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File: 114 KB, 1100x1643, why-liberalism-failed1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14006526 No.14006526 [Reply] [Original]

What's in store for us in the future?

>> No.14006527

I don't think liberalism is going to collapse in our lifetimes, it's going to be a slow decline over generations getting steadily more miserable
Don't know what the fuck comes after though

>> No.14006622


>> No.14006628

liberalism simultaneously feels like it will crash under the weight of its own contradictions and that it is a force that cannot be stopped

>> No.14006635
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live action A Canticle for Leibowitz

>> No.14006685

Various alternatives.
Lots of them are just liberal capitalism dressed up in various drag. Fascism for one.
If the majority are allowed to defuse capitalism that will change statism as we know it and the world can decentralize. Will it lead to more or less peace? will it lead to carbon emission reduction and a stabilized future environment? Donno.

>> No.14006880

What contradictions?

>> No.14006911

Literally just turn off all energy sources for 6 months and this all goes away. When the lights return what is illuminated will not be recognizable. Liberalism will either slowly decay through the centuries or elect a power to put it out of its painful misery. It's a necessary sacrifice, what does the modern man know about sacrifice.....

>> No.14006917

Liberalism will crash within our lifetimes, and the fourth political theory will take shape.
A belief in rationality and a belief in equality are contradictory.
Also, the classic paradox of tolerance.

>> No.14006921

liberalism didnt fail us, we failed it

>> No.14006923

suicide clock is ticking fat tranny

>> No.14006936

additionally, the concepts of global liberty (participation) and neo-liberal growth economics are totally incompatible with leftist immigration and environmental stances, which also are incompatible

>> No.14006940


>> No.14006942

Decay, slums, enslavement, culling

>> No.14006944


Are you eleven?

>> No.14006954

In “Spain”, sure.

>> No.14006955

World War 2 but with 4th generation warfare. European man plus allies versus the banking oligarchy and allies.

It has already started.

>> No.14006957

Liberalism is the wrong word. We're talking about the judaification of white liberal ideals jews have distorted and Marxified as they ascended in power over the course of the 20th century. The problem is never abstract ideology but the nature of the ruling class, and the ruling class within the west now is comprised of alien jews who have no interest in "the west," white values, or western civilization. Hence why we must excise the jew and stop blaming abstractions like "liberalism," as if some belief system is the problem. People are the problem, and those people are jews

>> No.14006960

desu this is arguably key. the whole ideology is designed to ensure one small group retains primacy in the first world. remove that one group and liberalism collapses.

>> No.14006961

>"European men" and banking oligarchs are on opposing sides
Can't tell if this is a massive cope, delusion, or pure imageboard ideology. Maybe a bit of everything

>> No.14006964

Carbon emissions?

Are you fucking retarded?

>> No.14006968
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European Man. Stop with the Pilpul.

>> No.14006981

I hope not. But probably true. We humans never learn.

>> No.14006985
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Listen to uncle Ezra.

He spent 9 years in solitary confinement after WW2. They said he was 'mad'.

I wonder why...

>> No.14006989

I'm a Palestinian lmao nice try though. I'm immune to /pol/posting tropes. However I understand your frustration, when you're small minded and unread simplistic base nodes is necessary to fathom reality and global politics/history. Anything else leads low iq minds from physically deteriorating. I'm insulting you for something you cannot change (or choose not to for it's difficulty), just try not to shit up every board in your process and keep your "truth" to yourself

>> No.14006990

Lots and lots of fascism. The west is an empire in the final stages of decline. Once mutts are the majority and control politics you can expect fascists to come to power with the usual goal of a national rebirth.

>> No.14007016

>What's in store for us in the future?
State mandated penetration.

>> No.14007029

Ahhh yes, every Anglo was and is an innocent victim to the (inferior?) Jew and totally never consciously worked with them for equal benefits with a tiny minority they could have had all executed in a minute for 850 years of Norman rule. Anglos definitely were never the forefront of european thought since the 16th century that led to the modern idea of a nation state united by constitutionalism and citizenship not feudal obligations, ethnicity, and religion. Jews surely want to undermine the philosophical foundation that allows them to exist in the anglo world in the first place. Jews will never be beaten through a "superior" political system created by "superior" beings, neither will their art be outclassed by those same superiors output. Those darn crafty jews

>> No.14007032

>Lots and lots of fascism.
Can't wait.

>> No.14007067
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Modern fascism is cringy and always will be
Everything since ww1 has been lame. Reminds me of insecure teenagers changing their identity every couple of months. Sad to hear that it will continue. Wake me up when we have citystates again

>> No.14007068

this; somuchthis.

>> No.14007076

Anyone using "cringy" like it's an actual word shouldn't be taken seriously to begin with.

>> No.14007092 [DELETED] 
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>After the collapse of our civilisation there must be one of two things: either the whole of it will perish like the ancient civilizations, or it will adapt itself to a centralized world.
>It rests with us, not to break up the centralization (for it automatically goes on increasing like a snowball until the catastrophe comes), but to prepare for the future.

