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/lit/ - Literature

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14015437 No.14015437 [Reply] [Original]

What is our meme trilogy for philosophy?

>> No.14015444
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>> No.14015461

Stuart Mill

Wildcard: Marx

>> No.14015477

for /lit/ in 2k19:
sargon of akkad
joe rogan
jordan peterson

>> No.14015508 [DELETED] 

The Critique of Pure Reason
The Phenomenology of Spirit
The Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus

>> No.14015511

>Wittgenstein book that even Wittgenstein didn't believe in
Read Philosophical Investigations before you post.

>> No.14015538

The Critique of Pure Reason
The Critique of Practical Reason
The Critique of Judgement

>> No.14015561 [DELETED] 


>> No.14015563

Somme athéologique

>> No.14015613
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>Wittgenstein book that even Wittgenstein didn't believe in

Not that anon, but is this true? I didn't liked the tractatus logico-philosophicus, and i think that overall the so called continental philosophy of the Austrians it's absolute brainlet tier, but i'm willing to give this sperg another chance if he actually dismissed that piece of shit in his latter years.

>> No.14015641

>Stuart Mill
pathetic; only good for midwit anglos
>The Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus
this doesn't deserve to be on the same lsit as the other two works
This and very based.

>> No.14015785

go away liberal

>> No.14015858

He said: my bad, I was being a bit of a sperg. And wrote another book.

>> No.14015918

How can one boy named Kant always be so correct?

>> No.14016002

Simulacra and Simulation
Difference and Repetition
Being and Event

>> No.14016363


>> No.14016372

Introduction to Metaphysics (1929)
The Question of Technology
Being and Time

>> No.14016383

the ego and its own
a thousand plateaus
meditations by aurelius

these are memes

>> No.14016392

Being and Soul
Being and Reason
Being and Cause

>> No.14016397

Im seeing an increase in anime girls reading /lit/-approved books.

can we have more?

>> No.14016413
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Someone made a template for them.

>> No.14016583


>> No.14016826

>And wrote another book
And i take that this book is the "philosophical investigations", yes? Thanks a lot, anon.

>> No.14016842

The Ego and Its Own
Being and Time

are the philosophy books that have been memed the most over the years

>> No.14016959

>Being and Time
what it is about ?

>> No.14016982

replace marx by stirner and you have it

>> No.14017026


>> No.14017066

Best answer. All pomo wank like og meme trilogy

>> No.14017091

being and time

>> No.14017138

The enneads
Being and time
Crisis of the modern world

>> No.14017220
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For me, it's firstness, secondness, and thirdness

>> No.14017471

none because philosophy is garbage and has ruined this board

>> No.14017490

look at this fiction brainlet

>> No.14017504

fiction is the final redpill. the only "philosophy" worth reading is literary criticism and aesthetic theory.

>> No.14017518

Now this is a hella based picture

>> No.14017545

favorite book/literary critic/aesthetic theorist?

>> No.14017556

my diary desu/bloom/me

>> No.14017565
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Already covered.

>> No.14017588

Look at this low-brow fiction slob

>> No.14017600

Brothers Karamazov

>> No.14017615

You didn't read it

>> No.14017646
File: 137 KB, 513x257, Retroactive Trio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You read one for pretentious knowledge then the other for retroactive true understanding.

>> No.14017649

I just remembered an ex-girlfriend telling me that when she was a little girl, she was told by female teachers or other adults that the vagina was like a butterfly. I guess it was supposed to make the little girls feel less ashamed or embarrassed about it.

So is that what you're going for, Butterfly?

>> No.14017652

Socrates, Plato, Aristotle

>> No.14017656
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Yes i had to, faggot, for college. I'm actually interested on this topic to pick a fight with a teacher of mine because i don't give a fuck anymore.

>> No.14017673

I’ve said as much before, but honestly, I just copy/pasted a space from an old Zalgo thread. It was supposed to be unspoken and unpronounceable. But anon saw the font more clearly and they started calling be Butterfly, sensed I was female and kept pestering me about it till I confessed.

>> No.14017710

Thanks, I appreciate your candor.

>> No.14019258


>> No.14019559

Being and Time
Process and Reality
The Phenomenology of Spirit

>> No.14019653
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>> No.14019688

stop, do not engage

>> No.14019702

into the trash.

>> No.14019711

Decline of the West
Being and Time
The Bible

>> No.14020584


>> No.14020614

more like the chad trilogy

>> No.14020616

looks like it's this

>> No.14020626

Based trilogy

>> No.14020644
File: 2.81 MB, 6720x3780, hitlerdubu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


1. Adolf Hitler - Mein Kampf
2. Oswald Spengler - Untergang des Abendlandes
3. Houston Stewart Chamberlain - Die Grundlagen des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts