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14018922 No.14018922 [Reply] [Original]

Many of you all have some very strong/radical views and mindsets. Do you all practice/exhibit them in your daily lives or are you all just talk?

Describe your:


>> No.14018965

Describe your:
Study, work out, read, sleep and repeat
Don't have any in day to day life, call my parents once a week
Average I suppose
Read, lift, play vidya with online friends once a week.
A stable family, good health and no financial problems during the remaining of my life time.

As for radical views; I have national socialist sympathies. Thank you for reading my blog

>> No.14019302

fuck off datamining retard

>> No.14019418
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Student and pizza delivery
Pretty calm, nothing special. Live with my wife, go to church
No friend. Only have my wife and my mother
Plain af
Piano, reading, drawing, movies
Non existent

>> No.14019425

not today CIA

>> No.14019436

Study, browse /lit/, watch YouTube, go out with friends
Have a girlfriend and close friends
Streetwear, above-average
Read, film-making, drinking alcohol, discussing politics with friends
No financial problems, stable career, make a positive impact upon the world through academia, family

Views: French New Right (Alain De Benoist is the thinker I'd probably closest associate to)

>> No.14019453

>hobbies: alcohol
>make a positive impact on the world through academia
pls kys

>> No.14019457

Volunteer teacher, Freelance bitcoin child rapist
Globo-homo Youtube funded homosexual deviancy
Best friends with all the children near the park and their mothers
Very causal, normcore whatever the average person wears
Netflix, Vaping, Water Polo, Golf, Child molestation
Completing my Master's degree in Greek literature, Creaming inside very tight and very young puckered starfish, publish an online fashion magazine

>> No.14019486

This is the sort of pictures that I never save, yet I will always remember about it.

>> No.14019599

Grad student, wage cuck
Grad student, wage cuck
Single. Not actively looking. A few close friends.
Literature, Art, Outdoors
I’d like to join the Army and go to war
Radical Views:
None of the above matters and I often flirt with fascist ideology

>> No.14019607

somewhat based
is not a hobby. What do you do?

>> No.14019680

Hunting mostly, but also hiking and camping.

>> No.14019701

>Streetwear, above-average
>being this much of a bluepilled drone

>> No.14019709

>I often flirt with fascist ideology
Why fight for your nation instead of just your family?

>> No.14019720

>how does the general health of society effect you.smug.png

>> No.14019732

Yesterday, a nigger entered the shop i worked at. i literally yelled "nigger alert"! and then ive seen him do it again just a minute ago! the police were summoned and a nigger was tased!"

The video shows the store manager trying to calm the clerk and get her to "close up."

The clerk gets visibly upset as she tells the manager she "would be really good" if he would "just not do this. He's not doing anything" before she tells him "He's the reason they're here."

Eventually, the manager walks over to the clerk and tries to help her calm her down. At that point, she tells the manager to "shut up" and goes on to say that "They're not black... They're black people."

"I will not be silent if you're not doing my job. He can do anything he wants to me and nobody can stop him," she says.

So yes, i'm a racist and i act on it all the time.

>> No.14019734

>greentext memes
Suddenly not interested anymore in your viewpoints

>> No.14019743

His point was entirely valid

>> No.14019761

stop tone policing me you fucking bigot

>> No.14019768

You can be racist and not a complete retard. Do you understand that you larping retard?

>> No.14019771

Yeah for brainlets who never studied history

>> No.14019777

You’re also barely literate.

>> No.14019789

Ah yes the history of the fabled country of lolspergs which has never and will never exist. You're almost certainly some assblasted form of communist anyway, why act like this?

