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14003121 No.14003121 [Reply] [Original]

>Alexander went in person to see him; and he found him lying in the sun. Diogenes raised himself up a little when he saw so many people coming towards him, and fixed his eyes upon Alexander. And when that monarch addressed him with greetings, and asked if he wanted anything, "Yes," said Diogenes, "stand a little out of my sun." It is said that Alexander was so struck by this, and admired so much the haughtiness and grandeur of the man who had nothing but scorn for him, that he said to his followers, who were laughing and jesting about the philosopher as they went away, "But truly, if I were not Alexander, I wish I were Diogenes." and Diogenes replied "If I wasn't Diogenes, I would be wishing to be Diogenes too."

How could a man be so based?

>> No.14003131

Cross between Epicurus and Stirner there.

>> No.14003283

This is so based I can't believe it's not fiction.

>> No.14003295


>> No.14003369

I wish i had half the balls this guy had

>> No.14003371

It is a questionable anecdote, but the philosophy showcased

Wew. You immigrants need to get you another Christian board, stat

>> No.14003469

I'm Jewish.

>> No.14003480

>Wew. You immigrants need to get you another Christian board, stat
Rent free

>> No.14003524

Why do every edgy teenager find it based ?
He was just literally like a dog, like an animal. An animal can't understand majesty, even when he is in front of it. And no one can deny Alexander was great. But the animal only care about his lower earthly passions.
So mediocrity is based ?

Also the antique story of Alexander the Great and the Brahmin is far better.

>> No.14003564
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>> No.14003676

I don't know how to explain it to you as you probably prefer cheap rant like diogen did.
But to start : I am not pro-war, I don't like complex civilizations (while society is necessary, unless you are an ermit but still here you came from a society), I don't care about the wars of Alexander (he just had superior humans capabilities and as such these are respectable),...
But complex thoughts is not for cynics.
Of course everyone has a wisdom, even people that masturbate in public or alcoholic people. Even the dogs have their wisdom.
What I don't like is when someone start telling me an alcoholic is a philosopher worthy of it when all he does is sticking to a low wisdom even child's have.
The book I recommended is Alexander being "destroyed" but from a good perspective : i.e. smart (worthy of human language and rationality and of Alexander genius and time he gave to find this wisdom).
Because if Alexander find a philosopher isn't it natural for the latter to actually answer this need of knowledge an to get to his level ?

Tl:Dr : Diogen is a retard with natural instincts leftists like because he permits them to think acting like a child and anarchy is philosophy.

>> No.14003725

Are there any sources about cynic thought? Seems like it was a fairly unimportant philosophic school.

>> No.14003779

What's often overlooked in this story is the graciousness of Alexander to recognize the wisdom of diogenes. Any other important figure with a similar amount of power or reputation would be insulted and have missed the point entirely.

>> No.14003838

>The Epicurean has the same point of view as the cynic; there is usually only a difference of temperament between them. Then the Epicurean makes use of his higher culture to render himself independent of prevailing opinions, he raises himself above them, whilst the cynic only remains negative. He walks, as it were, in wind protected, well sheltered, half-dark paths, whilst over him, in the wind, the tops of the trees rustle and show him how violently agitated is the world out there. The cynic, on the contrary, goes, as it were, naked into the rushing of the wind and hardens himself to the point of insensibility.

>> No.14003856


>> No.14003871
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>> No.14003890

Useless, didn't read

>> No.14003899

It seems to me that every anecdote about Diogenes showcases his philosophy. To the point where I'm not sure I believe he was a real person, just a character which was created to personify certain philosophical ideas. Kinda like Jesus.

>> No.14003912

Get the fuck off my website you useless nigger redditor

>> No.14003915
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I know! Fascinating regardless.

>> No.14003918

shut up

>> No.14003923

Does Diogenes have any surviving works? Where can I read his writings?

>> No.14003928

He doesn't. Diogenes Laertius is the only major source about him if I recall correctly.

