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14001879 No.14001879 [Reply] [Original]

Does well-written erotica exist?

>> No.14002082


>> No.14002125

The description of sex acts gets pretty repetitive and generic really quickly.

>> No.14002160

No. Look at the cumbrain meme

>> No.14002181

Miller and Nin

>> No.14002192

Cumbrains don't produce anything of worth

t. cumbrain

>> No.14002215

t. imageboard brains who have barely sipped from the waters of the canon

>> No.14002394
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>> No.14002678

My diary desu

>> No.14002771

If you're looking for something to masturbate to there's some great stuff on literotica. If you're looking for full novel length stories than understand erotica, or romance for that matter, is not enough to carry a story. You would be better served by looking for sexually explicit novels of other genres. There's a fantasy series that I thought was quite good called Kushiel's Dart. No Tolkien race shit btw.

>> No.14002779
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Jesus Christ, what fucker wrote this

>> No.14002783

what is this. asking for a friend

>> No.14002798

Erotica need not be like that. It's about the build-up.

>> No.14002852
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>> No.14002880

Lurk more, faggots

>> No.14002891

>something to masturbate to
That would be right up my alley, thanks. I bust a nut to some random story back in the day, but in retrospect, it was written quite poorly, and since I want to fap the /lit/ way, I might as well do it properly this time around.

>> No.14002897

I would rather not, thankyou

>> No.14002900

It's Lolita I think

>> No.14002903

>the smell of Passchendaele, of the Salient


>> No.14002959

I'm writing two novels atm with heavy erotica elements (one for only a chapter, the other with sexual content peppered throughout) and find it fun and interesting to write.

Sex itself as a mechanical act is deeply boring and technical, and not particularly interesting to read unless something about the act directly and strongly ties to the narrative. To counter this, I write the train of thought of the characters.

I describe a physical action or paint a still life portrait of any one moment, then enter the character's thoughts and allow their mind to wander for a good long paragraph (or a few) and then segue in and out to new thoughts by returning to the physical act. Someone moves, says something, whatever, and I wrap up what was going on and progress the sex and thusly the character's thought process as they go back into their head.

It's true to life, the psychological aspect of sex. At a point the body moves and there's little forethought required to keep it all going. The most truthful would be someone being like,

>My thigh is getting too hot.
>My back hurts.
>She looks beautiful in this light.
>What do I want to eat after?
>Don't cum don't cum don't cum don-

But there's a more meaningful honesty to be told, which is that of a person who actively has their guard down and is being honest about their base self. As such, it's a very unique situation and disposition for a character that is ripe for harvesting.

My characters think on things they never would at any other time, tell themselves hard truths they may otherwise push away, and are more emotionally honest than they are the rest of the time without some intense stimuli to get them there. It's just such an interesting space to play in.

But when I do get to the physical, I make it as absolutely succinct and salacious as possible. One little flick of the tongue can cause an incredible amount of sensation, and it doesn't take much more for words to do the same. I make my hardcore hard as fuck, but it's here then gone in a flash.

Idk, I haven't read a ton of smut but I'm basically doing the opposite of everything I've ever seen and I'm quite thrilled with the results.