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File: 84 KB, 539x960, allWhitePeopleAreRacist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13996940 No.13996940 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.13997064

umpa lumpa boopetty doo i got ressentiment fuuuuck you

>> No.13997134

Sooo I puopose to eat em all. They bean oppressive and shieet *burps*.
Sorry teehee. I was saying we should def brred nd eat white people, theybe make pollution aaaand yeah...Whypeopo racis, pls donate monee to my patreon

>> No.13997148

Maybe the German Charlie Chaplin wasn't so wrong after all.

>> No.13998455

i laughed

>> No.13998499

ooga booga gibs me dats oar u wacis!

>> No.13998517

Literal who triggers 4chan

>> No.13998525

Her argument was the wests ignorance toward how it's capitalistic policies exploited the third world and she only wrote it like that for shock value.

>> No.13998530
File: 23 KB, 500x500, DBBF6526-2B64-4950-B2FC-42B62FEEBBE0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13998532

>actual whites in the audience listening in
imagine being this cucked

>> No.13998595


but she is as much "the west" as the "white people" are?

>> No.13998608

I think her weight is indicative of her being just as capitalist as any other westerner.

>> No.13998736

I dunno man that Jew barber sure ran around real funny, Henkel was a square

>> No.13998759

Try to explain that to /pol/

>> No.13998765

her ignorance makes her a fat bitch so looks like I win again

>> No.13998781


that's a childish thing to say.
what do you think 'zog' means, if not 'the west'?

>> No.13998795

i wonder how much money shes got cuz of this image floating around

>> No.13998819

Try as I might I could not halt its progress. It grew slowly, in fact it grew so slowly that the average person would not have recognized its presence. The rotund figure standing before me was the cause of this. The firm square hips, the sagacious breasts, the skin tight jump suit highlighting every crease in her globular form. Flesh into form. Light into dark. My pin needle stood at attention. Proudly. This was simply my nature.

>> No.13998826

epic deflection faggot, maybe elaborate a bit next time and we wont all think you're retarded

>> No.13998846


>> No.13999148

The doors behind us slammed shut.
The sound of labored breathing and the drumming of hundreds of pounds slamming down on the semi-hollow auditorium floor were the only sounds filling the beige prison I found myself in.
I swallowed, loudly. I could feel she was in a bad mood.
The first thing I noticed was her incredible size, interrupted next by the deep musk of coconut oil and sweat.
With pride she affixed the large object she had to the presentation board our company had supplied for our Columbus day sensitivity training.
The beast then began to scrawl furiously on the paper. No one could see exactly what was being written due to her girth obscuring it.
No one wanted to see. We were all afraid.

All in one motion she spun around and stood aside the large post-it brand canvas, bicep and thigh fat rippling like a wave at the momentum of her motion.

"YALL HERD ME, DON' ACK LIKE YOU CAINT REED". She belted into the small, earth toned room.

This was going to be a long meeting.

>> No.13999159

This subhuman is named Ashleigh Shakelford. She is a prostitute who only has sex with white men and begs for money on facebook. That's all you need to know.

>> No.13999331

that's clearly a hotel convention center

>> No.13999388
File: 90 KB, 1280x720, ironic laugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No one could see exactly what was being written due to her girth obscuring it.

>> No.13999436

>No one could make out her writing due to the obfuscation of her girth
I think that has a nicer ring to it

>> No.13999438

Pretty sure it was a mandatory lecture that school faculty had to attend

>> No.13999509
File: 1.87 MB, 350x251, zimmerman.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13999519

Woman wearing suit
Looking like a green sausage
Give her money plox

>> No.13999566
File: 352 KB, 715x385, all-white-people-are-racist-715x385.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit nibba I was there

>> No.13999673

Anxiety filled the room. People sat silently like prisoners at a Nazi death camp. They knew the Great North American Ape would soon be present.

You could smell the creature long before you could see it, and when the scent of unwashed pussy-musk and watermelon flavored vodka assaulted my nose I know her arrival was nigh.

"AND I BE SAYIN' LIKE, SHIT DAYMN NIGGUH IF YOUZ CANT BE SUPPORTIN MAH BABY, DEN YOU AINT GETTIN NONE UH DIS PUSSY," she spoke into her phone as she entered the room. Her gelatinous body undulated up and down, and sweat ran down her armpits, leaving a path of ooze behind her, much like a snail would. She put her phone down and addressed the class, "AIGHT SO YALL KNOW WHY WE HERE. WE FINNA BOUTA LEARN BOUT RACE THEORY. HERE BE CONCEPT NUMBA ONE FO YALL CRACKERS." She scribbled on the board: "All White People Are Racist." I was dumbfounded. I had never heard a primate speak a human tongue with such proficiency. I always believed them to be biologically incapable of manipulating their mouths in such a way as to replicate human speech. Not only that, but it could write as well.
"ALRIGHT DAT BE DUH LESSON FO TODAY. NOW YALL CAN GIBS ME SUM MONEY FO FREE ON PAYPAL, CONSIDER IT REPARATIONS." The white guilt liberals stood idly by, passively accepting their verbal spanking. The black people in attendance stood and clapped "HELL YAH SISTA YOU TELL THEM CRACKERS WHAT'S WHAT." The cheers and applause quickly turned to jumping and yelling. The monkeys were ferocious, their instinctual, bestial ways were ignited by this she-beast's speech. It was going to be the LA riots all over again.