>> No.14007102

Nope it's exactly the word for it. Modern political movements are too quick and anxious, it reeks of desperation. Like that guy who's crazy energetic but you know it's because he's attempting to cope with a deeper crisis that's killing him. It's sad, but in the moment it's also uncomfortably cringy. You like him but you don't want to be around him.
Humans need a complete reset(suicide) and start over. Maybe we'll be reborn as a kid that grows up to be a slayer and not an incel radicalized online (descarte)

>> No.14007106

>Wake me up when we have citystates again
but we do
monaco, hong kong, etc

>> No.14007107

>Also, the classic paradox of tolerance.
An unavoidable phenomenon of human interaction, not a consequence of liberalism.

>> No.14007131

Truly our only hope is city-states with direct democracies.
Get rid of the U in USA!

>> No.14007135
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>Centralization is good
Dumb whore centralization creates the collapse. Localities lose their self-sufficiency and are unable to withstand greater trauma without undergoing complete destruction
>ancient civilizations "disappear"
Nope, the centralized web deteriorates returning to the local before the whole process starts again. It's a transformation. Destruction is consciously carried by an opposing force or natural occurrences and has no relation to the development of political life cycles. She's a brainlet and is only projecting her low historical knowledge and inability to identify the existence of cultural embryos
I don't count them. They're floating gambling houses for nationstates, not the dominate political and cultural makeup of a region. I support every single independence movement even when it's retarded for this reason. Italy hurts me the most

>> No.14007140

america needs a divorce. also the future sucks, i try not to think about it.

>> No.14007190

Increased oversimplification, anti-intellectualism, totalitarianism. Then collapse and death.

>> No.14007192

>Increased oversimplification, anti-intellectualism, totalitarianism. Then collapse and death.
All good things desu.

>> No.14007198

>implying this is bad
redditor detected

>> No.14007208

I bet you say things like "the west" and "degenerate" on a daily basis

>> No.14007246
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>I bet you say things like "the west" and "degenerate" on a daily basis

>> No.14007252

Not anti-intellectual is an invigorating sense. More in the sense of appropriating the image of intellectualism towards irredeemable culture war ends. I too would like to kill 'intellectuals' given the chance.

>> No.14007258

What an anti-intellectual response, hoho.

>> No.14007259

What's your logic here?

>> No.14007355

London, Washington DC, Vatican City are all currently existing city states.

>> No.14007386

I hate the now constant deluge of attacks on liberalism by complete pseuds who know nothing about political philosophy. No, liberalism is not to blame for you being depressed. No, liberalism is not to blame for problems of social cohesion. No, liberalism is not to blame for the state of the economy.

Do these fucking hacks really think they know better than an intellectual giant like De Tocqueville? Liberalism the highpoint of European culture, its a political philosophy that has taken hundreds of years to develop, and is the result of generations of struggle and death on the European continent. Its the most perfect political system in the world. Why liberalism "failed" is because of ignorant fools like those posting in this thread who don't understand what it is and why its so important. Read The Revolt of the Masses, the future holds intellectual decline and reversion to the past because ignorant fools like Mr. Deneen insist on having opinions on what they don't understand.

>> No.14007428

literally a take so cold it hurts to read. if you do not have anything original to say i would advise you to keep your mouth shut you absolute mouth breathing mentally ill hole.

>> No.14007437

Cringe. The peak of European culture was feudalism under the divine right of kings.

>> No.14007443

>There’s nothing beyond liberalism, if you try to change it you’ll just end up worse off than you were before!
>No, I do NOT see any irony here related to the original history of liberalism. Now go get a job, or something!

>> No.14007445

no, liberalism is failing because the governments are hellbent on destroying the countries they are supposed to represent. the fact that all these governments are extremely liberal and their voters are extremely liberal must be just a coincidence.

>> No.14007451

Just be conservative and vote Republican.

>> No.14007456

There's no such thing as "divine right"

>> No.14007462
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There's no such thing as "natural right."

>> No.14007465

>complete pseuds who know nothing about political philosophy
Deneen is literally a professor of political science.

>Do these fucking hacks really think they know better than an intellectual giant like De Tocqueville?
Tocqueville is one of his main influences.

You clearly didn't read his book.

>> No.14007472
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>God's chosen

>> No.14007479

conservatism is as destructive as liberalism. especially in america.

>> No.14007480

That's not even a real argument.

>> No.14007487

This is an opinion I have never heard before, thanks for expanding my horizons of thought. You must be a very high status and virtuous person for thinking these things.

>> No.14007497

Charles II lived in the Modern Period.
And at least he was a kind man. Can you say that about our overlords?

