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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 42 KB, 634x403, 18902882-7501829-image-a-49_1569391495970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13997985 No.13997985 [Reply] [Original]

Will you buy/read her book? It is in the works and should be released for Christmas or early 2020 according to Swedish newspapers

>> No.13998009


>> No.13998027

She's one of the greatest and most inspirational people of this century. Of course I will buy her book.
I'm even learning Swedish in order to read it in the intended language. Perhaps one day she will also win a Nobel prize as well. Cheers.

>> No.13998173

Isn't she just a figurehead? What could she possibly have to say that hasn't already been said?

>> No.13998182

I'll download it off libgen or something, it should be a funny read if nothing else

>> No.13998186


>> No.13998195

Can't be worse than Tarrant's manifesto.

>> No.13998217

No. I've managed to successfully avoid learning anything about whatever this meme person represents and I want to keep it that way.

>> No.13998223

Probably not, but everyone who makes fun of Greta should feel ashamed.

>> No.13998229
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I don't actually

>> No.13998246
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>> No.13998252

Why are you trying to market her book to us? Would you post a photo of a completely unknown author and say that? You are stupid enough to be a victim of marketing


>> No.13998256

Probably, yeah. Don't see why not. The irony of this whole bologna is that she wants people to focus on the message and not her. It's also kind of weird how people are calling her ugly and disregarding her as if that is someone's only worth: whether an incel would have sex with her or not.

>> No.13998258

If I wanted ill informed opinions on the climate policy I would watch the Democratic debates.

>> No.13998261
File: 9 KB, 231x218, angrysoy2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everyone who makes fun of Greta should feel ashamed.

>> No.13998277

>claims to be worried about the environment
>will mass produce a garbage book that will be transported on planes around the world :^)

>> No.13998284

Cheers, mate.

>> No.13998298

What are some of her ideas?

>> No.13998340
File: 33 KB, 324x499, 51lfPJ1krOL._SX322_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God no why would I think she's a good writer? She's not a good speechwriter. The only reason people like her is because she's based. I'm an autist who legit loves this girl for revealing her power level on a global stage but I just have strong doubts that her book would be any good.

That's mostly right wing propaganda. In reality she's an autist and a book would be full of stories of her doing autist things like when she refused to go to school because the environment was going to collapse. She's less of a figurehead and more of an autist that kept getting more and more attention so rich fucks started giving her money and eventually a boat. It wasn't like the new world order found some swedish autist girl, jewishly pressed their fingertips together, and went "good good... she is above criticism..."

Still she's like 17 and she only became an activist like... a few years ago so how much shit is there to really read about? There's better books by environmentalists and better books by autists.

>> No.13998344

I'll steal it, like I stole her dreams and her childhood.

Won't read it though.

>> No.13998349

>rich fucks started giving her money and eventually a boat.
that's what a figurehead is

>> No.13998373

Greta is the heroine of our time. I expect that she wins a Nobel Prize, if not through the usual categories at least through a new category. For instance, the Nobel Prize for Evironmental Science and Political Ecoactivism. It's incredible that at 16, she has contributed so much knowledge to the field of Enviromental Science which, by the way, she helped to pioneer. And of course, I'll gladly buy her book. I'm just sad that we're not hearing more about her.

>> No.13998414

Isn't she like 10? Why doesn't she go to school? Who is funding her trip to America?

>> No.13998512

No. I'll buy a third copy of Mein Kampf though.

>> No.13998540

No. Climate change fearmongering aside, she's 16 years old so it's very likely the writing will be shit or (((ghost written))).

>> No.13998552

Oh boy a ghost written book of the same talking points weve all likely seen a million times. Blatant money grab

>> No.13998567

I will buy it only so i can blow a load between every single page and make her sign it while she makes this face >>13998229 from the musk

>> No.13998579


>everyone who makes fun of Greta should feel ashamed.


>> No.13998588

>It wasn't like the new world order found some swedish autist girl, jewishly pressed their fingertips together, and went "good good... she is above criticism..."

That's exactly what happened though. Well it wasn't the NWO but climate groups but that's exactly the reason they shilled her so hard.

>> No.13998610

Because she has autism.

>> No.13998658


but I make fun of autistic kids all the time?

>> No.13998741


>> No.13998753

Slösa inte bort din tid på svenska

>> No.13998755

So do most of the posters here

>> No.13998780

>buying books
>buy a book from a 16 y/o who either will say the same things everyone who have actually cared to inform themselves about global warming already know, or it will be a about her "personal journey"
Ofc not. Fuck that book.