>> No.14003932

your accent is so painful. you sound like a retard

>> No.14003943
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>> No.14004063

Sorry for angering you, I'm too brutal and not pedagogical enough, even if it is a part of what I reproch to Diogenes.
Sorry for the typo, I am french.
I talked about masturbation because :
>He even rejected normal ideas about human decency. Diogenes is said to have eaten in the marketplace,[48] urinated on some people who insulted him,[49] defecated in the theatre,[50] and masturbated in public.
>On the indecency of his masturbating in public he would say, "If only it were as easy to banish hunger by rubbing my belly."[51][52]
It seems like you didn't know about it, did you act out of ignorance ?
I called him a child in regard to the story in the OP, but ok *Diogenes is even worst than a child, more like a dog.
>The name Cynic derives from Ancient Greek kυνιkός (kynikos), meaning 'dog-like', and kύων (kyôn), meaning 'dog' (genitive: kynos).
>It seems certain, however, that the word dog was also thrown at the first Cynics as an insult for their shameless rejection of conventional manners, and their decision to live on the streets.
Your barking I might sadly have caused is really worthy of the cynics.

Diogenes can be said as Plato did as :
"a Socrates gone mad."

Seriously, put the fact I am stupid aside and reconsider what we talked about please.

>> No.14004069

Why reddit seriously ?

>> No.14004141

You are a fucking flambe. Rotten cheese smelling piece of shit. I'd find you and shit on you if i knew where you lived.
Don't get cute with me faggot. Brutal, pedagogical....that shit has nothing to do with anything. Your entire way of thinking, the way you present "your" """IDEAS""" fills me with a special kind of disdain.
You think i didn't know about Diogenes shitting in theaters and pissing on people? Are you retarded? Where was that insinuated? Passive aggressive frog eating fuck.
Now that you got called out for the "diogenes is a child" bullshit you were spewing you backtrack and go into wikipedia and remember that he's literally nicknamed "the dog"...Then insinuate that, because of this he is "even ""worst"" than a child"
What does that even mean? A dog is inherently inferior to a child? I'm willing to disagree with that one, bagguette boy. I see a lot more retarded children (e.g: YOU) than i've seen dogs. Then you state (or rather, copy) that Diogenes was nicknamed the dog because of his rejection of conventional manners and societal norms, etc... Yes. And? Why is that bad?
>Seriously, put the fact i am stupid aside and reconsider what we talked about please.
See, that's the problem here, buddy. I can't put the fact that you're stupid aside, because that's quite literally the only thing worth mentioning in your posts. You speak no original ideas, you copy from wikipedia and you state your opinion that Diogenes is bad and validate it by saying that he jacked off in a street corner. Again....We all know this. So what?

>> No.14004148

bro time to pick up some stoicism

>> No.14004163

has mothnigger ever said anything intelligent?

>> No.14004201
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Of course I can't help but be smug about you. Maybe it have ruined my last try to reason you.
Diogenes is a poor Socrates and you are a poor Diogenes.
>"Look how out of the norm I am, just like Diogenes.". That doesn't make you above it, in fact with Diogenes, that makes you below it.

>> No.14004224

this. diogenes was just a degenerate bum and his epic btfo's weren't even good, they were midwit tier. it would've been more based if he just said "fuck off nigger"

>> No.14004282

A)A small horde of gay, out of shape, pudgy french merde de putains who obviously take an unhealthy amount of time perfecting their image as lowlife thugs walking their dogs on chains.
B)An ascetic old man that doesn't shave because he doesn't see the point maintaining any image rejecting society, due to his contempt for it and it's artificiality walking around the marketplace jacking off and telling people how gay they are while a band of dogs follow him of their own volition.
If you can't see the difference, get some fucking glasses. The faggots in your image have NOT rejected society just because they spent an hour fashioning their hair and buying some pseudo-biker outfits. I honestly have sat here for a good 10 minutes thinking of what the fuck you even meant with this "analogy". Did you skim through Diogenes' wikipedia page and saw the words "PUBLIC MASTURBATION" and immediately settle on an opinion on him? Because you're forgetting half of his philosophy. Cynicism doesn't tell you to reject society as some sort of political statement, but recommends a life of self-sufficiency away from societal norms because of how unhealthy they are. All of the stress and the bullshit problems that arise from living in a civilized world are completely man made and artificial and there is no reason why getting away from all of them is bad. The philosophy states that man running away from his roots in nature is only corrupting himself. You can disagree, but don't go touting about how you'd find Diogenes in a pride parade or a fucking antifa rally, you dishonest pseud.