>> No.14007500
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>> No.14007502

A war between human beings and NPCs. And I don't mean that in some /pol/ way, while I think fascists and most /pol/tards are wrong, I think their heart is in the right place - as in, they actually fucking have hearts. The enemy is the pedantic neoliberal, the parasite scum that lives only off the value of others while telling you how change isn't possible because of x or y numbers in questions that have been framed by his view of the world. Whenever you talk of values or rights, they will constantly laugh at you and say how those are social constructs, while telling you to adhere to political correctness, laws, and capital, all of which they take to be more real than fucking air. The goal of these people is to take away the spirit out of everything, to turn everyone into the same kind of soulless machines that think are highly-logical because they're so stupid, so deranged they can't even tell they represent ideology par excellence.
Left or right, I don't care, anticentrism and the death of the liberal elites is the only way forward.

>> No.14007510
File: 903 KB, 876x887, Steven_Pinker_Göttingen_10102010c_crop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why liberalism "failed" is because of ignorant fools like those posting in this thread who don't understand what it is and why its so important. Read The Revolt of the Masses, the future holds intellectual decline and reversion to the past because ignorant fools like Mr. Deneen insist on having opinions on what they don't understand.


>> No.14007529

He's not wrong. If human beings didn't act like human beings, Liberalism would have been an effective system for organizing human beings.

>> No.14007530

we'll get CHINK'D

>> No.14007548

Yeah you're right, I didn't. I was angry and lashed out, I apologise. I'll read it and refrain from ad hom attacks in the future.

>> No.14007556

He is wrong. Well, the precepts of liberalism are nice and all, but the reality is that it leads exactly to brainlets like Steven Pinker and Sam Harris and the like. Stupid science bitches.

>> No.14007599

the future is so bleak we cant even imagine it.

>> No.14007601

The Revolt of the Masses can be interpreted in different ways to support many different arguments. Even Julius Evola has cited it. Ortega y Gasset was a liberal but I came away from that book with absolutely zero confidence in liberalism. What I mean to say is, he defeats liberalism in my eyes with that book despite writing in the support of liberalism.

>> No.14007618

That's nice. If you like Tocqueville you will likely like the book.

>> No.14007632

Class between neo-conservatism/nationalism and internationalism.
Openness Vs skepticism.
Protectionism vs free trade
Diplomacy Vs force
Nation states Vs unions
Free flow of information Vs control

I'm also assuming a stronger polarity between consumer based culture and anti consumption culture.
Increased automation, AI and robots is also shifting out repetitive work and using creativity will be expected more from workers.

>> No.14007755
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>> No.14007763

Everyone on 4chan is a bullshit debater and I see people from every side of a debate doing stuff like ad homs. This reads like a bunch of projection.

>> No.14007768

ad homs and strawmannig via greentext is bread and butter of every 4chan debate

>> No.14007769
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Of course you are. Anonymous image boards are known to be crawling with Palestinians attacking European values and identity.

>> No.14007782

-Massive displacement of equatorial peoples by climate change and conflict, leading to increased protectionism; probably more old-fashioned fascism in the global south where the aftermath of WWII is less present in the public consciousness than mainland Europe
-The UK will almost certainly split up in the next 50 years
-Continued slow dissolution of social infrastructure and rights that were built up over the 20th century; institutions based in collectivism like the NHS will cease to exist in all but name
-There may be a counter-movement of socialist politics against this eventually, which will still result in a managed retreat of society from an unstable “high energy” state to a more stable “low energy” state, but with less suffering and conflict than a purely capitalist/neoliberal approach to handling the turbulent century ahead... But such a socialist counter-movement would be too far in the future for me to be able to even guess at, it’s just what I’d like to see personally
-If socialist politics does not make any headway then instead expect current society to replaced with increasingly fuedal-like systems dressed up as contemporary and justified by contemporary ideology, with America, UK etc. Becoming failed states that won’t admit it- Think private suburbs for the very richest hoarding resources under private armed guards in the name of “national security” or similar while a massive underclass lingers in low quality of life and degenerating health
-In either case the thing that will cause the West as we know it to transition into something else will be unchecked hyper-individualism

In the shorter term e.g. next 20 years:
-China will continue to become more capitalist and the US more authoritarian til the two are even less distinguishable
-UK will become an even bigger bottom bitch to the US unless there is a Corbyn-esque Labour government; an independent Scotland will align in principle with Scandinavian politics but may run into trouble with multinationals and the EU’s pro-neoliberal edge, being small fry who would need all the trade they can get
-Japan will continue to denigrate into a very western ennui
-Gig economy, Black Mirror shit will get worse and when historians start totting up the figures in 100 years time they’ll realise millions of people died unnecessarily under capitalism because they didn’t have enough McDisneyFacebook Credit Points to be allowed to buy medicine or whatever and people will act shocked and wonder how we let it happen and it could never happen in their day and age

>> No.14007803

This is exactly how everything feels right. We’re fragile to the point where Donald Trump or Brexit can happen and destabilize the liberal elites but at the same time the culture of liberalism is so pervasive in society that it’s almost impossible to imagine a world without it. Everything is from within a liberal paradigm at the end of the day, and unless people stop treating liberalism as a default and conclusive ideology, I can’t see it going away as soon as some theorists like Deneen say it could.

