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14018299 No.14018299 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a word for sounds that convey a feeling or attitude but don't have definitions?
For example, when japanese characters go "Hooo, you are challenging me?". That "hooo" noise, is there a word for that classification of noises?

It's not onomatopoeia pretty sure, or interjection.

>> No.14018318

I don’t know, but I can’t believe “un” and “uun” are classified as real words in Japanese. They sound like the thing you’re describing so thinking of them as real words is troublesome to me.

>> No.14018321

>when japanese characters go "Hooo, you are challenging me?
They do? I dunno what kind of animue you're watching, bud.
>or interjection.
I'm pretty sure it is.

>> No.14018329

How the fuck do I memorize Russian case declensions?

>> No.14018334

Yeah, those noises as well. I'm not saying they're real words, but there must be a word for the classification of those noises.

Plenty of characters make that noise (or similar ones). I guess this one would translate as "Oh?", but its pronounced differently.
This time stamped clip is an example: https://youtu.be/i-L0Gs2whvc?t=14

>> No.14018337

What’s the best way to read out loud? I’ve always had trouble with it. I feel as though a knot forms in my throat and my voice gets little higher. Reading a little bit ahead before saying it does help a little though I don’t know the proper way.

>> No.14018340

I feel like these things are very intuitive. You have to live in the culture to get a hang of them because they can sound completely nonsensical to outsiders. My main tongue has different genders for most things, and they vary by size of the item as well, etc.

No advice for memorization, sorry.

>> No.14018343

>but there must be a word for the classification of those noises.
They're interjections, you silly-billy. You're just not recognizing them as such because they're not 'real world's in English.

>> No.14018346

*real words, sorry.

>> No.14018348

If you are reading to others then read slower. News anchors use a similar technique (in that they speak slower than normal). Aside from this just practice reading in different tones, that might help build confidence which could be leading to the higher voice (I have the same problem).

On another note, for my first sentence
>"If you are reading this to others then read slower"
Should there be a comma after "others"?

>> No.14018358

That could be, but I feel like I remember once reading (and then googling) a word that fit specifically to what I was describing above. Interjection just seems too broad and incorporates many things that wouldn't fall into the noises I'm describing. For example, "hnn", when someone is aroused. Or "Mn" for agreement.

>> No.14018381

How does it feel ... you know.. to read?

>> No.14018383

I can't really think of anything else to call them, then, sorry. I Googled 'Japanese interjections' and this list seems fairly consistent with what I think you're describing.

>> No.14018412

It varies depending on the subject. Fantasy novels can be entertaining. Some can be boring. Some texts (like Notes from the Underground) give me a weird anxiety like I'm moving through time too fast.

Eh, it might just be interjections. Who knows. The word itself was an English word for English noises, though I think I read it in a text that was translated from Chinese.

>> No.14018417

Would having characters tell the story of the events of the book be really dumb and/or Rob the story of tension?

>> No.14018426

To a certain degree this is The King Killer chronicles. It does rob the story of tension imo, but if used properly can be strong.

>> No.14018434

Is there any good how-to on using it properly and avoiding redundant execution of tropes of this style of narration

>> No.14018435
File: 402 KB, 557x557, 011825C9-F543-49E7-AEDE-A130884E21D8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The word class 'interjections' might be what you're looking for

>> No.14018564 [DELETED] 

Question: What is this feeling ?

This might be triggered by lack of sleep, after masturbation or migraine.
It's not apathy nor depression.
If I listen to music my ears hurt.
If I try to masturbate there is no pleasure.
If I try to watch comedy It's not funny.
If I try to watch horror, nothing.
Even If I punch myself it feels painful but no feeling.

It doesn't have the emptiness or loneliness of apathy.
It's more of annoyance than anything but I can't feel annoyed at all. I'm stuck in thoughts and no feelings at all.
I prefer depression than this feeling.
It last about 3 hours before I start feeling something again.
What is this ?