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14011943 No.14011943[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Everything that can go wrong in life is going wrong right now. Every sector of life is pure torture, I’m the lowest of the low in everything. Ugly, bald, stupid, unemployable, uncharismatic, unlovable, just looking at myself in the mirror is enough to make me want to die in a hole.

Every waking second is pure dread from the moment I wake up until the moment I fall asleep. I feel afraid of everything, a doorbell ringing or a phone notification causes my heart to start racing. I am afraid to send an email out to others. I feel nauseous 24/7, I have this sinking feeling in my stomach that fills me with dread nonstop.

I see no future for myself, a world in which I am gainfully employed, competent at my job, and have a woman in my life who actually wants to be around me seems like a world from a fantasy novel, it’s inconceivable that anyone is ever going to want me around.

Life is pure suffering, the rope in my parents garage is screaming my name every second I’m awake. I see no way out of this hole I’m in, I see no future for myself. I can’t continue to live like this, all my efforts to get me out of this life fail and leave me even more humiliated than before.

>> No.14011950

t. coomer

>> No.14011957

Just bee yourself man

>> No.14011963

My dick doesn’t get hard anymore, if I try and jack off I have to do this thing where I clamp my balls between my legs to hold the blood in my dick. Then I ejaculate and the shake and humiliation of existing as me comes flooding back and I have to live with the shame of what I’ve just done.

>> No.14011964

Have you tried having sex?

>> No.14011965

Have sex

>> No.14011969

Cringe. Just stop using reddit and your life will get better.

>> No.14011977

it's gonna get better, stop trying to predict the future. darkest before dawn unironically

>> No.14011979
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read pick related, stop having sex and masturbating, and start working out

>> No.14011981


>> No.14011990

I know this feel, it is hell. I remember taking a shower a long time ago and just clawing at my body because I hated it so much.

>> No.14011993

My life has never gotten better, it just continuously gets worse and worse

I can’t settle my mind enough to read, I’m so anxious and my mind is racing so bad I can’t focus on anything more than a line or two of text.

>> No.14012006

>I can’t settle my mind enough to read
which is why you need to go out into nature more, workout, and stop feeding your lust. doing these things clear the mind
also you're reading right now moron

>> No.14012007

Why ask /lit/ for help? Ask your friends and your girlfriend, not us

>> No.14012075

Fuck off to /r9k/ faggot op

>> No.14012078

kyrie eleison

>> No.14012101

Just be yourself :)

>> No.14012120

Mate at least make yourself worthy enough to be a slave. Work out. If your too ashamed to go to a gym ask for some equipment for Christmas (as you live with your parents) or make some. Stop touching your dick

>> No.14012141
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Wherever you are go someplace new. I'm assuming you don't have a wife/GF so nothing's really holding you back. Move.

(Also: abuse the shit out of wherever you live rn; get every advantage before you move)

>> No.14012145

I can only read a few lines of text. I can’t focus on a book, my mind zones out and starts thinking about what a loser I am.

I have a degree, I already work out and I barely jack off because my dick doesn’t work anymore. Working out does fucking nothing, I feel worse when I’m done, especially when I go to a public gym and see myself in a giant mirror next to all the good looking, in shape young people who are better than me in every way imaginable.

>> No.14012150

Yeah well the Yankees just lost and I’m outta pizza rolls. We all got problems. Get over it.

>> No.14012181
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>> No.14012222

Look up CBT techniques to do online. You can get better if you want to, but you’re going to have to spend a lot of time working hard instead of crying about life sucking online.

>> No.14012310

are u on meds. maybe get on meds to improve your baseline a bit and go froim there

>> No.14012341

Transformation Mastery

>> No.14012356
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Do drugs

>> No.14012366

Let's hang out anon

>> No.14012372

Buddhism is the only thing that can save you. It is man's greatest and most powerful tool to allieviate the most dreadful of suffering. It requires immense effort, but if you truly, truly can let go, there is peace.

>> No.14012379


>> No.14012381

It takes a long time to improve yourself. That's why so few people do it. Look at it this way—you're going to end up at a further point in time in your life inevitably anyways, so you might as well start improving yourself now rather than later. You aren't to blame for the lot you're dealt in life, but you're to blame for how you respond to it.

>> No.14012382
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In case this is not a meme thread, then typing such an an atrocious post about what you do, and describing that you feel shameful about it, is a sign you are not yet lost. Listen to that feeling of shame, and don't do the things that cause that feeling. Over time, your life will get better if you consistently succeed at small things.

Watch Jordan Peterson, the whole reason he is famous is because he addresses such issues.

>> No.14012405

Just be a fucking successful member of a society is a prescription for a 14 year old. Not a man.

>> No.14012440

Every time I try to do these CBT techniques and fill out the forms (like the ones I find here https://www.therapistaid.com/therapy-worksheets/cbt/none)) it ends up validating my negative thoughts and making it seem like there’s zero logical or rational reason to have any hope in my life.

I’m not on any meds

I can barely look at myself in the mirror, I don’t think I could handle something that requires so much effort.

You say it takes a long time to improve yourself, and I agree, but when I look at most of my peers I went to school with and grew up with most things did just kind of fall into their laps. They got jobs through family friends suggesting them, they got girlfriends just by going out and existing. They don’t “self improve” or even think there’s any need to improve, they just kind of exist and live normal lives and everything just kind of happens to them.

The problem is just being me and seeing myself or even looking at others brings me incredible shame. I feel guilt and shame for even disgracing others with my presence. I don’t know how to stop feeling that way.

>> No.14012445

When the fuck did I say anything about fitting into society and just "giving back because it's your duty"? I am talking about being successful in one's own eyes, to one's inner heart, which is the absolute end goal of every person. If OP is in such a rough state, which I can sympathize with because I have felt the things he said, then starting with the habits of everyday life is the only way to start changing.

>> No.14012469

Listen to me now. If even looking at yourself is hard, and other absolutely basic aspects of life like that, and I do understand that state, then you must find the smallest thing you can work on, and start on that.

You work on that, *no matter* how small the thing you find is, until you master it, and it becomes an effortless part of yourself. Like brushing one's teeth; a habitual activity that most people forget was monotonous for a long time to make a part of their lives, but now is a firm part of one's day. Once you master that thing, move on to something else, and rinse and repeat until, over the years, you are finally incorporating actually incredibly hard things into your life. The benefit of such an approach, is that the only way to fail, is to want to fail, and that is still a choice you have to make each and every day.