>> No.14004300
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>> No.14004355

The point in common is the mindset : no dignity because rejecting all societal norm as a whole (not acknowledging what might be good about them). Punks a chien are anarchist, idle persons trying to shock normal people. Also the punk a chien usually don't attach their dog that follows them freely so...
>Diogenes is said to have eaten in the marketplace,[48] urinated on some people who insulted him,[49] defecated in the theatre,[50] and masturbated in public.
This is being gross, stupid, uncivil (and since humans are social animals it is being inhuman), uncharitable, impudic and defending that is a proof of immaturity.

>> No.14004376

>Diogenes is said to have eaten in the marketplace
that sick bastard

>> No.14004391


>> No.14004445

Holy fucking shit how can you possibly be THIS FUCKING DENSE YOU FUCKING FRENCH PIG. I'm tired of writing out paragraphs for you, you fucking BABOON CHIMP, especially when you don't even seem to understand a single fucking idea that has been said to you. SHUT THE FUCK UP ALREADY. I don't care about your PONK A CHEN i am not gay paris man i DO NOT CARE.

For the FINAL TIME i will tell you, this: Diogenes was a philosopher at heart. The most honest one that has ever walked on the wide green earth. Again...YES..he jacked off in public. Horrible, i know. Yes...He ate...god forbid...IN THE MARKETPLACE. Shocking. Brutal. Scary. That's the entire point of his fucking philosophy you dense fucking shit. CYNICS REJECT SOCIETY (500th time i say this to you, faggot) They hate it. They think it is a regressive, artificial and in the end a completely pointless system, this civilization of ours that brings us unnecessary stress, anxiety and frustration. Man should return to his roots in nature. He is nicknamed "THE DOG" because he finds virtue in an animal that sees no reason why relieving himself on the street corner will cause an issue (because it won't) He does not have worries for his grandiose future or his great conquest of the world, the dog lives in the moment perfectly and naturally he embraces the simple pleasures of life, he has no anxiety, he lives in perfect honesty and does not hide his intentions like a civilized human being does. Dogs do not stab each other in the back, unlike the men who created and continue our civilization. Our society is built on vindictive backstabbing and playing each other....
Read a fucking book you nigger. I know you won't do that, so at least read the full page before you try to spout your pseudo intellectual fucking jgibberish on me again i'll fucking kill you you hear me ill find you and ill fucking kill you you stupid fucking faggot how acany you bpoossible be tihs fucking desne is beyond me you dumb FUCKING FAGGOT

>> No.14004498


>> No.14004499

Ahahah yes, I just wanted to have the start of the sentence.

>> No.14004579

She has deteriorated noticeably these past few months. Probably going through minipause

>> No.14004580

Animals live in a society too. They have rules too.
Breaking rules is not a philosophy.
And you don't have any monopoly on "return to natural life" or on the criticism of the complexification of societal norma.
But masturbating in public (that is one simple example of many I could use) is more than that and it is foolishness, below human dignity

>> No.14004606
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>Breaking rules is not a philosophy

>> No.14004608

Lol don't upset your piss bottles

>> No.14004653

I meant philosophy in the original literal meaning that is "love of wisdom".

>> No.14004701

Rejecting the rules that are forced upon you is wisdom. Prove me wrong.

>> No.14004719


>> No.14004727

ur gay

>> No.14004732

>"For I say unto thee; drive not off a cliff, lest you perish in the most atrocious of ways."
>drives off a cliff
Based wisdom

>> No.14004751

The instinct of self preservation exists in a man since his birth. Thus it is not forced upon him via means of social contract or norms, but as a biological part of him.

>> No.14004758

Yet people kill themselves

>> No.14004773

Now, allow me to ask you a question....Why do they kill themselves?
Because they live in a society (unironically). Because civilization is an unnatural artifical construct that, in the end hurts man more than it benefits him. Although, at the end of the day i see nothing wrong with suicide. If a man does not wish to be alive, why should he not have the choice of thrusting himself off of a cliff? It is his life and only he can make the decision if he wishes to keep it.

>> No.14004774

rationally examining the rules given to you is wisdom, tossing them out just cause someone else made them is gay

>> No.14004779

The Cynics (Diogenes included) rationally examined the rules that they've been given. They came upon the decision that these rules are not to their liking. So they shit on them, in more ways that one. That is wisdom.

