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13993931 No.13993931[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.13993939


>> No.13993961

>why arent my Dark Age-tier ideas of gender and identity beingntaken seriously??
>why are we allowing modern science to explain things?!
>nooooooooooo, a woman has to be xyz and nothing but xyz is a woman because I said so even though all of Biology literally proves me wrong

>> No.13993967

How exactly does "modern science" say that women have penises?

>> No.13993976

youre the same fag who posted in the other thread something about patreon bux arent you

>> No.13993997

Psychology is the shitty gay field that decided to invent gender as a concept that isn’t the same as sex, the field should be eradicated

>> No.13993999
File: 94 KB, 384x600, 5F51D828-0A02-49CE-B787-FD373FC00EA2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

extrovert-supremacy is the root of all evil
Aspergistan now!

>> No.13994027

Society of the Spectacle
Fahrenheit 451
Not /lit/, but I'd recommend watching the movie Network. It's one of the few works of fiction in the past half-century that embodied the fears of the present when it was made and almost with total accuracy predicted what the results of those fears would be in the future, aka our current present. The monologue given by Ned Beatty is one of the most prescient pieces of pop art in the 20th century.

>> No.13994029

women actually have penises but it stops growing after some time -- modern science only gives a shit about whether or not you have a Y chromosome.
Nobody gives a fuck about hermaphrodites because that shit can be fixed at birth and it's enough to have a normal life.

>> No.13994071

>Nobody gives a fuck about hermaphrodites because that shit can be fixed at birth
Actually, intersex people who weren't 'fixed' at birth have it pretty bad.

>> No.13994077


>> No.13994093

transgenderism is not about tolerance or human rights, it is a radical program of social engineering backed by powerful pharmaceutical, media and academic interests.

>> No.13994094
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And it’s never coming back

>> No.13994096


>> No.13994106
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>Dark Age-tier ideas

We will be in the dark age if these faggots have their way.

>> No.13994160
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Science support women don't have penises argument. The only ones who support transexualism are Western philosophy aka White incels woman.
>An female's internal reproductive organs are the vagina, uterus, fallopian tubes, cervix, and ovary. External structures include the mons pubis, pudendal cleft, labia majora and minora, vulva, Bartholin's gland, and the clitoris.

>> No.13994164

woah muh politically correct victim lifestyle is subversive and edgy despite being aggressively promoted by the media establishment and all major corporations.

If these people are so good then why aren't we allowed to criticise them? I think the whole lgbtsjw political correctness monoculture ideology is being pushed by powerful interests that want to secure total power over an atomised and demoralised population. Cultural Marxism has effectively supplanted christianity as the state religion of the west. These people won't stop at nothing, they will espouse intentionally retarded beliefs in order to spite us. I just think we, the American People have an inalienable right to resist Tyranny, by force if necessary. SMASH CULTURAL MARXISM

>> No.13994221

YAAS KWEEN SLAY! so. diverse. and. progressive! so inclusive and tolerant! le virtue signal! woah you are so much better and more progressive than me for getting fucked in the ass! le cultural marxist normalisation of pedophilia!

>> No.13994236
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Fresh off the press too

>> No.13994267

>Catholicism has been a bastion of cruelty, suppression, pedophilia, and deceit for the last millennium
>surely further recourse to it is the answer to all our woes!

>> No.13994268

Facts don't care about your feelings

>> No.13994275
File: 102 KB, 800x531, blessed karl death.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Catholicism has been a bastion of cruelty, suppression, pedophilia, and deceit for the last millennium
cringe and bluepilled

>> No.13994274

Looks great anon, thanks

>> No.13994282

Gender is a performance. There are no rules saying you can't act like a women if you have a dick

>> No.13994301

Well a knee slapping dick makes for a shitty performance, when I see a chick squirting out jizz my immersion is broken

>> No.13994309

Can anyone recommend any good books on the downfall of /lit/? When did this Jordan Peterson tier bitching start being permitted on this board?

>If these people are so good then why aren't we allowed to criticise them? I think the whole lgbtsjw political correctness monoculture ideology is being pushed by powerful interests that want to secure total power over an atomised and demoralised population. Cultural Marxism has effectively supplanted christianity as the state religion of the west. These people won't stop at nothing, they will espouse intentionally retarded beliefs in order to spite us.

Aren't you criticizing them right now? What part of minding your own fucking business demoralizes, simple co-existence and non-aggression atomizes a population? And how exactly is Christianity the state religion of the west when our laws Roman, our democracy Athenian, and our philosophy Hellenic? You're retarded as fuck unintentionally anyways, I don't think anyone needs to spite you.

>I just think we, the American People have an inalienable right to resist Tyranny, by force if necessary. SMASH CULTURAL MARXISM

read a fucking book and have some of your own ideas, yeah?

