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14007323 No.14007323 [Reply] [Original]

>old stuff good

>> No.14007332

what the fuck do you like, new stuff?

>> No.14007333
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>new stuff good

>> No.14007335

New stuff is often better than old stuff

>> No.14007338
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>all religions the same

>> No.14007366
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>brown stuff bad

>> No.14007379
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>tfw had a dream the other day that i had a history exam about Guenon
>the questions were all extremely passive aggressive
I dont even read Guenon

>> No.14007384

t. has read maybe 1 Ed feser book and 2 Plato dialogues, has a PDF of the seraphim rose book on nihilism on his pc which he hasn’t read (next to some evolas and that ‘libido dominandi’ book - Is thinking about deleting michael gira’s the consumer for being ‘degenerate’ and worldly), has ‘Christ: the eternal tao’ and ‘the reign of quantity and the sign of the times’ on his goodreads ‘to read’ list, regularly makes haughty and mocking replies whenever he sees people talking about modern philosophers he hasn’t read; is particularly incensed by discussion of people like Foucault, Deleuze, Derrida etc., tried to read alasdair Macintyre once but found himself rereading basic sentences four, maybe five times, used to idolise Mishima as a traditionalist but now skirts around the topic of his sexuality, browses the Catholic subreddit sometimes but gets annoyed by the light tone of conversation (for him religiosity means acting brooding and grim, possessing a smouldering pessimism, a seriousness that admits no levity—primarily a sensual fantasy although he won't admit it) and stops browsing within a day or two, says he might check out this ‘tradcath’ subreddit sometime but never does—he isn’t attracted to online spaces which don’t irritate him: he likes the orthodox subreddit for the occasional ‘based’ pictures of hirsute priests blessing ak-47s but blushes when some regular and well-respected poster (who he imagines to be grave, broad and muscular, like a Slavic bear) talks (without hysteria or moralism but rather with a peasant's brute insight) about the western alt-right noodle-arms that mistakenly think they’re in good company on orthodox discussion forums, and quickly retreats back to the anonymity of 4chan, reconsolidates his withering faith by rewatching the passion of the christ and crying when millionaire-actor jesus says 'see mother, i make all things new', listens to the prince of egypt sountrack when he gets humiliated by some "tranny" online and feels vengeful (righteous anger at evil he calls it), misses the mde and common filth subreddits but is ashamed of having ever indulged in such vulgar and un-erudite company, the lowbrow circumstances of his first steps toward conversion constitute a serious threat to his self-identity and the attractive notion that his conversion was motivated by the discovery of the arcane logics and argumentation rigour of the Catholic Church, makes up for his low status on the intellectual totem pole by criticising youtube preacher pastor anderson's irrationalist baptist doctrines, although he tepidly praises his 'enthusiasm' and his 'redpilled attitude' toward the jews (nazism is a perpetual attraction for him, he feels saintly for resisting it)

>> No.14007398
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>protestant intellectual arrogance >delusionally thinking they alone can know and interpret scripture and the world better than centuries upon centuries of scholarly tradition

>> No.14007493

It's the opposite : new stuff mostly bad. Since he judge a lot of antique stuff as new and degenerations of more ancient stuff. So it can be said that he doesn't judge with a simple criterion like "past" or "new". His thought is of course more complex than that.
But in fact it's a traditional principle that was common in antiquity. That's why church fathers argued a lot about the antiquity of their doctrine coming from the Hebrew in comparison to that of philosophers.
Tl;Dr you don't understand Guenon

>> No.14007496

Some religions are degenerations for him.
We are far from a new-agist

>> No.14007503

Almost never. Old stuff at least survive the test of time, 99% of new stuff reveals itself as just a passing fad.

>> No.14007513

Kek is this a pasta

>> No.14007517

Look at this dude!

>> No.14007606
File: 406 KB, 680x960, Guenotomi_Reneyoshi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Redpill me on Guenon

>> No.14007629
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Trash your own DNA and physique first, then let us know if it was a smart move.
Oh wait.

>> No.14007634

>My ugly, unhealthy mutations are good! Trust me baby!

>> No.14007639
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>> No.14007723
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>> No.14008271

have sex

>> No.14008301
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Just convert to Islam bros

>> No.14008305

>stuff good

>> No.14008309
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>> No.14008315

The new stuff is not actually new tho, it's just a rehash of old Moloch

>> No.14008322

Trads need psychotherapy to overcome their autistic old book fetish. Imagine thinking old books are good because they're "old" and not because they are good on their own merit.

>> No.14008327

ok so he's an esoteric midwit


>> No.14008338
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>> No.14008342 [SPOILER] 
File: 9 KB, 267x189, 1571325129013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, YOU have sex.

>> No.14008500

Guenon already destroyed psychotherapy

>> No.14008505
File: 247 KB, 1194x1321, 009AEE00-3A72-4925-BB50-1398D63DCC47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>old stuff and new stuff good

>> No.14008507

this was such a great thread

>> No.14008551

There are big gaps
There’s Ancient Greek than Roman than nothing until Dante. Then nothing until Shakespeare. Then a 19th century literary explosion in Europe plus three books from burgerland. Then modernist explosion post WW1.
After 1939 you can pretty much stop reading. It’s mostly just Pomo rubbish
After that

>> No.14008564

who would be ">stuff bad"?

>> No.14008578

Very based!

>> No.14008612

some gnostics

>> No.14008618

You must be 18 or older to post on this website.

>> No.14008620
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Imma sorry Green Evola

>> No.14008673
File: 622 KB, 1026x1339, Coomaraswario.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Step aside, kiddos