>> No.14004801

This is veering off into politics which isn't a field I'm well versed in nor one I particularly want to get into. My snide point is that negatively defining 'wisdom' as "anything breaking a rule" can lead to potentially undesirable consequences, at least viewed from the perspective of 'common sense' (ie. you probably want to stay alive, most of the time)

>> No.14004855

Wasn't it Plutarch who said that all reigning Kings, at the time of Alexander's death, were ready to submit to him if he would've tried to conquer them? That only his untimely death prevented basically complete world domination? Just imagine. Adulthood is realizing Alexander is a 100 times more interesting. All of Diogenes's anecdotes fit on two pages.

>> No.14004918

I'm keeping this, have a (You)

>> No.14004923

There is an instinctive truth to say existence is shit, rules are shit,... And it talks to me as well.
But at the same time in order to overcame these rules you must play with them.
You are born in an existence full of rules forced into you, be it by nature, society, family (micro-society), inter-individual relations,...
When there is an alterity there is that goes with them. Going against these rules (learned from yourself or from others advices) would be going against all alterity.
Since there is alterity, since you are not an isolated cell totally indeed from all the world surrounding you, you must follows rules. Even animals follow rules.
Wisdom is knowing how to play with rules and going above them (like being above formalities with someone you love, but at the same time there have been an art to formulate words and of discussion to approach this alterity of a friend or of a women).
In the case of Diogenes I think he should have been more decent and civil, that is one thing I reproched. You can't reject society as soon as you are born from someone else, a mother, and as soon as you are fruit of the love of a man and a woman. Diogenese's philosophy is damaging to relations and fail to find good spontaneity, pissing on an opponent is really stupid. Like I was stupid to be smug with you even if that was my instinct. (I don't even think animal piss on others like that).

>> No.14004955

*Rules *cutted from *since and not as soon as
Well I'm getting tired

Tl;Dr : existence is a pile of forced rules. I you don't learn to play with them you goes against you own existence and that of people surrounding you.

>> No.14005111

>hey retards drive off this cliff
>drives off the cliff
Pinnacle of human intelligence

>> No.14005115
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how come there's always someone like this in these paintings?

>> No.14005121

Should he have prostrated himself before him instead? Both are men of flesh and blood, only acquaintances by rumor and the discourse of others, nothing more. Diogenes owed him nothing.

>> No.14005213

>Should he have prostrated himself
No. He owed nothing to Alexander but he can give a service and he "owed to the situation", everyone haven't had his chance to philosophically redpill someone this capable and high in the hierarchy.
In my recommendation it is about that and with a real philosopher.

>> No.14005226

I think the thing that really goes unappreciated in this story is alexander's reaction
Guy just told the king of all of greece to fuck off, all most every other king in history would have him raped by a pack of wolves for such an offense
But alexander out right envies him and wishes he could be that independent, really says something about his character

>> No.14005405

Paintings are supposed to be contemplated: the great masters included details like that to better express the idea they were after. You are supposed to look at that picture and think.

>> No.14005476

Has anyone ever explained to you why you're universally disliked? It's because your actions are antithetical to the principal purpose of this site, that purpose being to have discussions free of societal constraints and behind the mask of anonymity. Everyone here is on equal ground, your status in life doesn't matter and reputation cannot be cultivated or abused. In short, this site stands in complete opposition to the use of ethos in an argument. And then you come along, completely deaf to the culture and purpose of this forum, and essentially insist that people acknowledge you. Look at me. Look at my name and be influenced. Look how different and special and unique I am. Rather than engaging with arguments purely on the basis of their own merits, you, intentionally or not, attempt to appeal to ethos. Actions such as yours threaten to undermine one of the few positive and unique advantages that this site has for discussion. Unsuccessfully thankfully, because everyone here hates you for the reasons I just mentioned.

Shut the fuck up, Butt hurt fly.

>> No.14005579
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>hide butterfly threads
>ignore butterfly posts
>do not reply to butterfly posters

>> No.14005593

I think we hate her (?) mainly because she’s a retarded leftist pseudo-intellectual

>> No.14005620

Are these people historical persons, or more like semi-mythical figures? When I read about the exploits of Socrates or this guy they seem almost archetypal.

>> No.14005648

There is literal historical argument over them existing, but the degree to which these little vignettes are true is debatable.

>> No.14006087

>Epicurus and Stirner
More like Zhuangzi and Nietzsche

>> No.14006178

1. Name in provided name field
2. Anarchist. As left as you can get
3. Woman.
4. Lesbian
5. Older, smarter than most.

I am just average. Not “retarded” or pseudo intellectual. Just not college educated

>> No.14006582

You're a bag of bones, loser.

