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14002503 No.14002503 [Reply] [Original]

I spoke with my father about which books i bought lately. I told him, that there were books from russia and 'murica.

He asked me, why i do not read any books from turkey, since we are from turkey but live in germany, i did not really pick up any books that were written by turks.

I don't care either, i kind lost my turkish culture, but i do not mind. I don't like my heritage, 'cause nothing worthwhile has come out of that besides the art from the ottomans. My father however hates a good portion of america and germany and is quite patriotic. He managed to make my sister, who is older than me, patriotic aswell. For them there is no art more beautiful than the turkish, and they also do not enjoy anything from somewhere else besides turkey.

Are there any good books, that originated from turkey? Why are there no well known turkish writers?

>> No.14002524

Respect your heritage you cunt, you don't need to find it the most beautiful thing ever. Try to reconnect to your roots, better, move back there.

>> No.14002525

But why? Why should i do that?

>> No.14002526

I used to really hate Turks. Then I met a Turkish guy who took care of me while I was drunk and bought me mcdonalds. You people are alright.
Sorry OP, I felt the need to tell a Turk and I don’t know any Turks anymore.

>> No.14002528

You mean like that really famous author who won the Nobel prize in 2006? Orhan Pamuk? Or that other famous one, Yasar Kemal? Even I've read them and I'm in Canada with feelings of complete indifference or even slight antipathy to the idea of Turkey. Also, if you haven't, check out the films of Nuri Bilge Ceylan. I'm sure your dad will hate all this because it's not simpleminded submission to some myth about Turkey's superiority, as if a more inane position could ever be maintained by an honest person.

>> No.14002532

The problem with turks is, that they are too practical. They do not have a sense of beauty besides religious things. Many turks do not want to participate in anything discussing meaning. They live as if they will live forever. It may be good, but it also, in my opinions, defeats the purpose of living. Even if it does not matter, i do not want to die ignorant.

>> No.14002534

My father hates kurds>>14002532

>> No.14002535

Anyways thanks for buying me McDonald’s bro. I thought the chili burger meant chili like beans and meat but was super surprised when it was green chilies. It was still good as fuck and I’ll always remember your kindness.

>> No.14002541

You are welcome

>> No.14002551

Ask him why he moved away from the best country ever to live in Germany?

I swear Turks are the most autistically patriotic, nothing wrong with being proud of your heritage and culture but there's a specific (and entirely unearned I'll add) jingoism that roaches have that really pisses me off.

>> No.14002567

We live in a society

>> No.14002576

I wonder where that comes from

>> No.14002582

Daaaamnnn, we really do

>> No.14002592

must admit myself I can't think of much Turkish literature but writings from the ME bar maybe from Israel, Palestine and Lebanon have made it to the UK. I'd certainly like to know more about the Turkish world's poetry

what were the Russian and Yankee books you got OP

>> No.14002605

Unironically it's a mutt thing, turks (from turkey, not actual turkic people from central asia) are the original goblinos.
Notice how the second most obnoxiously patriotic group are the americans


>> No.14002606


Turgenew - father and sons
Dostojewski - some random works collection


A random book, which introduced greek philosophy

>> No.14002612

Sorry am turkfag, who lives in germany

>> No.14002627

Start with the Byzantines, continue with the Seljuks, end with the Ottomans.
You dumb fuck.

>> No.14002639

This. All Turks are descendants of rape victims, rapists and renegades. So if they drop their patriotism for a second there would be nothing but disgust to themselves.

>> No.14002781

I just do not understand people who move out of their country but still maintain this kind of unshakeable nationalism. I mean, if it is so good why did you move out?

>> No.14002990

Your father is based.
>t. Souless degenerate

>> No.14003015


>> No.14003230

My grandpa came here to work, we stayed here ever since

>> No.14003505

Hey, fellow Germanguy here - lass dich nicht von deinem Vater unterkriegen. Auch mein Vater hat andere Vorstellungen davon, was es bedeutet, von einer bestimmten Nation abzustammen bzw. "zu ihr zu gehören". Aber das muss nichts mit dir (und schon gar nicht mit deinen Interessen für Literatur) zu tun haben. Sobald du einmal Lust auf türkische Kultur haben solltest, dann beschäftige dich mit ihr - nicht früher und nicht später, so wie bei jeder Sache, die man mögen muss oder nicht mögen kann. Viel Spaß mit Dosto, Turgenev und der Philosophie! :)

>> No.14003515
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Your father should beat you and then take your whole family back home

>> No.14003745

Danke sehr für die netten Worte