>> No.14019791

His point was that the state of your country affects you and your family. Stop being retarded

>> No.14019803

Software engineer
I work, read or exercise. Sometimes play video games.
I've been in a seven year relationship so far. Third serious relationship, 11th person I've had sex with.
Don't dress too loud or extravagant. In fact I like to blend in as much as possible.
Board games, literature, fitness
I don't have any serious goals outside of complete financial independence (outside of work) Maybe have a child when I save up a couple years salary (like 300k)

>> No.14019848

Do you know how you improve the state of your family? By putting aside whatever revolutionary bullshit was fed to you by liberals, nationalists, communists, environmentalists, or whatever bullshit -ists you idiots subscribe to nowadays. You examine status quo, and you devise strategies to improve your position safely. If you have a tiny bit of brain, you'll very quickly realise that all revolutionary promises are snake oil sold by counter-parties who want to get rich themselves by defeating the ruling power. This kind of shit hardly affects you, but you're told it does so you can join someone else's cause. This has happened since the beginnings of history, and almost 100% of revolutions were bullshit for the common people. If I were born in China, I'd grind that social points leaderboard and take care of my family first. But I'm born in West where people have it too good to realise they have all the means to make their lives good, so they have to join fairy-tales theoristic made-up fantasies chasing a lie about green being better on the other side.

You faggots don't deserve happiness.

>> No.14019856

>everything is fine
>t. Xiang Abdul Rajapreesnam Jimenez Golbergsteinowitz
fuck off

>> No.14019857

>you'll very quickly realise that all revolutionary promises are snake oil sold by counter-parties who want to get rich themselves by defeating the ruling power.
this is still a political position, you are literally agreeing with him that it matters, you just disagree about the specifics. There is no contradiction in caring about local and larger scale issues at once

>> No.14019869

Not at all, I'm saying the best way to find good is finding the local optimum in status quo. If times change, then you adapt. He's saying fascism will solve problems, I'm saying you can solve your problems yourself in any political system without joining someone else's cause.

>> No.14019875

Joining the militray won't affect anyone besides Israel and the unfortunate nation you invade

>> No.14019880

>I'm saying you can solve your problems yourself in any political system without joining someone else's cause.
While partly true, you surely agree that it does matter what political system your country has, especially depending on who you are specifically. You dont want to end up a racial minority, especially a market dominant racial minority, for an obvious Fascist talking point. That is dangerous as shit historically

>> No.14019908

I'm saying if you're a racial minority in a fascist country, you analyse the situation and devise strategies to improve your position. The answer is almost never "join muh revolution." The answer in this hypothetical case is most likely flee the country, go somewhere else.

Revolutions don't solve your problems, just helps other retards get into power by exploiting you.

>> No.14019931

I honestly feel bad for you pathetic fags that view everything through the lens of "exploitation." Be honest, how often do you drone on about "bootlickers literally sucking the cocks of those raping you" or whatever dramatic fetishistic horseshit you faggots vomit up every time someone disagrees with you?

>> No.14019943

Kill yourself

>> No.14019970

lmao I got you good fucker

>> No.14019973

you must be so boring

>> No.14020031

Describe your longass list of shit that nobody cares about:
QA food
wagecuck who spends free time getting better at hobbies, teaching myself new things, or "working out"
a few close friends i've had for over a decade, work acquaintances I seldom speak to outside of work, an ex who still talks to me about random shit
Summer: Cargo Shorts, flip flops, t shirt
Winter: Jeans, sneakers, 1-2 size too large hoodies
drawing, video games, reading, exercise, writing, playing guitar, baking (in order from most to least amount of time invested)
Own a house/multiple houses and rent them out for passive income. Continue where I am at and become a team lead in a few years, or get good at any number of my hobbies to become financially independent and work for myself.
Have a kid before Thirty.
>radical views/ideas from an idiot in the US
Give more money towards infrastructure (roads, and bridges), and education (K-12). Get rid of standardized testing. Change voting to either a weekend/get rid of a national holiday and put Voting in it's place (Personally I think Columbus day could be switched out), or make Voting day a national holiday.

>> No.14020032

- jobs
Work in IT & publish philosophy related stuff sometimes

- lifestyles
Gym, pretty politics nerd watch news about 24/7, eat a lot of meat.

- relationships
Good relationship with family, no gf at the moment but a personal sub.

