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13995922 No.13995922 [Reply] [Original]

>"technology is ebul!"
>posts this using his technological computer and the internet

>> No.13995930

based, ted k was a retarded tranny hypocrite lmaoo

>> No.13995946

>inb4 "I shitpost on 4chan all day, cry about being a failure and beat it to trannies all day because you cannot fight the technological society without using technology"
These people are lying to themselves

>> No.13995957

What's the point of this thread? That's like saying you can criticize capitalism and labor relations just because you work. Technology does suck.

>> No.13995961

lmao i kek'd, kazynskyfags are the biggest retards, imagine becoming anti-tech after cooming three thousand times to porn on xvideos . c o m, like "hurdur me wanna break all computer now >:I tech = bad, make coom so hard, hairline shrink"

>> No.13995965

>Technology does suck.
okay get off ur computer then stupid faggot

>> No.13995972
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Capitalism is ebil.

>> No.13995988

true, capitalism gave birth to trannyism, both deserve death

>> No.13996023

Capitalism, state and technology converge in global corporations. There will be no free market, only technocapitalistic plan, because no small business could adopt or advance technology.

>> No.13996057

disregarding whatever you said in your post i want you to know that you're a fat mentally ill tranny and you should kill yourself.

>> No.13996070

Ted typed it on a typewriter and mailed it to the newspaper retard

>> No.13996073

still tech

>> No.13996277

you still butthurt over the thread on /g/, retard?

>> No.13996315

i know right, why didn't he write it using his own shit on pieces of tree bark

>> No.13996699
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>> No.13996723

see >>13995988

>> No.13996740

God, socialists have such a victim complex. Literally comparing yourselves to medieval serfs.

>> No.13996768
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>Well, the first War of the Machines seems to be drawing to its final inconclusive chapter — leaving, alas, everyone the poorer, many bereaved or maimed and millions dead, and only one thing triumphant: the Machines. As the servants of the Machine are becoming a privileged class, the Machines are going to be enormously more powerful. What's their next move?
>Not long ago-incredible though it may seem-I heard a clerk of Oxford declare that he 'welcomed' the proximity of mass-production robot factories, and the roar of self-obstructive traffic, because it brought his university into 'contact with real life.'
>He may have meant that the way men were living and working in the twentieth century was increasing in barbarity at an alarming rate, and that the loud demonstration of this in the streets of Oxford might serve as a warning that it is not possible to preserve for long an oasis of sanity in a desert of unreason by mere fences, without actual offensive action (practical and intellectual).
>I fear he did not. In any case the expression 'real life' in this context seems to fall short of academic standards. The notion that motor-cars are more 'alive' than, say, centaurs or dragons is curious; that they are more 'real' than, say, horses is pathetically absurd. How real, how startlingly alive is a factory chimney compared with an elm tree: poor obsolete thing, insubstantial dream of an escapist!

>> No.13996788

Actually totally wrong. Porn and even masturbation is unnatural, so I don't engage in either.


Serfs had it better than any wageslave of today.

>> No.13996907

>Now goblins are cruel, wicked, and bad-hearted. They make no beautiful things, but they make many clever ones. They can tunnel and mine as well as any but the most skilled dwarves, when they take the trouble, though they are usually untidy and dirty. Hammers, axes, swords, daggers, pickaxes, tongs, and also instruments of torture, they make very well, or get other people to make to their design, prisoners and slaves that have to work till they die for want of air and light. It is not unlikely that they invented some of the machines that have since troubled the world, especially the ingenious devices for killing large numbers of people at once, for wheels and engines and explosions always delighted them.

>> No.13996923

still tech

>> No.13997478

>Porn and even masturbation is unnatural, so I don't engage in either.
this sound like something a coomer would say to cope after he does one day of nofap

>> No.13997642
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Ted draws a border between domestic technology and complex, enslaving technology which requires faultless obedience in order to make it work, where millions of people become dependent on something they have no control of and no way to change it. Second technology is definitely evil and computers are evil, too. No, I can't get rid of my computer because there is no life without Internet, but I wish it could be different. To make it change just for myself (not counting I have to feed my family and other relatives) I have to wageslave for 4/5 parts of my life to finally be able to afford a 3/10 house somewhere near to the leftovers of woods which soon will be fully destroyed by greedy capitalists and braindead consumerists. And I don't even have a guarantee I will be able to afford it - more like I will live all my pathetic life in a concrete cage, tied to the shitty technology and consumerism in order to survive. This is hell of a life and there is no hypocrisy in a sincere wish to destroy it.

