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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 177 KB, 800x1202, Nietzsche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14016230 No.14016230 [Reply] [Original]

>Thinks that we must affirm life and is disgusted by Schopenhauer's life denial
>Is pro suicide
>Thinks that moralizing is bad
>Dedicates an entire book (Thus spoke) to moralizing
>Thinks that there is no free will
>Writes his philosophy to advocate what one should or not do as if there is free will
What gives? Was everything he wrote just autism? Is his entire philosophy a contradiction?

>> No.14016279

You are too brainlet to understand him.

Nietzsche was not a philosopher, he was dynamite.

Is there any man who still shuts his eyes to the plain fact that homo sapiens is but a primate, cousin of the gorilla, with a brain over-developed to think abominations, and a larynx evolved to aid their execution, a creature whose prime pangs are hunger, lust, and hate, and his fundamental solaces rape, robbery, and murder?

Nietzsche, who hated the Germans, was a German. “The Anglo-Nietzschean War!” True it is, the Germans were the only people who had the common sense, the clear sight, the ability to face, grasp and use the facts which
Nietzsche thundered to the planet.

He has robbed them and enslaved them and murdered them, he has ravished their women and tossed their children on his bayonets, as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be,world without end, Amen. Thus spake Zarathustra

>> No.14016445

wtf? Are you retarded?

>> No.14016462

Why do you say that without pointing to what offended you? I described three contradictions in his Philosophy.

>> No.14016498
File: 67 KB, 898x628, 1529387282719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be taking philosophy class, don't give a shit about philosophy but figured it would be an easy credit
>supposed to have read Genealogy of Morals by Nietzsche over Fall break
>obviously I didn't do this since I was too busy slamming Oxycontin and various amphetamines while jerking off to camwhores
>professor goes around the class asking questions about the book
>oh shit
>she gets to me
>"anon, what was the primary principle Nietzsche was attempting to convey throughout the book?"
>panic and shout out, "Life is fucking meaningless so just do whatever crazy shit you want"
>professor is taken aback
>"that's absolutely correct, anon"
>a few of my classmates begin applauding and soon the whole room joins in
>I would later sleep with the professor

>> No.14016510


>> No.14016543


>>Is pro suicide
suicide when it's in service of life itself

>>Thinks that moralizing is bad
and he's right

>>Thinks that there is no free will
and he's right

>>Dedicates an entire book (Thus spoke) to moralizing
providing viewpoints and perspectives on life are not equivalent to moralizing

>Is his entire philosophy a contradiction?
Yes, there is a lot of Nietzsche's philosophy is contradictory but none of what you actually posted was contradictory. You're too much of a midwit to even see where Nietzsche is actually wrong.

>> No.14016582

>>>Thinks that moralizing is bad
>and he's right
>>>Thinks that there is no free will
>and he's right

im not criticizing this aspect of his body of work

>suicide when it's in service of life itself
illogical statement

>providing viewpoints and perspectives on life are not equivalent to moralizing
he clearly had a perception of what someone ought to do vs what someone ought not to do

>You're too much of a midwit to even see where Nietzsche is actually wrong
tell me where he was actually wrong then

>> No.14016852


>illogical statement
I really don't care about logic. Death is a part of life and life is a part of death. Truth and lies aren't opposites, etc. etc.. When Nietzsche talks about suicide he's talking about a suicide which shows an acceptance of death as a natural an inevitable part of life. If you try to always run from death and extend your life you are really running from a fundamental aspect of life itself. Most suicides however are rejection and running away from life.

>he clearly had a perception of what someone ought to do vs what someone ought not to do
Not really. He has an idea of what, from his perspective, it is best to strive towards, what it is best to be, and puts value towards certain things. However, to him this is a personal thing. He doesn't resent the masses for not following his ideas because his ideas are not for the masses. Traditional morality says everyone should act in a "good" way because it's "good" and it usually benefits other people. Nietzsche points out a much of qualities which to him show that you have relinquished this moralizing philosophy and have become a better person for your own self.

to make a long story short Nietzsche recognizes superior man vs inferior man but this is not the same thing as morality.

>tell me where he was actually wrong then
why would I bother?

>> No.14016864 [DELETED] 

discord tranny retards


>> No.14016875

>why would I bother?
because i'm interested in hearing your perspective and ill make you feel smart :3

>> No.14016876

There's no way any trannies would like Nietzsche. Not a single one. Nietzsche is about loving life and your fate while they all kill themselves because they can deal with it.

>> No.14016880 [DELETED] 
File: 431 KB, 641x480, 1564079774548.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*blocks your path*

>> No.14016886

Why did you bother writing this crap?

>> No.14016892


>> No.14016894


>> No.14016909

learn how to read parody, and pastiche, OP. the dude's more concerned with what he's doing than what he means. He wants you to learn to read.

>> No.14016926

I can't wait until this wave of Christian teenagers that /pol/ has attracted to the site finally fuck off for good.

>> No.14016932


>> No.14016996

>Was everything he wrote just autism?

Of course it was. Honestly what kind of question is that!

>> No.14017014


>> No.14017020 [DELETED] 

It's the Nietzscheans who grew out of your edgy philosophy and became Christians, seething trannies. I'll pray for you, buddies!

>> No.14017087


>> No.14017141

>neetzchian claiming others are underage