- hobbies
I read a lot and write sometimes poetry. Trying to learn the piano but that's a new project

- style
Pretty posh. Like British suits but most of the time business casual with some ethnic stuff sprinkled in (rings etc)

- goals
Finishing my book and getting that published. Getting more religious. And getting my PhD after I accumulated enough money through my job. Also building up my side projects (think Tanks and lobby organizations for niche issues I care about)

Tbh I like my life. I am quite driven and know how to talk. I have the feeling that opens a lot of doors but I have the feeling that I am an imposter some times. But even if I am an imposter I don't care as long as I can present myself and get recognized as the real deal.

>> No.14020037
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>Reservist and government functionary
>Fairly subdued unless I'm getting blackout with the boys. Minimal drugs. Try to go to church on Sunday but go infrequently and confess only once or twice a year
>Large group of male friends, no women or gf
>Conservative but I have some streetwear
>Reading, writing, weightlifting, some casual sports, some video games occasionally
>Maybe go to law school
I'm noncommittally far right wing. I like BAP a lot.

>> No.14020063

I'm all talk

>> No.14020920

>Security Analyst/threat hunter/pen tester/engineer
>I own a house and 2 cats. After I left the army years ago my life became 'normal'. My life now is devoid of any excitement. I save so I can retire early but things keep getting in the way. I wish I was rich.
>I have a long term gf who I need to marry. Family are dispersed around the world, I never see them. The last time I had a friend was maybe 15 years ago.
>fashion is for cunts. I wear whatever I like. Usually jeans and a plain t.
>saving money?
>retire early, as in before I'm 50. Who am I kidding I'm going to work until I die. If I had no morals I'd be a neet or a criminal.

Hitler did nothing wrong.

>> No.14021074

No thanks. Death or prison are preferable to wage slavery.
Write, smoke, drink energy drinks, write more. On a good day some sleep and a meal or two happen too. On a bad there is shitposting.
Broke up with last GF half a year ago, outside of her I had one close friend, one somewhat close friend, and fuckloads of acquittances I can barely name and rarely talk to.
Mostly hood with some sport-y shit mixed in between. Generally I buy expensive stuff but like once in half a decade.
Did I mention writing? I enjoy attempting to produce music and drawing too but don't do either regularly enough. Also love to meet and talk to new people, as long as I don't have to see them too often.
Getting published is the only big goal I have yet to achieve. Wouldn't mind my own flat in some huge city with cold climate either but it feels like my options are a bit limited even ignoring the monetary side.

>Do you all practice/exhibit them in your daily lives or are you all just talk?
I'd say I do practice them for the big stuff and it's interlinked with most of my lifestyle and choices but I do allow myself to be a hypocrite for things that appear less important like eating kebab from time to time. For a lot higher beliefs like "fuck borders" or "world government is the way forward" there isn't much to be done either way.

>> No.14021264

Job: Construction
Lifestyle: stoner, drunk, dog owner
Relationships: not many
Style: Van's, Jean's, long sleeves
Hobbies: reading, drinking, remodeling, getting high
Goals: maybe one day move to Appalachian mountains but right now that is the only real goal.

I talk openly about rebellion with coworkers and family

>> No.14021547

Student and volunteer with Red Cross, looking for an actual paying job now. Used to be a teacher
Other than my classes and studying, I mostly hang out at my apartment smoking pot and watching anime. I have a prayer group I hang out with, and call my girlfriend most nights
Nearly all of my close childhood friends are in prison, drug addicts, cut contact, or are living far away and busy with their own lives. I've exhausted myself of the energy needed to make new friends, so books provide my main form of social contact. My girlfriend lives in a different state, and we visit each other every couple of weeks to pass a pleasant weekend. I'm somewhat estranged from my extended family, but call my parents about once a week.
Bulky woolen sweaters, coats, and blankets I can wrap myself in
I bind books and read. I've got a passing interest in calligraphy, and enjoy copying Chinese characters or Arabic script while reflecting on the form. Sometimes I write in my diary. Every other day I exercise, but it's more from the necessity of keeping my body in healthy shape than out of a genuine passion for bodybuilding.
Get a job, marry my girlfriend, and find a more comfortable apartment for us. Eventually finish a paramedic license and work in a field hospital for the military. I've got a couple translation projects I've been working on and it would be a shame if I don't publish them before I die.

>> No.14021822

At lease try to be a little more subtle with your data mining next time.