>> No.13998828

Oh gee I hope there's no footage of her completely falling apart when off-script uh oh what's this: https://youtu.be/bGW5jW_WpVg

>> No.13998842
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>> No.13999034

No. She's a child that hasn't done anything substantial regarding the issue she is famous for. She should read Franzen's recent essay on the subject.

>> No.13999048


>> No.13999066

Imagine being an adult and being retarded enough to buy into the Greta hype.

>> No.13999095

>Franzen's recent essay on the subject.
Reading that was so depressing I actually don't know what to feel.

>> No.13999098

Because she's a 16 y/o girl with autism. Only a douchebag or a literal underage would find it funny.

>> No.13999106
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Lmao at the retard cope in the comments

>> No.13999131


>> No.13999133

>Only a douchebag or a literal underage would find it funny.
so 95% of the site then

>> No.13999146


>> No.13999150
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>> No.13999155
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>why aren't you going to read my book, anon? how dare you!

>> No.13999166

This alien looking motherfucker came to this planet to keep us from truly developing as a civilization by building nuclear.

>> No.13999168

I'll buy it just to piss off conservative clowns. That alone is worth the price.

>> No.13999172

Imagine being spooked by a young woman. Oh wait, that's your entire dilemma, isn't it, incel neckbeard?

>> No.13999220

I can't tell if post like this are bait or not.

What all has she done?

>> No.13999233

If you can't tell that's bait you might actually be autistic m8

>> No.13999246

She found a reason to skip every Friday school day, which by itself is incredibly commendable.

>> No.13999256
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Autism doesn't account for this. Psychopathology does. 4chan is a psycho-trap, and they have been led here to be studied and experimented on. The project has already been completed: psycho time is up.

>> No.13999266

Ignore the vapid tripfag.

It has little to offer, other than low quality bait and piss poor takes.

>> No.13999273

That makes 4chan sound more interesting that it actually has been. There have been some memes and stuff but most of the novel ideas in the past 10 years came from random people's blogs

>> No.13999305
File: 1.37 MB, 1788x1518, Autonym_Autoprophecy_Script.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Novel ideas" aren't important. What is important are novel experiments. All social media platforms, including 4chan and forums, are platforms of social experimentation.

The greatest experiment of all time is about to come to a conclusion, and it will see all the internet trolls either killing themselves as all the hate they projected turns in on themselves absolutely, or quitting the internet forever.

>> No.13999308

That's not a tripfag, but otherwise you are correct

>> No.13999316

LMAO a trollbot NPC commanding other trollbot NPCS. Trolls trolling trolls all the way down.

4chan is hateocratic crabs in a bucket.


>> No.13999323

what on earth are you talking about, you are verging on schizo territory with that image

Social media is made by companies who want to make money

>> No.13999329


>> No.13999334
File: 386 KB, 3003x1101, books_on_creativity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't know, because you don't read or even feel anything besides fear and hate.

>Social media is made by companies who want to make money

This doesn't contradict my premise, idiot, but supports it.

What is decision theory? What is game theory? How do social interactions work?


>> No.13999340

Here's your (you), midwit.

>> No.13999346
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>caring about the thoughts of a child in a intellectual capacity
We're not going to get another William James Sidis any time soon. Never read anything written my someone younger than 18

>> No.13999353

>That's not a tripfag
Am I missing something. Does it not have a tripcode denoting its posts?

>> No.13999356


kill yourself namefag

>> No.13999366

I already did thrice. You will only kill yourself once, because you cannot see beyond your own life.

>> No.13999368

trips have a password so that you know it's the same guy. There are a sequence of random letters after the name in a different font. First week here or something?

>> No.13999370

I'm a namefag, not a tripfag. How brand new are you?

>> No.13999389

>There are a sequence of random letters after the name in a different font
That makes more sense.

>First week here or something?
No, just a misunderstanding that, up until this point, didn't come up.

Vapid nonetheless.

>> No.13999411

I found it pretty liberating, honestly. Though, that essay will never stop any political 'heroes' from jerking off on their shirts about how noble they are; e.g. Greta.

>> No.13999415
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based moron shitting on fags be they name or trip

>> No.13999426


you're a massive faggot either way

>> No.13999430

At the very least it was sensible and well-grounded. I liked it, even if it made me consider whether killing myself at age 50 would be a good way out.

>> No.13999431

Would tribadism cure her?

