their own country and yet they're still miserable because they can't stop comparing themselves to others. Surely you see how having the same resentful behavior as those guy while being a normal person is insane?

>> No.14022099

Replace IB with solicitor and we're in the same situation friendo

The whole job market is just gatekeeping. Though it feels like every dumb asshole manages to fall upwards, and I'm stuck begging for employment

>> No.14022151

newfags get out

>> No.14022189

implying it matters at all what is posted in LF's threads, he will continue to make them regardless and completely unaffected by the board's feedback. He exists in a self-contained cocoon that no gliding normies or anons can impinge on

>> No.14022199

You should not give up on the grace of Anon. Maybe at some point he'll inadvertently read a comment and be touched. Like my uncle did with me.

>> No.14022501
File: 44 KB, 599x510, 9ad4c288760143a7402d5d9877916d347c6a8197_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know who "londonfrog" is, faggot. The thing is that i don't care how much time has he spent posting about his life in this board, that doesn't change that this is offtopic whining of a retard that could improve his life by just trying to be less of a degenerate Anglo... but he won't, probably because he can't. He will just keep whining and crying on /lit/ about his existence, posting "Le funny pepe le frogs xD" just like other retards do every day in /r9k/.

It's not funny, it's not interesting, and it has nothing to do with books. You have containment boards, keep your retardation there.

>> No.14022510

unfortunately you lack the sophistication to understand lf's predicament

>> No.14022514

Is lf real or is he now a simulacrum? Anons impersonating his long gone self..

>> No.14022546

And what would that be? "Why Chad has Stacy and i don't"? "Why do i keep getting fatter when i eat garbage every day"? "why do i get poorer living in an expensive city while i see people living more comfortable lives in austere places?" is it just "tfw no gf"?

There is no predicament here, this is simply wanting to eat the cake and having it at the same time.

>> No.14022555


>> No.14022565

ahhh so OP is londonfrog i hear about, thanks elderfaggot

>> No.14022578
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you're welcome, newfag

>> No.14022586

>>woke up at 1 am and couldn't get to sleep; spent an hour applying to investment banking graduate jobs
stop whining
>sat in the library, skimming a book; felt demoralised when I saw an actual art ho
>walked through a park and was demoralised after seeing multiple Chad and Stacey couples
>saw a few packs of Chads and Staceys

>> No.14022709

great remark

>> No.14022749

it's the sisyphean nature of his existence, and the ambiguity of it being possible for him to change or if he's just doomed for being an ugly autist

most blogposters are all over the place and melodramatic, but he has inhabited seemingly the exact same mood and state of mind for like 6 years while going from school to work to neetdom to work again, nothing ever changes, he reads books for pseud cred, he goes on walks, he binges, he goes to the gym, stacies demoralize him, he laments his lack of productivity, he compares himself to the normies, etc. any moments of happiness or despair sharper than usual are still cast under this pall of depersonalized self-loathing, muted by the ridiculous context in which he's expressing himself and his comedically warped sense of social relations

he continues to post even though most people who reply hate him, he doesnt even respond to anyone, there is no actual purpose in his posting here, the attempt at communication is as futile as his attempts to break into the world of normies irl, he is just stuck forever in pure solipsistic routine, the only point of contact is that frog face he posts that stares blankly at you, which is how I imagine him moving through the streets of London or in his office as well, just pure passivity that is nonetheless looking at you as if to ask 'why is this happening'. the language he uses is all reminsicent of a kind of dream or movie he's watching, with no control over what happens. Normies 'glide through social institutions', he works out or he binges, there is no difference, one just happens, it is always the last binge ever, he always recounts the same list of inane social experiences he never had, the pub, club, party, he reads for 'pseud cred' but he never tells us what he's reading, there are no actual people, there are just archetypes, stacies, gigastacies, chads, nuchads, roasties, his whole life has become a simacrulum of browsing a 4chan board

Whenever he recounts some story about meeting a woman at work and looking up her linkedin profile I experience a sense of cosmic absurdity and the gap between the years long phenomenon that is Londonfrog's existence on this board, tied in with an entire internet subculture of psychological schemas, and the trivial social interaction some woman has with what appears to be a shy/emotionless guy 20s. It's like he's not actually a person at all, he is this bizarre medium that brings to our board a report on the outside world as filtered through an r9k view, an avatar for the slwoly increasing dissasociation of people who live on 4chan

It's not so much his life that is so amusing, lots of people have lives like that, it's how he thinks about it and the way he interacts with the board, the monotonous absurdity of his posts perfectly mirrors the way he views his life as a series of pointless things he is just scrolling past, and just as he doesn't reply to anyone the world outside refuses to reply to any of his actions

>> No.14022924

>it's the sisyphean nature of his existence
>I imagine him moving through the streets of London or in his office as well, just pure passivity that is nonetheless looking at you as if to ask 'why is this happening'. the language he uses is all reminsicent of a kind of dream or movie he's watching, with no control over what happens. Normies 'glide through social institutions', he works out or he binges, there is no difference, one just happens, it is always the last binge ever, he always recounts the same list of inane social experiences he never had, the pub, club, party, he reads for 'pseud cred' but he never tells us what he's reading, there are no actual people, there are just archetypes

I was originally going to make my post more extensive regarding those two topics you mentioned. First of all, i was going to say that this isn't at all sisyphean; he's got choices besides the absurdity of his routine, yet he keeps himself in the same limbo. You may say that all his choices are absurd too, and i admit you may have a point, but let's say that he could be carrying "lighter rocks" with small improvements in his habits.
Secondly, i kind of agree that it has a certain charm to it, those stories, but i can't keep myself from thinking that he could actually be using those stories to write something like Bukowski's or Fante's, no necessarily to be published, but as some sort of creative solace. Yet he keeps writing all this experiences as some /r9k/ greentexting shitpost.

I don't really see the point to those posts.

>> No.14022945

lol great post

>> No.14022956

thank you fellow LF fan. I do hope he posts some more epic stories soon, it's board culture after all!

>> No.14022958

I'm a moralfag for not laughing when others cry?

Are you the psychopath from the other thread? :3

>> No.14023167
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OP literally mentioned they're in finance
rent free

>> No.14023254

>Still can't get London frog
Then I learned anon was the real pleb this whole time...

>> No.14024095
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>> No.14024253

>doesn't know companies note the time a resume was sent

Don't send a resume after 9:30pm or before 9:30am.

>> No.14024288

why? what difference does it make?