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/lit/ - Literature

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14017136 No.14017136 [Reply] [Original]

>DFW is dead
>Phillip Roth is dead
>Don Delillo is dead
>Harold Bloom is dead
>Gene Wolfe is dead
>Toni Morrison is dead
>Pynchon and McCarthy both have one foot in the grave

>> No.14017173

The next great mind isn't accredited enough for lit to recognize him. Give it 20 years and then suddenly a bunch of authors from this time period will be praised on here because lit was told to like them.

>> No.14017199
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There's still Nick Land.

>> No.14017202
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>Toni Morrison is dead

>> No.14017222
File: 26 KB, 685x385, lucy ellmann.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey there.

>> No.14017385

Don Delillo isn't dead.

>> No.14017391
File: 200 KB, 1280x1280, shark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey buddy,

>> No.14017398
File: 44 KB, 565x318, dawson_crying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Harold Bloom is dead
God it hurts.

>> No.14017421

The Holocaust takes more souls every day.

>> No.14017427

Bloom was responsible for introducing more people to the great works of the Western canon than any alt-right meme has been or ever will be.

>> No.14017451

>be the greatest mind of your generation
>the Holocaust gets you anyways

>> No.14017459
File: 61 KB, 385x385, A1551069808031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You posted here, you get shit.

>> No.14017508
File: 59 KB, 658x662, 1fe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gene Wolfe is dead
I wish I had written him a letter desu

>> No.14017576

>>DFW is dead
Won't ever read because of his fans
>>Phillip Roth is dead
Same but 10x more
>>Don Delillo is dead
>>Harold Bloom is dead
>>Gene Wolfe is dead
>>Toni Morrison is dead
Crying of Lot Shitty Nine
>> and McCarthy both have one foot in the grave
I will be deeply sad when McCarthy goes

>> No.14017605

What the fuck? I could have sworn he died earlier this year.

>> No.14017668

Not from the list, but I moved nearby to my favorite author - completely unknown to myself. By the time I realized where he was living, he had already died.

>> No.14017754

You sound like the typical corn consumer. Neck yourself while the barn's still standing, flyover

>> No.14017899

>>Gene Wolfe is dead

What the fuck is with the giant boner here for this writer? I tried his book that /lit/ spruiks all the time, and it's the kind of shit that edgy teenagers love.

>> No.14018007

Daniel Johnston is dead

>> No.14018017

Philip Roth has fans? Where?

>> No.14018023

fuck it's true

>> No.14018081

It falls to us now

>> No.14018137
File: 1.78 MB, 2100x3049, John_Green_by_Gage_Skidmore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry anon, literature is saved

>> No.14018163

Fuck you really scared me with the DeLillo bit. Still kicking thankfully.

>> No.14018164

Roth may have some readers left, but he doesn't have fedora-tipping fanboys like DFW does.

An example of what will likely happen with Roth is what's happened to Bellow: Over a decade since his death, Bellow is still 'known', but hardly read by anyone; give it another decade and he may be virtually forgotten. And Bellow was twice the writer that Roth was.

>> No.14018177

Both Bellow and Roth were shit writers because they were semites and semites are shit writers. That's the reason nobody cares about them besides jews, and both are inapt for being introduced into the youth brainwashing curriculum like Kafka and Salinger, so you can't create a fake institutional aura around them to fool whites into believing they were good writers.

>> No.14018552

He's braindead.

>> No.14018563

i like to imagine he had gay sex just to see if he would like it even though he was not attracted to guys anyway

>> No.14018573

I have a friend who did that.
Needless to say he discovered he wasn't homo and didn't try again.

>> No.14018605

>>Harold Bloom is dead
IS there any archive of his whole "western canon".
Where I can find more of his "western canon" thing?
Links and sauces please.

>> No.14018671

>bunch of Amerilards
Who cares.

>> No.14018761

>Socrates is dead
>Christ is dead
>Ludvig XVI is dead
>Nicholas II is dead
>Hitler is dead
See the long term. A meat puppet dying is hardly the most impactful or even meaningful aspect of them.

>> No.14019658

East Coast Jewish Boomers

>> No.14019692

>a friend
It's ok, you're anonymous here.