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14002764 No.14002764 [Reply] [Original]

>Whom have I in heaven but thee? and there is none upon earth that I desire beside thee.

>My flesh and my heart faileth: but God is the strength of my heart, and my portion for ever.

>For, lo, they that are far from thee shall perish: thou hast destroyed all them that go a whoring from thee.

>But it is good for me to draw near to God: I have put my trust in the Lord God, that I may declare all thy works.

>> No.14004129
File: 290 KB, 531x710, Savior.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Happy is that people, that is in such a case: Yea, happy is that people, whose God is the LORD.

>> No.14004291

>not using ESV or NIV

Ooh look at the cool liturgical pen twirlers.
Literally grow up.

>> No.14004310

How does one make his hope seem more tangible? I cannot imagine what heaven or God is like. Like, how do I love God as much as I love something in this life? I would be much happier if I were obsessed with God as much as I am obsessed with girls

>> No.14004362

no one can imagine it. we used to have reminders around us everywhere, though. like gothic architecture, the latin Mass. you know, shit like that. those are the only two ican think of, but basically my point is that you see God in beautiful things and in the faces of righteous people, and we live in a time when no one cares about that shit anymore, so there are hardly any reminders of what beauty is. basically, i'm explaining this very poorly, but its like the difference between picking crops with your bare hands with nothing but the sounds of nature, while off in the distance you can see your wife, in a long dress and a bonnet, sitting on the porch of your cottage telling your children a story or something, versus sitting at a desk for 8 hours, then sitting in traffic for another hour and you stop at the grocery store to get some shit and you see, underneath the sickly fluorescent lights, in the midst of the aisles filled with brightly colored packages filled with processed garbage, a fat cunt screaming at her fat , ugly children who won't behave. its really hard to see God in day to day life, you really have to look for Him now. very simple stuff, very subtle things, you will see.

tl;dr its really fucking hard in current year

>> No.14004406

The balancing act is Herculean: to fully love God is all that matters, but this requires that you hate the world. But if you hate the world, then how do you partake in the world? WHAT do we do?

>> No.14004412


Making the Pharisees spazz out is reason enough for it being the best version.

>> No.14004426
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idk, i'm just gonna do what my heart's been telling me to and hope i don't end up damning myself.

>> No.14004427

>muh massa good cause he holds supreme power over me yes massa I lurv you massa I’m yo special negroe ain’t I massa? You let this guy rape my kids and cut my eyes out? Why, thank you massa you work in mysterious ways don’t ye.
Grow up, sissy faggots. There is no honour, valour, glory, manliness, or meaning in slavery, no matter how powerful your master is.

>> No.14004431

You’re always a slave to something. Might as well be a slave to God

>> No.14004434

For real tho

>> No.14004438

God commands us to be in the world, but not of it; follow the fruit of the spirit and deny the works of the flesh.

>> No.14004462


>> No.14004474

>You’re always a slave to something.
lmao speak for yourself slave

>> No.14004478

Why shouldn’t I pray myself to death?
Ah so you believe in some sort of magical free will with “you” as the cause of everything

>> No.14004543

you're just a slave to yourself.

>> No.14004571

Not even religious but that’s true. You can have external freedom but there will always be internal drives that make people slaves, and therefore make them led externally. The only free person would be aware of every part of his sub conscious and choose when and when not to submit to it

>> No.14004600

There’s a difference between having internal drives and unironically genuflecting before a cosmic tyrant, rolling around on the floor like a pathetic dog talking about how superior he is to you, singing songs and unironically worshipping (“worshipper” to me is a pejorative) him, thanking him for “saving” you from sins he made you commit, ignoring and justifying his blatant hypocrisy and malevolence, etc.

>> No.14004614

Hubris is adolescent.

>> No.14004675

This is just extremely infantile. You seem to have that typical passively absorbed one note view of religion your average normie pseud adopts nowerdays. Yes the organised church historically was used as a means of social control at times. This is by no means all religion is though. If you actually bothered to read any theology you’d recognise that following god is more an act of freedom that submission. There’s a reason dictators either want to hijack religion or remove it completely, and that’s because truly religious people are not accountable to any worldly authority and not caring for any worldly impulse or desire. Their only leader is utterly beyond the world and everything in it, and in turn this makes their freedom total and uncompromising, because the one they follow is. You need look no further than how slave like your average secular person is to see this. These people are born, have their freedom taken from the government, and partially given back, and act grateful for what was taken from them. They think they are free and in doing so make themselves the most willing slaves on earth. Think about how much your average man is manipulated, led, and made by his ego and urges, which are fed down to him like a rat maze from his superiors. How your average wageslave drones on about “contributing”, the social humiliation that drives people to follow the correct steps in life, the pursuit of superficial shit acquired with money they need to beg and behave for from people who may as well be above the law. Think about where these peoples standards and morals come from, not from an unchanging metaphysical ideal, but from the government, and whatever social or economic trend it bends to. They are slaves to flux, to the world slaves to themselves, and most importantly slaves to the state. God frees you from all that.

>> No.14004708

Cry more