The insanity of progressives this decade feels like they’re on the defensive because they sense that their time may be running out, so they’ve just been throwing literally everything they can just to see what will stick. Deep down liberals know how their elite rule is at risk of implosion thanks to mass communication, so that’s why they’re endlessly deciding on new policies and pursuing new goals just to maintain their grip on society (sex worker rights, LGBT revolution, black reparations, etc)

>> No.14007823

This is why political Islam is literally going to save the world

>> No.14007827

Civil war and insurgencies, mostly

>> No.14007835

Singapore is the only one that can be said to actually matter as a significant political and cultural entity with a sizeable population. The others are mostly just places for the rich to gamble and screw young prostitutes

>> No.14007837

>Everything is from within a liberal paradigm at the end of the day, and unless people stop treating liberalism as a default and conclusive ideology,
That's I think the biggest challenge when it comes to surpassing liberalism.
Many people think of something such as the harm principle as a given, an immutable truth, for example.

They also see any deviation of a liberal mindset as "brainwashing". If you are taught to be chaste, it is brainwashing. If you are taught to be promiscuous, it is not. Any promotion of any morality that is not liberal is considered wrong. But promoting liberalism isn't.

>> No.14007839

What the is the cover image on that book trying to convey? Neither Greeks nor Romans had anything resembling the modern conception of liberalism. What we have as liberalism is based first on the concept of the sacred human and second on a creating a society that recognized this. True eusocial liberalism is the easy yoke and light burden of Christ made manifest in society. It's not a series of laws and customs that guarantee (grant, really) the public or official body of populations, sometimes called citizens, certain "unalienable" rights. All good civilization had that, be it the Helens, the Romans, the Chinese or heck, even the Egyptians were getting there by the time they started declining. The West was absolutely retarded for thinking that cutting off Christianity from the social will make it more free. Just because mixing Church and state is bad (and possibly heretical), it doesn't make throwing out the Christianity-baby along with the theocracy-bathwater any less retarded.

>> No.14007848

You really need to read his book. The cover doesn't say Rome or Greece led to liberalism. It says liberalism actually made people ignore their heritage.

The image likely sends an image of a decaying civilization.

>> No.14007935

>Worker's rights maintains Elite's grip on society
Are you fucking stupid?

>> No.14007946

Oh, that makes sense. Thanks for the recommendation. That thesis highlights the failure to re-examine Christian theology during the transition to modernity. The church(s) was so single-mindedly focused on self preservation that it forgot to call dibs on the theological principles modernity is based on.

>> No.14007964

They do? Who do you think pushes feminism and sexual promiscuity so hard? Who tells women that they’re more free in an office than at home?

>> No.14007994

Dude go read a book on labor history. Neoliberalism fucking hates organized labor.

Also bourgeois "culture war" shit like sexual promiscuity straight up doesn't matter.

>> No.14008030

>Neoliberalism fucking hates organized labor
You know Tony Neoliberalism too??? Fucking idiot. "Neoliberalism" isn't a living organism, it cannot hate people. The ruling class in the west is comprised of jews; they are the ones who hate others, specifically whites, which is why their hatred of whites is reflected through our institutions.

>> No.14008053

>Also bourgeois "culture war" shit like sexual promiscuity straight up doesn't matter.
What? Why do you think so?
Do you think only economics matter?

>> No.14008063

Liberalism can't collapse, it doesn't exist because of its neutrality

>> No.14008068

I don't know, but i do know that it's gonna be cringe.

>> No.14008071

>Liberalism can't collapse, it doesn't exist because of its neutrality
What do you mean by that?

>> No.14008075

So, if liberalism doesn't exist then it's just not real?

>> No.14008076

>me in right tribe. me can't believe things left tribe believe that right tribe don't believe. people in left tribe can't believe things right tribe believe that left tribe don't believe.

>> No.14008083

I'm not him, but could you answer his question?

>> No.14008093

Liberalism is exceedingly stable due to its neutrality. Criticism towards the state in other systems is a weakness. In liberalism, it's free speech being exercised. In other systems unpopular leaders can cause the downfall of the system in liberalism they're voted out. It's the people practising liberal electoral democracy. It's made its opposition part of the system. Opponents of liberalism have to claim free speech to critique liberalism thus giving in ideologically to its precepts.

>> No.14008095

Who do you think does pushes feminism and promiscuity?

>> No.14008101

The liberal elites. Who do you think does it?

>> No.14008117

>liberal elites
Jews push it. They are the people running western cultural institutions.

>> No.14008119

Nope, liberalism is incompatible with beings that has dopamine. The proponents of liberalism require illiberalism to acquire more liberal ideas. It's a foil, and illiberalism will win in the end in a material reality.

>> No.14008121

>Muh joos
Off to /pol/ with you. Read a book, get laid, etc.

Culture war is just a farce. There simply isn't one happening. There only culture war worth discussing is in the context of class war.

