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/lit/ - Literature

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14002548 No.14002548 [Reply] [Original]

>meet cute girl
>cute, intelligent, reader, hard working, fashionable, same ethnicity, loves children, religious so has decent values
>hit it off really well, text for a week
>ask for date
>"id love to, but im busy with school this week"
>say "sure, another time"
>she'll "make time for sure"
>message her again in a week
>no reply
>today, can't see her whatsapp profile picture anymore
>she fucking blocked me


Keeping it /lit/: best incel poetry i can use as inspiration?

>> No.14002583

Fake. No girl that has those values that you list is immoral/amoral enough to block you

>> No.14002586

Women are amoral by nature. Read Weininger

>> No.14002640

Guys there's a cute girl on my MA course who lives in my building, she's welsh and has really nice arms but I have no idea how to engender a conversation without being a blatantly manipulative autistic little creep about it. She is always protected by a little homosexual who follows her around, I'm trying to befriend the gay as he's in a seminar of mine (she is in one also but its a big group and she sits the other side of the room) but it's taking time.
I saw her having an intimate conversation with another guy on my course who looks like a taller chinless version of me. It may be too late. I don't even know what to do
She laughed at a shit joke I made in a lecture yesterday which is always ground zero for me getting totally infatuated even though I've never talked to her in my life. I dont know why I get like this well I do incelshit I'm so bored of this now I'm 25, 4 years older than her and almost everyone else on the course I should be over this shit but I'm not I'm not I'm still doing and thinking and feeling the exaxt same things I have done for the past 11 years, I'm so hungry I haven't eaten all day I can't be bothered to go shopping and then I got to clean my room then read then I don't even know.
Books for this feel hahahahaplease don't send me to /adv/ they're all dickheads.

>> No.14002653

I’ve always been
struck by the attraction of
intellectuals for the thugs, the
brutes and stupid.
Les particules elementaires

>> No.14002662

Well obviously you have to kill the guardian and your clone first.

>> No.14002821

Oh I can't do that

>> No.14002839

Kill the homosexual and sodomize the chinless man in front of her

>> No.14002841

Is there a way that doesn't involve such violence?

>> No.14002847

Nice pasta

>> No.14002889

Put together a “study group” and invite her. Has worked for me.

>> No.14002944

You'd be better off with the homosexual I think

>> No.14002976

I am not a Gay

>> No.14002980


>> No.14002994

>not being gay
pretty gay imho

>> No.14003002

You blew it because you're too needy

>> No.14003021

now that would actually be based

>> No.14003028

Your aversion to violence outs you as a closeted homosexual. You were not trying to befriend the little homosexual you were actually trying to seduce him. You are gay.

>> No.14003056

OP here. I genuinely thought I kept it cool, anon. I didn't blew my load with questions over text, made sure to keep discussion topics for the date, took enough time between messages. I was really into her, and I was honest that "I'd love to get to know her better," to which she verbatim said, "I'm really looking forward to seeing you." And now, just nothing. Really disappointing. Idk what to do with these mixed signals, and I don't know whose 'fault' it is. It's fine if she didn't want to see me, but I kinda feel led on now.

Again, keeping it /lit/, anyone just decent literature about the state of modern relationships?. Don't say Cat Person. or some Sally Rooney shit.

>> No.14003059

Categorically untrue I've seen it happen

>> No.14003066

Fight me and I'll show you who's gay

>> No.14003071

What did you do OP? I knew a girl who was like that (minus the religious part) and I at least got a date from her when I asked.

You must have made a misstep somewhere.

>> No.14003127

identify as a female and call her transphobic if she doesn't date you

>> No.14003196

Women are expert neediness/insecurity detectors. I saw you reacted strongly to her rejection, so maybe you were gripping too tightly. Don't try to pretend to be cool. Be real.
When you get with women, first thing you learn is isn't worth the fuss. Invariably, you learn that you made it too much of a big deal. Can you learn that in advance? I don't know. I sure had to make mistakes.
State of modern relationships? Don't worry about that crap. You have the freedom to create the relationship you want. You just need to respect yourself.

>> No.14003215

>Can you learn that in advance?
From experience, no.

>> No.14003225
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Shall I wasting in despair
Die because a woman's fair?
Or make pale my cheeks with care
'Cause another's rosy are?
Be she fairer than the day,
Or the flow'ry meads in May—
If she be not so to me,
What care I how fair she be?

Shall my foolish heart be pined
'Cause I see a woman kind?
Or a well-disposed nature
Joinèd with a lovely feature?
Be she meeker, kinder, than
Turtle dove or pelican,
If she be not so to me,
What care I how kind she be?

Shall a woman's virtues move
Me to perish for her love?
Or her merits' value known
Make me quite forget mine own?
Be she with that goodness blest
Which may gain her name of Best;
If she seem not such to me,
What care I how good she be?

'Cause her fortune seems too high
Shall I play the fool and die?
Those that bear a noble mind
Where they want of riches find,
Think what with them they would do
That without them dare to woo;
And unless that mind I see,
What care I how great she be?

Great or good, or kind or fair,
I will ne'er the more despair:
If she love me, this believe,
I will die ere she shall grieve;
If she slight me when I woo,
I can scorn and let her go;
For if she be not for me,
What care I for whom she be?

>> No.14003318
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If she did that, she wasn't worth it in the first place. Nothing of value was lost.

>> No.14003756

based. unironically made warmed this volcels heart

>> No.14003804

I genuinely felt I was being real with her. I was honest about the date and my interest in her. I don't want a relationship that starts with any games. Ah, maybe it just wasn't going to work out? Wish I knew for certain whether it was something I did or whether it something on her end, so I could learn and improve come another time.

But yeah maybe I was a little bit attached because how she seemed a far better match than the other women I've met. She had almost all the qualities I desire in a mate. Oh well.

Either way, thanks for your response, my friend.

>> No.14003820

Canzoniere by Petrarch

>> No.14003824

It's all a game of chance in the end, man. The more you try, the more chances you have to win.

>> No.14004235

You didn't you scared her off.

>> No.14004269

Years ago blocking someone was a social message that basically communicated that they were either a complete stalker or had made you so angry that they had to be excised from your life or w/e but nowadays its done so casually when the situation doesn't even call for it. Why is this?