>> No.13994329

Why is an ethic centered exclusively on performative individualism and hedonistic self expression sustainable or even desirable? As a former leftist, this is what has turned me off the left, lgbt/sjw culture just seems like a pointless inversion of Christian values, as moralistic as sanctimonious and as restrictive as the worst of christianity, but unable to forgive sin,(for it does not recognize sin), wallowing in an impovrished tradition cut off from its western roots and unable to offer even the semblance of community a church offers. Tell me what makes you think people should choose your church over the Christian church?

>> No.13994332
File: 108 KB, 640x609, thinking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cringe and bluepilled

says the g**-slave

>> No.13994347
File: 37 KB, 375x500, 51Q1hP47R-L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This book is very concise yet poetic. You won't need anything else.

>> No.13994349
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>Gender is a performance

Kill yourself

>> No.13994361

>Tell me what makes you think people should choose your church over the Christian church?
Our "church" gives you modern medicine. christian church gives you pedophile priests who couldn't solve a calculus equation telling you how reality works.

And I'll just point out that your engagement with the christian church as purely a social/political edifice is hilariously retarded and one of the most milquetoast takes you could have. if you don't accept the actual doctrines of christianity and just see it as some vehicle for conservatism, you're just upholding a sham.

>> No.13994362

While he isn't necessarily "wrong", he isn't necessarily right either. Sex is determined by an individuals chromosomes. This is what determines genitalia. Gender on the other hand is more performative (as >>13994282 states). Yes, an individual's performance (gender) is generally tied to their sex. It doesn't have to be though.

>> No.13994365
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these people are doing lots of things, but they are definitely not 'minding their fucking business'. The slippery slope is fucking real. The LGBT movement is a multibillion dollar corporate juggernaut with links to academia, NGOs and the democratic party, do you think reasonable restraints on 'progress' are in their interests. No. There are endless incentives to keep pushing those taboos, to foster fanaticism and a sense of persecution amongst their ranks, to demand and promote ever more intrusive measures of social engineering. Anyone who hasn't been lobotomised yet can tell perfectly well were this is heading. These people are ignorant, if not openly contemptful of western culture, talk to them and you will only get senseless snivelling and cookie cutter postmodern buzzwords off the SJW-U assembly line

>> No.13994369

not that guy but-
>Why is an ethic centered exclusively on performative individualism and hedonistic self expression sustainable or even desirable?

I hardly think self expression is some sort a resource that can be exhausted, and can you seriously ask the question of why hedonism is "desirable"?

>lgbt/sjw culture just seems like a pointless inversion of Christian values, as moralistic as sanctimonious and as restrictive as the worst of christianity, but unable to forgive sin,(for it does not recognize sin)

The opposite of thing is not nothing, but rather something else. The postmodernist philosophy is inherently iconoclastic- not inversion, rather destruction. I do not think that your statement is consistent, from my interpretation,

>wallowing in an impovrished tradition cut off from its western roots and unable to offer even the semblance of community a church offers. Tell me what makes you think people should choose your church over the Christian church?

read bnook

>> No.13994374

modern medicine= SSRIs, hormones and propaganda designed to make you hate yourself

>> No.13994384

Spengler's Decline of the West. You can find it on archive.org

>> No.13994386
File: 151 KB, 600x873, tiresias.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

retard calls non-retard retarded

>> No.13994388

Where can I get a pdf or epub?

>> No.13994397

>but pedophilia is OK

>> No.13994403

woah you are so brave for defending the hegemonic consumerist ideology. you must be such a moral person and an unique individual.

>> No.13994409
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just read it, pretty good. concise and has a long view without falling victim to spenglerism

>> No.13994410

Tell me where exactly this is heading, oh great prophet?

Will they turn us all gay? Will this sell dildos? Or is this a ploy for us to worship academia?

Where is this ship sailing? Cultural marxism? What exactly does that mean? What are we fearing today? Are we making gays the privileged class, and the straights their obedient slaves? Or god forbid, will they make us speak in doubleplus goodspeak, like Orwell predicted?

>> No.13994413

liberals /=/ the left

>> No.13994415

Mein Kampf

>> No.13994416

Accuse people simultaneously of marxism and of consumerism

liberal fuck

>> No.13994420

>woah you are so brave for defending the hegemonic consumerist ideology
Were do you think you are, midwit?

>> No.13994424

The destruction of all values other than entertainment and satiation, and the willing enslavement of mankind

>> No.13994425

catholic clergy preached chastity, some of them might have been debauched in secret, sure. But leftist/globalist clergy (lgbt) preaches sodomy, and all but openly flaunts its pedophile desires(coming soon to a pride(tm) parade near you!). Basically you people just seem like a weird inverted christianity that exaggerates all the negative aspects of christianity like institutionalised child molestation and slave morality minus any of the moral and aesthetic advantages of christianity

>> No.13994428

long story short, everyone ends up as suicidal transexual mutants pumped full of SSRIs and completely socially isolated, living existences entirely mediated by corporate and government administrative bodies until the environment can't take it anymore and the davos set has sentient self-driving uber cars drive us to mass graves

>> No.13994437

>weird inverted christianity
if only there was a word for that

>> No.13994447

The link has been posted several times. Check warosu.