What *is* happening are distinct models of social organization competing against each other. Culture War is just nonsense peddled by major media organizations that try to convince people that the mainstream left and mainstream right have any differences, when they're functionally the same and work together on nearly every important issue (trade, war, wages, infrastructure.) I don't think that only economics matter, but the way that people talk about the culture war comes down to the most superficial subjects (colonizer statues, celebration of Christmas, pronouns, Confederate flags.) None of these actually affect the functioning of society.

>> No.14008126

I mean that it has no positive existence, liberalism is just a negating force that is eroding what actually kept nations together (long built trust, tradition, etc). There hasn't been a rupture between pre liberalism and liberal era, it has always been an organic continuation with liberalism negating things it judged bad but other than nothing came out of it because it is neutral. Once all those things are gone then liberalism won't survive because in itself it is nothing.

>> No.14008139

Of course culture war affects society. Promoting promiscuity weakens the family and also leads to unhappier people. Promoting hedonism, status seeking (look at modern feminism and how it promotes it) and consumerism leads to unhappier people but better consumers.

>> No.14008140

>class war.
Imagine seeing every major western country collapsing as a result of the influx of 3rd world brown peasant invaders and still believing it's about class. You have indoctrinate people to be this stupid.

>> No.14008143

>Criticism towards the state in other systems is a weakness. In liberalism, it's free speech being exercised.
Liberals don't take criticism to liberalism too kindly.

>> No.14008144

alt-right: muh j00s
woke left: muh white men
even woker left: muh liberals

does everyone need a boogeyman?

>> No.14008147

>Once all those things are gone then liberalism won't survive because in itself it is nothing.
Wouldn't that mean liberalism would collapse?

>> No.14008156

do an hero disgusting tranny

>> No.14008159

Who is in charge?


No boogeyman, no conspiracy, no muh liberal elites.

There is a race of hostile Middle Eastern semites running western institutions and destroying our nations. You have to be retarded to not get it at this point.

>> No.14008168

A caste of which Jews present a disproportionate amount? Maybe. Jews on their own in a concerted effort? Doubt.

>> No.14008169

No, because it is nothing

>> No.14008175

"Hedonism" has been a "problem" since the advent of readily available goods. If you're worried about consumerism, then you're worried about capitalism. Consumerism isn't a cultural malady, but inherent to the economic model.
Also I don't care about the so-called weakening of the family, I'm not convinced that it's happening, what it even is supposed to mean (everyone since the Romans have claimed that the family is weakening), or if it matters.

Imagine thinking that the West is falling apart because brown people are in it and not decades of awful austerity politics and imperialist war mongering. You'd have to get all of your opinions from 4chan and YouTube to think this is actually the case.

>> No.14008179

Every time I see someone use the word "brown people" you immediately know it's some woke Chapofaggot

>> No.14008183

Jews are a parasitic race, they don't do anything on their own. What they do is promote things that weaken the host from within.

>> No.14008186

I don't listen to social Democrats

>> No.14008189

>Imagine thinking that the West is falling apart because brown people are in it
Brown people have never created anything, of course their existence in increased numbers is the source of the decline.

>> No.14008190

Didn't they invent algebra

>> No.14008192

criticism of liberalism is liberalism in action you're using your free speech by critiquing it. Critics invoke freedom of speech when people try to silence them thus bending the knee to liberal principles.

>> No.14008193
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Hedonism has always being a problem, but promoting hedonism, consumerism and status seeking do lead to those problems becoming worse and to a shittier society. Which is what we are seeing lately.

>Weakening of the family. I'm not convinced that it's happening
Look at picture related.

>or if it matters.
Weaker families are connected to many social issues. And to worse mental health.

You are just being willfully blind to many problems of society.

>> No.14008195

No. You are though, fyi
Anyone advocating fascism isn’t taken seriously either.
Not being christcuks
I answered a question and you claim I need to come up with an original answer. You seem the mentally ill one.

No one under 18 is allowed to post here. Take your dick fetish someplace else

>> No.14008200

When a Stalinist criticizes liberalism, he is being a liberal in your opinion?

>> No.14008203

No. Arabs are literal retards. Indo-Europeans who lived in the Middle East did that.

>> No.14008211

If he invokes freedom of speech when the system tries to silence them yes. Difference between liberalism and other systems is that other systems try to silence their critics thus when critics gain impunity from the state because they gain support it is seen as a weakness inside of the system. While in liberalism everyone is given free speech so criticism of the system is things business as usual.

>> No.14008214

That shows weakening of wedded mothers.
You know what really weakens family cohesion? Poverty. Which could also tie in with your graph because median wages stagnate with that arch.
1970s “stagflation” has been with us ever since

>> No.14008219

>Difference between liberalism and other systems is that other systems try to silence their critics
So does modern liberalism.

>> No.14008223

Fair enough, but:
>More unwed mothers as economy gets worse for working class
What a surprise. It must be hedonism.

