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/lit/ - Literature

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14016072 No.14016072[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What kind of books does your mom read?

>> No.14016472

When she died she was reading Sexual Personae. Maybe it killed her.

>> No.14016476

Boring scandinavian detective shit

>> No.14016482

You made this thread just as an excuse to post this picture, right?

>> No.14016486

Academic literature on Catholic conversions in Britain. And that's ALL she reads. Whenever I try to get her to read American literature she says she hates it, despite being an extremely conservative American. Not even memeing.

>> No.14016488
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>> No.14016712


>> No.14016784

She used to read those meme self-help books until she started asking me for recommendations. So she just generally reads what I read.

>> No.14016795 [DELETED] 

Wtf, that's all I read too. Can you hook us up? I could be your new daddy.

>> No.14016831

We are Polish, when my mother was young she used to read the eastern european classics, Dostojewski, Tolstoi etc. her favourite book was Quo Vadis by Sienkiewicz.

Later she started reading cheap romance books, now she doesn't read at all.
It's qute sad, she had a bright mind, the opposite of my father really.

>> No.14016839

she doesnt

>> No.14016847

I’ve been sporadically trying to get her to read A Confederacy of Dunces and she’s read like 30 pages in two months.

>> No.14016858 [DELETED] 

Dosto is literally called Dosto-Jew-ski in Polish? lolz

>> No.14016877

The last thing she read was Brother's Karamazov because I often talk about books I'm reading to her.

I think it made her alcoholism worse...

>> No.14017050
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>> No.14017069

are you twelve?

>> No.14017081 [DELETED] 

>Seething this hard over a Jew joke
Reddit's back the way you came, sweaty

>> No.14017083

Daniel Steel

>> No.14017304
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books and literature

>> No.14017365

Is she actually Scandinavian, or is that a sub-genre of mystery that I am not aware of, yet?

>> No.14017372

My mom always talks about her book club books like I would enjoy them. Every single one is
1. Young minority person
2. Historical setting during period of strife
3. "Really cultural"
The club seems to be some sort of virtue signaling competition for suburban women regarding who is most worldly, but she really enjoys it

>> No.14017374

So, reading about people converting to the Roman Catholic Church?

>> No.14017380

you should go and make friends

>> No.14017489

Those JR Ward or whatever Vampire Books. Game of Thrones. Patterson Novels.
Doesn't read much anymore.

>> No.14017639 [SPOILER] 
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my diary desu

>> No.14017642

Back when she used to read, cheap airport thrillers like Robin Cook, James Baldacci, Lee Child, and the like. Meh.

>> No.14017738

Wallander? my mom loves that series
>her favourite book was Quo Vadis
She was pretty based

>> No.14017834

murder mysteries almost exclusively
my sister watches murder documentaries almost exclusively
why are women so fixated on murder?

>> No.14017852

I always wanted a mom who is a gamer, reads canonical literature and has feet.
Very based.
Wholesome. What do you read? Is it canon?
I wish she was my mom who read canonical literature.
I would participate in at least one of the book club meetings. It might be fun. Maybe I could get one of the mommies to read something more meaningful.

>> No.14017857

I want to watch my mom grind metal slimes in dragon quest while she's sitting on my lap, grinding her ass against my cock while wearing only a thong

>> No.14017872

Yeah, in Britain.

>> No.14017958

Murder mysteries

wtf didn't know this was a common theme

>> No.14017990

She reads old sci-fi. My grandpa had a big effect on her. He liked Persian poetry, pulp garbage, Haydn, and John Denver. She's very similar. A human being. Not concerned with perception, but taste. I miss my family. I'm drunk. Don't bully me or I'll throw a dead cat in your mailbox.

>> No.14017997
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Korean haute couture. My mom's family carries a strong literary/scholastic tradition, and there's me who shitposts on /lit/.

>> No.14018071

I don't mean to be too nosy, but which books are they, by titles? I am curious about that phenomenon. Thank you!

>> No.14018077

>tfw no old gf to give a foot massage who speaks to me in her mature gentle voice

>> No.14018142

don't we all?

>> No.14018143

Hell no, what's wrong with you people.

>> No.14018172

She doesn't read, and says she dislikes reading. Apparently the only book she ever enjoyed was Crime and Punishment, so I'm reading it after she got me a copy.

>> No.14018180

She doesn't read at all. It's ironic because our living is literally full of her books, but she will never read them. So she's an average /lit/fags.

>> No.14018354

Do you live under a rock

>> No.14018452
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>> No.14018465

why do you lump me in with all the other faggots

>> No.14018466

With age priorities change, nothing sad about it. If there is no reason besides leizure for her to read, she probably has more than anough other things to do. Further she already read the most relevant works for her. Reading just because it's seen as "big brained" is a degenerated consumerist meme of the west.

>> No.14018469

The absolute state of /lit/.

>> No.14018479

Biochemistry/Microbiology tomes and the Qur'an.

>> No.14018487

airport thrillers, actual literature and everything in between

>> No.14018944

>i always wanted a mom who has feet
w-what happened to your mother's feet anon?

>> No.14018948

Freud was wrong about literally everything.

>> No.14018961
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>> No.14019050

The last book she read was Gone with the Wind, years ago. I don't remember her reading anything else, actually.

>> No.14019080

the bible
she then posts about it nonstop on Facebook to all her Filipino family and friends

>> No.14019103

>Protestant self help
>Christian-flavored conspiracy/fringe history stuff
Or so would I imagine if she read anything at all.

>> No.14019113

Cute mommy.

>> No.14019539

stuff like stieg larsson and agatha christie, stuff like stephen king... mostly lots of crime fiction