>> No.13999764
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>> No.13999785
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ayy lmao

>> No.13999824
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I mean i laugh at you guys all the time

>> No.13999866
File: 255 KB, 1440x1212, co2 vs temperature change climate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I work with the mentally retarded and developmentally disabled, when I am relaxing I do not want to read some green propaganda piece ghostwritten for one of them.

>> No.13999883
File: 1.87 MB, 1786x1004, temp climate consensus not.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13999884

>her book
Do you think her parents are writing it or do you think they'll splash out on a professional?

>> No.13999891

what the fuck was that stumbling interviewer even trying to say

>> No.13999902

How do I know if I'm autistic?

>> No.13999906

Those who expressed no opinion shouldn't be counted. Where are the papers expressing a dissenting opinion? If there are none you're indeed close to actual consensus, whatever the reasons.

>> No.13999941

What's your graph meant to convey?

>> No.13999948

the lack of correlation between co2 and temperature

>> No.14000066

That doesn't particularly show a lack of correlation. You have two wiggly lines that might have well be somewhat synchronized. The only way to decide is to compute the actual correlation here, not that correlation isn't a meme coefficient.

>> No.14000074

The above graph seems to be disusing temperatures solely in Greenland (obtained who knows how), while the bottom maps CO2 concentration in ppm via antarctic ice cores. Two entirely different regions. The correlation between the two matter little.

>> No.14000115


>> No.14000165

Shes literally a modern Joan of Arc

>> No.14000171

Like most people here ?

>> No.14000239
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>> No.14000247
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>> No.14000839

So this is what it is like being in the mind of a schizophrenic. Fascinating.

>> No.14000847
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>> No.14000852

She's an emotional propaganda tool.
Not to go full /pol/ but we HAVE been getting told climate change was gonna kill us since the fifties.
George Orwell has been more accurate in regards to mankinds demise than climate activists.

>> No.14000865

>A Nobel
she'll win for peace and for literature. And one more for meteorology, which they'll create just for her. Triple Crown, like Yaz.

>> No.14000905

There is no literary discussion in this thread. All of you go to >>>/pol/ if you want to discuss politics.

>> No.14000951

>implying it's not being ghostwritten anyway

>> No.14000962

why has /lit/ just become /pol/-lite

in fact why has every board just become /pol/-lite, this website is fucking awful

>> No.14000975

/lit/ has become a combination of /r9k/ and /pol/. All the r9k/pol topics consistently get hundreds of replies while threads based on canonical authors perform miserably. The mods need to take action.

>> No.14001049

Sorry reddit. 4chan has hated niggers for far longer than you’ve been posting here.

>> No.14001398

For the same reason Red America became proto-Nazi: skillful propaganda.

>> No.14001440

because we live in a time where the jew plot is finally starting to take fruition and it's terrifying

>> No.14002062

This is pure ideology

>> No.14002740

"her" book

>> No.14002751

Her face scares me for some reason

>> No.14002772

I hope her book is printed using environmentally friendly production methods and materials. I also hope the delivery methods to sellers and buyers do not use gasoline or diesel. I have my doubts that this will be the case.

>> No.14002804


>> No.14002808
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>> No.14002885

US carbon emissions is still higher than both combined

>> No.14002936

lol ok boomer

>> No.14002940

Islsmist here, why do conservative kuffar hate her so much? Your elite (and ours as well) are destroying the world and she seems to have a right to be furious. Every Islamist I know loves what she is doing.

>> No.14002945

boomers are the main figureheads pushing co2 propaganda using retarded zoomzooms as their pawns

>> No.14002950

big if true

>> No.14003008
File: 102 KB, 814x578, gotcha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The main coping mechanism of conservatives/idiots/boomers (large overlap) is an ad hominem argument against the figurehead of the climate movement. Students in my country started protesting for stricter climate regulations pretty early on; right wing reactions were limited to "*figurehead* is a hypocrite, because she travels by airplane a lot" or "participating students are hypocrites because they leave their camping gear at festivals". I notice the same trend now that Greta stepped on a larger global forum. People don't want to change their way of life, but can't contradict the immense amount of evidence that we are actually ruining the planet without revealing that they are utter fools. This is why they resort to childish arguments ("but she does it too!"). Writing a book about her personal experience brings even more attention to Greta-as-a-person, which is the last thing we need.

pic related

>> No.14003020

>t. german/austrian cuck

>> No.14003077

Just finished reading it. Honestly, there could never be a solution without force. Humans are selfish, power seeking animals. We're not logical. It only makes sense that we'd end up dooming ourselves, whether by nuclear war or spoiling our resources.