>> No.13997664

Agreed. In the internet nobody can know for certain, but come one you are in Congolese pornography exchange junta. It really get the noggin jogging.

>> No.13997691
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You can't make the internet disappear, but it can make you disappear.

>> No.13997700

Just move to a country where rural living is cheap you dumb dumb.

>> No.13997707


Still technology.

>> No.13997723

I'm actually posting via smoke signal and my buddy uploads my messages to the web.

>> No.13997732

That's literally the only option, and it means living a life alone, isolated, unhappy, and difficult. No friends or family ever again. Every day the space available for that shrinks, and one day it will be zero.
Ted himself did that for years, and the unending march of progress still found him and fucked it up. Only then did he start bombing.
>Oh, you're drowning and want to get out of the water? What if you never drink water ever again, dumbass, ever think of THAT?

>> No.13997735

this. >>13997707
you can't write and say you're anti-tech

>> No.13997743

>Oh, you're drowning and want to get out of the water? What if you never drink water ever again, dumbass, ever think of THAT?
no one here is drowning, fucking idiot. this is 4channel my guy

>> No.13997772

So no criticism of the status quo is allowed at all because we participate in it? What kind of cuckolds are you guys?

>> No.13997778

Daily reminder cuckzinsky just regurgitated pop culture psued "WE LIVE IN A SOCIETY" shit as a manifesto.

>> No.13997782

go live in a cave

>> No.13997784

>living a life alone, isolated
Just bring your family with you, get a new one, make new friends etc.
up to you
>and difficult
LMAO, now you want to keep the cake and eat it too.

>Every day the space available for that shrinks

Globally maybe, in the first world it's actually the opposite as populations decrease.

>> No.13997790

Go check your mail

>> No.13997793
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this is what I plan. However as a human I will never be fully free. Everything is owned by someone else, even if I go deep into the woods and build my own cabin there is high chance it will be found by the government and destroyed, because muh obstacle for selling the woods to the chinks. Literally what happened to Ted. With drones and helicopters everywhere finding an illegal house to ask for a loicense is even easier task. To be fully free I have to live with aborigines but even they are surrounded by cameras and tourists, creating a literal zoo of people. This is literally Huxley's world with Orwellian nature. Whenever you go, you are surrounded by technology and society, and as a part of society you are basically a slave, unless you find more money to afford more freedom.

>> No.13997798

How about you stop participating in it first and then come to preach. Would add a lot of weight to your words.

>> No.13997801

>go live in a cave
I can't. The state owns everything.

>> No.13997809

ted k is offering criticism dumb retard, he wants to destroy civilization and all tech and bring society down to the level of subsarahan africa. GO TO AFRICA IF OYU WANT TO LIVE WITHOUT TECH. hopefully the pygmies don't kill you, LIVE WITH THE REST OF THE ANTI-TECH PEOPLE IN THE WORLD (literal IQ 60-70 africans)

>> No.13997817

*isn't offering

>> No.13997827

Just go to a place with an inept goverment. If the chinks show up, shoot them.

>> No.13997848

The point is that the world doesn't give you the option to live freely like that. Almost nobody can convince their family to drop everything forever, and there's nobody out there to be friends with. The vast majority are too thoroughly engaged with the system in place to realize what is does to them, and almost all of the ones who do still can't leave it. The world does not allow it.
>it's actually the opposite as populations decrease
The only first world countries with (barely) declining populations are Spain, Portugal, and Japan. The only ones over 1% are eastern Europe and Syria.
I would still bet every dollar I have that the total area of unused land in every single country on earth is declining. The endless expansion of capital ensures it.

>> No.13997857

>Oh, you're drowning and want to get out of the water? What if you never drink water ever again, dumbass, ever think of THAT?

>Yeah water is bad for you *takes a swig*, it enslaves you *swallows a liter*, we should really stop using it *downs a 10 gallon container*, fucking water drinkers destroying everything.

>> No.13997866

>living in the woods in a small village
>having full control over your life
>hunt and gather foods
>implying this has something to do with poor and dumb africans

>> No.13997879

My mistake, I was talking about birth rates.

Do you want to live a rural life or complete isolation in the middle of the woods? If the latter I can understand your point.

