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/lit/ - Literature

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14004152 No.14004152 [Reply] [Original]

Tfw when only a few people have read a book .

>> No.14004158

Why are there two stamps with the same date

>> No.14004162

idk the librarian stamped twice for some reason

>> No.14004171
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When your stamp is the first one in a very old book and you realize that no one in your dead-end school actually cares about reading

>> No.14004185

>tfw first check out was before my birth
im feeling it now lads

>> No.14004196
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What if I told you most books are not even taken out once?

>> No.14004205
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>tfw the library doesn't stamp books anymore and all those cool "Date Due" memos that tell a book's history are ripped out and the spine has a dumb barcode on it instead

>> No.14004209

I can't trust an empty time card cause it may have been rip out and replaced .

>> No.14004213
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Read this. Read it and weep.

>> No.14005358
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>> No.14005368


lol wtf :3

>> No.14005408
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I was browsing the shelves of my local library earlier this week (not where the classics and bestsellers are) and after some minutes of reading the first pages of what interested me I had this terrible realization that the end goal is not to be published, it never has been. it is for people to care about and read the results of your work. those shelves were full of pages from authors who had made it and 99,9% of all that was there would be forgotten in a year at max. so many variations and sides of the same coin, so many tales that had been told before, so many books and stories that essentially could never have been written and there would be no sifnificant change, it was devastating. I ended up getting a famous book instead of one of the new ones. I'm part of this problem.

>> No.14005437
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tfw asian annotations

>> No.14005449

Just another example of a Pareto distribution.

>> No.14005451

>September 1996
I was wearing cord baggy pants and listening to Tool's and Type O Negative's new albums.

>> No.14005481


It's sad, but isn't that part of the fun? Finding something unusual and diving into it? Appreciating at all that it was created?

And that *should* be the impetus for writing in the first place. If they made something placed on shelves, then they got past the Amazon Self-Published-TM stage.

World's only getting bigger and more literate (net-gain, don't reply about your views of modern reading culture: I've read Neil Postman), so it's naturally going to be flooded.

Not sure if this is consoling, I'm halfway convincing myself that printed word means much.

Even the meme of Infinite Jest hardly had much circulation.

>> No.14005519

It used to be that you would write your name on the card that is kept in the book, at checkout they would file that card and slip in a new one that they also stamped the due date on. I really miss being able to look at the names of all those that checked the book out before me. I remember once discovering the girl I was madly in love with had been the previous person to take out that book. My 9 year old heart was racing, I read the entire thing thinking about what she thought of each part and if any of the various stains on the book was caused by her. The idea of returning that book was so difficult, I could not imagine parting with it ever. Then she did not pick me for dodgeball the next day and I came back to my senses, I beaned her hard that game, she got me good with her shoe upside my head later that day.

>> No.14005543

You should leave a note with your phone number in the time card asking if anyone wants to discuss the book.

>> No.14005545

I guess it has always been pretty much like that. probably I'm just proud, or naive, and expect that everything should be the cream of the crop, that every layman should be a saint. the best are only so by comparison, or would they still be if everyone was a genius?

>> No.14005548

I was wearing nerdy jeans and collars shirts my mom picked out. If I listened to anything it was Sublime, BB King's first two albums, and the Braveheart soundtrack. All on repeat while playing Wizardry 7. And the radio I guess: Sheryl Crow, No Doubt, Lisa Loeb, 4 Non Blondes, Jamiroquai, Spice Girls, etc. Pretty sure I was nurtured into a lesbian in a man's body.

>> No.14005549

This doesn't depresses me at all, since a lot of academic literature nowadays has no value whatsoever, especially anything that comes out of the social sciences.

>> No.14005587

My university had these beautiful old volumes of Flaubert translated into English, complete with illustrations, on really nice paper. The set was more than a hundred years old, and had been at my university for at least 60 years. I read the whole set (8 volumes) and realized in all of those 60 years literally no one had finished any of the volumes because the pages hadn’t been cut yet. It made me feel kind of angry and sad that no one appreciated these beautiful books. I thought about stealing them since no one else even cared to read them in 60 years.

>> No.14005747

I was born in 1996

>> No.14006162

>>>14004152 (OP)
> ... literally no one had finished any of the volumes because the pages hadn’t been cut yet...
Pardon me, what does 'cut' mean

>> No.14006303
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brand new books sometimes have pages stuck together from the factory, usually in a corner. the pages of these virgin books must be separated by a firm hand, forever marking them as used goods.

>> No.14006334

With two different coloured stamps? We need to get to the bottom of this...

>> No.14007427

I got this book of essays by Ben Whorf out in first year. In the margin, someone highlighted a bit of the text and gave a counter-argument. Then a person below gave a counter-counter-argument. It carried on like this for 5 or 6 people, in a debate spanning from the early 90s to maybe the early 2010s. This was my favourite thing I saw at University.

>> No.14007455
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>tfw when

>> No.14007551

Sometimes I wonder how lonely books would feel. Back in school sometimes I'd check out on books that were taken once, over 30 years ago

>> No.14007636

I bought an old library book from 1910. It had been checked out about 10 times. About 1/4 of the pages were still uncut.

>> No.14007652

It's actually not as bad as I always expected it was. There's a reason the big chain bookstores are going out of business, and it's because it's really hard to predict what people want to read. Liberians in charge of purchasing are inordinately influenced by the sort of cat ladies who would bother librarians in the first place and suggest they buy particular books.

>> No.14007653

good post

>> No.14007687
File: 21 KB, 450x225, 09D98461-1336-404C-832D-5031C1E9E2A5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like this. When books were made back in the day, most of the pages would already be split when sold, but some would obviously slip through untouched like in the pic. So the books, even if they were checked out by someone, were ever actually read.

>> No.14007736

>my universities library literally puts plato in theology
what the fuck?

>> No.14007756

Are you in UK anon? Some libraries have a self check-out option so books are not stamped at all.

>> No.14007920
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It's a bit old-school, but I'll pardon it.

>> No.14007988

All those people have stories and lives
It is crazy to think about

>> No.14007996

Somebody returned the book and the same day it was checked out again

>> No.14008004

>nigger filled Oakland
>people don’t read books
Literally 0% surprised.

>> No.14008013

>tfw mine puts descartes in history of religion

>> No.14008014

That’s why the humanities are a joke.become a STEM Chad and you’ll be a CEO or cure cancer and no one will ever forget you.

>> No.14008019

Ay bud cut the racism
This is a christian board

>> No.14008046

Ah shit yeah I forgot that niggers aren’t people. Let me fix it
>niggger filled Oakland
>niggers don’t read books
Literally 0% surprised.