Of course I want happy families, but I refuse to see it as an issue of Culture when many more obvious and important dynamics, ones that actually affect child raising (mortgage, college tuition, cost of living compared to stagnation of wages, lack of maternal/paternal leave.)

>> No.14008224

silence as in government action not being booted of private property lol

>> No.14008227

Motherfucker what did you invent?

>> No.14008229

>That shows weakening of wedded mothers.
And of family. Divorce rates are also very high.

>You know what really weakens family cohesion? Poverty.
The United States are much richer now than they were in the 1950's. And African American did improve a lot in terms of wealth since them. Yet, the African American family suffered a lot since them.

>> No.14008230

>You know what really weakens family cohesion? Poverty
Jews promoting feminism, cultural hedonism, and no fault divorce is what did that.

>> No.14008236

>What a surprise. It must be hedonism.
Yes, it is.
Economically speaking, America is at its peak. It is richer than ever. Libertarians are not wrong when they say this.

>Of course I want happy families
You can't have stable families if people are very promiscuous and hedonistic.

>> No.14008244

It is not a secret that the liberal intelligentsia does want to mute criticism of liberalism. If they can do it by societal pressure, they will do so. If they can't, I have seen plenty of them willing to use the "paradox of tolerance" to use state power.

>> No.14008252

>You can't have stable families if people are very promiscuous and hedonistic.
There's really no proof that's actually what's driving people apart. Also: people have *always* engaged in infidelity. I mean have you ever read the Canterbury Tales, or Arabian Nights?

>Economically speaking, America is at its peak
Yet wages haven't increased in 40 years, the middle class is shrinking, college tuition is increasing (leading to a student debt crisis), cost of living has increased, people can't afford health care. The wealth of the rich means nothing when most are on the verge of poverty.

>> No.14008254

>Economically speaking, America is at its peak
You'd have to be retarded to believe this.

>> No.14008260

“Weakening family values” is highly subjective. A woman who divorces an abusive husband and move in with her parents, is strengthening family values. Fuck Christian normatives.
The late 40s through the 60s were the height of American prosperity. The wealth we generated had never been so shared as back then. Now we make more wealth then ever before. But less of it gets to the people generating it. Poverty rises starting in the 70s because there’s a labor surplus. And not even sending women and immigrants away will reverse that.

>> No.14008264

That is in of itself a strength. If an anti-liberal faction manages to force a company to bend the knee it isn't the government that lost but the company in the publics eyes. The government saves face.

>> No.14008270

>There's really no proof that's actually what's driving people apart.
If people are taught that monogamy is boring and that an exciting sexual life is the greatest good, how strong do you think their marriage will be when it cools down?

>Also: people have *always* engaged in infidelity. I mean have you ever read the Canterbury Tales, or Arabian Nights?
Promiscuity has increased a lot since the 1960s. There is a reason why the "Sexual Revolution" is called a revolution. It is not because things stayed the same way they always were.

>Yet wages haven't increased in 40 years, the middle class is shrinking, college tuition is increasing (leading to a student debt crisis), cost of living has increased, people can't afford health care. The wealth of the rich means nothing when most are on the verge of poverty.
GDP per capita increased a lot and consumer goods got cheaper and better.
What also happened is that "desire" increased and people demand much more to not call themselves poor. You mentioned college tuition. The percentage of the population who goes to college increased a lot since the 1950's.

>> No.14008274

Leftists constantly concede to libz to LE DAB on the conservahicks lmao. The future has nothing

>> No.14008275

>“Weakening family values” is highly subjective.
It is not, really

>The late 40s through the 60s were the height of American prosperity.
Do you have data showing a decline in GDP per capita?

>> No.14008283

I can post you videos perfectly showing the fate of /leftypolit/ posters here but I will banned instantly both for racism and for graphical content. At least they will still experience the pain and shock anyway.

>> No.14008296

>If people are taught that monogamy is boring and that an exciting sexual life is the greatest good
This is such a strawman. No one actually believes this. People aren't polyamorous because "monogamy is boring."

>Promiscuity has increased a lot since the 1960s.
Because people started to fuck yeah. But promiscuity isn't the same as infidelity. People should be able to fuck, I don't see a problem. Again, if we're talking about the sanctity of a marriage, a more important figure would be infidelity.

>GDP per capita increased a lot and consumer goods got cheaper and better
This isn't a meaningful sign of economic well being for most people.
>The percentage of the population who goes to college increased a lot since the 1950's.
Because it for a time was highly affordable, and the GI-Bill made college a norm. But you're missing that since then a college degree has become expected to have any sort of career, meaning that people are forced to go into debt. Your point about college rates increasing has nothing to do with the fact that for most people it is wildly unaffordable.