>> No.14003106

>middle class kid from a rich country who tells people they stole her childhood by way of a long term threat
Maybe if I develop a taste for stupid shit

>> No.14003145

I can't believe the mods deleted my meta thread but not this thread that has no literary discussion in it

>> No.14003150

She's upper class actually.

>> No.14003162

>It wasn't like the new world order found some swedish autist girl, jewishly pressed their fingertips together, and went "good good... she is above criticism..."
But that's exactly what they did. Yes, she started out doing this on her own, but when the rich climate activism groups took notice of her they said "she's perfect! Make her our pawn! She'll be the figurehead of climate change activism!" There are tons of infinitely more qualified people out there that are panicking over climate change, but the climate groups put all of their money behind a young autistic girl because those three attributes shield her from criticism and pull on people's heartstrings.

>> No.14003421

I agree, the environment needs to be saved. But the problem remains: How does mass producing a paper-back book loosely associated with the problem solve that? If she wanted to make a statement she should make it free and available solely through digital venues. Until I see evidence of that, I will believe she is a money-hungry hypocrite.

>> No.14003435

>16 years old
>body of a 10 year old
child abuse

>> No.14003759

Hope you're smart enough to have made this comment ironically. Belge btw.

Probably wasn't her own idea though

>> No.14003788

You are a fucking retard if you unironically support this logic.

>> No.14003796


feel free to leave faggot

>> No.14003803

>immense amount of evidence that we are actually ruining the planet

You have no such evidence.
Please provide sources for all further claims you make.

>> No.14003814

rule 34 ?

>> No.14003817

I blame Trump and Late Night Comedians who degraded those topics. Everyone now has "their" opinion, and they are usually just copypasta bait fakeinfo extreme views. But yeah, its fun..

>> No.14003848

I'd expect she writes it in english

>> No.14003865

det är för sent

>> No.14003905

Could've sworn China's was higher. Can i get a link on that?

>> No.14003969


That's not true, unless you are talking about per capita emissions, but in that case the world's worst offender would the island nation of Palau. In absolute tonnage China is about twice as bad as the US.


>> No.14003979

The US military is the world's number one polluter.

>> No.14003991


Provide sources for your bullshit or stfu

>> No.14003996



>> No.14004004

Also, apparently it was from 2017 when my statement was 100% true. Source for that:


>> No.14004019
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>still not more than china
>not explicitly about CO2 emissions

>> No.14004020


>If the US military were a country, its fuel usage alone would make it the 47th largest emitter of greenhouse gases in the world, sitting between Peru and Portugal.

You asserted it was number 1 but this article (on the no doubt unbiased "theecologist") asserts it is number 47?

>> No.14004035


That articles title says "US Military is world's largest polluter" but nowhere inside is any actual evidence or data or research to support such a claim. Not to mention that your source are "theecologist, the journal for the post industrial age" and "ecowatch".
Could you maybe refer to actual published scientific papers or actual data?

>> No.14004094

Belgium is not a nation.

>> No.14004191

No, but I'm writing a book about a girl like her and Unabomber and Linkola incels that like younger girls and try to impress her with their ecological activities.

>> No.14004198

You know that southpark episode where that kid is a living ad? That's her.

>> No.14004880

>her book

>> No.14005105

report it you nigger

>> No.14005119

Contemporary Europe is fucked in the head.

>> No.14006860

>privatising economy

>> No.14007128
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Can someone outline her proposed solutions aside from "listen to scientists"? I'm studying all the topical climate issues at university but I can't stand listening to her long enough to filter out a coherent opinion. Can't stand the political boomer worms making a Joan of Arc of her

>> No.14007219


All-out war on climate change made sense only as long as it was winnable. Once you accept that we’ve lost it, other kinds of action take on greater meaning. Preparing for fires and floods and refugees is a directly pertinent example. But the impending catastrophe heightens the urgency of almost any world-improving action. In times of increasing chaos, people seek protection in tribalism and armed force, rather than in the rule of law, and our best defense against this kind of dystopia is to maintain functioning democracies, functioning legal systems, functioning communities. In this respect, any movement toward a more just and civil society can now be considered a meaningful climate action. Securing fair elections is a climate action. Combatting extreme wealth inequality is a climate action. Shutting down the hate machines on social media is a climate action. Instituting humane immigration policy, advocating for racial and gender equality, promoting respect for laws and their enforcement, supporting a free and independent press, ridding the country of assault weapons—these are all meaningful climate actions. To survive rising temperatures, every system, whether of the natural world or of the human world, will need to be as strong and healthy as we can make it.