>> No.13997888

Are there posters on this board who legitimately don't understand that technology and industrialization are enslaving humanity and could conceivably end the world in a dozen different ways in the coming century? Do you not get it, or just not care?

>> No.13997931

Humanity has been enslaved for millennia. Packing mud and huddling in your ancestral mud pit is not freedom.

>> No.13997940

read his works on anarcho-primitivism to hear him jerk off africans for pages and pages, stfu you obviously aren't familiar with his whole body of thought, he wanted to make the white man like the negro

>> No.13997948

I would prefer to live in a place devoid of social media, busy roads, pollution, unhealthy processed food, advertising, and politics on a national scale or larger. All of these things make me unhappy. The only possible way to do that today is to isolate yourself in the woods, there is no other escape.
The crux of the issue is that humans are naturally social, so the options become misery in the world you belong to or misery cut off from everyone you know and love.
I'm saving my money to buy some land, but I don't know where I can go anymore. I'm young, but every year it seems farther away, not closer.

>> No.13997958
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>> No.13997959

>he wanted to make the white man like the negro
fucking lol

>> No.13997960

>unless you find more money to afford more freedom
Which means to sufficiently contribute to the perpetuation of these very same things. It's truly hell. The only way out is waking enough people up.

>> No.13997963

lmao this is perfect

>> No.13997966

>live in a place devoid of social media, busy roads, pollution, unhealthy processed food, advertising, and politics on a national scale or larger

Politics is unavoidable in a human society no matter how primitive, but other than that this is very easy to achieve. It seems to me that you are very out of touch on what actual rural life looks like.

>on a national scale or larger

>> No.13997978

This is a terrible analogy because they leave the pod and go live in a comparatively hyper-primitive environment, they actually do abandon the matrix.

>> No.13997981

You're not arguing against Ted by saying that, you're arguing against your imagination. Read books, retard.

>> No.13997991
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>I would prefer to live in a place devoid of social media, busy roads, pollution, unhealthy processed food, advertising, and politics on a national scale or larger.
MOVE TO AFRICA, BE LIKE THE NEGRO, pic related are your new neighbors, they're living the life you want to a fucking tee

>> No.13997999

I wasn't arguing against Ted, I was arguing against the post I responded to.

I've read Ellul, there is nothing some uninspired American hack could offer me.

>> No.13998002


>> No.13998006

Yes and they are hunted down by NPCs who want to plug them back into the system or exterminate them. Wow look, it's just like the real world.

>> No.13998011

Ted offers enough criticism and the only possible solution, the destruction of the system. If you share some idea with some man it does not mean you have to fully agree with all his ideas and thoughts, the shared idea here - destruction of this whole shitfest - does not mean that with the collapse of technological system people automatically become white negros, retard. It is up to you. You gain full freedom to be whatever retard you want to be: forest retard, cave retard, desert retard. It is your right whether you want to be on one level with africans or live a comfy primitivist life in the woods.

>> No.13998030

i like the system, dumb pussy. i like my computer, i have access to the literature of all of ancient greece and rome here. you faggots can't appreciate shit, just cuz u got addicted to porn and can't stop cooming and posting 4channel, doesn't mean tech is bad. maybe if you used it well and stopped being pussies. there are places for your kind already >>13997991 go to africa, go to the amazon, live with people who don't use tech. no one is stopping you, faggot. GO. BYE! BYE BYEEEEEE!

>> No.13998032

One person could do it by being alone. That was my point. You cannot live in a rural American town with other people while avoiding everything on that list. Pollution in particular will follow even one loner and tarnish everything. Nowhere is untouched by it, and every year its influence grows.
>on a national scale or larger
Politics in general absolutely repulses me, but like you said, it'd be unavoidable even in a little commune. Ideally I would only have to deal with local politics because every figure, headline, and talking point of politics on a national or global level make me want to snap.
On a practical level, a traditional African tribe will not accept some dumbass white guy who doesn't speak their language or know anything about them. I'd be willing to bet every member of such tribes lives a happier, more fulfilling life than an American wageslave, though.
On a broader note, do you not understand that if the only way to live happily and freely is to abandon everything you know, something might be wrong with our world? That doesn't bother you at all?

>> No.13998034

What I've never understood about the primitivist view is how do you stop a more advanced society fucking you over?