>> No.14008299
File: 1.55 MB, 2114x1566, chesterton quote clock-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course it can be stopped, it is being stopped. The idea that it is somehow permanent and solid is itself part of their own myth about themselves which they themselves believe and which informs all of their thought. But it is not so, it is an illusion perpetuated by self hypnotism, by repeating the mantras of "current year" and "unthinkable" and above all "CAN'T": You can't think this, you can't believe that, you can't look at or act on certain facts... Above all that you can't go back, you cannot decide that Liberalism has failed, that you are stuck with it and can only go in deeper. "You can't turn back the clock!" This is of course wrong, and once people see this they realise that nothing is easier than to reverse the destructive course that Liberals have steered us onto.

>> No.14008314

Post proof that carbon emissions are casually linked to the climate.

>> No.14008325

It is. It’s a graph I can go “aw” at, but it doesn’t actually show much. Again it corresponds with the rising poverty rate. You see “moral decay” so you can blame feminism or secularism, but its income inequality breaking families apart
Didn’t I just say gross domestic product kept rising? We’re generating more money than ever, but we’re not seeing any of it. It all goes to the wealthy thanks to capitalism


>> No.14008329

You don't even wanna know, bucko.

>> No.14008331
File: 170 KB, 1165x778, Number_in_Poverty_and_Poverty_Rate,_1959_to_2017.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is such a strawman. No one actually believes this. People aren't polyamorous because "monogamy is boring."
It is not a strawman. This is being promoted. Look at any lifestyle magazine or look at Netflix shows.

>Because people started to fuck yeah. But promiscuity isn't the same as infidelity. People should be able to fuck, I don't see a problem. Again, if we're talking about the sanctity of a marriage, a more important figure would be infidelity.
Number of sexual partners before marriage is linked to a higher rate of infidelity.
Are you naive enough to believe that promiscuous people are not more likely to cheat.

>This isn't a meaningful sign of economic well being for most people.
The poverty rate fell from about 22% to about 12%.

>Because it for a time was highly affordable, and the GI-Bill made college a norm. But you're missing that since then a college degree has become expected to have any sort of career, meaning that people are forced to go into debt. Your point about college rates increasing has nothing to do with the fact that for most people it is wildly unaffordable.
Again, this is a matter of "higher desires". People nowadays don't have a lower consumption than those in the 1950's. They have a higher need for consumption.

>> No.14008335

see >>14008331
The percentage of people living in poverty fell.
The breakdown of family is an issue of poor morals rather than poverty. Or do you really believe America is poorer now than it was in the Great Depression?

>> No.14008354
File: 167 KB, 470x723, CDC317EA-A5B1-4762-B878-7941517D010C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The percentage of people living in poverty fell.
It hasn’t. This is like Fox news telling us people who have microwaves and cells phones aren’t poor.

But again, stupid catholic poster, fuck your Christian normatives

>> No.14008369

I have statistics, you have... Dunno, nothing.

But let's think of a group of people who are very rich. But who also have very poor sexual morals. Hollywood stars. How successful are their marriages? Do they have very low rates of divorce and infidelity? Surely, by your theory this is the case. Can you tell me?

>> No.14008388

kys tranny

>> No.14008393

And then you argue you are not against family values

>> No.14008450

kind of based

really based

>> No.14008611
File: 87 KB, 1200x640, FCBA77FF-540B-40D2-A949-21EA37DB1C59.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I define “family” as wider than a happily ever-after for man/woman bondage. A nice coupling is great, but people divorce for a variety of reasons and it isn’t always about about “cheating” (though sometimes “cheating” IS the result of fiscal troubles, no?) and it isn’t always a bad thing to get a divorce.

[quote actually anonymous and popularized by Mark Twain]

>> No.14008656

>I define “family” as wider than a happily ever-after for man/woman bondage
Well you're a jewess, right? Of course you do.

>> No.14008662

I’m not jewish.

>> No.14008683

Except that people raised by their two biological parents in a stable marriage do better in many outcomes even after controlling for wealth.

>> No.14008686

Cheating is the result of poor morality, not poverty.

>> No.14008693

>Criticism towards the state in other systems is a weakness.
in other systems you can just openly use repression, in liberalism you can do it too, but it's harder when you build all your legitimacy claims on top of "representing the people"

liberalism can't work if too much people get out of the official narrative

>> No.14008694

Slow degeneration and increasing African immigration. Fundamentally, we are in a crisis of overproduction and the ruling class is out of ideas to generate growth outside of QE, population QE (migration) or forced "greening". But there's no reason to believe they'll lose power due to technology allowing them to maintain their hold on power.

>> No.14008697

The official narrative changes with public opinion through the electoral process though. Making the gathering of public opinion for a take down of the system as a whole harder.

>> No.14008701

You can stay in your moldy boxes, but shut up while you’re in there. You bring nothing of value to the topic.

>> No.14008703

Oy Vey. Anyone criticising Jewish power must be stupid and a virgin. That's the line were sticking with...

>> No.14008707

>This is such a strawman. No one actually believes this. People aren't polyamorous because "monogamy is boring."