>> No.14006594

based vocaroo anon

>> No.14006599
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I imagine bums having similar logic when the BMW SUV driving bugmen deny handing them money.

>> No.14006611

Sounds like a Greek ChuangTzu

>> No.14006705

did you just find out about uncle Ted?

>> No.14006707

By not existing. All those stories are apocryphal and sound like stuff the ancients made up because it was funny. Most Diogenes stories are basically ancient memes.

>> No.14006711

Diogenes followed the harshest life, which the Cynics considered the most virtuous, which consists in relying on as few of the accommodations of civilization as possible. With his reputation he could have gotten rich (heck Alexander offered him anything he wanted), but he refused. That's no animal behavior, that's commitment to principles.

>> No.14006714

wait... WAIT! You seriously believe Jesus never existed? Or that he was used as a *character*? Have you not looked at the evidence?

>> No.14006716

just like socrates

>> No.14006866

Please post on fit more also is there a collection of your recordings somewhere? You're the only thing that makes me laugh

>> No.14007207


>> No.14007212


>> No.14007222


kill yourself already

>> No.14007251

based also fuck animeposters

>> No.14007269

LMAO do you still believe Nietzsche was left winged??

>> No.14007316

based brainlet

>> No.14007344


>> No.14007351

Yes, there is certainly a part of wisdom in him. But I will say it like Plato : he was a Socrates gone mad. A poor life doesn't make you wise, or else all ermits would have been. Instead wisdom and madness are often nearby one from another.
I explained in others posts why he was mad. Because public masturbation, urination on opponents,... He was not self sufficient, he was uncivil (in the sense of inhuman). Also the story with Alexander the great isn't good because it sounds most likely like tramp being yelling at Alexander than like a philosopher. Instead the story I recommended is far better in all regards, that is a real ascetic refusing Alexander gifts and really redpilling him.

>> No.14007357

It actually is. There is no first-hand evidence that he existed or or even contemporary material of him. It was all written by historians, known for exaggeration and tall tales.

>> No.14007450

Switch Alexander for Trump and it is same. Pathetic MAGAcucks

>> No.14007458


>> No.14007527
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>smarter than most.
thinking this is the biggest problem
You are actually dumber than most and contribute nothing

>> No.14007537

>A. M. Pizzagalli suggests that the account has its origins in the meeting between Alexander and the Gymnosophists in India, and was handed down in Buddhist circles.

The latter is really the best one. The originals are often betters.

>> No.14007630
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>smarter than most

>> No.14007638


>> No.14007648

>Diogenes believed any act that was considered natural and acceptable in private (like urination and defecation), should also be considered natural and normal in public. he famously ate in the market place, something considered a taboo in that time, and when asked about this act he replied, “I did, for it was in the market-place that I was hungry.
>In one instance, after Plato had given Socrates’ definition of man as a “featherless biped” and was very much praised for that definition. Diogenes plucked a chicken and brought it into Plato’s Academy, and said, “Behold! I’ve brought you a man.” After that incident, “with broad flat nails” was added to Plato’s definition.
>On another occasion, a group of wealthy Athenians at a banquet began throwing bones at Diogenes, insulting him and calling him a dog. Diogenes then responded to this by lifting his leg and urinating on the banqueters.
>Diogenes was knee deep in a stream washing vegetables. Coming up to him, Plato said, "My good Diogenes, if you knew how to pay court to Dionysius, you wouldn't have to wash vegetables." "And," replied Diogenes, "If you knew how to wash vegetables, you wouldn't have to pay court to Dionysius."

>> No.14007702
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>doubting the existence of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ

>> No.14007711

You're going to die.

>> No.14007734

Jesus was a real person and history doesn’t doubt that

>> No.14008194
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>this forum

>> No.14008217

Sch. In TWAW 16 vol. 2. He will tell you all you need. If you need more he gives you the sources

>> No.14008667

>Why reddit seriously ?
it's his only argument other than "nigger" "faggot" and "sage"

>> No.14008685
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Pls hurry and kys

>> No.14008696

The problem is of course that we can distill this to its constituent parts, which are that this Degenerate was only enabled by the very acts of the man he scorns, and no amount of arguing or verbiage or faux intellectualism will ever change that, you autistic leeches