>> No.13998043

Ted never advocates abandoning all technology, he advocates not building a system reliant on technology that forces the submission of its citizens
In his ideal world, when another society shows up to fuck you over, you still have guns to shoot them with

>> No.13998059

>i like the system
no one cares, we're discussing Ted in this thread.
>u got addicted to porn and can't stop cooming
stop projecting.
>there are places for your kind already
your obsession with Africa seems like you have some childhood issues with it.
>no one is stopping you
yeah, state borders, money needed for travel, loicense to move out, loicense to move in, cameras and tourists everywhere, forest destruction... literally no one, you're right. Go to pornhub to coom once more, please.

>> No.13998072

>i like the system
Because you're addicted. The rest of your post is just the rambling of a junkie.

>> No.13998076

>On a broader note, do you not understand that if the only way to live happily and freely is to abandon everything you know, something might be wrong with our world? That doesn't bother you at all?
It's just not true. I'm incredibly happy with my life. You're just a pussy and a loser. You retards can't appreciate shit and don't understand how thousands of years of civilizational effort led to our modern society, which isn't perfect and there are many people working to make it better, but which is nice and provides you with tons of benefits. You faggots are literally spiritual negros who can't handle civilization, social obligation, and taking the bad with the good while trying to improve the bad. You think you can destroy this? This civilization is a product of a type of people, EUROPEAN PEOPLE. The only way to destroy this is to destroy all whites. You hate white people in the end, you hate the civilizing tendency of the white man and you long to regress back into negro roots of primitive retardation. By all means, go ahead. I don't care. You're probably a nordoid which means you're already a savage barbarian who only differs from the negro in terms of complexion. There are real solutions to this garbage that don't involve totally destroying everything and living like negro subsarahan savages. THAT'S WHAT KAZYNSCY-FAGS DON'T GET.

>> No.13998086

The eternal /pol/ack, unable to make a point without rambling about niggers

>> No.13998088

But how do you actually fight an industrialized society. There is much more of them, they can stay in the fight much longer and guerilla warfare is untenable and uneffient outside of a very narrow modern perspective where the aggressors hands are severly tied.

>> No.13998091

>duhh you're just a loser who hates the system I'm happy and I do


>> No.13998095

cope cope cope
no, i like having access to the world's literature and knowledge. if it weren't for tech i couldn't have learned latin and greek and had access to all the literature of the ancient world right here. linkola gives serious, non-fag solutions to tech problems, like limiting manufacturing, cutting off foreign aid to non-sustainable peoples, cutting off immigration esp. from countries with high birth rates, etc. these are real solutions, not "HURDUR LET'S JUST COLLAPSE MUH SYSTEM AND REGRESS TO SUBSAHARAN SOCIETY"

>> No.13998098

Civilisation came from the middle-east and was forced upon European peoples by the mutt Romans who literally raped Europe and ruined it forever.

>> No.13998103

not an argument

>> No.13998106

>you just can't appreciate the shackles owner gifted to you
>I only have to sit on the ass and consume, he feeds me and in return I'm wageslaving my entire life
>waah you're losers xd *cums* haha negros *cums once more* god I love system so much
t. slave cumbrain unable to process even 1 opponent's thought as an act of personal freedom. Also, stop projecting.
all you could say in return is 'cope'. Very informative, really proves you're big brain boy.

>> No.13998107

nah, it came from greeks, romans, persians, ancient indians, various asians, and middle easterners. anyways shut up with ur nordoid cope

>> No.13998120

i don't watch porn and i probably only coom once every two weeks, sometimes less, stop projecting retard. i also own property and my work is pretty easy and enjoyable (i'm a translator). i don't have to pay for shit except utilities, gas and food. i workout my body 1-2 hours daily and study latin/greek the rest of the time while enjoying other various /lit/, my comfy /lit/ life is thanks to civilization and i'm grateful :)

>> No.13998128

>I only have to sit on the ass and consume, he feeds me and in return I'm wageslaving my entire life

You could have personal freedom right now if you wanted, but instead you are here.

>inb4 it's not real freedom, someone powerful can come and stop it any moment

How would this be different from your utopia.