Although I wanted to study this rare breed of ape, the stench and volume were unbearable. I could no longer stand the monkey screeching and general baboonery of the room. I pulled out my 9mm pistol and fired a single shot into the ceiling. "AHEM....... I'm sorry to interrupt your shenanigans. But there is something I must say." The she-boon looked at me with venom in her puffy eyes. "CRACKA, DIS BE A SPACE FO PEOPLE OF COLOR TO SPEAK, SO IF YOU BE INTERRUPTING YALL BETTER HAVE SOMTHIN GOOD TO SAY."

"Oh just one thing," I said smirking. The room fell silent, and I felt at peace for the first time that evening. It was time to end the madness. I turned to face the crowd and spoke, "Nigger."

The apes went wild. Chants could be heard echoing throughout the room and down the halls, "HE RACIS! HE RACIS!" The monkeys pointed their fingers, jaws agape, and grasped their heads in astonishment. I peered at the irate she-boon, then at my gun, then back at the she-boon. I knew how this would have to end and so did she. "IGHT, NOW I KNOW DIS CRACKA AINT BOUTTA USE DAT GUN ON ME!"

But I was. And I did.

>> No.13999685

Got any pics that can't be found on google? Also why on earth would you be there?

>> No.13999699

a story about this image

>> No.13999716

Momma's ass was a big ass

and she was a great cook


She's got the food I want

She's the one I love

She makes all my dreams come true

[Verse 1: Eminem]

I'm from the West

I'm from the West

I'm from the West

I'm From the West

I'm from the West

We get our food and we get it

and we get it from the kitchen

And she's a very special woman

And she's one of my family

And her ass is fat

Momma's ass was a big ass

and she was a great cook


She's got the food I want

She's the one I love

She makes all my dreams come true

>> No.13999821

this is it. this is my time.
when God formed Adam from the slime, He knew that it was all leading up to this. Throughout the millennia, men have fallen to their knees and cried out to Him, "Why God, why have you forsaken me? For what cause do you torment us so, for what does the suffering profit?"
This is why.
So that in this moment, i could shine. so that in this moment i could shine as a blinding ray of light in the face of the darkness which has surrounded our accursed race since the fall from paradise. i am the One.
as i sat in calm, motionless serenity, pondering the gravity of my coming Passion, the voice of a man shattered my veil of peace. i opened my eyes, and before me he stood - a fucking white man.
"it's time."
i heaved my massive body, heavy from the weight of my Divinity, up from the chair which had supported it, which let out what seemed like a sigh of relief. racist chair. the man led me to the front of the room, where he introduced me.
"ecce nigro"
the room fell silent at the sight of my imposing beauty. the man sat down at the front of the assembly and i shot him a disdainful glance, i did not need him to introduce me. turning to the easel that sat beside me, i took in my hand the marker which would seal my fate. i ripped the cap off and cast it aside, then, raising it up, i put ink to page. the crowd went wild. all around me were people shouting racist remarks, trying to diminish my lived experience. but i knew i had to go through with this, for the good of my people. i finished what i had to do.


"it is finished."

>> No.14000181

Well, what happened?

>> No.14000305

"Eyy, huwhyte boi in da bayck."
Noggle Joggin looked up from his diary desu. He stared through the sheboon as if she was a pane of glass about to be shattered.
The sheboon pointed a finger at him. "Ieeh, see peepol? Dis is why huwhytes need tah all dai, like, yisterday. Huwhy are you eeven heah, huwhyte boi?"
"Hoo-why not? Hoot hoot."
Noggin couldn't help but laugh, painfully aware of the catalogue of hollow eyes set on him.
Joggin grimaced and adjusted his glasses meaningfully.
"Of course it's not a joke. Ahem..."
A bunch of snorts and giggles came from five odd looking grills squatting at the other end of the room.
"I would like to believe, personally, that this is a motherfucking Jojoke."
"Oh my fucking god the absolute madlad said it!" said the snake-faced girl. She then looked embarassed and looked away. "H-he cute..."
The other girls looked confused as fuck. "What the fuck are you rambling about, what's so funny about such a dead maymay, brother?"
Noggin and Snakeface both began to give quick rundowns too quick for any mere mortal to understand.
"Hey, buddy, Schadenfreude Kinoplex is two doors down."
"Fuck you. I hope Weltschmerz Bibliothek burns down to the ground like Alexandria, you deranged bitch."
"Yeah, yeah, I'm the fucked in the skull. What're you gonna do about it, ehh? Ehh? You wanna fucking go, faggot?"
"Well, fine, whatever, but first let me fix these retarded numbers that dumb bitch was refere--"
The sheboon was nowhere to be seen. Memory-holed, if you will.

>> No.14000373

ooga booga gibs me dat fo free

>> No.14000414

cringe post

>> No.14000419

What a quality contribution to the thread. Stupid fucking nigger.

>> No.14000443

I'd say what I replied to was about of equal worth

>> No.14000452
File: 7 KB, 225x225, reddit2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not at all. I actually contributed to the point of the thread. You, on the other hand, just used the word "cringe" to engage in a reddit style downvote system. Kill yourself you fucking subhuman redditor nigger.

>> No.14000468

Forgive me for calling you cr*nge. Please don't call me reddit again :(