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/lit/ - Literature

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14009140 No.14009140 [Reply] [Original]

I'm going to try and read the entire western canon in 5 years. I have read some of it here or there, I'm wondering if I could get some guidance on what books I should start with. I'm also wondering if anyone who's done this, has a specific order, or strategy, or an order of authors I should read it in. I'm thinking about compiling a list of all the books so I can keep my sanity.

>> No.14009194

I'm also reading the canon. What I'm doing is following the list proposed by Harold Bloom at the end of his Western Canon book: http://sonic.net/~rteeter/grtbloom.html

But I'll skip most of the American writers proposed near the end because many are minor poets and other irrelevant shit. He got too Amerocentric near the end of the list and in recent interviews he disowned this appendix by saying it was the editor's idea, but either way it's a helpful list.

>> No.14009195
File: 779 KB, 1920x1080, lem quote books.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a great way to memorialise Bloom! Go to it, Anon, and good luck!

>> No.14009233

>5 years
That would be a shallow reading.
>What books should I start with?
Do chronological order. Bloom divided the books into ages.

>> No.14009258

>I'm going to try and read a lot of shitty engl*sh books and a handful of butchered translations
wow im so impressed anon

>> No.14009272

Isn't Bloom mostly fiction and poems?
Someone reading the Canon should read philosophy too.

>> No.14009290

Reading only old classics and nothing else is a recipe for having a bad prose style and outdated ideas

>> No.14009310

He seriously regretted writing that list; it was forced upon him by the publisher. People fail to understand Bloom's concept of the Western canon is nebulous, descriptive rather than authoritative.

>> No.14009589

Yet supposedly modern writers like Jonathan Fagzen or Zadie Zzzmith who are proud to have never read the canon produce subpar literature. On the other hand, writers like Bolaño or Borges who have read the canon produced good literature. Reading the canon doesn't hurt. Stop this meme.

>> No.14009600

There's some nonfiction as well.

>> No.14009602
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>western canon
the western canon doesn't exist, it's just a meme.

>> No.14009607

t. School of Resentment

>> No.14009629

"western canon" is literally just a jewish psyop, it's a literary trojan horse
>jew makes up a canon
>calls it "western"
>almost half the writers are jewish
>kek jews are western now, nothing weird here

it's basically the literary-canonical equivalent of the term "judaeo-christian", somehow, someway the jew has made western synonymous with "jewishness + the goys"

>> No.14009643

sounds like a New Year’s resolution

>> No.14009646

Not even a quarter of the propose writers are jewish.

>> No.14009649
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Implying philosophy is not fiction.

>> No.14009660

there are four just in the top ten KEK

>> No.14009672

There's 4 out of 26 and all of them were influential and wrote in a Western language. Fucking /pol/tards.

>> No.14009673
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>I‘m going to try and read the entire western canon in 5 years
No. You won’t be able to.

>> No.14009679

nope, there are literally four in the top ten.

>> No.14009692

Bloom explicitly disavowed that list. Anyway the idea of canonical oiterature is much older than Bloom.

>> No.14009695

okay lad

>> No.14009699

yeah but all "western" canon lists are retarded, just like the idea of the "west" is retarded. east-west dichotomy was never real or meant shit.

>> No.14009723
File: 81 KB, 600x536, Girls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know
>The great watershed in modern Spanish intellectual history was the discovery in the 20th century, first by Spanish exile and Princeton professor Américo Castro, that many notable people including some Christian saints, were the descendents of Spanish Jews (Sephardim). It has been estimated that 80% of the writers of Cervantes' day had Jewish ancestry.

>His mother [Molière's] was the daughter of a prosperous bourgeois family[11] Upon seeing him for the first time, a maid exclaimed, "Le nez!", a reference to the infant's large nose. Molière was called "Le Nez" by his family from that time

>Early in his life [Milton's dad] he converted to the Protestantism, and his own Roman Catholic father, Richard Milton, subsequently disowned him. He moved to London around 1583 to work as an apprentice scrivener.[2] His work largely pertained to business matters; often working as a moneylender or a financial broker.


>> No.14009738

>he had a big nose, therefore, he's a Jew!
This is like a preschooler who visted /pol/ once. Come the fuck on.

>> No.14009769

Sure, but it's just as retarded to call it a jewish psy-op when it is most likely a proud whig invention.

>> No.14009787

That's a fringe conjecture and most specialist of the Spanish Golden Age fo
Ind it dubious.
Only semi-legit mention in your list, even then he's of Jewosh descebt but not a Jew himself as per talmudic law


Also what kind of ignoramus believes Cervantes and Montaigne are admired because muh joos? They're among the most widely shilled writers in history.

>> No.14009795

>Milton converted tonProtestzntism and had a Roman Catholic father
>he also handled money sometimes
>therefore he was a Jew
Is that how peak reasoning looks like?

>> No.14009865

probably both desu

>> No.14009889

not even remotely an argument lmao

>> No.14009926


>> No.14009937