>> No.13998130

>I like turning the world into a giant theme park where I'll be removed from any real context necessary to appreciate the literature I keep bloviating about like a pseud faggot, shut up and feed me

Mutt posting hours

>> No.13998137

in my utopia my freedom depends on how strong my defense is, not on how retarded my state and its judgement system is :^)

>> No.13998144
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this. idk why kazycsky-fags don't just move to alaska instead of bithcing on 4channel (the only place in the world where ted is discussed at all) there is tons of untamed and untouched land there with little to no human meddling, and they will literally pay people to live there. these faggots are just larpers who hate themselves and hate the world. imagine a great house is built but it has some faults, these fags would rather bitch and tear the house down and live in the dirt like dogs, then make improvements on the house. they are savages and losers, but more importantly TOTAL HYPOCRITES

>> No.13998151

>Aristotle was right; but he mistook the effect for the cause. Every man born in slavery is born for slavery—nothing is more certain than that. Slaves lose everything in their chains, even the desire to escape from them: they love their servitude, as Ulysses’ comrades loved their brutish condition, when the goddess Circe turned them into pigs. So if there are slaves by nature, that’s because there have been slaves against nature. Force made the first slaves, and their cowardice kept them as slaves.
> Rousseau - The Social Contract

>> No.13998159

>>I like turning the world into a giant theme park where I'll be removed from any real context necessary to appreciate the literature I keep bloviating about like a pseud faggot, shut up and feed me
nope, i advocate for severely limiting manufacturing, cutting off third world immigration, building only beautiful buildings, lowering the population ethically, taking measures to reduce pollution and harmful agents that reduce the virility of men (like BPA and other estrogens), forcing capital to function in a way that benefits humans essentially, etc. all stuff that is possible. i don't advocate for destroying everything like a little cry baby pussy and living like subsaharan negros :)

>> No.13998164

How does this differ from the current world. Laws are reality only if they are enforced. Your defenses will always be fucked over by a double digit number of people no matter what.

>> No.13998165

if you think ur a slave, then follow this advice here >>13998144 and go to alaska where you can be free (spending all ur time looking for nuts)

>> No.13998170

Alaska would require a greencard. In my country, you can't just go into the woods and build a cabin. You have to spend 30-40+ years paying into the system until you can afford residentially zoned land.

We are not hypocrites. I camp out as much as possible (As expensive and restrictive as it is - for example, you aren't allowed to start fires). If I were to try and live in the wild right now, I would end up in prison. Even hunting for food carries a heavy prison sentence.

>> No.13998177

Where do you live?

>> No.13998196

>In my country, you can't just go into the woods and build a cabin.
yeah i think there is some funky stuff that goes on with property distribution that should be fixed. i could imagine the time when the first americans were settling the areas, seems like a lot of them just had their pick of the land, would be comfy. don't these solutions >>13998159
sound better than just destroying all civilizational efforts of the past few centuries though?

>> No.13998197

>Bowhunting, like target archery, was revived in the UK during the Victorian era, but has been banned since 1965
Like every other catastrophe of the modern world, this was initiated in the 60s by stoner hippie boomer faggots.

>> No.13998201

what they have cameras in the jungle to tell that you started a fire or hunted some small rabbit?

>> No.13998205

>Here's your $2,000 check for the year
>Now don't forget your $10,000 in property taxes goy, wouldn't want your friendly neighborhood cops to come repossess that cabin you built with your bare hands now would we ;^)

>> No.13998222

People get fined or thrown in jail for that every single day in the US, and I would assume in most first world countries

>> No.13998228

The UK?

You can literally go pretty much anywhere in the world.

>> No.13998263

pretty sure you could a spot (in hell) where no one will find you ;)

>> No.13998268

>keep thousands of animals in tiny cages in darkness for their entire lives, pumped full of hormones and antibiotics, eating literal sewer waste and their relative's boiled brains
>totally fine

>let an animal live in its natural habitat outside in the wild, enjoying all the fruits of nature, living to a ripe old age, until it is shot dead instantly and painlessly by a predator for their own survival
>totally inhumane

>> No.13998423

Why not demand for a space to be reserved for the anti tech and let them do what they will with the land? They aren't enough to fill one city in each country. Anyone who wishes to leave modern civilization can go there at any time. Any company or organization wouldn't be allowed to operate there. Or the people themselves can choose who can do so. You won't get access to all the goods that technology has to offer including medicine but that's what you will be signing up for.
I think something like this is more reasonable than trying to regress an entire civilization. You are too powerless to create any change. All you will be able to do is complain on the internet just like any other activist trying to change the world

>> No.13998456

Why give them even this?

