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13997668 No.13997668 [Reply] [Original]

Hi advice anons. Im looking for books, writers, philosophers who have an extremely honest and productive view on lifestyle and how to live your life so you can say to yourself at the end of it you were content with it all. All Ive found so far are cringey self help books but would love something a bit more intellectually deep. Thank you.

>> No.13997679

C.S. Lewis, read his books.

>> No.13997937

Getting Things Done

>> No.13997955

Thank you both ill give these a read

>> No.13997972

What is Ancient Philosophy?
Philosophy as a Way of Life
Therapy of Desire
Art of Philosophy
You Must Change Your Life
Hermeneutics of the Subject
Philosophy of CBT
Complete Works of Plato (including all alleged dialogues and Seventh Letter)
Nicomachean Ethics

>> No.13997986

Read Chesterton's Orthodoxy.

>> No.13998040


The Summa Theologica

>> No.13998053

Meditations by Aurelius

>> No.13998118

>Philosophy of CBT
>Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
>Same abbreviation as "CBT".
I know a synchronicity when I see one.

>> No.13998133

Read Camus, the only way to truly appreciate life and not be a brainlet is to enjoy its absurdity

>> No.13998249

Ill give him a read. Tend to find absurdities in modern life mostly depressing so this might be a good way to flip that perspective.

>> No.13998287

>how to live your life so you can say to yourself at the end of it you were content with it all
That's not a matter of how you live your life, it's a matter of your attitude towards life

>> No.13998302

Kierkegaard. Subjectivity is the only way.

>> No.13998438

How do I change my attitude towards life based on logically formed ideals rather than subjective ones or is attitude purely crafted from subjectivity

>> No.13999740

motherfucking M O N T A I G N E

>> No.13999746

Albert Camus

>> No.14000580

Stoics; Seneca, Epictetus
Advaita Vedanta or other eastern philosophy like the Daoists. Buddhism might be more suitable if you want a more practical / stoic perspective.
Existentialists; Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, Stirner
Jung, to some extent
Camus like others have suggested
Peterson's Maps of Meaning

>> No.14000592

Bible specifically Gospels

>> No.14000596

The Holy Bible

>> No.14000607
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The distinction between subjective and objective at an experiential level is an empistemological question that cannot be answered fully. Though the most commonly accepted answer, and the one I choose to live by is:

Every experience is a subjective interpretation. There is an external reality with which your interpretations either align or misalign with. This does not mean alignment = objectivity, as an interpretation takes the only logical form it can have within a subject. They are subjective, and will never fully be reality. Essentially; phenomena =/= noumena

>> No.14000614
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Ahhhhh I fucked up my reply it's supposed to say epistemological ahhhhhh fuck I'm cringe again ahhhhhh nooooo

>> No.14001215

Any definite equations has a definite solution.

>> No.14002780