What sort of tortured logic is this? I see it among accredited PhDs, when asked what can be done about the encroaching logic the immediate response was to empower women and minorities, support egalitarian, democratic and bottom up approaches, all this merely by "raising awareness" and "resisting" through some kind of obnoxious protester group. Ridiculous and politically motivated

>> No.14007234

>Every billion dollars spent on high-speed trains, which may or may not be suitable for North America, is a billion not banked for disaster preparedness, reparations to inundated countries, or future humanitarian relief.
just lol

>> No.14007247

>What sort of tortured logic is this?
Ziss, *sniff* is ideologie. It serves to mystify power in society and prevent people from thinking that there is an alternative course of action.

>> No.14007256

mfw bronze age mindset wasn't just a joke and the future belongs to a nudist piratical race of ecofascist hellenes

>> No.14007279


this is the face of mental illness

>> No.14007295

I’m going to slap franzen in the face with my cock

>> No.14007415

sometimes i wonder if this is what is happening to me in interviews

>> No.14007434

I think it's actually quite nice she's gotten the attention she seems very passionate about it. I like when the youth start to actually stand up for their passions and put their money where there mouth is. 1 day protests every year don't get much attention or anything done, even if it's convincing 1,000 people to switch to electric cars or some stupid shit.

I really don't think greta will change the world but that's not the point, she's gotten people motivated and the fact is no ones going to care about some 25 year old college student sitting around Berkeley with go green signs.

>> No.14007667

I dont get it. What has she done different to any other activist other than be 15 and look abit mongy?

>> No.14007685

Make you seethe and cringe, and feel threatened by a teenager who shows she can be as worried but more vocal than an adult who obviously knows better than her how bad is the world but won’t do absolutely anything.

>> No.14007730

get picked up by rich demagogues to sell books, publicity, ideology and votes

>> No.14007732

until ecoterrorists start bombing oil refineries and making people afraid to go to work, all of this shit is a joke

>> No.14007737

I hate her face so much it's just so awful to look at

>> No.14007938

I lean to the left generally, but I gotta he honest, the fact that they pupateered a little girl to be the head of a movement just to put forward a trump v child idea is really grimy it seems.

Is she really the most qualified to be talking? I have to admit I'm ignorant on the topic

>> No.14007966
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>> No.14007979

I might pirate it, but probably not

>> No.14009210
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>> No.14009431

Every other place bans discussion on the JQ. Everybody gets angry and reactive.

>> No.14009551

Truth is unstoppable. We don't want you here, lowercase fucker.

>> No.14010625

Reddit is less /pol/-ite if I may say so myself heh >.> Perhaps you would like to join me there, It would be my pleasure... :3 I assure you I will save you from harm there ;)

>> No.14011536

Greta cult will surpass Christianity, claim your apostle status while you can lads

>> No.14011548

A ghostwriter is hired to write literary or journalistic works, speeches, or other texts that are officially credited to another person as the author.

>> No.14011826

>tfw you hit the wall at 16

>> No.14012589

>I don't wanna go all /Pol/
>Goes all /Pol/

>> No.14012686

>privatise economy
>not also inevitably depreciating the value of "growth"

That being said the only reason newsweek published that article is people are stupid enough to take it seriously.

>> No.14012697

would be useful to show current data, as well as global data, instead of using a location resistant to temperature change because ice absorbs additional energy to melt without actually changing temperature

>> No.14012703

Hatred of Greta (non-entity) is the most pathetic form of ressentiment yet.... grown men having a cry about an ugly swedish teenage girl -- devoting literal hours of their life to venting their frustration toward her.

>> No.14012706

The US has also been consistently outsourcing manufacturing to places like China, Taiwan, Korea, etc. so its not like the US actually made progress, they just inadvertently managed to shift blame.

>> No.14012711

>that's not the point
Congrats you're not a fucking idiot
The point of civil protesting in the first place is to draw attention to an issue in order to sway public opinion.

>> No.14012715

yes and nobody has disproved the greenhouse effect for hundreds of years either, its effects can be tested in a lab
our saving grace has been the fact our oceans act as a gigantic sink for gases, as well as our ice caps acting as gigantic sinks for heat (melting ice absorbs energy but does not raise temperature)

>> No.14012716

>First derivation somehow makes up for absolute numbers
Mixed and burgerpilled

>> No.14012750

This thread was moved to >>>/pol/230263473