It is though. It’s not caused by any economic factors or poverty, it’s deeply ingrained in the culture of liberal societies. Marriage is dying, families are dying, and even rates of relationships are declining. “Cheating” is literally something that’s to be expected regarding most relationships. It’s common, it’s normal, it’s casual, it’s just a part of how people live. With the marriages that do happen, infidelity and divorce rates go hand in hand. People are simply not monogamous anymore. Even having a single partner is becoming something that’s frowned upon. Every day talks of “body counts” and whatnot intensify. Nobody fucking cares about relationships anymore, liberal capitalism profits off of sex, so it pushes a culture of promiscuity.

>> No.14008710

climate will worsen, millions will be displaced, the mega rich will accelerate their rate of land acquisition and fast track the development of 'safe havens' for when we reach peak oil (it will happen this century), we're fucked and they'll live to shape future civilisation

>> No.14008716

Unless we kill them and discontinue the old system

>> No.14008730

Climate problems are vastly exaggerated. It's only promoted to encourage migration and create profitable investment opportunities in the green sector. Half of these green movements are sponsored by oilmen, just like the anti-nuclear movement was.

>> No.14008733

Is empty feminist propaganda better than statistics?

>> No.14008741

they will have the tech to quell any unrest. ai drones that can shoot and kill targets many meters away, that can be recharged using solar energy or programmed to find a charging point when they are running low.

>> No.14008742

>has clearly never dated

>> No.14008749

But doesn't liberalism posit that human beings are not human beings?

>> No.14008753

you can also change the official narrative in a totalitarian state, see most communist regimes and how they all end up pandering to some nationalist values, but in liberalism those values are not as flexible because freedom has to be placed somewhere in the center. so can sell fake freedom, but it can only be so fake until people stop believing

>> No.14008767

Just because you read anti-feminist propaganda doesn’t make me a feminist. I am a socialist, and a certain variety of feminism is a part of socialism, but your boogeyman is laughable. Your programming is laughable.

It’s hilarious to me to see so many of you hate on “liberalism” but actually defend their reign over you at the same time. You don’t see it! Amazing. They've got you on a short leash and you don’t even realize how you are acting in their best interests. Goddamn, wake up.

>> No.14008789

You have to be 18 to post

>> No.14008831

I don’t agree with a lot of your views but I’m genuinely sorry at how much you get bullied here. I know you sort of ask for it with a trip but still. Hope you are ok

>> No.14008858

Totaliterian systems cannot reform themselves as effectively as liberalism can because no person will give up power willingly to allow a change in leadership to make the system more popular. In liberalism this happens through the electoral process.

>> No.14009000

Which propaganda? I'm talking about statistical sociology studies. Those raised by their biological parents in a monogamous marriage do have better life outcomes.
Mind saying how this is anti-feminist propaganda?

>> No.14009003

The thing that's changing isn't the government in the US at least. The Intelligence Community is the de facto ruling entity.

>> No.14009080

Whites contribute to the tax pool. Non whites drain it.

Mathematics anon. It's that simple.

>> No.14009099

What's it like being a midwit? Must be hard when combined with your inflated sense of self worth.

Do you have opinions on everything? Do you get them from TV or somewhere else?

>> No.14009100
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Reshuffling of all nations by way of covert "guerilla" grunts working under foreign influence s to destabilize opposing nation's(alongside technology). Basically backwoods homegrown nationalists(whos only chance is to work with underground mafia type groups as support, think arms dealers and other slick devils) vs huge foreign interests. The racial angle is not completely wrong, tribalism is man's natural response to such a chaotic battlefield of blending uniforms. This is already happening but on economic, social/cultural level which is being directed back towards the base of nations, do you not smell the putrid stench of the back wind?

The stinking decay of the underground must be used because backwoods revolutionaries have been outpaced by technology. A backyard revolution will not work, nor will balkanization happen in a neat and tidy manner. Eventually the underground will become the only hope of nation's to retain their own cultural,social, economic independence. Isolation will not work.

>> No.14009113


Every converged shill you see when you consume whatever fuckwit media resonates with your fifth rate brain

Ever heard of the scientific method? Apply that to the climate...

>> No.14009119

Family is a man and woman producing children. I am married but have no children, so my wife and I are a "childless couple", NOT a family. If you wan to change the definition of family so that (like the word "gender") it is now meaningless as a description of the basic biological unit of society, then we will have to come up with another term that means the same thing that "family" used to mean since your new definition of the word makes it useless so far as telling me about whether someone is opr is not in he position of being that basic unit of man, woman and child(ren). Like "gender", when there are hundreds to choose from and you can pick one as the mood takes you, that renders the term meaningless. It tells me nothing important, nothing about the empirical, physical world which will help me to navigate it, it just tells me something about as important as your favourite colour or flavour of ice cream. Thus, instead of "gender", I now just refer to "XX" or "XY": you have a penis or a uterus. Since almost everyone is either XX or XY then we just mark the restrooms that way and let people use whatever pronouns they want with their friends and anyone else they can persuade to play
"let's pretend" with them.

>> No.14009126

There is no climate emergency, don't listen to establishment lies, man!

>> No.14009138

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