>> No.13998475

Or bomb a few technocrats until you get arrested
I personally would visit such place once in a while.

>> No.13998492

Because it means that much less land for businesses run by faggots like this guy >>13998456

>> No.13998500

This is actually what Ted advocates in his newer book. A secession movement. Achieving this requires significant awareness and a decent population advocating the same ideals. Unfortunately, this means more shitposting and arguing with retards on the internet to sharpen and refine the message.

>> No.13998509

We could use it as a backup plan to kick-start civilization again. Even if it would be much to Ted's chagrin.

>> No.13998657

>in a few generations no one will remember why they live in abject poverty in the middle of perceived opulence
>fire liquid and glass beads for your land t. corporation

>we won't take that deal
Worked for the indians.

>> No.13999268

you clearly have not read anything he has written

>> No.13999284

you clearly have not read anything he has written

>> No.13999369

Cave is a technology you dumb retard.

>> No.13999487
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>> No.13999809
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>> No.13999897

well done anon, and good comic

>Victim complex
It's better tha the retard complex the OP of every one of these threads has:

>Hey guys, I'm going to try an revive a dead talking point by repeating it endlessly and then turning my nose up whenever the rebuttal that killed it comes around!

>> No.13999944
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>> No.13999977

i mean isn't it? if you try to go off grid or something there will always be some bureaucratic push or societal push to put you back in the system

>> No.13999988

Yes, it's exactly the same which is my point. He was saying that when they escape the Matrix they are free, so we should just go innawoods, like those outside the Matrix.

>> No.13999993

Good manga to bad it got cancelled, ending still was great.

>> No.13999995
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Technology will come to its end.

>> No.14000005
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The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

>> No.14000025
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and here you are, and here we all are, doing the same fucking thing

>> No.14000713

You don't know what you're talking about. Land in Alaska is getting extremely expensive because of climate change fear, it's being bought en masse so that people have a place to bug out/sell to people later when the situation seems worse. The "free money" you get in Alaska is only 2k a year and they only get it as recompense for corporations being allowed to destroy the environment uncontrolled. It's also being colonized by Californians who want to "get away from it all", so expect the ATF to start hunting down Ted wannabes to take their toys away sooner or later.

>> No.14000717

>so expect the ATF to start hunting down Ted wannabes to take their toys away sooner or later.
based ATF

>> No.14000844

I don't think you know what that word means

>> No.14001013

Anybody who is interested in actually getting connected in the Anti-Tech movement should check out these links.


If you have read the material and want to get into contact with people this is a good starting point.

>> No.14001078

these people can get sick from contact with outsiders

>> No.14001151

Technology isn’t evil, the massive corporations with a stranglehold on how it’s used and what views are promoted are evil.

>> No.14001301

But what most of you fail to notice is that corporations owe their existence to technique. They achieve their high profitability due to usage of technique, and this, in turn, allows them to adopt or develop new techniques. Small businesses are left out. Same shit applies to state as one of the few forces that can form synergy with technical system. Even worse, that is one of the last forces that could stop this.
Also, OP here, OP is a bait. Haven't had coherent thoughts back then, just wanted to start thread on TK.

>> No.14001448

You clearly have read everything he has writen.

>> No.14001468

I don't think the collapse of industrial society as a whole is the answer, but humanity clearly has an unhealthy relationship with technology. Never coom.

>> No.14001474

>I will never be fully free as a human.
It was always like this. Feudalism is slavery

>> No.14001504

I'm curious why people complain about how horrible the world is and yet have children. If you intentionally have children you either don't believe the world is as bad as you say it is or you are committing a moral wrong since you are not just criticizing small wrong doings but rather how the world is structured as a whole. If your view is correct and it's also not possible to change the world, wouldn't that make life not worth living?
Also I'm not an antinatalist but you guys are making arguments for that philosophy if you were to stay consistent.

>> No.14001557

He mentions this point right in ISaiF and acknowledges the need to use technology for the purpose of communicating the harms of technology. If only you would read, nigger.

>> No.14001590

Assuming you mean technology, but my point still stands. It’s not the tech that is evil but the application of it by man and the restrictions that are placed on how one can acquire/use it.

>> No.14001654

not really but the few extra pounds she has make her hotter
>mentally ill
no idea if this is true but this is bad because?