>> No.13994472

then why don't men have vaginal canals

>> No.13994479

>some of them might have been debauched in secret
Cool, we can agree there are a couple bad eggs in every bunch.

>But leftist/globalist clergy (lgbt) preaches sodomy

>but openly flaunts its pedophile desires
Doubt. Give specific examples. Ideally from a majority, and not some extreme minority (like your pedophilia priest).

>Basically you people just seem like a weird inverted christianity that exaggerates all the negative aspects of christianity like institutionalised child molestation and slave morality minus any of the moral and aesthetic advantages of christianity
Strawman. Not even going to bother with this.

>> No.13994505

You fucking check it.

>> No.13994522
File: 190 KB, 750x563, xochi-mochi-x750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Drag Queen Storytime: Convicted pedophile, dressed as a woman, reads to kids at public library

I used to think homosexuals were just men who wanted to have sex with other men, but I have since realised we are dealing with something far more complex and sinister...

>> No.13994523

I was the one who posted the link in all of those threads, and I am away from my computer. Stop being lazy.

>> No.13994527

Not to mention all of the nsa sex and bugchasing.

>> No.13994575

>Provides what might as well be anecdotal evidence
Why is this any better than pedophilic catholic priests? Why the double standard?

>nsa sex
This isn't specific to the LGBT community.

This is odd, but seems to be an issue of its own. Or at the very least not caused by same sex preference.

>> No.13994576

muh not all leftists are like that, not all trannies are like that, 99% of them are exactly ''like that'' and it is all that matters

>> No.13994585

christian=/= catholic. the catholic church whatever its obvious defects might be has at least taken steps to condemn pedophilia and acknowledge there is a problem, but the leaders of the lgbt community still refuse to condemn pedophilia and apologise on behalf of their community

>> No.13994604

>and can you seriously ask the question of why hedonism is "desirable"?
I'm not him, but I can. Why is hedonism desirable?

Could you explain how gender ideology has led to modern medicine?

>> No.13994606

gender is is a social construct faggot and society determines that women have a little bussy and men a benis

>> No.13994636

many lgbtsjws are former new atheists(though they often deny it), it is obvious from their 'debate' tactics and unexamined metaphysical presuppositions. These people are victims of propaganda and other forces greater than themselves. they deserve no hatred but pity and understanding.

>> No.13994643

>but the leaders of the lgbt community still refuse to condemn pedophilia and apologise on behalf of their community
This isn't true.

>> No.13994693

Agree with this suggestion. This is a pretty good book on the decline of the West

>> No.13994722

Allow me to remove the foot from my mouth.

As I stated earlier, I follow neither of these two groups, so I can't speak with 100% certainty as to what either of them have done, officially or otherwise.

With that being said though, there is a massive difference between corruption at the highest level (e.g., in the catholic church, both in actions of individual in power and the subsequent hiding of said actions) and the refusal to acknowledge some extreme minority "within" a larger group.

>> No.13994783

leftists and lgbt are merely the spearhead of the liberal juggernaut that is destroying the west, can't blame them for being useful idiots, but if all we hold dear is to be preserved they gotta be made to go away somehow.

>> No.13994875

>uphold capitalism
pick one

>> No.13994977

This shit was not even in the overton window 10 years ago, now it's being enforced.
FUCK people who act like this is just irrelevent low hanging fruit.

>> No.13995027

Gender literally meant the same thing as sex until subversives decided to redefine it to essentially refer to your personality, they chose gender specifically because it was already being used to refer to the same thing as sex and they wanted the ability to use a term that is simultaneously very important and concrete and then, when attacked, becomes malleable and unimportant.
It's literally just a destruction of meaning, we can't say that in order to be a woman you have to be a certain way biologically, we also can't say that you have to fulfill a certain role, being a woman is just a meaningless label you apply to yourself. Simultaneously a very important and concrete part of identity that must be respected and something that is not allowed to be defined.

>> No.13995039

leftists are liberals bitches and everyone knows it

>> No.13995044

>only commies are lefttist because i said so

>> No.13995058

Lmao the fucking commie cope. All you fags do is buy the newest zizek meme book and complain on Twitter, you aren't revolting against anything

>> No.13995127

leftists hate zizek

>> No.13995207

Leftists hate and love whatever the twitter hivemind tells them to. They are barely sentinent warm bodies and globohomo consumer cattle

>> No.13995216

we are in the dark ages

>> No.13995243

Why do commies never feel the need to interface with reality? it's like they live in a world of pure theory.

>> No.13995276

>tfw Network was supposed to be satire

>> No.13995289

Spengler. Spengler is the final pill.